Interact Book Drive Event Report
Interact Book Drive Event Report
Interact Book Drive Event Report
The event's purpose was for students to give books they do not read to Interact, and then
Interact would donate those books to Courtney Park Library. We promoted this event by
announcing it during morning announcements, posting about it on Instagram, and having other
clubs and social media accounts repost it. We set up a table in the atrium during periods 3 and
4 (lunch) to allow students to come and give us books. We had made posters and boards that
Key highlights:
- Announcing the event during morning announcements on Friday was a smart move so
that students had the weekend to collect or find any books in their house that they did
- Taking turns during lunches to supervise the table was good because it allowed
- Maybe we could have informed teachers about the event and asked them to tell their
students about it so that more students knew about the event as many students either
did not know or thought we were selling books instead. This would have been a better
strategy as during morning announcements many students are talking so a lot of people
- Instead of only putting posters in front of the event table, we could have put posters in
the halls of the school a few days before the event so students could see and read about
or add a reward. For example, we could have given an Indigo gift card to the person who
donated the most books. This will make students want to participate or make them care