1. Clients - T000 1.Accounting Document Header - BKPF 2. Company Codes - T001 2.Accounting Documents Line Items - BSEG 3. Global Company Data - T880 3.Customer Open Items - BSID 4. T Document Types - T003 4.Vendors Open Items - BSIK 5. Directory of Charts of Accounts - T004 5.Customer Cleared Items - BSAD 6. G/L account groups - T077S 6.Vendor Cleared Items - BSAK 7. Fiscal Year Variants - T009 7.GL Open Items - BSIS 8. Credit control areas - T014 8.GL Cleared Items - BSAS 9. Posting period variant - T010O/P 9.Vendor Validation of Double Document - BSIP 10. Permitted Posting Periods - T001B 10.Tax Data Document Line - BSET 11.One Time Account Line Items - BSEC 11. Language Keys - T002 12.Parked Document Header Data - VBKPF 12. T Countries - T005 13. Universal Journal Ledger - ACDOCA 13. Units of Measurement - T006 14. Group Journal Entries - ACDOCU 14. T Business Areas - TGSB 15. Plan Data Line Items - ACDOCP 15. Define Ledgers - FINSC_LEDGER BY CHIRAG THAKKAR BY CHIRAG THAKKAR
1.Vendor Master data at Country level - LFA1 1.G/L accounts (chart of accounts) - SKA1 2.Vendor master Company Code Data - LFB1 2.G/L accounts (company code) - SKB1 3.Vendor Dunning Data - LFB5 3.G/L accounts (chart of accounts) translation in 4.VAT Registration Number - LFAS different languages - SKA1T 5.Vendor Bank Details - LFBK 4.Sample G/L accounts -SKM1/SKMT 6.Vendor Transaction Figures - LFC1 5.Inventory Sampling - SKPF 7.Vendor Special GL Transaction figure - LFC3 6.Chart of accounts: keyword list - SKAS BY CHIRAG THAKKA 8.Record Purchasing Organisation - LFM1 9. Vendor Master screen selections - T078K BY CHIRAG THAKKAR CUSTOMER/BUSINESS PARTNER TABLES HOUSE BANK TABLES 1.Customer Master at Country Level - KNA1 2.VAT Registration Numbers - KNAS 1.House Bank Details - T012 3.Customer Master Company Code Data - KNB1 2.House Bank Account ID Description - T012T 4.Customer Master Dunning Data - KNB5 3.House Bank Account Details - T012K 5.Customer Master Payment History - KNB4 4.Bank Master Details - BNKA 6.Customer Master Bank Data - KNBK 5.Bank Account IBAN Details - TIBAN 7.Transaction Posting Figures - KNC1 BY CHIRAG THAKKAR 8.Special GL Data - KNC3 TAX RELATED TABLES 9. Business Partner General Data I- BUT000 10. Business Partner General Data II - BUT001 1.Tax Codes or Tax Keys for all Tax Procedures - T007A BY CHIRAG THAKKAR 2.Tax Code/Key Description - T007S CURRENCY CURRENCYRELATED TABLES RELATED TABLES 3.Country wise Tax Recipient for Vendor - T059A 4.Description for Withholding tax Class for Vendors - T059B 1.Currency codes (Report RFTBFF00) - TCURC 5.Types of Recipients: Vendors Withholding Tax Type - 2.Currency Code name - TCURT T059C 3.Transaction Code OB08, Exchange Rates - TCURR 6.Types of Recipients: Vendors Withholding Tax Type - 4.Decimal Places in Currencies - TCURX T059D 5.Exchange rate type Conversion Factors - TCURF 7.Country-wise Income Types - T059E 8.Description of Country-wise Income Types - T059G 6.Exchange rate types for currency translation - TCURV 9.Tax processing in accounting - T007B 10.Formulas for Calculating Withholding Tax - T059F 11.Country-wise Withholding tax types - T059P TRANSPORT RELATED TABLES 12.Country-wise Withholding tax code (enh. func) - T059Z 1. Header of Requests - E070/E71K/E070C BY CHIRAG THAK BY CHIRAG THAKKAR S4HANA FINANCE CONSULTANT, INFLUENCER & MENTOR - MAKING SAP CONCEPTS SIMPLE TO UNDERSTAND SAP S/4HANA FI-CO TABLES BY CHIRAG THAKKAR CONTROLLING TABLES ABAP AND SAP DICTIONARY TABLES 1.Cost elements (chart of accounts) - CSKA/SKB1 1.Function Module (se37) / FM short text - TFDIR, 2.Cost elements (controlling area) - CSKB TFTIT 3.Cost element texts - CSKU 2.Programs / Sources (REPOSRC / D010SINF) - TRDIR 4.Activity master - CSLA 3.Where Used: Report – Tables - D010TAB 5.Activity type texts - CSLAT 4.Messages - T100 6.Cost center: Master - CSKS 5.Transaction Codes (= TC) - TSTC and TSTCT 7.Cost Center Texts - CSKT 6.Parameter for transactions - TSTCP 8.Cost center: Cost element - CSSK 7.Physical paths / file name - PATH BY CHIRAG THAKKAR 9.Cost center: Activity - CSSL 10.CO Object: Cost Totals for External Postings - PAYMENT RUN TABLES COSP 1. Settlement data from payment program - REGUH 11.CO Object: Line Items (by Period) - COEP 2. Processed items from payment program - REGUP 12.CO Object: Document header - COBK 3. Change of payment proposals: user & time - REGUA 13.CO Object: Price Totals - COST 4.Payment Data for Cross-Payment Run - REGUHM 14.Controlling areas - TKA01 5.W/tax information per w/tax type - REGUPW 15.Controlling areas assignment - TKA02 6.Accounts blocked by payment proposal - REGUS 16.Product Costing – Header Data - KEKO 7.SEPA Mandate Lock: App. Retrieved - REGUS_SEPA 17.Cost Components for Cost of Goods Mfd - KEPH 8.F110 - TemSe – Administration Data - REGUT 18.Costing Run: Costing Objects (KVMK) - KALO 9.Paying Company Codes for DME Files - REGUTA 19.Sales order items – costing objects - KANZ 20.Profit Center Master Data Table - CEPC-T TEXT/ SPRINT/SPOOL TABLES 21.Master Record: Cost Object ID Number - CKPH-T 22. Internal Order Master Data - AUFK 1.Smart Forms: Administration - STXFADM 23. Order Header Data PP Orders - AFKO BY CHIRAG THAKKAR 2.Texts in non-SAP script forma - STXB 24. Order Item - AFP0 3.SAP script text file header - STXH NUMBER RANGE TABLES 4.SAP script text file lines - STXL 5.Spool Requests - TSP01 1. Number Range Intervals - NRIV 6.Print Requests - TSP02 2. Number Range Objects - TNRO 7.TemSe – header and data - TST01
8.TemSe – header and data - TST03 9.Valid text objects - TTXOB 1.Transaction code F150 table: Dunning data - MHNK 10.Valid text objects, see TTXID for text IDs - TTXOT 2.Transaction code F150 table: Dunning data - MHND 11.Index for Documentation Table DOKH - DOKIL 3.Customer master (dunning data) - KNB5 BY CHIRAG THAKKAR 12.Documentation: Headers - DOKHL
13.Documentation – text lines - DOKTL BY CHIRAG THAKKAR
1.Tolerance group for Customer and Vendor Accounts -
INTERESTS IN FICO CURRENCY RELATED RELATED TABLESTABLES T043G 1.Interest Settlement: Name, Type and Description - 2.Tolerance Group for Customer and Vendor Accounts T056 Language-specific description - T043GT 2.Interest Calculation Rules - T056G 3.Tolerance for Groups of GL Accounts - T043S 3.Reference Interest Rate Description - T056R 4.Tolerance for Groups of GL Accounts Description in 4.Interest scale interest terms (acct bal.int.calc.) BY CHIRAG -THAKKAR T056S different Language - T043ST 5.Currency wise Interest Rate - T056Z VARIANTS RELATED TABLES 5.FI Tolerance Group per Company code - T043T 6.Assign User to Tolerance Group - T043 7.Tolerance Group for Person Processing Inventory Difference - T043I 1.Variant for Reports - VARID 8.Control of Payment Notices to Customer / Vendor - T043K 2.Description of Variant for Reports - VARIT 9.Paying Company Code – Payment method combination 3.Variables in selection criteria - TVARV Negative grace period - T043U 4.Assignment of variant to selection screen - VARIS BY CHIRAG THAKKAR BY CHIRAG THAKKAR S4HANA FINANCE CONSULTANT, INFLUENCER & MENTOR - MAKING SAP CONCEPTS SIMPLE TO UNDERSTAND