Tarun Das CV For Public Financial Management
Tarun Das CV For Public Financial Management
Tarun Das CV For Public Financial Management
Summary of Bio-data
• He worked as Economic Adviser in the Indian Finance Ministry in 1989-2005 and served six
distinguished Finance Ministers viz. Prof. Manmohan Singh, presently Prime Minister;
P. Chidambaram, now Home Minister; Prof. Madhu Dandevate; Yaswant B. Chauhan;
Yaswant Sinha and Yaswant Singh. During this period he held additional responsibility as
Government Director in the Industrial Investment Bank of India (1993-1995), Allahabad
Bank (1996-1998), Corporation Bank (1999-2001) and Bank of Maharashtra (2002-2004).
• Prof. Das has working experience in 21 countries namely, Bangladesh, China, Cambodia,
Ethiopia, Gambia, India, Indonesia, Japan, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal,
Philippines, Samoa, Senegal, Singapore, Switzerland, Thailand, UK, Uzbekistan and USA (as
Consultants to various international organizations such as ADB, AfDB, GDN, IMF,
• He has also visited 9 other countries namely Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland,
Morocco, New Zealand, U.A.E. and Tonga to attend international conferences.
Tarun Das Up-to-date CV for Public Financial Management
• Prof. Das is a Gold Medalist in Economics from Calcutta University, and holds a Ph.D.
degree as a Commonwealth Scholar from the University of East Anglia, England.
Tarun Das Up-to-date CV for Public Financial Management
Detailed Bio Data of Prof. Tarun Das
2A.Permanent Residential Address: 10/14 First Floor, East Patel Nagar, New Delhi-110008,
India. Telephone No.: (009111) 25884540 E-Mail Address: das.tarun@hotmail.com
2B. Current Position: African Development Bank Macroeconomic Adviser, Ministry of
Finance, the Gambia, Quadrangle, Banjul.
3. Personal:
Nationality : Indian
Date of Birth : August 19, 1947.,
Marital status : Married (Wife: Mitali Das, Son: Arpan Das)
20 Dec 2008- till date African Development Bank Macroeconomic Adviser, Ministry of
(except period below) Finance, the Gambia, Quadrangle, Banjul.
16 Aug-15 Oct, 2009 Asian Development Bank Macroeconomic Modeling Expert and Team
01 April-31May,2010 Leader, Central Bank of Nepal, Kathmandu, Nepal.
01 September 2008 – Professor (Public Policy and Research Methodology), IILM, New
19 December 2008 Delhi, India, and Consultant to World Bank (Uzbekistan).
16 July 2008- Consultant (Debt Sustainability Modeling), Commonwealth Secretariat,
31 August 2008 London, England.
1 June 2007- Strategic Planning Expert, Asian Development Bank Capacity Building
8 July 2008 Project on Governance Reforms, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
Feb 2006- May 2007 Professor (Public Policy and Research Methodology), Institute of
Integrated Learning in Management (IILM), New Delhi, India.
Mar 1989- Jan 2006 Economic Adviser, Ministry of Finance, Government of India.
Jan 1987- Feb 1989 Adviser (Transport Modeling & Policy Planning), Planning Commission,
Government of India.
Oct 1984- Dec 1986 Chief Economist, Joint Plant Committee, Ministry of Steel, India.
Oct 1982- Sep 1984 Chief (Economic Division), Bureau of Industrial Costs and Prices, India.
May 1978- Sep 1982 Deputy Adviser, UNDP Transport Policy Planning Project in India.
Aug 1977- May 1978 Research Officer, Economic Division, DEA, Ministry of Finance, India.
Sep 1974-July 1977 Commonwealth Scholar, East Anglia University, Norwich. England.
July 1973- Aug 1974 Research Officer, Economic Division, DEA, Ministry of Finance, India.
Nov 1971- June 1973 Assistant Director (On Training), Indian Economic Service.
June 1970- Oct 1971 Research Fellow, Dept. of Econ, Presidency College, Calcutta, India.
Tarun Das Up-to-date CV for Public Financial Management
• Public Policy, National and Global Public Policies; Fiscal, Financial, Monetary and
External Sector Reforms and Policies; Public Financial Management and Governance
• Macroeconomic Modelling, Forecasting and Policy Planning;
• Management of Public Debt, External Debt and Contingent Liabilities;
• Medium Term Public Expenditure Framework;
• Strategic Planning and Budget Forecasting;;
• Poverty and Inequality analysis;
• Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Poverty Reduction Growth Strategy;
• Performance Based Budgeting, Program Budgeting and Benchmarks setting;
• Performance Evaluation and Monitoring;
• Accrual Accounting and Output Budgeting;
• Transport Modelling, and Regional Planning;
• Environment and Urban Economics;
• Conducting Policy Research, Training and Multi-stakeholders’ Workshops.
8. Other experiences:
(a) Worked as a Consultant to the African Development Bank, UN Economic Commission for
Africa (UN-ECA), Commonwealth Secretariat, World Bank, Asian Development Bank,
ILO, ESCAP, UNCTAD, UNDP, UNITAR, UN-SIAP, Global Development Network.
(c) Also visited 9 other countries namely Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland,
Morocco, New Zealand, U.A.E. and Tonga to attend international conferences.
(d) Possesses diversity in skills in research, teaching, training, policy planning, modeling,
development management and administration.
Supporting Annexes
Tarun Das Up-to-date CV for Public Financial Management
Administrative, Teaching and Training Experiences of Prof. Tarun Das
1.1 Administration and Training Experience:
(a) Head of Economics, Member of Academic Committee, Chairman of Library Committee,
and Member of Research Committee, Institute of Integrated Learning in Management, New
Delhi, Feb 2006 to May 2007.
(b) In charge of administration and training of the Indian Economic Service for various
periods during March 1989 to Feb 2005.
(c) In charge of administration of the Economic Division, Department of Economic Affairs,
Ministry of Finance, New Delhi, during Oct 1989 to Dec 1998, and during April 2002 to Oct
(d) Administrative Head of the Transport Modeling Unit, Planning Commission, New Delhi
during Jan 1987 to Feb 1989.
(e) Administrative Head of the Economic research Unit (ERU) of the Joint Plant Committee
under the Ministry of Steel at New Delhi during Oct 1984 to December 1986.
(f) Administrative Head of Economic Division, in the BICP, Ministry of Industry, New
Delhi during Oct 1984 to Sept 1986.
(a) Indian Foreign Service Training Institute, New Delhi for diplomats.
(b) Indian Economic Service Training at the Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi University.
(c) Indian Statistical Service Training Institute, Central Statistical Organization.
(d) Indian Defense College, New Delhi for defense officers and foreign diplomats.
(e) Indian Institute for Foreign Trade, New Delhi for Diploma/ MA courses.
(f) Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi.
(g) National Institute for Public Finance and Policy, New Delhi.
(h) Institute for Manpower and Education Planning. New Delhi.
(i) Management Development Institute, Gurugaon, Haryana.
(j) National Institute for Financial Management, Faridabad, Haryana.
(k) Institute of Government Accounts and Finance, New Delhi.
(l) Institute for Costs and Works Accountants, New Delhi.
(m) Fortune Institute for Management, New Delhi.
(n) Institute for Technology and Management, Ghaziabad, U.P.
(o) Northern Institute for Banking Management, Noida, U.P.
(p) Institute for Development Studies (IDS), Lucknow, U.P.
(q) LBS National Academy of administration, Mussorie, U.P.
(r) International Institute for Management, Oxford-Brooks University, Kolkata.
(s) Pacific Institute for Management (PIM), Udaipur, Rajasthan.
(t) Jawaharlal Nehru Institute for Development Banking, Hyderabad, AP.
(u) National Institute for Banking and management (NIBM), Pune, Maharashtra.
(v) World Trade Centre, Mumbai, Maharashtra.
(w) Management Development Centre, LIC, Mumbai.
Tarun Das Up-to-date CV for Public Financial Management
Prof. Tarun Das- Membership of Major Government Committees/Working Groups
Tarun Das Up-to-date CV for Public Financial Management
Tarun Das Up-to-date CV for Public Financial Management
International Working Groups, Delegations and Conferences served by Prof. Tarun Das
Tarun Das Up-to-date CV for Public Financial Management
All these papers can be downloaded from the following website in the Internet
Also Google Search: Tarun Das, Economic Adviser, Ministry of Finance
1.1 Medium Term Macroeconomic Framework and Fiscal Envelope for the preparation of the
Budget for 2011, pp.1-25, African Development Bank Capacity Building Project, the
Gambia, Banjul, 10 July 2010.
1.2 The Gambia Monthly Economic Bulletin for June 2010, pp.1-40, African Development
Bank Capacity Building Project, the Gambia, Banjul, 30 June 2010.
1.3 Upgraded Nepal Macroeconomic Model- Analytical framework, model structure, data base,
test and calibration techniques, computer algorithms, projections and simulations, pp.1-210,
in three volumes, Asian Development Bank Capacity Building Project, Nepal Rastra
Bank, 30 May 2010.
1.4 An operational consistent Macroeconomic Spreadsheet Model for Nepal- Analytical
background, model structure, data base, test and calibration techniques and results, pp.1-75,
Asian Development Bank Capacity Building Project, Nepal Rastra Bank, 30 April 2010.
1.5 Macroeconomic Analysis, Modeling and Projections- an Inception Report, pp.1-57, African
Development Bank Capacity Building Project, the Gambia, Banjul, 31 January 2009.
1.6 An Operational Macroeconomic Forecasting Model for Gambia- Basic Concepts, Data
Base, Calibration Techniques and Projections, pp.1-71, African Development Bank
Capacity Building Project, the Gambia, Banjul, 31 January 2009.
1.7 Trends and projections of sectoral GDP growth rates for the Gambia during 1998-2008-
2013 and some policy issues, pp.1-18, African Development Bank Capacity Building
Project, the Gambia, Banjul 28 February 2009.
1.8 External Debt Sustainability for Gambia- Macroeconomic trends and policy issues, pp.1-30,
Commonwealth Secretariat, London, August 2008.
1.9 Interlinkages between development research, policy planning and outcome in the post
reforms period in India and analytical lessons for other developing countries, jointly with
Arvind Virmani, pp.1-115, NCAER, New Delhi and East Asian Bureau for Economic
Research (EABER), Australia, April 2008.
1.10 Identification of Core and Non-core Functions for the Government of Mongolia and
Exploring Public Private Partnership for supply of public goods and services, pp.1-55, ADB
Capacity Building Project on Governance Reforms, MOF, Govt of Mongolia,
Ulaanbaatar, February 2008.
1.11 Preparation of Strategic Business Plans- Structural Framework and Guidelines to Line
Ministries, pp.1-74, ADB Capacity Building Projects on Governance Reforms, MOF,
Mongolia, Sep 2007.
1.12 Topics on Applied Econometrics- Income Distribution and Forecasting Techniques, Part-1,
pp.1-210, and Part-2, pp.1-55, Institute for Integrated Learning in Management, New
Delhi, May 2007.
1.13 Public-Private Partnership for financing infrastructure in Asian economies- Scope, Progress,
Issues and Perspectives, pp.-1-30, UN-ESCAP, Bangkok, Dec 2005.
Tarun Das Up-to-date CV for Public Financial Management
1.14 Role of public policies and public institutions in market economy, pp.1-22, Centre for
Social Markets, Kolkata, 2005.
1.15 Dynamics of Population Ageing: How India can Respond, pp.1-18, UN-ESCAP, Bangkok,
December 2004.
1.16 Role of services production and trade in Asia and Pacific- Problems and prospects, pp.842-
849, Proceedings of the Indian Economic Association Annual Conference 2004,
December 2004.
1.17 Role of Agro-based and Resource-Based SMEs for Export Promotion and Poverty
Alleviation in ESCAP countries, pp.1-126, UN ESCAP, Bangkok, January 2003.
1.18 Economic Reforms in India- Rationale, Scope, Progress and Unfinished Agenda, pp.1-80,
Bank of Maharashtra, Planning Department, Pune, February 2003.
1.19 Preparation of Indices for Services Production, jointly with R. Dasgupta, pp1-250, National
Institute for Banking and Management, Pune, India, Jan 2003.
1.20 Impact of reforms on productivity of the public sector enterprises in India, pp. 1-35, Asian
productivity Council, Tokyo, Sept 1994.
1.21 Implications of Globalization on Industrial Diversification in Asia, pp.ix+1-86, UN
ESCAP, Bangkok, UN Publications Sales No.E.02.II.F.52, December 2001.
1.22 Role of private sector including privatization in selected Asian countries and lessons for
Africa, pp.1-110, UN Economic Commission for Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Oct.
1.23 Foreign Investment- Technology Transfer- and Growth Nexus in Asian economies, pp.1-
158, ESCAP, United Nations, Bangkok, Oct 1997.
1.24 Policies and Strategies for Promoting Private Sector’s Role in Industrial and Technological
Development in Asia, pp.1-171, ST/ESCAP/1696, UN, NY, 1996.
1.25 Macro-economic Framework and Foreign Investment in India, WG on Investment and
Financial Flows, pp.1-75, TD/B/WG.1/Misc.3/ Add.3, UNCTAD, 1993.
1.26 Structural Reforms and Stabilization Policies in India – Rationale and Medium Term
Outlook, pp.20-56, in Economic Liberalization and its Impact, edited by SP Gupta,
Macmillan India Limited, Delhi, 1993.
1.27 Pricing, productivity and competitiveness of Indian Steel industry, pp.269-292, in Indian
Industrialization, edited by Dr. Arun Ghosh, Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1992.
1.28 Trends and projections of rail and road goods and passenger traffic in India, pp.105-161, in
Transport Planning and Development, ed. V Mahajan, Deep & Deep, Delhi, 1991.
1.29 Multisectoral and multiregional transport model for India– database and calibration
techniques, pp.391-403, Environment and Planning (London), 15-A, 1983.
1.30 Application of shift and share technique for forecasting regional and sectoral growth in
India in the Sixth Plan, pp.187-200, Indian Journal of Regional Science, 13(2), 1981.
1.31 An economic evaluation of investment on roads and road transport in India, Planning
Commission, New Delhi, WP No.18, pp.1-50, May 1980.
Tarun Das Up-to-date CV for Public Financial Management
3.1 Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART)- Basic Concepts, Methodology and Applications
for Mongolia, pp.1-50, ADB Capacity Building Project on Governance Reforms,
Ministry of Finance, Govt of Mongolia, July 2008.
3.2 An Introduction to Program Budgeting and Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT),
pp.1-36, ADB Capacity Building Project on Governance Reforms, Ministry of Finance,
Government of Mongolia, June 2008
3.3 Budget Performance Evaluation- Methodology, Systems and Management, pp.1-55, ADB
Capacity Building Project on Governance Reforms, Ministry of Finance, Government
of Mongolia, May 2008.
3.4 Performance Based Budgeting- Methodology, Systems and Management, pp.1-55, ADB
Capacity Building Project on Governance Reforms, Ministry of Finance, Government
of Mongolia, March 2008.
Tarun Das Up-to-date CV for Public Financial Management
3.5 Financial Planning- Part-1: Methodology, pp.1-34, Part-2: Policies, pp.1-32, ADB Capacity
Building Projects on Governance Reforms, Mongolia, January 2008.
3.6 Benchmarks Setting and Best Practices for Output Costing and Output Budgeting- Part-1:
Basic Concepts, pp.1-31, Part-2: Practical Applications for Mongolia, pp.1-36, ADB
Capacity Building Projects on Governance Reforms, Ministry of Finance, Government
of Mongolia, December 2007.
3.7 Strengthening Budget Preparation Information System (BPIS) in Mongolia- Basic codes
and chart of accounts for the general ledger, pp.1-100, ADB Capacity Building Projects
on Governance Reforms, Mongolia, November 2007.
3.8 Accrual Accounting and Accrual Budgeting- Basic Concepts and Methodology, pp.1-43,
ADB Capacity Building Project on Governance Reforms, Ministry of Finance,
Government of Mongolia, Oct 2007.
3.9 Output Costing and Output Budgeting – Basic Concepts and Methodology, pp.1-51, ADB
Capacity Building Project on Governance Reforms, Ministry of Finance, Government
of Mongolia, Sept 2007.
3.10 Official Economic statistics- Part-1 on Government Finance Statistics (GFS) and Balance of
Payments (BOP) Statistics, pp.1-70, UN Statistical Institute for Asia and Pacific, Chiba,
Japan, Aug 2007.
3.11 Official Economic statistics- Part-2 on Monetary and Financial statistics (MFS) and Multi–
Factor Productivity Measures (MFP), UN Statistical Institute for Asia and Pacific, Chiba,
Japan, Aug 2007.
3.12 Governance of Public Debt- International Experiences and Best Practices, pp.1-44, Best
Practices series No.10, UNITAR, Geneva, 2006.
3.13 Financing International Cooperation behind National Borders- a Case Study for India, pp.1-
46, Office of Development Studies, UNDP, New York. March 2006.
3.14 General Agreement on Trade in Services – Implications for the Indian financial sector,
pp.6-14, Bima Vidya, MDC, Mumbai, July 2003.
3.15 An assessment of the financial sector liberalization in India in the context of its
commitment to the WTO, pp.1-50, Indian Council for Research on International
Economic Relations (ICRIER), New Delhi, June 2003.
3.16 Management of Contingent Liabilities in Philippines- Policies, Processes, Legal Framework
and Institutions, pp.1-60, World Bank, Washington D.C., 2002.
3.17 Management of Public Debt in India, pp.85-110, in Accompanying Document to the
Guidelines for Public Debt Management, IMF, Washington, June 2002.
3.18 Sovereign Debt Management in India, pp.561-579, Sovereign Debt Management Forum:
Compilation of Presentations, World Bank, Washington, 2000.
3.19 Reforms and liberalization of the financial sector in India- organizational structure, needs
and policy issues, pp.1-40, UN-ESCAP, Bangkok, 1995.
3.20 Social security system in India – needs and policy issues, pp.1-40, ESCAP, United
Nations, Bangkok, December 1999.
3.21 Fiscal Policies for Management of External Capital Flows, pp. 194-207, in Corporate
External Debt Management, edited by Jawahar Mulraj, CRISIL, Bombay, Dec 1999.
3.22 Monitoring and Projecting Budget Deficits of the Government – A Technical Note,
Ministry of Finance, pp.1-21, August 1990.
Tarun Das Up-to-date CV for Public Financial Management
4.1 External Debt Sustainability for Uzbekistan- Trends, Strategy, Policy Issues, Legal and
Institutional Setup; pp.1-50, Country Office of the World Bank at Uzbekistan, October
4.2 External Debt Sustainability for Gambia- Macroeconomic trends and policy issues, pp.1-30,
Commonwealth Secretariat, London, August 2008.
4.3 Management of external debt in Mongolia- legal, institutional framework and policy issues,
pp.1-35, ADB Capacity Building Project on Governance Reforms, Ministry of Finance,
Government of Mongolia, Dec 2007.
4.4 Management of External Debt- International Experiences and Best Practices, pp.1-46, Best
Practices series No.9, United Nations Institute for training and research (UNITAR),
Geneva, 2006.
4.5 Governance of Public Debt- International Experiences and Best Practices, pp.1-44, Best
Practices series No.10, UNITAR, Geneva, 2006.
4.6 Management of external debt in Nepal- legal, institutional framework and policy issues,
pp.1-30, UNESCAP, Bangkok, May 2006.
4.7 Management of external debt in Cambodia- legal, institutional framework and policy issues,
pp.1-30, UNESCAP, Bangkok, Feb. 2006.
4.8 Management of external debt in Lao PDR- legal, institutional framework and policy issues,
pp.1-30, UNESCAP, Bangkok, Feb. 2006.
4.9 Financing International Cooperation behind National Borders- a Case Study for India,
pp.1-50, Office of Development Studies, UNDP, New York. March 2006.
4.10 Management of external debt in Indonesia- legal, institutional framework and policy issues,
pp.1-30, Ministry of Finance, Govt of Indonesia, Dec. 2005.
4.11 Management of external debt in Samoa- legal, institutional framework and policy issues,
pp.1-30, UNESCAP, Bangkok, Sept 2005.
4.12 Off budget risks and their management, Chapter-3, Public Expenditure, and Financial
Management Review, Report No. 24256-PH, A Joint Document of The Government of
the Philippines, World Bank and Asian Development Bank (ADB), World Bank
Philippines Country Office, April 30, 2003.
4.13 Prepayment of expensive external debt of India, Expert Group Report, pp.1-40, Ministry of
Finance, New Delhi, Sept 2002.
4.14 Management of Public Debt in India, pp.85-110, in Accompanying Document to the
Guidelines for Public Debt Management, IMF, Washington, June 2002.
4.15 External Sector Contingent Liability- a Case Study on India, with Raj Kumar, A. Bisen and
M.R. Nair, pp.1-123, Commonwealth Sect, London, Jan 2001.
4.16 Sovereign Debt Management in India, pp.561-579, Sovereign Debt Management Forum:
Compilation of Presentations, World Bank, Washington, 2000.
4.17 East Asian Economic Crisis and Lessons for External Debt Management, pp.77-95, in
External Debt Management, ed. by A. Vasudevan, RBI, Mumbai, April 1999.
4.18 Fiscal Policies for Management of External Capital Flows, pp. 194-207, in Corporate
External Debt Management, edited by Jawahar Mulraj, CRISIL, Bombay, Dec 1999
4.19 Management of external debt in India and lessons for developing countries, IMF Singapore
Regional Training Institute, Singapore, Sept 1998.