Chemistry Boards Prelims 02 - 07-12-23
Chemistry Boards Prelims 02 - 07-12-23
Chemistry Boards Prelims 02 - 07-12-23
1. Section A : Q.No.1 contains ten multiple choice type questions carrying one mark each.
Q.No. 2 contains eight very short answer type question carrying one mark each .
2. Section B : Q.No.3 to 14 are twelve short answer type question carrying two marks each. (Attempt any eight)
3. Section C: Q.No. 15 to 26 are twelve short answer type question carrying three marks each.(Attempt any eight)
4. Section D : Q.No.27 to 31 are five long answer type question carrying four marks each.(Attempt any three)
7. For each multiple choice type question, it is mandatory to write the correct answer along with in alphabet ,e.g., (a)…/(b)…/(c)…/(d)… ,etc.
No mark(s) shall be given, if ONLY the correct answer or the alphabet of the correct answer is written.
Q. 1 Select and write the correct answer for the following multiple choice type of questions : [10]
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4
ii. The relationship between solubility and solubility product for silver carbonate
ix. For a chemical reaction A →products , the rate of reaction doubles when the concentration of A is increased by a
factor 4 The order of the reaction is
(a) 2 (b) 0.5
(c) 4 (d) 1
Attempt any EIGHT of the following questions : [16]
Q.3 Obtain a relation between cell potential and Gibbs energy for the cell reaction.
Q.4 Give the reagents and conditions necessary to prepare phenol from:
(1) Chlorobenzene (2) Benzene sulphonic acid.
Q.5 Write modification of expressions of colligative properties with the help of van't Hoff factor.
Q.6 Define and explain enthalpy of freezing.
Q.7 (i) How will you convert : Acetonitrile to ethylamine?
(ii) Define the term: Protein.
Q.8 A solution containing 10 g glucose has osmotic pressure 3.84 atm. If 10 g more glucose is added to the same solution,
what will be its osmotic pressure. (Temperature remains constant)
Q.9 Calculate the number of unit cell in 0.3g of a species having density of 8.5g/cm 3 and unit cell edge length 3.25×10-8 cm.
Q.10 What is the effect of denaturation on the structure of proteins?
( / )
Q.11 Obtain a relation , = , where 𝑘 and 𝑘 are rate constants while (𝑡 / )1 and (𝑡 / )2 are half- life periods of the
( / )
first order reaction at temperatures T1 and T2 respectively. Write for activation energy.
Q.12 Explain atom economy with suitable example.
Q.13 Explain Cannizzaro reaction with suitable example .
Q.14 Define coordination sphere. Give example.
Attempt any EIGHT of the following questions : [24]
Q.15 Describe the action of alcoholic potassium hydroxide (alc. KOH) on
(1) ethyl bromide (2) n-propyl bromide (3) isopropyl bromide.
Q.16 (a) What are integrated rate laws?
(b) Derive the expression for integrated rate law for zero order reaction A → Products.
Q.17 A solution is prepared by mixing equal volumes of 0.1 M MgCl 2 and 0.3 M Na2C2O4 at 293 K. Will MgC2O4 precipitate
out? (Ksp of MgC2O4 at 293 K is 8.56 x 10-5)
Q.18 Predict the products (name and structure) in the following reactions :
(1) CH3CH2CN →?
(2) CH3-CONH₂ →?
(3) C6H5 – CH2 – CH3 →?
Q.19 A compound forms hcp structure. What is the number of (a) octahedral voids, (b) tetrahedral voids, (c) total voids
formed in 0.2 mol of the compound?
Q.20 Explain the geometrical isomerism of the octahedral complex of the type [M(AA) 2B2]n± with a suitable example.
Q.21 Calculate standard cell potential of following galvanic cell : Zn/Zn2+=(1M)//Pb2+ (1M)/Pb.If 𝐸 = 0.126 V and 𝐸 = -
Q.22 A voltaic cell consisting of Fe2+(aq)|Fe(s) and Bi³ + (aq)|Bi(s) electrodes is constructed. When the circuit is closed, mass
of Fe electrode decreases and that of Bi electrode increases. (a) Write cell formula. (b) Which electrode is cathode and
which electrode is anode? (c) Write electrode reactions and overall cell reaction.
Q.23 (i) Draw resonance structures off aryl diazonium salts.
(ii) Write the use of aryl diazonium salts .
Q.24 (i) What is base centred (or end – centred) unit cell?
(ii) Define enthalpy of ionization.
(iii) Give quantitative definition of entropy . Give its units .
Q.25 In a first order reaction A→B, 60% of a given sample of a compound decomposes in 45 mins. What is half life of
reaction ? Also write the rate law equation for above first order reaction.
Q. 26 Explain phenol is more acidic than ethyl alcohol.
Attempt any THREE of the following questions : [12]
Q.27 Explain the mechanism of alkaline hydrolysis (reaction with aqueous KOH) of tert-butyl bromide (2-Bromo-2-
Q.28 (i) How does entropy change in the following processes? Explain.
(a) Dissolving sugar in water (b) Condensation of vapour.
(ii) The vapour pressures of two liquids A and B are 80 mm Hg and 60 mmHg respectively at 25°C. What is the vapour
pressure of the solution obtained by mixing 3 moles of A and 2 moles of B?
Q.31 (a) Write the classification of polymers based on structure. Give examples.
(b) Define: Nanoscience.