List of Abbreviations | iii
of Abbreviations
table of contents
Chapter 1:
Background of VISHWAS Campaign Initiative for
Swachhta and Swasthya.............................................................................................1
Chapter 2:
Structure of VHSNC led VISHWAS Campaign Initiative for
Swachhta and Swasthya.............................................................................................5
Chapter 3:
Operational Design to conduct Monthly Campaign days........................... 11
Chapter 4:
Support, Supervision and Reporting Systems . .............................................. 57
Annexure 1:
Methods and Tools of Campaign . ....................................................................... 61
Annexure 2:............................................................................................................... 67
table of contents | v
of contents
vi | VISHWAS - Village based Initiative to Synergise Health, Water And Sanitation
Chapter 1
Background of VISHWAS
Campaign Initiative for
Swachhta and Swasthya
Under the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) now the National Health
Mission, Village Health Sanitation and Nutrition Committees (VHSNC),
areenvisaged as platforms for ‘local action’ on health at community
leveland serve as key programme component of communitisation,
across the country. Overall, the success of VHSNCs in building community
level collective action, has been mixed. While states like Chhattisgarh
and Odisha, have made effective use of this platform for community
level monitoring of service delivery and processes, not only health but
all social determinants of Health, a large number of states across the
country have not been able to activate the VHSNCswhich is reflected in
low expenditures of the VHSNC united funds.
Background of
VISHWAS Campaign
Campaign Initiative
Initiative for
for Swachhta
Swachhta and
and Swasthya
Swasthya |1
The key strategy of thiscampaign will be to organize eleven monthly
campaign days in every VHSNC village,which will be led by its VHSNC,
and thereby build a systematic community action on key components
related to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene.
The campaign will be conducted at the VHSNC level. Each VHSNC will
undertake and lead this campaign for its village. The Gram Panchayat
will oversee and support the VHSNC campaigns of all villages under its
The campaign will be aligned with the strategies and approaches of SBM.
SBM envisages, active use of community based organisations for building
awareness, community level analysis of the water sanitation and hygiene
situation, and creating triggers for community action. The campaign
will use participatory tools and methods like, village social and resource
map, transect walk, and sanitation surveys, using them as methods of
community analysis and social trigger for action.
Structure of
VISHWAS Campaign
Campaign Initiative
Initiative for
for Swachhta
Swachhta and Swasthya | 5
and Swasthya
spirit, and will actively lead them to get engaged in campaign as well
as the SBM activities, aiming at closer integration between the two.
Under the Campaign, efforts will be made to ensure that the Village
Water and Sanitation Committee (VWSC - formed under SBM at the
Gram Panchayat level) makes available the incentives for Swachhta
Doots as envisaged in SBM, for the volunteers under this campaign
as well.
The first month of the year long campaign, will be focused on building
community level preparations for the campaign, and in subsequent
eleven months, each monthly campaign day will be focused on a
particular theme. 10 to 15 days before every monthly campaign day will
also be focused on preparation for the upcoming campaign day. These
preparations will include, community level mobilization with active
engagement of core group of the campaign and preparing logistics
required for the campaign day.
In each campaign day, some activities and tasks for follow-up will
emerge, which may require action at community level, but may also need
coordination and follow up with government programme or agency
for utilizing the programme provisions. Post campaign day follow up
for building and use of toilets, or construction or repairsin school toilet
are examples of such critical follow-up actions. On each campaign day,
an account of the follow-up actions from previous campaign days will
also be presented and discussed, and efforts will be made to resolve the
challenges and problems.
Structure of VHSNC led VISHWAS Campaign Initiative for Swachhta and Swasthya | 7
¾¾ Funds available under SBM for IEC, Start Up Activity and Capacity
Building costs (Up to 5% of state’s total project cost,which is
available at State level)
¾¾ Untied fund of VHSNCs from NHM @ Rs. 10000 per VHSNC per year.
¾¾ Any other fund available from ICDS programme, Panchayat
department or the Gram Panchayat’sown resources.
Structure of VHSNC led VISHWAS Campaign Initiative for Swachhta and Swasthya | 9
Chapter 3
Operational Design
Design to
to conduct
conduct Monthly
Monthly Campaign days | 11
Campaign days
¾¾ Conducting a participatory analysis of Water, Sanitation and
Health situation of the community and village, and identifying
key strategies of monthly campaign days, and support and
monitoring processes
The basic plan for organizing and conducting the next 10 monthly
Swachhata days and the key activities of each campaign day, will be shared.
Different potential activities and methods of the campaign like rally,
skits, demonstration, campaign jingles, posters, wall painting, swachhta
fair, public lectures, door to door campaigns, formation of a group of
swachhtadoots, (swachhta champions) will be discussed. Community
feedback on appropriateness and feasibility of these methods / activities
will be taken, and volunteers will be identified for different activities.
The potential strategies for moblising required resources would also be
Follow Up
At the end of the day, VHSNC will allocate the responsibilities related to
different campaign days among its members and the members from the
larger community. VHSNC will subsequently follow up with its members
and community members who have taken responsibility related to
different campaigns and will support them.
The activities of the day will start with a poster exhibition, which will also
be used to start discussions around the relevant issues of sanitation and
hygiene. This poster campaign will be arranged in collaboration with Self
Help Groups, youth sports clubs, or any other similar community groups
available in the village as decided earlier. The posters will focus on the
importance of clean village, and its different components. The posters
shall be either developed by the community or collected from block or
district government offices.
The activities of the day will also include a cleanliness competition among
households. As mentioned earlier, the list of clean households of the village
drawn up by the three-member group of respected persons of the village,
will be presented during the day. Community may choose the cleanest
household of the village from among the list. This is to bring sanitation
and hygiene awareness at the household level in the village. The cleanest
family in the village can be honored and felicitated by VHSNC.
Follow Up activities:
1. The SHG/youth club or other groups in the village organize
periodic clean up activities of the village.
1. Latrine room
2. Pan
3. Tra[
4. Diversion chamber
with slab
5. Leach pit (1.2m deep)
Plan for twin leach pit 6. Leach pit (1.2m deep)
The day will start with a street play/rally (in collaboration with the school)
to create awareness on the importance of handwashing. This will also
help to ensure participation of the community in large numbers. The key
information to be disseminated during the day will include following;
Follow up activities:
Community will ensure follow-up activities to promote for;
¾¾ Building a hand-washing station in households, and in all schools
and Anganwadicentres
¾¾ Behavior change in community to practice hand-washing with
soap, at all critical times
¾¾ Develop sanitation and hygiene champions, who will educate
others about hand-washing
Background –
The Hygiene and Sanitation environment of school and Anganwadi plays a
key role in the overall health and safety of children, students and teachers,
and also makes strong impact on overall performance of students in school.
Non-functional and poorly kept toilets, lack of convenient hand washing
facilities, lack of safe drinking water facilities, and unhygienic conditions and
practices in preparation and serving food under Mid Day Meal in schools,
and lack of Hot Cooked Food in AWCs are some of the key challenges.
They also make a lasting impact on young minds and influence their life-
long behavior. On the other hand, school and AWC also present a critical
platform for demonstrating good sanitation and hygiene provisions and
practices. Children, with better life skills, have been proved very effective
as sanitation champions, who also influence behavior in community.
After the tour of school and Anganwadi, group members will discuss
their observations with other team members and school teachers in
assembly hall. A consensus on the priority areas will be arrived at and
action planning for follow-up actions will be conducted.
Good Practices
from outside
Facility /area
Support /
Areas for
Water Facility
Toilet Facility
Preparation &
Serving Area
Step 5 – Now the School Champions will be selected based on a quiz that
will be conducted on sanitation and hygiene issues. Teachers will facilitate
this activity and distribute gifts to the winners. Teacher will also be given
responsibility to select 10-12 Student Champions, with representation
from each class and share the list with VHSNC members. These student
champions will ensure that every student of their class will practice hand
washing before eating food. At the end of the month teachers will take
feedback from student champions and discuss their experiences and
corrections needed if any.
Key Messages
• Always wash hands with soap before eating and after using
• Use only Safe Water for drinking and Use toilet at all times
• Use toilet and urinal carefully and ensure its cleanliness.
• School Teachers and VHSNC members together must conduct
periodic review of Anganwadi and School Sanitation facilities
and practices of their use.
At the end of the campaign day VHNSC members will discuss the schedule
of follow-up actions and the plan for next month’s campaign.
The toddlers and children play everywhere, and use their dirty
hands to scratch an itch, eating food or wiping their nose. They
should be taught about healthy and hygienic practices. Some of
the important hygiene practices are:
Once daily
❖ Sweep the floors.
❖ Empty the kitchen rubbish bin.
❖ Clean the courtyard and surroundings of the house
1. Liquid and Solid Waste Management Day will be organized in
collaboration with the group of volunteers from village. ASHA
should prepare the list of the volunteers after discussing with
them the purpose of the campaign.
2. Volunteers should be identified for demonstration of making
of soak pits and composting pits, and be trained on it. Material
required for making of soak pits and compost pits should be
organized beforehand.
1. Orientation of community on problems related to management
of garbage and wastewater.
Follow up- VHNSC members will discuss the schedule and topic of the
next campaign. The VHSNC member will also follow up with the Gram
Panchayat on the action plan submitted to it on liquid and solid waste
The Health Awareness Day will promote health and wellbeing in families
and the community by discussing key elements that affect health; food
and nutrition, level of physical activity and body weight. It will focus on
explaining and promoting benefits of eating healthy, doing physical
exercise, and maintaining a healthy social interaction, as the critical
components of a healthy lifestyle.
¾¾ The day will be organized in collaboration with student groups
of the schools in the village. The VHSNC will approach student
groups like National Service Scheme, Scouts and Guides or
National Cadet Corps (NCC), in Schools or nearby College. If
such groups are not available VHSNC may ask School Teachers
to create a group of students and adolescents in the village
by orienting them about the objectives of Healthy Lifestyles
Awareness Day.
¾¾ The VHSNC will coordinate with the student groups through
schools and find ways to ensure their participation. If the
campaign day falls on a day when schools are open, VHSNC will
coordinate with school to allow students to participate.
¾¾ As the first step, orientation of community by an expert (or
schoolteacher, or a frontline worker like ANM who has been
trained for it) on the issues related to health awareness will be
done. ASHA/ANM should orient the Schoolteacher or Expert
beforehand or apprise themselves on the prevalent practices
and priority issues of the community.
1. After the orientation, students will perform a role-play or
nukkadnatak (street play) on Healthy Lifestyle. Community
members can also be involved in the play.
2. After the play, important information will be shared
on common Non Communicable Disease, Diabetes,
Hypertension and three common Cancers, and a screening
and check-up for all community members above 30 years of
age will be organized.
3. A discussion will be conducted about shops and establishments
in the village, which sell tobacco and tobacco productsand
alcohol, and measures that can be taken to prevent the sale
of tobacco and tobacco products and Alcohol to minors, and
4. An action plan to carry on the health promotion activities will
be prepared. A group of ‘Health Champions’, who volunteer
to continue the initiatives as agreed upon by the community,
will be identified. Processes to review and support the health
promotion activities by these Health Champions will be
Follow up – At the end VHNSC members will discuss the schedule and
structure of the next campaign. The VHSNC members will also follow up
with the Gram Panchayat on the action plan of the day submitted to it.
Vectors are organisms that transmit disease causing pathogens & parasites
from one infected humans/animals to another, causing serious diseases
in populations. These diseases are more commonly found in regions and
Follow up:
The VHSNC will follow up with the Gram Panchayat on the submission of
the action plan submitted by students.
Support, Supervision
Supervision and
and Reporting
Reporting Systems
Systems | 57
Key objectives of the day will be –
¾¾ Identifying key successes, outputs and outcomes achieved by the
campaign overall, and those that relate to respective campaign
¾¾ Identifying and facilitating champions of the Campaign
¾¾ Identifying key challenges,desired actions and required
resources for the campaign, and mapping programmes and
schemes as well Panchayat and government funds which can
be targeted.
The spirit of the day will be celebratory and will focus on honoring the core
group members, campaign champions as well as the community for their
role in campaign. But the emphasis will also be on consolidating the future
course of action and priorities for the campaign in the next year. The day
will also decide the structure of representation and issues to be presented
before the next month’s campaign day – the Gram Sabha Day.
The initial planning of the campaign during its first month of preparatory
phase, will be presented by the campaign core group in the monthly
meeting of Gram Panchayat, and will be finalized taking their inputs.
Approval of GP will be taken on some of the key issues of campaign,
¾¾ Timings and date / day and venue of the campaign – the day or
date for monthly campaign days should be fixed for that village.
Though the day/date may be different for different VHSNCs /
¾¾ Key activities and methods of each campaign day
¾¾ A draft list of 2-3 key monitoring indicators for each campaign
day, will be shared
A core group of the campaign will be formed, at the level of every VHSNC,
comprising of the VHSNC members, and representatives chosen from
among the community members.
For every Campaign day, a set of 2-3 key indicators will be decided at
the end of the campaign day, which can also be linked to the follow-up
actions planned related to that campaign day. For example, for ODF Day,
one key indicator can be the number of households without toilets who
have agreed to building toilet in their houses.
Methods and
and Tools
Tools of
of Campaign
Campaign | 61
map. In the social resource map for Swachhta Campaign all resources
and locations important from the point of view of water, sanitation
and hygiene will be clearly marked, to help the community analyse
their problem areas and potential actions for improvement.
w Transect Walk
A transect walk is a systematic walk along a defined path (transect)
across the community/village together with the local community to
explore the water and sanitation conditions by observing, asking,
listening, looking at the water, sanitation and hygiene related
practices, areas used for open defecation, areas used for throwing
and dumping garbage etc. This exercise will help the community
understand their incorrect practices and systems and possible areas
for improvement.
w Seasonality of Diseases
In seasonality analysis of diseases, community identifies pattern
of diseases and ailments in different seasons,based on their own
experience. This analysis helps them identify possible interventions and
preventive and promotive actions that can be undertaken to reduce
and stop incidence and possible outbreak of infectious diseases.
w D
emonstration of safe water & food handling
A trained person or expert will explain and demonstrate safe practices
of handling food and water such as washing hands before handling
Background of VISHWAS
Campaign Initiative for
Swachhta and Swasthya
Methods and
and Tools
Tools of
of Campaign
Campaign | 67
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