We hope that all students now have books with them, they now need to utilize this
quality time of vacations to revise all that has been learnt during the last two and half
months. As soon as the classes resume, we will have a revision of syllabus for 10 days
and then we will have unit tests. Details for conduct of unit test will be intimated
soon. Use this break to prepare well for the unit test. It is compulsory for all students
to write these tests.
In this regard:
1. All parents are required to clear their pending tuition fee dues. As per
government order the school is taking only the tuition fee, this is the same fee
as that of the last year.
कृपया अपने बच्चों की टू शन फीस समय पर जमा करें , सरकार के निर्दे श अनु सार आपको
अपने बच्चों की टू शन फीस पिछले साल जितनी ही दे नी है ।
2. All information related to fee payment has been sent to you via sms and
schoolpad message.
फीस जमा करने की सारी जानकारी आपको एस एम एस और स्कू ल पै ड ऐप के ज़रिये
भे जी गयी है ।
Children are not in the school but we are regularly sanitizing the school premises and
are preparing it well to welcome the children back in the campus.
Kindly Note:
2. Children need to do revision of all subjects as per the syllabus for unit test.
बच्चे आने वाले यूनिट टे स्ट के सिलेबस का रिविशन करें।
3. Please keep checking the Schoolpad APP to receive latest messages and
information that are being sent by the school regularly.
अधिक जानकारी के लिए स्कू लपै ड ऐप को चे क करते रहें , सभी ज़रूरी सर्कु लर और
स्कुल की सूचनाएं आपको स्कू लपै ड पर मिलती रहें गी।
Please follow all safety standards, stay indoors and stay safe.
Thank You
Read the story “The Tiger King”, “The Enemy”, “Lost Spring”, “Deep Water” from the
course books. Then, present the main themes and characters of the stories on A4 size
sheets. The distinctive character traits of the protagonists and the main themes should
be neatly organized.
Read a novel of your choice and write about any two characters of the novel.
Prepare a report on “Covid-19 – A Deadly Virus”
Write an article for your school magazine on any of the following topics
- The Power of My Vote
- Religion - a cohesive or divisive force
- A Lesson I Learnt from Personal Experience
Write a speech on any one of the following topics
- Brain Drain
- Promote rainfall-maintain ecological balance
- Increasing Crime in the City
Present your work creatively and neatly in a folder using designer sheets thereby
pasting appropriate pictures
1. Students will do the assignment questions given in the assignment booklet for the
following chapters in a separate notebook:
a) Electric charges and fields
b) Electrostatic potential and Capacitance
c) Current Electricity
2. Students are required to get their topics as discussed in the Physics class.
Present your work creatively and neatly in a folder using designer sheets thereby pasting
appropriate pictures
Students will do the assignment questions given in the assignment booklet for the
following chapters in a separate notebook:
a) Electric charges and fields
b) Electrostatic potential and Capacitance
c) Current Electricity
2. Students are required to get their topics as discussed in the Physics class.
Title Page – This is the first page carry the following information
(i) Title / Aim of the project
(ii) Name of the student with class and section
Table of contents – This page records the content of the project report preferably with
corresponding page numbers.
Introduction and review – This provides a brief history of the project including
chronological order of previous work done in this direction.
Bibliography – On this page a list of books, periodicals, review article, research work
(c) An electron after being accelerated through a potential difference of 100 V enters
a uniform magnetic field of 0.004 T perpendicular to its direction of motion.
Calculate the radius of the path described by the electron.
2. (i) What is the relationship between the current and the magnetic moment of a
current carrying circular loop ?
(ii) Deduce an expression for magnetic dipole moment of an electron revolving
around a nucleus in a circular orbit. Indicate the direction of magnetic dipole
moment? Use the expression to derive the relation between the magnetic moment
of an electron moving in a circle and its related angular momentum?
(iii) A muon is a particle that has the same charge as an electron but is 200 times
heavier than it. If we had an atom in which the muon revolves around a proton
instead of an electron, what would be te magnetic moment of the muon in the
ground state of such an atom?
4. (a) Draw a labelled diagram of American type galvanometer. Describe briefly its
principle and working.
(b) Answer the following:
(i) Why is it necessary to introduce a cylindrical soft iron core inside the coil
of a galvanometer?
(ii) Increasing the current sensitivity of a galvanometer may not
necessarily increase its voltage sensitivity. Explain, giving reason.
6. Two concentric circular coils, one of small radius r2 and the other of large radius r2, such
that r2<<r1 are placedco-axially with centres coinciding. Obtain the mutual inductance of
the arrangement.
7. Using Biot-Savart's law, derive the expression for the magnetic field in the vector form at
a point on the axis of a circular current loop.
8. Write the generalized expression for the Ampere’s circuital law in terms of the
conduction current and the displacement current. Mention the situation when there is:
(i) only conduction and no displacement current.
(ii) only displacemet current and no conduction current.
9. (a) Define the terms (i) half-life (T1/2) and (ii) average life (τ).
(b) A radioactive nucleus has a decay constant λ = 0.3465 (day)-1. How long would it take
the nucleus to decay to 75% of its initial amount?
10. Draw a circuit diagram of full wave rectifier. Explain the working principle. Draw the
input/output waveforms indicating clearly the functions of the two diodes used.
12. Using Biot-Savart's law, derive the expression for the magnetic field in the vector form at
a point on the axis of a circular current loop.
14. The plates of a parallel plate capacitor have an area of 90 cm2 each and are separated by
2.5 cm. the capacitor is charged by connecting it to a 400 V supply.
(a) How much electrostatic energyis stored by the capacitor?
(b) View this energy as stored in the electrostatic field betweenthe plates and obtainthe
energy per unit volume u. Hence arrive at a relation between u and the magnitude of
electric field E between the plates.
17. Draw a circuit diagram of full wave rectifier. Explain the working principle. Draw the
input/output waveforms indicating clearly the functions of the two diodes used.
Sketch the graph showing variation of stopping potential with frequency of incident radiations
for two photosensitive materials A and B having threshold frequencies νA > νB .
(i) In which case is thestopping potential more and why?
(ii) Does the slope of the graph depend on the nature of material used? Explain.
18. To increase the current sensitivity of a moving coil galvanometer by 50%, its resistance is
increased so that the new resistance becomes twiceits initial resistance. By what factor
does its voltage sensitivity change?
20. (i) How are infrared waves produced? Write their own important use.
(ii) The thin ozone layer on the top of the stratosphere is crucial for human survival.
21. How is photodiode fabricated. Draw its V-I characteristics for two different intensities of
Make an investigatory project on of the following topics roll no mention below:
Table of contents – This page records the content of the project report preferably with
corresponding page numbers.
Introduction and review – This provides a brief history of the project including
chronological order of previous work done in this direction.
Bibliography – On this page a list of books, periodicals, review article, research work
Q1 Read the given passage and answer the questions 1 to 5 that follow:
A Lead storage battery is the most important type of secondary cell having a lead anode and a
grid of lead packed with PbO2 as cathode. A 38% solution of sulphuric acid is used as
electrolyte. (Density=1.294 g mL-1) The battery holds 3.5 L of the acid. During the discharge of
the battery, the density of H2SO4 falls to 1.139 g mL-1. (20% H2SO4 by mass)
Write the reaction taking place at the cathode when the battery is in use.
How much electricity in terms of Faraday is required to carry out the reduction of
one mole of PbO2?
What is the molarity of sulphuric acid before discharge?
Write the products of electrolysis when dilute sulphuric acid is electrolysed using
Platinum electrodes.
Q2 Read the following statement and answer the 1 to 5 questions that follows:
Mg(s) + 2Ag+(0.0001) ----- Mg2+(0.10) + 2Ag(s), Given E0Mg2+/Mg= -2.36v, E0Ag+/Ag =0.81
(a) cis-polyisoprene (b) Cellulose nitrate (c) Cellulose acetate (d) Vulcanised rubber
(A) Both assertion and reason are correct statements, and reason is the correct explanation of
the assertion.
(B) Both assertion and reason are correct statements, but reason is not the correct explanation
of the assertion.
(C) Assertion is correct, but reason is wrong statement.
(D) Assertion is wrong, but reason is correct statement.
Q12 Assertion: The two strands in double strand helix structure of DNA are complementary
to each other
Reason: Disulphide bonds are formed between specific pairs of bases
Q15 1.00 g of non-electrolyte solute dissolved in 50 g of benzene lowered the freezing point of
benzene by 0.40 K. Find the molar mass of the solute. ( Kf for benzene =5.12 Kkg/mol)
Q16 A reaction takes 20 minutes for 25% decomposition. Calculate the time when 75% of
(a) How is the rate affected on increasing the concentration of A three times?
(b) How is the rate affected when the concentrations of both A and B are doubled?
Q20 At a site, low grade copper ores are available and zinc and iron scraps are also
available. Which of the two scraps would be more suitable for reducing the leached
copper ore and why?
Q23 The rate of a reaction quadruples when the temperature changes from 293 K to 313 K.
Calculate the energy of activation of the reaction assuming that it does not change with
Q24 The time required for 10% completion of a first order reaction at 298K is equal to that
required for its 25% completion at 308K. If the value of A is 4 × 1010s–1. Calculate k at
318K and Ea.
Q25 The rate of a reaction quadruples when the temperature changes from 293 K to 313 K.
Calculate the energy of activation of the reaction assuming that it does not change with
has E0cell= 0.236 V at 298k. Calculate the standard Gibb’s energy and the equilibrium
constant of the cell reaction.
Q27 a) Write the chemistry of recharging the lead storage battery, highlighting all the
materials that are involved during recharging.
b) What happens when a freshly precipitated Fe(OH)3 is shaken with a little amount of
dilute solution of FeCl3.
c)Out of sulphur sol and proteins, which one forms macromolecular colloids?
Q29 a) Three electrolytic cells A,B,C containing solutions of ZnSO 4, AgNO3 and
CuSO4,respectively are connected in series. A steady current of 1.5 amperes was passed
through them until 1.45 g of silver deposited at the cathode of cell B. How long did the current
flow? What mass of copper and zinc were deposited?
b) Explain Kohlrausch law.
Q30 a) A solution of CuSO4 is electrolysed for 10 minutes with a current of 1.5 amperes.
What is the mass of copper deposited at the cathode?
Q31 (a) When a chromite ore (A) is fused with an aqueous solution of sodium carbonate in
free excess of air, a yellow solution of compound (B) is obtained. This solution is filtered
and acidified with sulphuric acid to form compound (C). Compound (C) on treatment
with solution of KCl gives orange crystals of compound (D). Write the chemical formulae
of compounds A to D.
(b) Describe the cause of the following variations with respect to lanthanoids and
(i) Greater range of oxidation states of actinoids as compared to lanthanoids.
(ii) Greater actinoid contraction as compared to lanthanoid contraction.
(iii) Lower ionisation enthalpy of early actinoids as compared to the early lanthanoids.
Q33. (a) Describe the preparation of Potassium dichromate from iron chromite ore. What is
CHAPTER 1: Reproduction in organism
1. Name the vegetative propagules in the following.
i) Banana ii) Agave iii) Bryophyllum iv) Water Hyacinth
2. Differentiate between the following.
a. Oviparous and viviparous
b. Pre-fertilization and post-fertilization events
3. How is the sexuality of papaya plant different from a maize plant?
4. In which organisms’ gametes are non-motile? How do they reach the female gamete for
5. Give reasons:
a) Rotifers are called Parthenocarpic organisms
b) Mammals living in natural wild condition are seasonal breeders
c) Water Hyacinth is called an invasive weed
d) Bamboo plants are considered to have unusual flowering response.
e) Marchantia is considered dioecious.
1. Due to congenital defect, a woman does not have fimbriae in the fallopian tube. How
will it affect her ?
2. What is the difference between spermiogenesis and spermiation?
3. What is the role of LH in a human male and female?
4. Justify giving reasons:
a. Corpus luteum secrets large amounts of progesterone if egg is fertilized.
b. During pregnancy there is a increase in the levels of hormones like estrogens,
progesterons, cortisol, prolactin, thyroxine etc. in maternal blood.
c. Colostrum is absolutely essential for the newborn.
d. Placenta can be referred to as ‘transporting organ’ ‘.
5. List out the sequence of events after fertilization until implantation of the human
6. How many primary follicles will be there at the time of puberty in the human ovary?
1. Explain how Mendel carried out the hybridization experiment in pea plant.
2. What is the meaning of chromosomes? Why was it named so?
3. From table 5.3 identify which column represents chromosome and which represents
the gene and justify why?
4. How did Morgan use symbols for his dihybrid cross? Explain with examples?
5. Give an example of an insect in which the sex determination is similar to man.
Justify why?
6. Give the aminoacid sequence of HbA peptide uptil the 7 aminoacid in a normal
7. Identify the disease from the synptoms.
a) Male with gynecomastia.
b) Monosomy of the sex chromosome
c) Nonstop bleeding from a simple cut.
d) Hemoglobin polymerizes under low oxygen tension.
e) Accumulation of Phenyl pyruvic acid in the body.
8. Study the given pedigree chart and answer the questions that follow:
1. What features of the DNA generates a uniform distance between the two polynucleotide
2. If there are 400 base pairs in a DNA segment what will be the length of DNA?
3. Give appropriate names for the following:
a) DNA wrapped round histone octomere.
b) Beads on string structure in nucleus
c) Transcriptionally active chromatin.
4. When heat killed S strain was treated with enzyme ‘X’ and mixed with live R strain and
injected into mice, there was no transformation. Explain the above result and identify
5. When a virus is grown in radioactive phosphorus medium why is the radioactivity
detected only in its DNA?
6. State the various conclusions derived by Griffith in his experiment.
7. Justify the statement that DNA is chemically less reactive and structurally more stable
when compared to RNA.
8. What is the cause of polyploidy in a cell? Define polyploidy and name an organism in
which polyploidy is common.
9. Which RNA in bacteria helps in the formation of peptide bond, and in which cell
organelle is it found?
10. Answer the questions in relation to lac operon.
a.Which gene in lac operon is constitutive?
b. What process converts lac mRNA into enzymes?
C. Why is the structural gene in lac operon considered polycistronic?
11. Explain the following statements:
a.Genes in eukaryote is split.
b.rRNA play structural and catalytic role during translation .
12. What is the role of sigma and Rho factor during transcription in eukaryote?
1. Name the following
a. Organic molecule formed in S.L.Miller experiment .
b. Placental mammal that shows Convergent evolution with spotted cuscus.
c. Reptile that went back into water to evolve in to fish like reptiles probably 200 mya.
d. The plant which helped De vries to give the mutation theory.
e.Industrial pollution indicator .
2. Define the following term:
Gene pool, Saltation, Genetic drift, Adaptive radiation.
3. Give the brief account of human evolution.
4. State the essence of Darwinian theory of evolution.
5. Give examples of evolution by anthropogenic action.
6. With an example explain that during evolution by natural selection, no variant is
completely wiped out.
7. Give a graphical representation of the operation of natural selection when it selects
individuals with peripheral character.
8. Name the 2 groups of seed ferns.
9. “There is a genetic basis for getting selected and to evolve. “How did Darwin explain
this process about evolution?
10. What are the 3 connotations of the theory of special creation?
What do you mean by Analysis of Financial statements? Write its objectives, advantages,
and limitations also.
Prepare a proper format of Balance sheet of a company as per schedule III, part I
And also write heads and subheads of all assets and liabilities. Prepare format of Income
statement of a company as per schedule III part II.
Project: -
Make Comprehensive project containing
20 to 25 journal entries (including GST)
Posting to ledger accounts
Preparation of trading and profit and loss account
Preparation of Balance Sheet
Analysis through Ratio calculation (any 5)
1. Revise Chapter no. 10 to 15 from book “Themes in Indian History Part III”.
2. Practice Maps of Chapter no. 10 to 15 from book “Themes in Indian History Part III” and
paste them in your Notebook.
3. Go through the sources given in Chapter no. 10 to 15 from book “Themes in Indian History
Part III” and make at least 2 Questions with answers from each Source.
4. Write at least 2 Questions from each Chapter no. 10 to 15 from book “Themes in Indian
History Part III” other than Textual Questions given at the end of each lesson.
Learn and revise the following chapters
1.The era of Cold War
2.End of Bi-polarity
3-US hegemony in world politics
4-challanges to Nation Building
5-Regional Aspirations
6-Era of One Party Dominance
a) Make the complete notes of above mentioned chapters
b) Complete and practice the map work of above mentioned chapters
c) Analyze and interpret the meaning of the cartoon in the above mentioned chapters
d) Read newspaper everyday especially the editorial page.
Any painter/artist
NOTE: These works should be there in your portfolio and you have to bring the
complete portfolio after the school reopens. Late comers will not be entertained.
Activity 1: - To verify that the relation R in the set L of all lines in a plane, defined by R =
{(l,m):l perpendicular m } is symmetric but neither reflexive nor transitive.
Activity 2: - To verify that the relation R in the set L of all lines in a plane, defined by R =
{(l,m):l || m } in an equivalence relation.
Activity 5: - To draw the graph of Sin-1 x, using the graph of sin x and demonstrate the
concept of mirror reflection (about the line y = x).
Activity 6: - To sketch the graphs of a^x and logX base a, a > 0, a ≠ 1 and to examine that
they are mirror images of each other.
Activity 9: - To locate the points to given coordinates in space, measure the distance between
two points in space and then to verify the distance using distance formula.
Activity 10: - To find the distance of given point (in space) from a plane (passing through three
non-collinear points) by actual measurement and also analytically.
Chapter 3- Matrices
Chapter 4 - Determinant
Chapter 5- Differentiation
III) Following are the two groups made for Final Project to be submitted in Boards:
Both the group members must discuss and finalize the projects on which they will be
working. After finalizing the projects, submit the names of your project with a short
summary about it. Start working on it as soon as the project is finalized.
Rules for Project making: The aim of the class project is to create something that is
tangible and useful. This should be started by students at least 6 months before the
submission deadline. The aim here is to find a real world problem that is worthwhile to
solve. For example, in time of pandemic few students are unable to purchase books, so
students can design an Online Library System for their school. They can also use a wide
variety of Python libraries to create user friendly applications such as
games, software for their school, software for their disabled fellow students, and mobile
If three people work on a project for 6 months, at least 500 lines of code is expected. There
must be no plagiarism in your codes. Everything that is proposed can be achieved using
absolutely free, and legitimate open source software.
a) My Mother at 66
b) An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum
Prose: Flamingo:
Writing Skills:
1 Electric Charges and Fields
2 Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
3 Current Electricity
4 Moving Charges and Magnetism
1 Reproduction in living organisms
2 Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
3 Human Reproduction
4 Reproductive Health
1 Relations and Function
2 Inverse Trigonometric Equation
3 Matrices
4 Determinants
5 Differentiation
6 Probability
2 Accounting for Partnership Firms-Fundamentals
3 Goodwill: Nature and Valuation
4 Change in profit Sharing Ratio
5 Admission of a Partner
1 Nature and significance of Management
2 Principles of Management
3 Business Environment
4 Planning
3 National Income and Related Aggregates
4 Methods of Calculating National Income
7 Macroeconomics Aggregates Demand, Aggregates Supply
and Related concepts
8 Short Run Equilibrium Output
9 Problem of Deficient and Excess Demand
1 Indian Economic Indian Economy on the Eve of
Development Independence
2 Five Year Plans in India
10 Colonialism and countryside
11 Themes Rebels and Raj
12 in Colonial cities
13 Indian Mahatma Gandhi and the nationalist movement
14 History Understanding partition
15 Part III Framing the constitution
1 Cold war
2 US Hegemony in world politics
3 Challenges to Nation Building
4 Rise of popular social movements
1 Python Revision Tour-I
2 Python Revision Tour-II
3 Working with functions
4 Using Python Libraries
5 File Handling
6 Recursion
7 Idea of Algorithmic efficiency
8 Data Visualization using Pyplot
2 Sports and nutrition
3 Yoga and lifestyle
4 Physical education and sports for CWSN(children with special
5 Children and women in sports
1. MANAGE SCREEN TIME: With majority of activities happening online, students,
parents and the complete family should restrict their time of viewing the mobiles,
television and computer screens.
ii. Encourage other Activities and provide the necessary resources (books to read,
board games, art supplies, and/or sporting equipment). Teach your kids the
games you played when you were a kid; five stones, hop scotch, Ludo, Chess etc.
iii. Play with your Kids. Be involved in their Lives. For many parents, it is just
easier to turn on the television than to actually be involved in the lives of their
children. But those intimate life details are required for successful parenting.
Please observe, listen, ask your children to share their feelings and experiences.
v. Value Family Meals, about 70% of young people say that TV is usually ON
during meals. That’s too bad because your family’s richest conversations will
always take place during meals and in the car. don’t let the TV steal quality time
from you and your kids.
2. Sunrise watch: Have a great time by sitting in the balcony or front yard and
watch the sunrise with your little one. While your child sips on some lukewarm milk,
you can sip on your early morning tea.
3. Bird feed: Put up a bird feeder in your balcony, sit back and watch the show from
your window.
4. Plantation: Help the child to plant vegetable seeds or saplings in a pot. Water and
nurture them every day and enjoy watching the plant, grow.
Books, magazines and newspapers are great learning tools. A person who knows how to
read can educate himself in any area of life as per his interest.
Please try making reading books as a hobby for children, they will never get bored in
their life and will never run out of good ideas !
6. Time with Grandparents: We can learn our culture and regional language from our
elders, children should be guided to sit with the grandparents, listen to stories of their
experiences and learn from them. Children can learn their local language too, this will
be of great help to them in future.