Characterization of Polymers Using TGA
Characterization of Polymers Using TGA
Characterization of Polymers Using TGA
Characterization of the toughness properties to the ABS However, Auto Stepwise TGA does
Differences in Polymers blend. ABS is typically used for provide the ability to resolve the two
housings for personal computers weight loss events and makes the
A high performance TGA, such as and other electronic equipment and quantitative compositional analysis of
the ones available from Perkin- the material’s impact resistance is the ABS possible. This may be seen
Elmer, allow for the detection of important for its long term in the Auto Stepwise TGA results
subtle, but potentially important, durability. The weight loss obtained on ABS displayed in Figure
differences between polymers. transition of the butadiene rubber 5. The butadiene, rubber component
Shown in Figure 4 are the TGA component occurs extremely close is nicely separated from the SAN
results obtained on two different to the decomposition of the SAN decomposition and this provides
high density polyethylene (HDPE) copolymer. Standard TGA cannot excellent characterization information.
containers. One is an opaque soap separate out the two events.
container while the other is a semi-
transparent water bottle. The soap
bottle HDPE resin has a slightly, but
significantly, higher level of filler
(2.1% versus 0.65%). This
information is important for the
production of the containers.
Compositional Analysis of
Multi-component Polymers