key (3)
key (3)
key (3)
Part 1 Question 1 - 1O
Complete the table below.
Questions 11-12
Which TWO items will participants receive when they check in?
A a class list
B a face towel
C a name tag
D a shoe bag
E a water bottle
Question 13 and 14
A costume making
B a musical show
C an informal dance
E a dance test
Questions 15-20
A J Gym
D I Musac room j
II Bike:raclc1'I
You arc:bcrc
16 bunkroom ...............
17 games room .................
18 reception .................
19 medical centre ................
20 store ...............
Questions 23-27
Question 28-30
B Data collection
C Discourse Analysis
D Language an Society
E Phonology
F Psy cholinguistics
G Research Methodology
H Social interaction
Questions 31-40
Complete the notes below.
Write ONE WORD ONLV for each answer.
• Findings
- Birds tended to choose the same nesting site in which they were raised
- Human activities such 35 .... Had a negative effect on the reproduction
of birds
You should spend about 20 minutes on Question 1-13 which are based on Reading
Passage 1 on pages 2 and 3.
It became such a favourite that during the late eighth century a writer called Lu Yu
wrote the first book entirely about tea, the Ch'a Ching, or Tea Classic. It was
shortly after this that tea was first introduced to Japan, by Japanese Buddhist
monks who had travelled to China to study. Tea received almost instant imperial
sponsorship and spread rapidly from the royal court and monasteries to the other
sections of Japanese society.
So at this stage in the history of tea, Europe was rather lagging behind. In the
latter half of the sixteenth century there are the first brief mentions of tea as a
drink among Europeans. These are mostly from Portuguese who were living in the
East as traders and missionaries. But although some of these individuals may
have brought back samples of tea to their native country, it was not the
Portuguese who were the first to ship back tea as a commercial import. This was
done by the Dutch, who in the last years of the sixteenth century began to
encroach on Portuguese trading routes in the East. By the turn of the century they
had established a trading post on the island of Java, and it was via Java that in
1606 the first consignment of tea was shipped from China to Holland. Tea soon
became a fashionable drink among the Dutch, and from there spread to other
Britain, always a little suspicious of continental trends, had yet to become the
nation of tea drinkers that it is today. Starting in 1600, the British East India
Company had a monopoly on importing goods from outside Europe, and it is likely
that sailors on these ships brought tea home as gifts. The first coffee house had
been established in London in 1652, and tea was still somewhat unfamiliar to
most readers, so it is fair to assume that the drink was still something of a
curiosity. Gradually, it became a popular drink in coffee houses, which were as
many locations for the transaction of business as they were for relaxation or
pleasure. They were though the preserve of middle- and upper-class men; women
drank tea in their own homes, and as yet tea was still too expensive to be
widespread among the working classes. In part, its high price was due to a
punitive system of taxation.
One unforeseen consequence of the taxation of tea was the growth of methods to
avoid taxation-smuggling and adulteration. By the eighteenth century many
Britons wanted to drink tea but could not afford the high prices, and their
enthusiasm for the drink was matched by the enthusiasm of criminal gangs to
smuggle it in. What began as a small time illegal trade, selling a few pounds of tea
to personal contacts, developed by die late eighteenth century into an astonishing
organised crime network, perhaps importing as much as 7 million lbs annually,
compared to a legal import of 5 million lbs! Worse for die drinkers was that
taxation also encouraged the adulteration of tea, particularly of smuggled tea
which was not quality controlled through customs and excise. Leaves from other
plants, or leaves which had already been brewed and then dried, were added to
tea leaves. By 1784, the government realised that enough was enough, and that
heavy taxation was creating more problems than it was words. The new Prime
Minister, William Pitt the Younger, slashed the tax from 119 per cent to 12.5 per
Another great impetus to tea drinking resulted from the end of the East India
Company's monopoly on trade with China, in 1834. Before that date, China was
the country of origin of the vast majority of the tea imported to Britain, but the end
of its monopoly stimulated the East India Company to consider growing tea
outside China. India had always been the centre of the Company's operations,
which led to the increased cultivation of tea in India, beginning in Assam. There
were a few false starts, including the destruction by cattle of one of the earliest tea
nurseries, but by 1888 British tea imports from India were for the first time greater
than those from China.
The end of the East India Company's monopoly on trade with China also had
another result, which was more dramatic though less important in the long term: it
ushered in the era of the tea clippers. While the Company had had the monopoly
on trade, there was no rush to bring the tea from China to Britain, but after 1834
the tea trade became a virtual free for all. Individual merchants and sea captains
with their own ships raced to bring home the tea and make the most money, using
fast new clippers which had sleek lines, tall masts and huge sails. In particular
there was a competition between British and American merchants, leading to the
famous clipper races of the 1860s. But these races soon came to an end with the
opening of the Suez Canal, which made the trade routes to China viable for
steamships for the first time.
Questions 1-7
Complete the sentences below with words taken from Reading Passage 1
2 Lu Yu wrote a .................... about tea before anyone else in the eighth century.
3 It was ................... .from Japan who brought tea to their native country from
5 The British government had to cut down the taxation on tea due to the serious
crime of .................... .
7 In order to compete in shipping speed, traders used .................... for the race.
Questions 8 -13
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage
9 Tea was more fashionable than coffee in Europe in the late 16th century.
11 The adulteration of tea also prompted William Pitt the Younger to reduce the
13 The fastest vessels were owned by America during the 19th century clipper
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14-26, which are based on
Reading Passage 2 below.
It seems biodiversity has become a buzzword beloved of politicians, conservationists,
protesters and scientists alike. But what exactly is it? The Convention on Biological
Diversity, an international agreement to conserve and share the planet's biological
riches, provides a good working definition: biodiversity comprises every form of life, from
the smallest microbe to the largest animal or plant, the genes that give them their
specific characteristics and the ecosystems of which they are apart.
In October, the World Conservation Union (also known as the IUCN) published its
updated Red List of Threatened Species, a roll call of 11,167 creatures facing extinction
- 121 more than when the list was last published in 2000. But the new figures almost
certainly underestimate the crisis. Some 1.2 million species of animal and 270,000
species of plant have been classified, but the well-being of only a fraction has been
assessed. The resources are simply not available. The IUCN reports that 5714 plants
are threatened, for example, but admits that only 4 per cent of known plants has been
assessed. And, of course, there are thousands of species that we have yet to discover.
Many of these could also be facing extinction.
It is important to develop a picture of the diversity of life on Earth now so that
comparisons can be made in the future and trends identified. But it isn't necessary to
Questions 14-20
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 2?
In boxes 14-20 on your answer sheet, write
TRUE if the statement is true
FALSE if the statement is false
NOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage
14 The term "biodiversity" consists of living creatures and the environment that they
live in.
15 There are species that have not been researched because it's unnecessary to
study all creatures.
16 It is not necessary to investigate all creatures in a certain place.
17 The press more often than not focuses on animals well-known.
18 There is a successful case that cactus moth plays a positive role in the US.
19 Usage of hardwoods is forbidden in some European countries.
20 Agriculture experts advise farmers to plant single crops in the field in terms of
sustainable farming.
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 27-40 which are based on Reading
Passage 3 below.
Nature works Polylactic acid
A dozen years ago, scientists at Cargill got the idea of converting lactic acid made from
corn into plastic while examining possible new uses for materials produced from corn
wet milling processes. In the past, several efforts had been made to develop plastics
from lactic acid, but with limited success. Achieving this technological breakthrough
didn't come easily, but in time the efforts did succeed. A fermentation and distillation
process using com was designed to create a polymer suitable for a broad variety of
As an agricultural based firm, Cargill had taken this product as far as it could by 1997.
By applying their unique technology to the processing of natural plant sugars, Cargill
Dow has created a more environmentally friendly material that reaches the consumer in
clothes, cups, packaging and other products. While Cargill Dow is a stand-alone
business, it continues to leverage the agricultural processing, manufacturing and
polymer expertise of the two parent companies in order to bring the best possible
products to market.
The basic raw materials for PLA are carbon dioxide and water. Growing plants, like
com, take these building blocks from the atmosphere and the soil. They are combined in
the plant to make carbohydrates (sucrose and starch) through a process driven by
photosynthesis. The process for making Nature Works PLA begins when a renewable
resource such as corn is milled, separating starch from the raw material. Unrefined
dextrose, in turn, is processed from the starch.
Cargill Dow turns the unrefined dextrose into lactic acid using a fermentation process
similar to that used by beer and wine producers. This is the same lactic acid that is used
as a food additive and is found in muscle tissue in the human body. Through a special
condensation process, a lactide is formed. This lactide is purified through vacuum
distillation and becomes a polymer (the base for NatureWorks PLA) that is ready for use
Nature Works PLA fits all disposal systems and is fully compostable in commercial
composting facilities. With the proper infrastructure, products made from this polymer
can be recycled back to a monomer and re-used as a polymer. Thus, at the end of its
life cycle, a product made from Nature Works PLA can be broken down into its simplest
parts so that no sign of it remains.
PLA is now actively competing with traditional materials in packaging and fiber
applications throughout the world; based on the technology's success and promise,
Cargill Dow is quickly becoming a premier player in the polymers market. This new
polymer now competes head-on with petroleum-based materials like polyester. A wide
range of products that vary in molecular weight and crystallinity can be produced, and
the blend of physical properties of PLA makes it suited for a broad range of fiber and
packaging applications. Fiber and non-woven applications include clothing, fiberfill,
blankets and wipes. Packaging applications include packaging films and food and
beverage containers.
As Nature Works PLA polymers are more oil- and grease-resistant and provide a better
flavor and aroma barrier than existing petroleum-based polymers, grocery retailers are
increasingly using this packaging for their fresh foods. As companies begin to explore
this family of polymers, more potential applications are being identified. For example,
PLA possess two properties that are particularly useful for drape fabrics and window
furnishings. Their resistance to ultraviolet light is particularly appealing as this reduces
Questions 27-30
Write the letters A-Fin boxes 27-30 on your answer sheet.
27 scientists manage to
28 Cargill needs to have contacts with
29 Nature work is used for
30 lngeo is used to
A make things like clothes
B produce plastic from plant
C selling plastic in market
D fermentation process
E drape fabrics
F wrapping products
Milling Corn
unrefint!d clexlrose
Lactic acid
32 __ _
33 __ _ Lactidc
Solvent-free melting
I Nature works and PLA
Questions 35-40
Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.
Write your answers in boxes 35-40 on your answer sheet.
35 Why did choose the PLA as material for food packaging?
A It smells good
B It can save food freshness
C It can be used on other materials
D Some other things need to be revised about it.
36 What is PLA packaging is used for?
A absorbing moisture
B composting facilities
C Packaging fresh food
D manufacturing
WRITING TASK 1 ( rut tu, de thi g6c)
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
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su,n,norise rhe Information by 3-,:lec-tlng and reporting :the rnaln fe~ture~ .. and mole: compart~ons. wh re
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New Zealand
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I To w11st extent do \
L ________ you agree or Clfsagroo?
---- --------- -- -- --
G,vo re-'!sona for \ d
or QXperfence. your answer and Include any re\evan\ ex~mp\c:.s {rom ~out own \<.no\1\1
e ge.