Hod-bil Rudrapur Upgradation Work
Hod-bil Rudrapur Upgradation Work
Hod-bil Rudrapur Upgradation Work
Regd.Office Plot No.1707, Aardee City Gate Sec-52, Village Wazirabad,Gurgaon Haryana-122003
Tel .:+91-8800692255 Email: dkengineers11@gmail.com
Fire sprinklers are most effective during the fire's initial flame growth stage. A properly
selected sprinkler will detect the fire's heat, initiate alarm and begin suppression within
moments after flames appear. In most instances sprinklers will control fire advancement
within a few minutes of their activation. This will in tum result in significantly less
damage than otherwise would happen without sprinklers.
Sprinkler systems offer several benefits to building owners, operators, and occupants.
These benefits include:
Immediate alert.
In conjunction with the building fire alarm system, automatic sprinkler systems
will notify occupants and emergency response personnel of the developing fire.
Reduced heat and smoke damage.
Significantly less heat and smoke will be generated when the fire is extinguished at
an early stage.
Staff, visitors and fire fighters will be subject to less danger when fire growth is
Design flexibility.
Egress route and fire/smoke barrier placement becomes less restrictive since early
fire control minimizes demand on these systems. Greater utilization of exhibition
and assembly spaces is usually a benefit.
Enhanced Security.
Sprinkler controlled fires are less damaging than fires in non-sprinklered buildings.
This results in lower insurance reimbursements. Insurance underwriters will
usually offer reduced premiums in sprinkler protected properties which can save a
large amount of capital. This is especially important when funds are limited.
These benefits should be considered when deciding on the selection of automatic fire
sprinkler protection.
For most fires, water represents the ideal extinguishing agent. Fire sprinklers utilize water
by direct application onto flames and heat. This action cools the combustion process and
prevents ignition of adjacent combustibles.
Sprinkler systems are essentially a series of water pipes which are supplied by a reliable
water supply. At selected intervals along these pipes are independent, heat activated
valves known as sprinkler heads. It is the sprinkler which is responsible for water
distribution onto the fire. Most sprinkler systems also include an alarm to alert occupants
and emergency forces when sprinkler activation (fire) occurs.
During the incipient fire stage, heat output is relatively low and unable to cause sprinkler
operation. As the fire intensity increases, however, the sprinkler's sensing elements
become exposed to elevated temperatures (typically in excess of 135-225°F/57-
l 07°C)and they begin to deform. Assuming temperatures remain high, as they would
during an increasing fire, the element will fatigue after an approximate 30 second to 4
minute period. This will release the sprinkler's seals allowing water to discharge onto the
fire. In most situations less than 2 sprinklers are needed to suppress the fire. In fast
growing fire scenarios such as a flammable liquid spill, up to 12 sprinklers may be
required for control.
Additional actions may occur when sprinkler activation happens. These include initiation
of building and/or fire department alarms, operation of supplemental water supply
systems, shutdown of selected electrical and mechanical equipment closing of fire doors
and dampers, and suspension of processes.
When fire fighters arrive they will verify that the system has contained the fire and, when
satisfied, shut off the water flow and restore services. It is at this point that staff will
normally be permitted to enter the damaged space and perform salvage duties.
4: System Components and Types
The basic components of a sprinkler system are the sprinklers, system piping, and a
dependable water source. Most systems also require an alarm, system control valves, and
means to test the equipment. Illustration 4-1 shows the arrangement of a typical sprinkler
The sprinkler is the spray nozzle which distributes water over a defined fire hazard area
(typically 150-225 sq. ft.). Each sprinkler operates by actuation of its own temperature
linkage. The typical sprinkler consists of a frame, thermal operated linkage, cap, orifice,
and deflector. Styles of each component may vary but the basic principles of each remain
the same.
The frame provides the main structural component which holds the sprinkler
together. The water supply pipe connects to the sprinkler at the base of the frame.
The frame holds the thermal linkage and cap in place, and supports the deflector
during discharge. Frame styles include standard and low profile, flush, and
concealed mount. Some frames are designed for extended spray coverage, beyond
the range of normal sprinklers. Standard finishes include brass, chrome, black, and
white. Custom finishes are available for aesthetically sensitive spaces. Special
coatings are available for areas subject to high corrosive effect. Selection of a
specific frame style is dependent on the size and type of area to be covered,
anticipated hazard, visual impact features, and atmospheric conditions.
Thermal linkage.
The thermal linkage is the component which controls water release. Under normal
conditions the linkage holds the cap in place and prevents water flow, however, as
the link is exposed to heat it weakens and releases the cap. Common linkage styles
include soldered metal levers, frangible glass bulbs, and solder pellets. Each link
style is equally dependable.
The cap provides the water tight seal which is located over the sprinkler orifice.
This component is held in place by the thermal linkage. Operation of the linkage
causes the cap to fall from position and permit water flow. Caps are constructed
solely of metal or a metal with a teflon disk.
The machined opening at the base of the sprinkler frame is the orifice. It is from
this opening which extinguishing water flows. Most orifice openings are 1/2 inch
diameter with smaller bores available for residential applications and larger
openings for higher hazards.
The deflector is mounted on the frame opposite the orifice. The purpose of this
component is to break up the water stream discharging from the orifice into a more
efficient extinguishing pattern. Deflector styles determine how the sprinkler is
mounted, by the angle of their tines. Common sprinkler mounting styles are
upright (mounted above the pipe), pendent (mounted below the pipe, i.e. under
ceilings), and sidewall sprinklers which discharge water in a lateral position from a
wall. The sprinkler must be mounted as designed to ensure proper action. Selection
of a particular style is often dependent upon physical building constraints.
Illustration 4.2 shows the components of a typical, standard sprinkler head while
illustration 4.3 shows the various simplified sprinkler head styles.
A sprinkler which has received widespread interest for museum applications is the on/off
sprinkler. The principle behind these products is that as a fire occurs, water discharge and
extinguishing action will happen similar to standard sprinklers. As the room temperature
is cooled to a safer level, a bi-metallic snap disk on the sprinkler closes and water flow
ceases. Should the fire reignite, operation will once again occur.
The advantage of on/off sprinklers is their ability to shut off which theoretically can
reduce the quantity of water distributed, and resultant damage levels. The problem,
however, is the long time period which may pass before room temperatures are
sufficiently cooled to the sprinkler's shut off point. In most museums the building's
construction will retain heat and prevent the desired sprinkler shut down. Frequently, fire
emergency response forces will have arrived and will have closed sprinkler zone control
valves, before the sprinkler's shut down feature has functioned.
On-off sprinklers typically cost 8-10 times more than the average sprinkler. This added
cost is only beneficial when assurance can be made that these products will perform as
intended. Therefore, on-off sprinkler use in museum facilities should remain limited.
All sprinkler systems require a reliable water source. In urban areas, a piped public
service is the most common supply, while rural areas generally utilize private tanks,
reservoirs, lakes, or rivers. Where a high degree of reliability is desired, or a single source
is undependable, multiple supplies may be utilized.
Fires can happen at any time and therefore, the water supply must be in a constant
state of readiness. Supplies must be evaluated for resistance to pipe failure,
pressure loss, droughts, and other issues which may impact availability.
A sprinkler system will create a hydraulic demand, in terms of flow and pressure,
on the water supply. The supply must be capable of meeting this demand.
Otherwise, supplemental components such as a fire pump or standby tank must be
added to the system.
The supply must provide water for the anticipated fire duration.
Depending on the fire hazard, suppression may take several minutes to over an
hour. The selected source must be capable of providing sprinklers with water until
suppression has been achieved.
The system must provide water for fire department hoses operating in tandem with
the sprinkler system.
Most fire department procedures involve the use of fire attack hoses to supplement
sprinklers. The water supply must be capable of handling this additional demand
without adverse impact on sprinkler performance.
Sprinkler water is transported to fire via a system of fixed pipes and fittings. Piping
material options include various steel alloys, copper, and fire resistant plastics. Steel is
the traditional material with copper and plastics utilized in many sensitive applications.
Ease of installation.
The easier the material is installed, the less disruption is imposed on the
institution's operations and mission. The ability to install a system with the least
amount of disturbance is an important consideration, especially in sprinkler retrofit
applications where building use will continue during construction.
Piping typically represents the greatest single cost item in a sprinkler system. Often
there is a temptation to reduce costs by utilizing less expensive piping materials
which may be perfectly acceptable in certain instances, i.e. office or commercial
environs. However, in museum applications where the value of contents may be far
beyond sprinkler costs, appropriateness of the piping
Control valves.
A sprinkler system must be capable of shut down after the fire has been controlled,
and for periodic maintenance and modification. Control valves provide this
function. In the simplest system a single shut-off valve may be located at the point
where the water supply enters the building. In larger buildings the sprinkler system
may consist of multiple zones with a control valve for each. Control valves should
be located in readily identified locations to assist responding emergency personnel.
Alarms alert building occupants and emergency forces when a sprinkler water flow
occurs. The simplest alarms are water driven gongs supplied by the sprinkler
system. Electrical flow and pressure switches, connected to a building fire alarm
system, are more common in large buildings. Alarms are also provided to alert
building management when a sprinkler valve is closed.
Most sprinkler systems have provisions to drain pipes during system maintenance.
Drains should be properly installed to remove all water from the sprinkler system,
and prevent water from leakage onto protected spaces, when piping service is
necessary. It is advisable to install drains at a remote location from the supply,
thereby permitting effective system flushing to remove debris. Test connections are
usually provided to simulate the flow of a sprinkler flow, thereby verifying the
working condition of alarms. Test connections should be operated every 6 months.
Specialty valves.
Dry-pipe and preaction sprinkler systems require complex, special control valves
that are designed to hold water from the system piping until needed. These control
valves also include air pressure maintenance equipment and emergency
operation/release systems.
Fire fighters will often supplement sprinkler systems with hoses. Firefighting tasks
are enhanced by installing hose connections to sprinkler system piping. The
additional water demand imposed by these hoses must be factored into the overall
sprinkler design in order to prevent adverse system performance.
Basics of Fire Fighting Hydrant Systems
Fire Fighting Hydrant Systems are the most commonly used systems, in many residential
and industrial projects. If you have ever seen a "Red" colour pipe, circulating around a
building or factory, you have seen a Fire Hydrant Pipe. In most news clippings about a fire,
you can see a fireman shooting water up to 8stories high or more, that fire man is using the
Fire Hydrant System. Such is the power of the Fire Hydrant System that water can be shot
right up to 8 floor, directly into the fire. Fire Hydrant Systems forms the basis, of Fire
Protection Systems, without Fire Hydrant System a Fire Protection System cannot be called
a Fire Protection System. It will be a superficial system. (With respect to large areas, in
general). Fire Hydrant System installation is relatively easy.
This is very effective extinguishing system suitable for various plants and high-rise
buildings as well as commercial complexes. The system mainly consists of water storage
reservoir (underground or aboveground), pump set, piping ring around the building and
terminals in side the building, hydrant valves, hoses, branch pipes with nozzles and hose
boxes. On the ring main the hydrant stand posts are provided with hydrant valves.
The system is of two types one is wet riser and other dry riser. The wet riser system is
automatic type and dry riser is of manually operable.
In case of fire, the hose can be connected to the hydrant valve with the nozzles at the
outlet end and the pump can be started. For automatic operation of the pump the jockey
pump is provided which normally pressurise the pipes and as soon as the valve is open
and pressure reduces the main pump starts automatically.
With the help of pressure and ample water, the jet from the nozzles can be projected at the
base of fire to extinguish completely.
A special well is dug, called "Fire Well", where water is stored throughout the year for
365days. This water well is connected to the pump room. From the pump room, there are
two to three main pipes. These pipes form a network of pipe that cover the factory
compound and the factory. The pump has the work, to continuously filling all the pipes
connected with water under pressure. The pressure is nearly 7bar to 1Obar.
When a fire is seen by a person, he activates the hydrant system and points it in the
direction of the fire. A very strong flow of water now, attacks the fire and the fire is
eventually extinguished. The pump continuously pumps the water to maintain the system
Fire Hydrant Systems are very strong and can be used from medium to large sized fires.
Fire Hydrant Systems, have a long range. Since the Fire Hydrant System is spread out, the
fire hydrant can attack fire from different angles. This entire systems requires low
maintenance and virtually, does not leak water. Besides this, Fire Hydrant Systems have a
long life.
There are few disadvantages. The first is that it has to be manually activated. The flow of
Fire Hydrant System is so strong that, there are two men required to hold the water hose.
Fire Hydrant System, may cause damage to the instruments or machines.
With reference to the above subject, we are pleased to inform you that the above systems
have been officially handed over to you on December 3, 2024.These will be under
warranty for a period of 12 Months i.e., from December 3, 2024 to December 3, 2025.
Yours Truly,
Authorised Signatory
3.35.2 Wireless Smoke Detector
Each -
3.35.3 Wireless Heat Detector
2 Each
4,300 8,599.50
3.35.4 Wireless Manual call Box
1 Each
5,198 5,197.50
3.35.5 Wireless Sounder, connected to nearest
electrical supply including step down 1 Each
6,143 6,142.50
transformer unit
3.36 Supplying, installing, testing and
commissioning of High Temperature Heat 30 Each
1,748 52,447.50
Detector ( Conventional type )
3.37 Vesda Air Aspirating System for Cold Room
with all equiopments, Sensor, pipuing etc, 1 Set
complete for max area of 200 Sq Mtr 2,97,675 2,97,675.00
6.00 Providing, installing, testing and
commissioning of , of UL listed system FK
1230 Gas Suppression System consisting of
seamless cylinders of 34 litre each and
suitable for FK 1230 Gas pressurised to 42 bar
pressure complete with common pipe -
manifold of seamless pipe, pilot cyinder,
Electric Actuator, Relief Valve, Pressure
Guages, high pressure rubber hose, brackets,
floor mounting assembly consisting of MS
angle boxing.
4.1.1 One cylinder of 34 litre capacity suitable for
2 Set
aoprox 30 kg Gas Fill 2,03,175 4,06,350.00
4.1.2 FK 1230 Gas pressurised to 42 bar
50 Kg
4,205 2,10,262.50
4.20 Providing, of Safeway make CONVENTIONAL
Fire Alarm cum Gas Release panel complete
with 4 Fire Alarm Zones , cross zoning and 2
zone Gas discharge cards with complete with
Power Card, 15 Ah SMF Battery, digital
ammeter, each gas zone complete with
1 Set
Isolate, Abort switch, Discharge switch, Timer 30,713 30,712.50
Knob, Evacuation alert, gas discharge and
complete with relay for actuation of gas
solenoid valve.
One additional zone for Hydrogen Gas
Detector with power supply
4.30 Providing FK 1230 discharge nozzles
2 Each
10,868 21,735.00
4.40 Providing, of Ul listed Inhibit Switch. With
1 Each
acrylic hinged cover 4,111 4,110.75
4.50 Providing, of UL listed Manual Gas Discharge
1 Each
Switch. With acrylic hinged cover 4,111 4,110.75
4.60 Conventional Smoke Detector UL listed
2 Each
1,682 3,364.20
4.70 Conventional Multi Criteria Detector UL listed
2 Each
1,871 3,742.20
4.80 Conventional Manual Call Box UL listed
2 Each
1,115 2,230.20
4.90 Providing and installing of seamless MS pipe
schedule 80 with forged weklded fittings and -
with rigid supports complete as required -
4.4.1 25 mm dia
10 Mtr
1,181 11,812.50
4.4.2 20 mm dia
10 Mtr
926 9,261.00
4.7 Hydrogen Gas Detector
1 Each
18,711 18,711.00
Total of Gas System
5.1 Obtaining approval from Local Fire Service for
Job -
completed work as per tender.
5.2 Training of staff in handling of hydrants,
hoses, pumps, pump panels, detectors, fire
alarm system, handling of fires, fire orders and
other safety training by competent staff
1 Job
aprroved by Owner. Training shall be carried 6,500 6,500.00
out over three days. For each batch. There
shall be at least two batches which shall not
be in continuation with each other.
5.3 Providing of Mobile Wheeled Foam Unit with
Stainless tank of 220 litres capacity with 3 %
Foam rated at 7 bar pressure complete with
Each -
aluminium inductor, aluminium branch pipe 2,20,500
and 1 nos 15 M x 63 mm dia hose complete
with SS couplings.
5.4 Providing & fixing wall mounted Graphic
Escape and Fire Equipment Signages
consisting of graphic image on one half and
20 Each
arrow in other half screen painted on Zinc 1,850 37,000.00
Sulphide Photo Luminescent coatings on
acrylic sheet. Signages shall be 30 cm x 45 cm
5.4.1 Providing & fixing wall mounted PRojected V
type Graphic Escape and Fire Equipment
Signages consisting of graphic image screen
painted on Zinc Sulphide Photo Luminescent 1,600 48,000.00
coatings on acrylic sheet. Signages shall be 30
cm x 90 cm with fold
5.5 Providing & fixing wall mounted Floor Plan
Signages for emergency eggress consisting of
Building Floor Plan screen painted on Zinc
Sulphide Photo Luminescent coatings on
6 Each
acrylic sheet. Signages shall be 50 cm x 50 cm 1,600 9,600.00
and shall consist of Floor Plan with location of
staircases / exits and arrow markings
indicating escape paths.
5.6 Painting with enamel painting on wall at
locations of Fire Extinguisher. Painted area
shall be approix 0.4 M x 1.0 M with 10 cm band
20 Job
around outer part of rectangle and diagonal 1,400 28,000.00
zebra band inside with words "FIRE
EXTINGUISHER" painted above the rectange.
5.7 CO2 Fire Extinguisher of 4.5 Kg capacity fitted
with lever type high pressure control valve
with 1.0 M long rubber braided discahrge
Each 10094 -
hose with horn. The Body shall be CCE
approved with IS:15683 marking and supplied
with initial charge of CO2 gas.
5.8 9 litres water type Fire Extinguisher IS 15683
marked complete as required. Stored Each 4268 -
pressure type
5.9 Supply of ISI marked ( IS:13385 ) Water type
portable Fire Extinguisher of 50 litre capacity
made of high pressure steel cylinder
complete with discharge tube, 1 M long high
pressure wire braided discharge hose,
Each 44500 -
discharge horn fully charged with water and
with 300 gram CO2 external cartridge,
plunger, two wheel trolley complete.
Discharge time shall be maximum 180
5.1 Supply of ISI marked 9 litres AFFF (Aqueous
Film Forming Foam) Fire Extinguisher with
Each 4850 -
internal plastic lining and complete in all
5.11 Supply of ISI marked DCP type trolley type
portable Fire Extinguisher of 50 kg capacity
made of high pressure steel cylinder
complete with discharge tube, 1 M long high
pressure wire braided discharge hose, Each 52500 -
discharge horn fully charged with ABC
powder and with 2 kg CO2 external cartridge,
two wheel trolley complete. Discharge time
shall be maximum 50 seconds
5.12 Providing of powder coated Extinguisher
stand for two nos extinguishers (2 x CO2 or 1
no CO2 + 1 no water) in rectangular box
framing by 1.6 mm dia pipe tubes. The stand
shall be four legged and bottom of Each -
extinguishers shall be min 100 mm from floor
with plastic caps. Ecah extinguisher shall also
have circular clamp within stand. Sample to
first approved.
5.13 Supply of ISI marked 2 Kg FE 36 extinguisher
4 Each
10,200 40,800.00
5.14 Supply of ISI marked DCP type trolley type
portable Fire Extinguisher of 45 kg capacity
made of high pressure steel cylinder
complete with discharge tube, 1 M long high
pressure wire braided discharge hose, Each -
discharge horn fully charged with ABC
powder and with 2 kg CO2 external cartridge,
two wheel trolley complete. Discharge time
shall be maximum 50 seconds
5.16 Providing and installing of ABC powder filled
4 Each
10 Kg Ceiling mounted modular extinguisher 6,426 25,704.00
5.17 Providing and installing of FE 36 filled 5 Kg
4 Each
Ceiling mounted modular extinguisher 23,100 92,400.00
5.18 Providing and laying of intumiscent cable seal
at cable crossings from wall.of 30 minute 4 Sq Mtr
11,151 44,604.00
rating. 3M make
5.19 Providing and laying of 3M cable seal bags
12 Each
6,500 78,000.00
5.2 Providing and laying on floor / skirting self
adhesive photo luminescent way finding tape 300 Mtr
60 18,000.00
Prolite make, 25 mm wide
5.21 Providing and installing Newage Extinguisher
Box of size 600mm X 800mm X 300 mm Each -
of mild steel construction
5.21 Providing SS Hydrant Wrench
1 Each
1,550 1,550.00
5.22 Providing of 2 KG FE 36 extinguisher
2 Each
23,100 46,200.00
5.23 Providing of Fire Blanket of size 1.0 mtr x 2.0
2 Each
of glass fibre 1,700 3,400.00
5.24 Providing of Fire mans suit and shall be made
from Inherent Flame Resistance fabric 93%
Meta Aramid, 5% Para-Aramid, 2% Antistatic, 1 Each
17,500 17,500.00
Suit shakl include Jacket and Trouser. It shall
be black in colour with photo lumiscent strips
5.25 Providing of Firemans Helmet with Goggle
Amice Electric Shock Prevention Flame-
1 Each
Retardant Pierce Resistance Fire Fighting 2,410 2,410.00
5.26 Providing of 65 litre ABS palstic rigid suitcase
1 Each
of keeping Firemans Suit, blanket etc 6,426 6,426.00
5.27 Providing and fixing of medium duty hollow
metal fire rated doors as per IS 3614: 2021,
for 120min integrity & 30min. insulation.
Pressed galvanized steel confirming to IS 277
with the following specification.
Recommended fire door shall be tested to IS
17518 (Part 1) : 2022 / ISO 3008-1: 2019 from
CBRI/TBW/Exova lab and manufactured in ISO
9001: 2015 certfied company for quality
management. ISI labled fire door shall be with
fire rated hardware and vision panel (if
required)all as a complete assembly. Proper
label confirming the type of door and the
hourly rating is mandatory.
Name Designation Contact No.
Dear Sir/Madam
This is to certify that we have comsspleted assigned work (FIRE Sprinkler & Hydrant) against
PO No: 720012930 Date: 02/01/2024
At Location:
Signature: Signature