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Data sheet

HPE Aruba Networking

CX 8100 Switch Series
High performance enterprise campus and data center switch

Product overview These switches deliver a fantastic

Key features investment for customers requiring
• High-performance 1.76Tbps The HPE Aruba Networking CX 8100 1GbE/10GbEwith a mix of fiber and
and 1,309 Mpps Switch Series offers a flexible and innovative copper ports, and 40/100GbE
• Intelligent monitoring and visibility approach to addressing the application, uplink ports.
with HPE Aruba Networking security, and scalability demands of the
Network Analytics Engine mobile, cloud, and IoT era. These switches
• High availability with industry serve the needs of the next-generation core Product differentiators
leading VSX redundancy, and aggregation layer of campuses, as well
and redundant power supplies as virtual and highly dynamic data center The HPE Aruba Networking CX 8100
and fans environments. They provide up to 1.76 Tbps switch series is based on AOS-CX, a modern,
of capacity, with line-rate Gigabit Ethernet database-driven operating system that
• Designed for core/aggregation
interfaces including support for Smart Rate automates and simplifies many critical and
in the campus or Top of
Rack or End of Row in data (1/2.5/5 Gbps), 10Gbps, 25Gbps, 40Gbps, complex tasks. The enhanced capabilities
center environments and 100Gbps. of AOS-CX provide a unique set of
differentiators for campus and data
The CX 8100 series includes industry- center switching.
leading line rate ports with 1/10GbE (SFP/
SFP+) and 40/100GbE (QSFP+/QSFP28)
connectivity in a compact 1U form factor.
4x10Gbps and 4x25Gbps break out from
40/100G ports offer advanced flexibility in
connectivity and aggregation.
Data sheet Page 2

Modular Architecture with native Manager to enable dynamic segmentation

Key features cloud-native AOS-CX and distributed enforcement at a global scale.
• AOS-CX automation and The HPE Aruba Networking CX
programmability using built-in Operating System (AOS-CX) is a modern, Additionally, a Central Advanced
REST APIs and Python scripts database-driven operating system that subscription enables the CX Advanced
• Advanced Layer 2/3 feature set automates and simplifies many critical and Feature Pack so there is no need to
includes BGP, OSPF, VRF, and IPv6 complex network tasks. Every CX switch separately purchase a CX Advanced Feature
• Addition of Smart Rate includes AOS-CX at no cost and with an Pack. This streamlines operational efficiency,
(1/2.5/5/10G) ports on active, perpetual set of native features reducing the need for your IT team to keep
the 8100-40XT8XF4C and which has everything needed to deploy, track of multiple subscriptions, active terms,
8100-24XT4XF4C connect, and troubleshoot an enterprise and renewal dates.
network, including:
For more information on HPE Aruba
• HPE Aruba Networking Analytics Networking Central subscriptions, see
Engine (NAE) the HPE Aruba Networking Central SaaS
• Dynamic Segmentation Subscription Ordering Guide.
• High Availability and Resiliency
HPE Aruba Networking Analytics Engine
• Quality of Service (QoS)
AOS-CX includes HPE Aruba Networking
• Layer 2 Switching Analytics Engine (NAE) for advanced
telemetry and automation. The NAE
• Layer 3 Services and Routing
framework is an industry-first monitoring
• IP Multicast and troubleshooting system, providing
greatly improved network operations. NAE
• Network Security
uniquely provides the ability to monitor
• Support for HPE Aruba and easily troubleshoot network health
Networking NetEdit and congestion issues. The Time Series
Database (TSDB) may be used to store
In addition to the native features configuration and operational state.
available in AOS-CX, we offer an optional,
term-based HPE Aruba Networking CX Customers can use data from the TSDB
Advanced Feature Pack that unlocks to write software modules to troubleshoot
container infrastructure that can host problems. This data may also be used to
HPE certified applications for flexible analyze trends, identify anomalies, and
and reliable IT services. predict future capacity requirements.

For more information, read the

HPE Aruba Networking CX Switch HPE Aruba Networking Virtual
License Ordering Guide. Switching Extension
The ability of AOS-CX to maintain
synchronous state across dual control
HPE Aruba Networking Central, planes allows a unique high availability
Cloud-based network management solution called HPE Aruba Networking
Flexible cloud-based or on-premises Virtual Switching Extension (VSX).
management for unified network operations
of wired, WLAN, SD-WAN, and public cloud VSX is delivered through redundancy
infrastructure. Designed to simplify day zero gained by deploying two chassis with
through day two operations with streamlined an inter-switch link, with each chassis
workflows. Switch management capabilities maintaining its independent control.
include configuration, onboarding,
monitoring, troubleshooting, and reporting. Designed using the best features of existing
HA technologies such as Multichassis
An HPE Aruba Networking Central Link Aggregation (MC-LAG) - HPE Aruba
Advanced license expands these capabilities Networking VSX enables a distributed
with premium security and AIOps, including architecture that is highly available during
the HPE Aruba Networking Central upgrades or control plane events.
NetConductor Fabric Wizard and Policy
Data sheet Page 3

Product capabilities All QSFP ports (QSFP+/QSFP28), on the

8100-24XT4XF4C and 8100-24XF4C
Performance support optional 4x10G/4x25G break
High-speed fully distributed architecture out capability.
Provides up to 1.76Tbps for bidirectional
switching and 1,309 Mpps for forwarding to There is 1Gbps transceiver support,
meet the demands of bandwidth- intensive including 1GBASE-T, on SFP+ports.
applications today and in the future
Jumbo frames
Scalable system design Allows high-performance backups and
Provides investment protection to disaster-recovery systems; provides a
support future technologies and maximum frame size of 9K bytes
higher-speed connectivity
Unsupported Transceiver Mode (UTM)
Connectivity • Allows users to insert and enable
Variety of port density options unsupported 1G, 10G, 25G and 100G
Four different base models, each sold in transceivers and cables
two airflow modes: a Front to Back airflow • No warranty nor support for the
bundle, and Back to Front airflow bundle: transceiver/cable when used
• 8100-48XF4C Loopback
+ 48 ports of 1GbE/10GbE\(SFP/SFP+) Supports internal loopback testing for
maintenance purposes and increased
+ 4 ports of 40GbE/100GbE (QSFP+/ availability; loopback detection protects
QSFP28) against incorrect cabling or network
configurations and can be enabled
• 8100-24XT4XF4C on a per-port or per-VLAN basis for
added flexibility
+ 24 ports of 100M/1GbE/10GbE
Packet storm protection
+ 4 1GbE/10GbE (SFP/SFP+) Protects against unknown broadcast,
multicast, or unicast storms with
+ 4 ports of 40GbE/100GbE (QSFP+/ user-defined thresholds

+ Support Smart Rate (1/2.5/5/10G) Quality of Service (QoS)

Strict priority (SP) queuing and Deficit
• 8100-24XF4C Weighted Round Robin (DWRR)
+ 24 ports of 1GbE/10GbE (SFP/SFP+) Enables congestion avoidance
+ 4 ports of 40GbE/100GbE (QSFP+/ Data Center Bridging (DCB)
QSFP28) • Supports lossless Ethernet networking
standards to eliminate packet loss due
• 8100-40XT8XF4C to queue overflow
+ 40 ports of 100M/1GbE/10GbE • Priority Flow Control (PFC) 2 priorities
(10GBASE-T) per port
+ 8 1GbE/10GbE (SFP/SFP+) • Enhanced Transmission Service (ETS)
• DCB Exchange Protocol (Pre-standard
+ 4 ports of 40GbE/100GbE (QSFP+/
LLDP DCBX IEEE 1.01 version)

+ Support Smart Rate (1/2.5/5/10G)

Data sheet Page 4

Flow-Control Guard • Enabled for both BGP IPv4 and IPv6

Prevents accumulation of excessive
congestion with periodic flushing. Ethernet Ring Protection Switching (ERPS)
Avoids packets buffering for an Supports rapid protection and recovery in a
extended time period ring topology

ECN with slope Unidirectional Link Detection (UDLD)

Marks packets as ECN-CE (Congestion Monitors link connectivity and shuts
Experienced). Helps TCP to reduce down ports at both ends if unidirectional
receive window size during congestion traffic is detected, preventing loops in
STP-based networks
Advanced lossless pool configuration
Global buffering statistics IEEE 802.3ad LACP
Storage Solution Support Supports up to 52 LAGs, with up to 8
iSCSI, Lossless iSCSI, RDMA over Converged members per LAG with a user-selectable
Ethernet version 2 (RoCE v1 and v2) and L1- 4 hashing algorithm
Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe
over Fabrics)
In addition to the HPE Aruba Networking CX
Resiliency and high availability Mobile App, HPE Aruba Networking NetEdit
Redundant and load-sharing fans and HPE Aruba Networking Network
and power supplies Analytics Engine, the 8100 series offers
Increases total performance and the following:
power availability while providing
hitless, stateful failover
REST API interface
Built-in, programmable and easy-to-use
Hot swappable power supply and
fan modules
Management interface control
Allows replacement of accessory modules
Enables or disables each of the following
without any operational impact on other
interfaces depending on security
modules nor the switch operations
preferences: console port or reset button

Separate data and control paths

Industry-standard CLI with a
Separates control from services and keeps
hierarchical structure
service processing isolated; increases
Reduces training time and expenses,
security and performance
and increases productivity in
multivendor installations
HPE Aruba Networking Virtual Switching
Extension (VSX) Management security
VSX enables a distributed and redundant Restricts access to critical configuration
architecture by deploying two switches commands; offers multiple privilege levels
with each switch, maintaining independent with password protection; ACLs provide
control yet staying synchronized during SNMP access; local and remote Syslog
upgrades or failover. Also supports upgrades capabilities allow logging of all access
during live operation
Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol • Monitors the network for degradation of
(VRRP) various services, including voice
VRRP allows a group of switches to • Monitoring is enabled via the NAE for
dynamically back each other up to create history and for immediate automated
highly available routed environments gathering of additional information when
anomalies are detected
Bidirectional Forward Detection (BFD)
• Enable sub-second failure detection for
rapid routing protocol rebalancing
Data sheet Page 5

SNMP v2c/v3 IEEE 802.1AB Link Layer Discovery

Provides SNMP read and trap support of Protocol (LLDP)
industry standard Management Information Advertises and receives management
Base (MIB), and private extensions information from adjacent devices on a
network, facilitating easy mapping by
network management applications
sFlow® (RFC 3176)
Provides scalable ASIC-based wire-speed
network monitoring and accounting with LACP-fallback
no impact on network performance; this Enables Zero Touch Provisioning over Link
allows network operators to gather a variety Aggregation Groups
of sophisticated network statistics and
information for capacity planning and
Dual flash images
real-time network monitoring purposes
Provides independent primary and
secondary operating system files for
IPFIX backup while upgrading
IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX) is an
integrated network flow analysis tool that
Multiple configuration files
allows to measure flow properties and send
Stores files easily to the flash image
flow reports. The switch ASIC supports inline
flow accounting of all the packets ingressing
the switch. The telemetry can be used for Layer 2 switching
network monitoring and capacity planning. VLAN
Supports up to 1,024 port-based or IEEE
802.1Q-based VLANs
Remote monitoring (RMON)
Uses standard SNMP to monitor essential
network functions and supports events, VLAN translation
alarms, history, and statistics groups as well Remaps VLANs during transit across a
as a private alarm extension group core network

TFTP and SFTP support Bridge Protocol Data Unit

• Offers different mechanisms for (BPDU) tunneling
configuration updates; trivial FTP (TFTP) Transmits STP BPDUs transparently,
allows bidirectional transfers over a TCP/ allowing correct tree calculations across
IP network service providers, WANs, or MANs
• Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)
runs over an SSH tunnel to provide Port mirroring
additional security Duplicates port traffic (ingress and egress)
to a local or remote monitoring port;
Supportability supports 4 mirroring groups, with an
Job scheduler framework unlimited number of ports per group

Debug and sampler utility STP

Supports ping and traceroute for IPv4 Supports standard IEEE 802.1D STP, IEEE
and IPv6 802.1w Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol
(RSTP) for faster convergence, and IEEE
Network Time Protocol (NTP) 802.1s Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol
• Synchronizes timekeeping among (MSTP)
distributed time servers and clients; keeps
timekeeping consistent among all clock-
dependent devices within the network
• Can serve as the NTP server in a
customer network
Data sheet Page 6

Rapid Per-VLAN spanning tree Dual stack support

plus (RPVST+) • Reserved GBP Tag for Infrastructure
Allows each VLAN to build a separate (Switch Generated) Traffic
spanning tree to improve link bandwidth
• Allows stub fabric extender VTEPs to relay
usage in network environments with
VXLAN GBP between static and dynamic
multiple VLANs
VXLAN tunnels

Internet Group Management Troubleshooting on the overlay

Protocol (IGMP) • Supports ping over VXLAN for IPv4 and
Controls and manages the flooding of IPv6
multicast packets in a Layer 2 network • Supports traceroute over VXLAN for IPv4
and IPv6 services on the overlay
Static VXLAN • Supports RADIUS server over VXLAN for
Allows operators to manually connect two or IPv4 and IPv6
more VXLAN tunnel endpoints (VTEP)
• IPv4 DHCP relay over VXLAN for non-
default VRF
Dynamic VXLAN with BGP-EVPN
Deep segmentation for Spine/Leaf data • Route-leaking to/from default VRF
center networks or Layer 3 campus designs
with centralized gateway and symmetric Layer 3 services
Integrated Routing and Bridging (IRB) based Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)
distributed gateways VXLAN tunnels • Determines the MAC address of another
IP host in the same subnet; supports
• Port PBR VXLAN support static ARPs
• VSX Active Forwarding support for • Gratuitous ARP allows detection of
VXLAN underlay duplicate IP addresses
• Route-map support BGP EVPN AF • Proxy ARP allows normal ARP operation
between subnets or when subnets are
IPv4 multicast in VXLAN/EVPN overlay separated by a Layer 2 network
Enable PIM-SM/IGMP snooping in the
VXLAN Overlay IP directed broadcast
Supports directed broadcast on configured
IPv6 VXLAN/EVPN overlay support network subnets
Enables IPv6 traffic over the VXLAN overlay
Dynamic Host Configuration
VXLAN distributed anycast gateway Protocol (DHCP)
Addressing mechanism that enables the use • DHCP services are offered within a client
of the same gateway IP addresses across all network to simplify network management
the leaf switches part of a VXLAN network • DHCP Relay enables DHCP operation
across subnets
VXLAN ARP/ND suppression
DHCP server
Allows minimization of ARP and ND traffic
• Supports DHCP services (for IPv4 and
flooding within individual VXLAN segments,
IPv6) in customer networks
thus optimizing the VXLAN network
• Support for DHCP smart relay
Dynamic Segmentation DHCP relay coexistence with server
VXLAN Group-Based Policy (GBP) and Allows DHCP relay coexistence with DHCP
Role-based Policies server for both IPv4 and IPv6
• Enables micro segmentation and role-
based policies across the VXLAN overlay
Data sheet Page 7

Domain Name System (DNS) Dynamic BGP peering

Provides a distributed database that Simplifies BGP configuration for ZTP
translates domain names and IP addresses, scenarios and enables CX for Azure
which simplifies network design; supports stack integration
client and server
Routing Information Protocol
Layer 3 routing version 2 (RIPv2)
Static IPv4 routing Easy to configure routing protocol for
Provides simple manually configured small networks relying on User Datagram
IPv4 routing Protocol (UDP)

Sub-interface Routing Information Protocol Next

• Allows multiple IP addresses on a single Generation (RIPng)
routed interface Extension of RIPv2 for support of
IPv6 networking
• Supports unicast and multicast routing
for both IPv4 and IPv6
Multiprotocol BGP (MP-BGP) with IPv6
• Supports OSPF, BGP and PIM for both
Address Family
IPv4 and IPV6
Enables sharing of IPv6 routes using BGP
• Supported on RoP, L3 lags and and connections to BGP peers using IPv6
Hydra interfaces
• Network Load Balancing (NLB) Policy Based Routing (PBR)
• PBR and Ingress Policy support Enables use of a classifier to select traffic
that can be forwarded based on policy set
Open shortest path first (OSPF) by the network administrator
Delivers faster convergence; uses link-state
routing Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP), 6in4 tunnels
which supports ECMP, NSSA, and MD5 Supports the tunneling of IPv6 traffic in an
authentication for increased security and IPv4 network
graceful restart for faster failure recovery

Configurable OSPF distance for type-5 LSA IP performance optimization

Provides a set of tools to improve the
Configurable default-metric for OSPF performance of IPv4 networks; includes
default-information directed broadcasts, customization of TCP
parameters, support of ICMP error packets,
and extensive display capabilities
Loopback IP redistribution in OSPF
Allows redistribution of IPv4 and IPv6
addresses of loopback interface in Static IPv6 routing
OSFPv2/v3 Provides simple manually configured
IPv6 routing
Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4)
Delivers an implementation of the Exterior Dual IP stack
Gateway Protocol (EGP) utilizing path Maintains separate stacks for IPv4 and IPv6
vectors; uses TCP for enhanced reliability to ease the transition from an IPv4-only
for the route discovery process; reduces network to an IPv6-only network design
bandwidth consumption by advertising only
incremental updates; supports extensive
policies for increased flexibility; scales to
Provides OSPF support for IPv6
very large networks
Data sheet Page 8

Equal-Cost Multipath (ECMP) Remote Authentication Dial-In User

• Enables multiple equal-cost links in a Service (RADIUS)
routing environment to increase link Eases security access administration by
redundancy and scale bandwidth using a password authentication server
• 8 way Equal-cost multi-path • RADIUS Port-Access (Accounting,
routing (ECMP) Tracking, CoA, v4/v6, Dead Only
Server Tracking)
Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE)
enables tunneling traffic from site to site Terminal Access Controller Access-Control
over a Layer 3 path System (TACACS+)
Delivers an authentication tool using TCP
with encryption of the full authentication
Security request, providing additional security
TAA compliance
HPE Aruba Networking CX 8100, a TAA
compliant product runs AOS-CX, which RadSec
uses FIPS 140-2 validated cryptography for Enable RADIUS authentication and
protection of sensitive information accounting data to be passed safely and
reliably across insecure networks such as
the internet
Access control list (ACL) features
• Supports powerful ACLs for both IPv4
and IPv6. Supports creation of object Management access security
groups representing sets of devices like IP • AOS-CX provides for both on-box as well
addresses. For instance, IT management as off-box authentication for administrative
devices could be grouped in this way access. RADIUS or TACACS+ can be used
to provide encrypted user authentication
• ACLs can also protect control plane
services such as SSH, SNMP, NTP or • Additionally, TACACS+ can also provide
web servers user authorization services
• Dot1x supplicant: support for EAP-TLS
Port-access security
• 802.1x, Mac-auth, LUR, DUR, Port-Access
Secure shell (SSHv2)
Policy, Static Port Filtering
Uses external servers to securely log in to
• MAC lockdown, MAC lockout, sticky MAC a remote device; with authentication and
encryption, it protects against IP spoofing
Private VLAN and plain-text password interception;
• Enables traffic isolation for users on the increases the security of Secure FTP
same VLAN (SFTP) transfers
• Support for isolated, community and
primary VLANs Multicast
• L3-Mcast, IGMP snooping, MLD Internet Group Management
snooping, ACL/ Protocol (IGMP)
Enables establishing multicast group
• QoS interop, L3 unicast (BGP, IPDB, L3 memberships in IPv4 networks; supports
addressing, static routes) IGMPv1, v2, and v3
• VSX support
PIM multicast boundary (v4)
Enrollment over Secure Transport (EST) VSX Graceful shutdown for IGMP/MLD
Enables secure certificate enrollment, Multicast NSF
allowing for easier enterprise management
of PKI.
Data sheet Page 9

Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) FastLeave (FL) and Forced-FastLeave

Enables discovery of IPv6 multicast listeners; (FFL)
supports MLDv1 and v2 FL and FFL for IGMP/MLD speeds up the
process of blocking unnecessary Multicast
ROP Extension for VSX Border Leaf traffic to a switch port that is connected to
(Centralized/Distributed) end nodes for IGMP. They help to eliminate
the CPU overhead of having to generate an
IGMP/MLD Group-Specific Query message.
• ACL Support to define the PIM-SSM
ranges Network Load Balancer (NLB)
• Supported for server applications
• VSX, IPv6, IGMPv3 for IPv4, MSDP and
PIM-SSM interaction • Load balancing technology for server
clustering developed on Microsoft
Anycast Rendezvous Point (RP) Windows Server
Two or more RPs configured with same /32
Host IP address on loopback interfaces. All • Supports load sharing and redundancy
the downstream routers will be configured among servers within a cluster
to point to Anycast RP address for multicast
IGMP/MLD snooping
routes. Device will automatically select the
Prevent flooding of multicast traffic to
closest RP for each source and receiver.
non-listening ports
If equal costs routes exist, the process of
registering the sources will be shared equally
by all the RPs in the network. Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM)
Protocol Independent Multicast for IPv4 and
IPv6 supports one-to-many and many-to-
Multicast Service Delivery
many media casting use cases such as IPTV
Protocol (MSDP)
over IPv4 and IPv6 networks. Support for
Efficiently routes multicast traffic through
PIM Sparse Mode (PIM-SM, IPv4 and IPv6)
core networks

Additional information
MSDP Mesh Groups
Green initiative support
MSDP used for Anycast RP is an intradomain
Provides support for RoHS (EN
feature that provides redundancy and
63000:2018) regulations
load-sharing capabilities. When MSDP
mesh groups are used, SA messages are
not flooded to other mesh group peers. Korea Government security features
When an MSDP peer in a group receives an • Ensure configuration integrity
SA message from another MSDP peer in
the group, it assumes that this SA message • Limit concurrent users for web access
was sent to all the other MSDP peers in
the group. It also eliminates RPF checks on Analytics
arriving SA messages. With MSDP mesh • AIOPS - NAE Agent & Engine
group configured, SA messages are always Improvements – Unicast Routing
accepted from mesh group peer. • AIOPS - NAE Agent & Engine
Improvements – Client Services
PIM-dense mode
Floods multicast traffic to every corner
of the network (push-model). Method is
for delivering data to receivers without
receivers requesting the data. Can be
efficient in certain deployments in which
there are active receivers on every subnet
in the network. Branches without
downstream receivers are pruned from
the forwarding trees.
Data sheet Page 10

Customer first, customer last support Warranty, services and support

When your network is important to your Limited Lifetime Warranty
business, then your business needs Visit https://www.arubanetworks.com/
the backing of HPE Aruba Networking support-services/ product-warranties/ for
Support Services. Partner with HPE Aruba warranty and support information included
Networking product experts to increase with your product purchase
your team productivity, keep pace with
technology advances, software releases, and HPE Aruba Networking Switch Feature
obtain break-fix support. Navigator

Foundation Care for HPE Aruba Networking For Software Releases and Documentation,
support services include priority access to refer to https://asp.arubanetworks.com/
HPE Aruba Networking Technical Assistance downloads
Center (TAC) engineers 24x7x365, flexible
hardware and onsite support options, and For support and services information, visit
total coverage for HPE Aruba Networking https://www.arubanetworks.com/support-
products. HPE Aruba Networking switches services/arubacare/
with assigned HPE Aruba Networking
Central subscriptions benefit with option for For global services information, see
additional hardware support only. https://www.arubanetworks.com/services/
HPE Aruba Networking Pro Care adds fast
access to senior HPE Aruba Networking
TAC engineers, who are assigned as a single
point of contact for case management,
reducing the time spent addressing and
resolving issues.

For complete details on Foundation Care

and HPE Aruba Networking Pro Care, please
visit: https://www.arubanetworks.com/
Data sheet Page 11

Technical specifications

HPE Aruba Networking HPE Aruba Networking HPE Aruba Networking HPE Aruba Networking
8100 24XF4C 3 Fans, 2 8100 24XT4XF4C 3 Fans, 8100 48XF4C 3 Fans, 8100 40XT8XF4C 3 Fans,
AC Power Supplies 2 AC Power Supplies 2 AC Power Supplies 2 AC Power Supplies
[R9W87A (Back to Front)] [R9W89A (Back to Front)] [R9W91A (Back to Front)] [R9W93A (Back to Front)]
I/O ports and slots
24 ports of 40 ports of
100M/1/2.5/5/10GbE/ 100M/1/2.5/5/10GbE/
24 ports of 1GbE/10GbE 48 ports of 1GbE/10GbE
10BaseT 10BaseT
4 ports of 1/GbE/10GbE 8 ports of 1/GbE/10GbE
4 ports of 40GbE/100GbE 4 ports of 40GbE/100GbE
4 ports of 40GbE/100GbE 4 ports of 40GbE/100GbE
Additional ports and slots
Power supplies 2 field-replaceable and hot-swappable power supplies1
Fans 3 field-replaceable and hot-swappable fans2
Management RJ-45 serial and USB-C console; RJ-45 Ethernet port; USB-Type A
Physical characteristics
Physical dimensions
1.73in x 17.4in x 16.0in (4.4cm x 44.25cm x 40.64cm)
Full configuration weight 18.0 lbs (8.16 kg) 18.3 lbs (8.30 kg) 18.5 lbs (8.39 kg) 18.9 lbs (8.57 kg)
Memory and processor
CPU 1.8 GHz 4-core 64-bit
Memory and flash 16GB RAM, 32GB Flash/Storage
Packet buffer 32MB
Switching capacity 1.28 Tbps/952 Mpps 1.36 Tbps/1,011 Mpps 1.76 Tbps/1,309 Mpps 1.76 Tbps/1,309 Mpps
MAC address table size 147,456
IPv4 host table 65,636
IPv6 host table 65,636
IPv4 unicast routes 24,576
IPv6 unicast routes 12,288
Maximum number of
Access Control List (ACL) IPv4 16,384, IPv6 4,096 , MAC 16,384
entries ingress
Maximum number of
Access Control List (ACL) IPv4 2,048 , IPv6 512, MAC 2,048
entries egress
Maximum VLANs 1,024
IGMP groups 4,096
MLD groups 4,096
IPv4 multicast routes 4,096
IPv6 multicast routes 4,096

1 Bundles include the 2 power supplies (2xJL712A in R9W87A, R9W89A, R9W91A, and R9W93A)
2 Bundles include the 3 fans (3x JL715A in R9W87A, R9W89A, R9W91A, and R9W93A)
Data sheet Page 12

Technical specifications

HPE Aruba Networking HPE Aruba Networking HPE Aruba Networking HPE Aruba Networking
8100 24XF4C 3 Fans, 2 8100 24XT4XF4C 3 Fans, 8100 48XF4C 3 Fans, 8100 40XT8XF4C 3 Fans,
AC Power Supplies 2 AC Power Supplies 2 AC Power Supplies 2 AC Power Supplies
[R9W87A (Back to Front)] [R9W89A (Back to Front)] [R9W91A (Back to Front)] [R9W93A (Back to Front)]
32°F to 104°F
Operating temperature3
(0°C to 40°C) up to 5000 ft
Operating relative
15% to 95%, relative humidity at 104°F (40°C), non-condensing
-40°C to 70°C (-40°F to 158°F) up to 4.6km (15,000 ft.)
Non-operating storage 15% to 95% at 149°F (65°C) non-condensing
relative humidity
Max operating altitude Up to 10,000ft (3.048Km)
Max non-operating Up to 15,000ft (4.6Km)
Primary airflow Back to Front
Heat dissipation# 1275 BTU/hr 1364 BTU/hr 1535 BTU/hr 1705 BTU/hr
LWAd = 5.9 Bel LWAd = 6.6 Bel LWAd = 6.3 Bel LWAd = 6.8 Bel
Acoustic4 LpAm (Bystander) = 41.2 dB LpAm (Bystander) = 47.7 dB LpAm (Bystander) = 44.9 dB LpAm (Bystander) = 49.3 dB
Electrical characteristics
Frequency 47-63 Hz
AC voltage 100-127V – 7.1 A for 100-127VAC
current 200-240V – 3.4A for 200-240VAC
Power consumption 120W Idle Power / 120W Idle Power / 120W Idle Power / 120 W Idle Power /
(230 VAC) 375W Max Power 400W Max Power 450W Max Power 500W Max Power
Compliance Products comply with CE Markings according to directives 2014/30/EU (EMC) and 2014/35/EU (Safety)
RoHS EN 63000:2018
EN62368-1, Ed.2:2014
EN62368-1, Ed.3:2020
North America UL62368-1, CSA 22.2 No 62368-1
IEC 62368-1:2014
IEC 62368-1:2018

Derate 1°C for every 1000 ft from 5000 ft to 10000 ft regardless of airflow direction
 coustics measured in 23°C semi-anechoic chamber with a loading of 50% traffic on all ports. Measured in accordance with ECMA 74. Declared in accordance with ECMA
109. Values presented are the Declared A-Weighted Sound Power Level (LWAd) and the mean Bystander A-Weighted Sound Pressure Level (LpAm).
BTU/hr is derived from the max power
Data sheet Page 13

Technical specifications

HPE Aruba Networking HPE Aruba Networking HPE Aruba Networking HPE Aruba Networking
8100 24XF4C 3 Fans, 2 8100 24XT4XF4C 3 Fans, 8100 48XF4C 3 Fans, 8100 40XT8XF4C 3 Fans,
AC Power Supplies 2 AC Power Supplies 2 AC Power Supplies 2 AC Power Supplies
[R9W87A (Back to Front)] [R9W89A (Back to Front)] [R9W91A (Back to Front)] [R9W93A (Back to Front)]
EN55032:2015/CISPR 32, Class A
FCC CFR 47 Part 15:2018, Class A ICES-003, Class A
CNS 13438 Class A
KN32 Class A
VCCI Class A
EN55035:2017/CISPR 35
EN/IEC 61000-4-2
EN/IEC 61000-4-3
EN/IEC 61000-4-4
EN/IEC 61000-4-5
EN/IEC 61000-4-6
EN/IEC 61000-4-8
EN/IEC 61000-4-11
EN/IEC 61000-3-2:2019
EN/IEC 61000-3-3:2013
EN60825-1:2014 / IEC 60825-1: 2014 Class 1
Class 1 Laser Products / Laser Klasse 1
Mounts in an EIA standard 19-inch rack or other equipment cabinet; horizontal surface mounting only; 2-post and 4-post
mounting options available5

Rack mounting kit must be ordered separately
Data sheet Page 14

Technical specifications

HPE Aruba Networking

HPE Aruba Networking HPE Aruba Networking HPE Aruba Networking 8100
8100 48XF4C 3 Fans,
8100 24XF4C 3 Fans, 8100 24XT4XF4C 3 Fans, 2 40XT8XF4C 3 Fans, 2 AC
2 AC Power Supplies
2 AC Power Supplies AC Power Supplies Power Supplies [R9W92A
[R9W90A (Front to
[R9W86A (Front to back)] [R9W88A (Front to back)] (Front to back)]
I/O ports and slots
24 ports of 40 ports of
48 ports of 1GbE/10GbE
24 ports of 1GbE/10GbE 100M/1/2.5/5/10GbE/10BaseT 100M/1/2.5/5/10GbE/10BaseT
(SFP/SFP+) 4 ports of 1/GbE/10GbE (SFP/ 8 ports of 1/GbE/10GbE (SFP/
4 ports of
4 ports of 40GbE/100GbE SFP+) SFP+)
40GbE/100GbE (QSFP+/
(QSFP+/QSFP28) 4 ports of 40GbE/100GbE 4 ports of 40GbE/100GbE
Additional ports and slots
Power supplies 2 field-replaceable and hot-swappable power supplies6
Fans 3 field-replaceable and hot-swappable fans7
Management RJ-45 serial and USB-C console; RJ-45 Ethernet port; USB-Type A
Physical characteristics
Physical dimensions
1.73in x 17.4in x 16.0in (4.4cm x 44.25cm x 40.64cm)
Full configuration
18.0 lbs (8.16 kg) 18.3 lbs (8.30 kg) 18.5 lbs (8.39 kg) 18.9 lbs (8.57 kg)
Memory and processor
CPU 1.8 GHz 4-core 64-bit
Memory and flash 16GB RAM, 32GB Flash/Storage
Packet buffer 32MB
Switching capacity 1.28 Tbps/952 Mpps 1.36 Tbps/1,011 Mpps 1.76 Tbps/1,309 Mpps 1.76 Tbps/1,309 Mpps
MAC address table
IPv4 host table 65,536
IPv6 host table 65,536
IPv4 unicast routes 24,576
IPv6 unicast routes 12,288
Maximum number of
Access Control List IPv4 16,384, IPv6 4,096 , MAC 16,384
(ACL) entries ingress
Maximum number of
Access Control List IPv4 2,048 , IPv6 512, MAC 2,048
(ACL) entries egress
Maximum VLANs 1,024
IGMP groups 4,096
MLD groups 4,096
IPv4 multicast routes 4,096
IPv6 multicast routes 4,096
Derate 1°C for every 1000 ft from 5000 ft to 10000 ft regardless of airflow direction
Bundles include the 2 power supplies (2xJL600A in R9W86A, R9W88A, R9W90A and R9W92A)
Bundles include the 3 fans (3xJL714A in R9W86A, R9W88A, R9W90A & R9W92A)
Data sheet Page 15

Technical specifications

HPE Aruba Networking HPE Aruba Networking HPE Aruba Networking HPE Aruba Networking
8100 24XF4C 3 Fans, 2 AC 8100 24XT4XF4C 3 Fans, 8100 48XF4C 3 Fans, 8100 40XT8XF4C 3 Fans,
Power Supplies [R9W86A 2 AC Power Supplies 2 AC Power Supplies 2 AC Power Supplies
(Front to back)] [R9W88A (Front to back)] [R9W90A (Front to back)] [R9W92A (Front to back)]
32°F to 104°F
Operating temperature8 (0°C to 40°C) up to 5000 ft
Operating relative
15% to 95% relative humidity at 104°F (40°C), non-condensing,
-40°C to 70°C (-40°F to 158°F) up to 4.6km (15,000 ft.)
Non-operating storage
15% to 95% at 149°F (65°C) non-condensing
relative humidity
Max operating altitude Up to 10,000ft (3.048Km)
Max non-operating
Up to 15,000ft (4.6Km)
Primary airflow Front-to-Back
BTU/hr #
1275 1364 1535 1705
LWAd = 6.3 Bel LWAd = 6.6 Bel LWAd = 6.4 Bel LWAd = 6.6 Bel
LpAm (Bystander) = 45.8 dB LpAm (Bystander) = 48.0 dB LpAm (Bystander) = 46.6 dB LpAm (Bystander) = 47.9 dB
Electrical characteristics
Frequency 47-63 Hz
AC voltage 100-127V – 7.1 A for 100-127VAC
current 200-240V – 3.4A for 200-240VAC
Power consumption 120W Idle Power / 120W Idle Power / 120W Idle Power / 120 W Idle Power /
(230 VAC) 375W Max Power 400W Max Power 450W Max Power 500W Max Power
Compliance Products comply with CE Markings according to directives 2014/30/EU (EMC) and 2014/35/EU (Safety)
RoHS EN 63000:2018
EN62368-1, Ed.2:2014
EN62368-1, Ed.3:2020
North America UL62368-1, CSA 22.2 No 62368-1
IEC 62368-1:2014
IEC 62368-1:2018

 coustics measured in 23°C semi-anechoic chamber with a loading of 50% traffic on all ports. Measured in accordance with ECMA 74. Declared in accordance with ECMA 109. Values presented are the Declared A-Weighted
Sound Power Level (LWAd) and the mean Bystander A-Weighted Sound Pressure Level (LpAm).
BTU/hr is derived from the max power
Data sheet Page 16

Technical specifications

HPE Aruba Networking HPE Aruba Networking HPE Aruba Networking HPE Aruba Networking
8100 24XF4C 3 Fans, 2 AC 8100 24XT4XF4C 3 Fans, 8100 48XF4C 3 Fans, 8100 40XT8XF4C 3 Fans,
Power Supplies [R9W86A 2 AC Power Supplies 2 AC Power Supplies 2 AC Power Supplies
(Front to back)] [R9W88A (Front to back)] [R9W90A (Front to back)] [R9W92A (Front to back)]
EN55032:2015/CISPR 32, Class A
FCC CFR 47 Part 15:2018, Class A ICES-003, Class A
CNS 13438 Class A
KN32 Class A
VCCI Class A
EN55035:2017/CISPR 35
EN/IEC 61000-4-2
EN/IEC 61000-4-3
EN/IEC 61000-4-4
EN/IEC 61000-4-5
EN/IEC 61000-4-6
EN/IEC 61000-4-8
EN/IEC 61000-4-11
EN/IEC 61000-3-2:2019
EN/IEC 61000-3-3:2013
EN60825-1:2014 / IEC 60825-1: 2014 Class 1
Class 1 Laser Products / Laser Klasse 1
Mounts in an EIA standard 19-inch rack or other equipment cabinet; horizontal surface mounting only; 2-post and 4-post
mounting options available10

Rack mounting kit must be ordered separately
Data sheet Page 17

Standards and protocols • RFC 1591 Domain Name System Structure • RFC 2787 Definitions of Managed
and Delegation Objects for the Virtual Router
The following standards and protocols Redundancy Protocol
• RFC 1657 Definitions of Managed Objects
are supported. for BGP-4 using SMIv2 • RFC 2918 Route Refresh Capability
• CPU DoS Protection for BGP-4
• RFC 1757 Remote Network Monitoring
• IEEE 802.1AB-2009 Management Information Base • RFC 2934 Protocol Independent Multicast
MIB for IPv4
• IEEE 802.1ak-2007 • RFC 1772 Application of the Border
Gateway Protocol in the Internet • RFC 3019 MLDv1 MIB
• IEEE 802.1AX-2008 Link Aggregation
• RFC 1812 Requirements for IP • RFC 3056 Connection of IPv6 Domains via
• IEEE 802.1p Priority Version 4 Router IPv4 Clouds
• IEEE 802.1p Traffic Class Expediting and • RFC 1918 Address Allocation for • RFC 3065 Autonomous System
Dynamic Multicast Filtering Private Internet Confederation for BGP
• IEEE 802.1Q VLANs • RFC 1981 Path MTU Discovery for IP • RFC 3101 OSPF Not-so-stubby-area
• IEEE 802.1s Multiple Spanning Trees version 6 option
• IEEE 802.1t-2001 • RFC 1997 BGP Communities Attribute • RFC 3137 OSPF Stub Router
• IEEE 802.1v VLAN classification by • RFC 1998 An Application of the
Protocol and Port BGP Community Attribute in • RFC 3176 InMon Corporation’s sFlow: A
Multi-home Routing Method for Monitoring Traffic in Switched
• IEEE 802.1w Rapid Reconfiguration of and Routed Networks
Spanning Tree • RFC 2131 DHCP
• RFC 3376 IGMPv3
• IEEE 802.3ab 1000BASE-T • RFC 2131 DHCP Options and BOOTP
Vendor Extensions • RFC 3416 (SNMP Protocol Operations v2)
• IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation Control
Protocol (LACP) • RFC 2236 IGMP • RFC 3417 (SNMP Transport Mappings)
• IEEE 802.3ae 10-Gigabit Ethernet • RFC 2328 OSPF Version 2 • RFC 3418 Management Information Base
(MIB) for the Simple Network Management
• IEEE 802.3an 10-GBASE-T-2006 • RFC 2375 IPv6 Multicast
Protocol (SNMP)
Address Assignments
• IEEE 802.3by 25 Gigabit Ethernet • RFC 3484 Default Address Selection
• RFC 2385 Protection of BGP Sessions via
• IEEE 802.3bz 2.5GBASE-T and 5GBASE-T for IPv6
the TCP MD5 Signature Option
• IEEE 802.3cc 25 Gigabit Ethernet • RFC 3509 Alternative Implementations of
• RFC 2401 Security Architecture for the
OSPF Area Border Routers
• IEEE 802.3ba 40/100-Gigabit Ethernet Internet Protocol
• RFC 3623 Graceful OSPF Restart
• IEEE 802.3cd 50-Gigabit Ethernet • RFC 2402 IP Authentication Header
• RFC 3768 VRRP
• IEEE 802.3bj-100 Gigabit Ethernet • RFC 2406 IP Encapsulating Security
Payload (ESP) • RFC 3810 Multicast Listener Discovery
• IEEE 802.3x Flow Control Version 2 (MLDv2) for IPv6
• RFC 2439 BGP Route Flap Damping
• IEEE 802.3z 1000BASE-X • RFC 3973 PIM Dense Mode
• RFC 2460 Internet Protocol, Version 6
• IEEE 802.3z Gigabit Ethernet (IPv6) Specification • RFC 4022 MIB for TCP
• RFC 1215 Convention for defining traps • RFC 2464 Transmission of IPv6 over • RFC 4113 MIB for UDP
for use with the SNMP Ethernet Networks
• RFC 4213 Basic Transition Mechanisms for
• RFC 1256 ICMP Router • RFC 2545 Use of BGP-4 Multiprotocol IPv6 Hosts and Routers
Discovery Messages Extensions for IPv6 Inter-Domain Routing
• RFC 4251 The Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol
• RFC 1350 TFTP Protocol (revision 2) • RFC 2576 Coexistence between SNMP V1,
• RFC 4252 SSHv6 Authentication
• RFC 1393 Traceroute Using an IP Option V2, V3)
• RFC 4253 SSHv6 Transport Layer
• RFC 1403 BGP OSPF Interaction • RFC 2710 Multicast Listener Discovery
(MLD) for IPv6 • RFC 4254 SSHv6 Connection
• RFC 1519 CIDR
• RFC 2711 IPv6 Router Alert Option
• RFC 1583 OSPF Version 2
Data sheet Page 18

• RFC 4271 A Border Gateway • RFC 5424 Syslog Protocol HPE Aruba Networking
Protocol 4 (BGP-4)
• RFC 5519 Multicast Group Membership CX 8100 switches
• RFC 4273 Definitions of Managed Objects Discovery MIB (MLDv2 only) and accessories
for BGP-4
• RFC 5701 IPv6 Address Specific BGP
• RFC 4291 IP Version 6 Addressing Extended Community Attribute HPE Aruba Networking CX 8100
Architecture bundles12
• RFC 5722 Handling of Overlapping • R9W86A HPE Aruba Networking 8100
• RFC 4292 IP Forwarding Table MIB IPv6 Fragments 24x10G SFP+ 4x40/100G QSFP28 Front-
• RFC 4293 Management Information Base • RFC 5798 VRRP (exclude Accept Mode to-Back Airflow 3Fan 2ACPSU Bdl13, 17
for the Internet Protocol (IP) and sub-sec timer) • R9W87A HPE Aruba Networking 8100
• RFC 4360 BGP Extended Communities • RFC 5880 Bidirectional Forwarding 24x10G SFP+ 4x40/100G QSFP28 Back-
Attribute Detection to-Front Airflow 3Fan 2ACPSU Bundle13, 17

• RFC 4419 Key Exchange for SSH • RFC 6987 OSPF Stub Router • R9W88A HPE Aruba Networking 8100
Advertisement 24x10G Base-T 4x10G SFP+ 4x40/100G
• RFC 4443 ICMPv6 QSFP28 Front-to-Back Airflow 3Fan
• RFC 7047 The Open vSwitch Database 2ACPSU Bdl14, 17
• RFC 4456 BGP Route Reflection:
Management Protocol
An Alternative to Full Mesh Internal • R9W89A HPE Aruba Networking 8100
BGP (IBGP) • RFC 7059 A Comparison of IPv6- 24x10G Base-T 4x10G SFP+ 4x40/100G
overoIPv4 Tunnel Mechanisms QSFP28 Back-to-Front Airflow 3Fan
• RFC 4486 Subcodes for BGP Cease
Notification Message • RFC 7313 Enhanced Route Refresh 2ACPSU Bdl14, 17
Capability for BGP-4 • R9W90A HPE Aruba Networking 8100
• RFC 4541 IGMP & MLD Snooping Switch
• RFC 768 User Datagram Protocol 48x10G SFP+ 4x40/100G QSFP28 Front-
• RFC 4552 Authentication/Confidentiality to-Back Airflow 3Fan 2ACPSU Bdl15, 17, 18
for OSPFv3 • RFC 783 TFTP Protocol (revision 2)
• R9W91A HPE Aruba Networking 8100
• RFC 4601 PIM Sparse Mode • RFC 791 IP 48x10G SFP+ 4x40/100G QSFP28 Back-
• RFC 4724 Graceful Restart Mechanism • RFC 792 ICMP to-Front Airflow 3Fan 2ACPSU Bdl15, 17, 18
for BGP • R9W92A HPE Aruba Networking 8100
• RFC 793 TCP
• RFC 4750 OSPFv2 MIB [partial support no 40x10G Base-T 8x10G SFP+ 4x40/100G
• RFC 813 Window and Acknowledgement QSFP28 Front-to-Back Airflow 3Fan
Set MIB]
Strategy in TCP 2ACPSU Bdl16, 17, 18
• RFC 4760 Multiprotocol Extensions for
• RFC 815 IP datagram reassembly • R9W93A HPE Aruba Networking 8100
algorithms 40x10G Base-T 8x10G SFP+ 4x40/100G
• RFC 4861 IPv6 Neighbor Discovery QSFP28 Back-to-Front Airflow 3Fan
• RFC 8201 Path MTU Discovery for IP
• RFC 4862 IPv6 Stateless Address Auto- version 6 2ACPSU Bdl16, 17, 18
• RFC 826 ARP Power supply
• RFC 4940 IANA Considerations for OSPF • JL600A HPE Aruba Networking X391
• RFC 879 TCP maximum segment size and
• RFC 5065 Autonomous System related topics 550W Port to Power AC Power Supply unit
Confederation for BGP • JL712A HPE Aruba Networking X391
• RFC 896 Congestion control in IP/TCP
• RFC 5095 Deprecation of Type 0 Routing internetworks 550W Power to Port AC Power Supply unit
Headers in IPv6
• RFC 5187 OSPFv3 Graceful Restart • JL714A HPE Aruba Networking X741 Port
• RFC 5340 OSPFv3 for IPv6 to Power Airflow Fan unit

• RFC 53492 Capabilities Advertisement • JL715A HPE Aruba Networking X741

with BGP-4 Power to Port Airflow Fan unit

HPE Aruba Networking Central support in future release 12 8100 bundles include redundant fan, redundant power supply, and a 2-post rack kit. 4-post rack kit must be ordered separately.
R9W86A and R9W87A include the 8100-24XF4C base switch [R9W94A] which can be purchased as spare
R9W88A and R9W89A include the 8100-24XT4XF4C base switch [R9W95A] which can be purchased as spare
R9W90A and R9W91A include the 8100-48XF4C base switch [R9W96A] which can be purchased as spare
R9W92A and R9W93A include the 8100-40XT8XF4C base switch [R9W97A] which can be purchased as spare
8100 Series Switches do not support the use of 10G LRM technology, nor 7M 10G DAC lengths
Breakout cable not supported on 8100 48XF4C and 40XT8XF4C models R9W90A/R9W91A/R9W92A/R9W93A/R9W96A/R9W97A (no support for split ports)
Data sheet Page 19

Base unit spares (fans, PS not included) 300m MMF XCVR (J9150D) • HPE Aruba Networking 100G QSFP28 LC
• R9W94A HPE Aruba Networking CWDM4 2km SMF XCVR (R0Z30A)
• HPE Aruba Networking 10G SFP+ LC SR
8100 24x10G SFP+ 4x40/100G
300m MMF TAA XCVR (JL748A) • HPE Aruba Networking 100G QSFP28 LC
QSFP28 Switch17
LR4 SMF Transceiver (JL310A)
• HPE Aruba Networking 10G SFP+ LC LR
• R9W95A HPE Aruba Networking8100
10km SMF XCVR (J9151E) • HPE (Compute) QSFP+ to 4xSFP+ 3m
24x10G Base-T 4x10G SFP+ 4x40/100G
Breakout Direct Attach Cable
QSFP28 Switch17 • HPE Aruba Networking 10G SFP+ LC LR
10km SMF TAA XCVR (JL749A)
• R9W96A HPE Aruba Networking 8100
• HPE (Compute) HPE BLc QSFP+ to 4x10G
48x10G SFP+ 4x40/100G QSFP28 • HPE Aruba Networking 10G SFP+ to SFP+
SFP+ AOC 15m Opt (721076-B21)18
Switch17, 18 1m DAC Cable (J9281D)
• HPE (Compute) QSFP28 to 4xSFP28 3m
• R9W97A HPE Aruba Networking 8100 • HPE Aruba Networking 10G SFP+ to SFP+
Breakout Direct Attach Cable (845416-
40x10G Base-T 8x10G SFP+ 4x40/100G 3m DAC Cable (J9283D)
QSFP28 Switch17, 18
• HPE Aruba Networking 10GBASE-T SFP+
• HPE (Compute) QSFP28 to 4x25G SFP28
• Mounting kit (switch bundles include a RJ45 30m Cat6A XCVR (JL563B)
7m AOC (845420-B21)18
2-post rack kit.
• HPE (Compute) BLc 10G SFP+ 3m Direct
• HPE (Compute) QSFP28 to 4x25G SFP28
• 4-post RM kits must be ordered separately Attach Cable (487655-B21)
15m AOC (845424-B21)18
if required).
• HPE (Compute) BLc 10G SFP+ 5m Direct
• HPE Aruba Networking 100G QSFP28-
• JL602A HPE Aruba Networking X412 1U Attach Cable (537963-B21)
QSFP28 1m Direct Attach Copper Cable
Universal 2-post RM Kit
• HPE X142 40G QSFP+ MPO SR4 (R0Z25A)
• J9583B HPE Aruba Networking X414 1U Transceiver (JH231A)
• HPE Aruba Networking 100G QSFP28-
Universal 4-post RM Kit
• HPE X142 40G QSFP+ MPO eSR4 300M QSFP28 3m Direct Attach Copper Cable
XCVR (JH233A) (JL307A)
Console cables
• HPE Aruba Networking USBA-RJ45 • HPE X142 40G QSFP+ LC LR4 SM • HPE Aruba Networking 100G QSFP28-
PIN3TX-6RX Cable(R8Z87A) Transceiver (JH232A) QSFP28 5m Direct Attach Copper Cable
• HPE ANW USB-A to RJ45 PC-to-Switch • HPE X242 40G QSFP+ to QSFP+ 1m DAC
Cable(R9G48B) Cable (JH234A) • HPE Aruba Networking 100G QSFP28 to
QSFP28 2m AOC (JL856A)
• HPE Aruba Networking USB-A to USB-C • HPE X242 40G QSFP+ to QSFP+ 3m DAC
PC-to-Switch Cable(R9J32A) Cable (JH235A) • HPE Aruba Networking 100G QSFP28 to
QSFP28 7m AOC (R0Z27A)
• HPE Aruba Networking USB-C to USB-C • HPE X242 40G QSFP+ to QSFP+ 5m DAC
PC-to-Switch Cable(R9J33A) Cable (JH236A) • HPE Aruba Networking 100G QSFP28 to
QSFP28 15m AOC (R0Z28A)
Transceivers17,18,19 • HPE Aruba Networking 40G QSFP+ to
• HPE Aruba Networking1G SFP LC SX QSFP+ 7m AOC (R0Z22A) • HPE Aruba Networking 100G QSFP28 to
500m MMF XCVR (J4858D) QSFP28 30m AOC (R0Z29A)
• HPE Aruba Networking 40G QSFP+ to
• HPE Aruba Networking 1G SFP LC SX QSFP+ 15m AOC (R0Z23A) • HPE Aruba Networking 200G QSFP-DD to
500m MMF TAA XCVR (JL745A) 2xQSFP28 100G 3m AOC (R9B60A)20
• HPE Aruba Networking 40G QSFP+ to
• HPE Aruba Networking 1G SFP LC LX QSFP+ 30m AOC (R0Z24A) • HPE Aruba Networking 200G QSFP-DD to
10km SMF XCVR (J4859D) 2xQSFP28 100G 7m AOC (R9B58A)20
• HPE Aruba Networking 40G QSFP+ LC
• HPE Aruba Networking 1G SFP LC LX BiDi 150m MMF XCVR (JL308A) • HPE Aruba Networking 200G QSFP-DD to
10km SMF TAA XCVR (JL746A) 2xQSFP28 100G 15m AOC (R9B62A)20
• HPE Aruba Networking 40G QSFP+ LC
• HPE Aruba Networking 1G SFP LC LH ER4 40km SMF XCVR (Q9G82A) • HPE Aruba Networking 200G QSFP-DD to
70km SMF XCVR (J4860D) 2xQSFP28 100G 30m AOC (R9B61A)20
• HPE Aruba Networking 100G QSFP28
• HPE Aruba Networking 1G SFP RJ45 T MPO SR4 MMF Transceiver (JL309A) • HPE Aruba Networking 200G QSFP-DD to
100m Cat5e XCVR (J8177D) 2xQSFP28 100G 50m AOC (R9B59A)20
• HPE 100G QSFP28 BiDi 100m LC MM
• HPE Aruba Networking 1G SFP RJ45 T XCVR (845972-B21) • HPE (Compute) QSFP28 to SFP28 Adapter
100m Cat5e TAA XCVR (JL747A) (845970-B21)
• HPE Aruba Networking 100G QSFP28 LC
• HPE Aruba Networking 10G SFP+ LC SR FR1 2km SMF XCVR (R9B63A)

Consult the HPE Aruba Networking OS-Switch and AOS-CX Transceiver Guide in the HPE Aruba Networking Support Portal for the minimum required software releases to support these transceivers. Guide also provides
certain limitations for specific transceivers for use on switch models.
QSFP28 end supported on the QSFP28 ports on the 8100
Data sheet

HPE Aruba Networking CX advanced • HPE Aruba Networking Central On-

feature packs Premises 8xxx Switch Foundation 10 year
• HPE Aruba Networking CX Soft 8/9xxx Sw Subscription E-STU (R6U92AAE)
Adv 1y E-STU (S0T87AAE)
For details and complete listing of
• HPE Aruba Networking CX Soft 8/9xxx Sw
HPE Aruba Networking Central licensing
Adv 3y E-STU (S0T88AAE)
options, please refer to the HPE Aruba
• HPE Aruba Networking CX Soft 8/9xxx Sw Networking Central Data Sheet.
Adv 5y E-STU (S0T89AAE)
• HPE Aruba Networking CX Soft 8/9xxx Sw HPE Aruba Networking CX 8100
Adv 7y E-STU (S0T90AAE) support options
24 port switch options
• HPE Aruba Networking CX Soft 8/9xxx Sw
• 4 Hour Onsite 3 Year (H83Q3E)
Adv 10y E-STU (S0T86AAE)
• NBD 3 Year (H83P8E)
HPE Aruba Networking Central CX
• SBD Onsite 3 Year (H83Q1E)
Switch subscription SKUs
• HPE Aruba Networking Central • HPE Aruba Networking 8100 24XF4C FB
8xxx/9xxx/10xxx Switch Foundation 1 3F2AC (R9W86A)
year Subscription E-STU (R3K03AAE)
• HPE Aruba Networking 8100 24XF4C BF
• HPE Aruba Networking Central 3F2AC (R9W87A)
8xxx/9xxx/10xxx Switch Foundation 3
• HPE Aruba Networking 8100 24XT4XF4C
year Subscription E-STU (R3K04AAE)
FB 3F2AC (R9W88A)
• HPE Aruba Networking Central
• HPE Aruba Networking 8100 24XT4XF4C
8xxx/9xxx/10xxx Switch Foundation 5
BF 3F2AC (R9W89A)
year Subscription E-STU (R3K05AAE)
• HPE Aruba Networking Central 40/48 port switches options
8xxx/9xxx/10xxx Switch Foundation 7 • 4 Hour Onsite 3 Year (H84A4E)
year Subscription E-STU (R3K06AAE)
• NBD 3 Year (H83Z9E)
• HPE Aruba Networking Central
• SBD Onsite 3 Year (H84A2E)
8xxx/9xxx/10xxx Switch Foundation 10
year Subscription E-STU (R3K07AAE) • HPE Aruba Networking 8100 48XF4C FB
3F2AC (R9W90A)
• HPE Aruba Networking Central On-
Premises 8xxx Switch Foundation 1 year • HPE Aruba Networking 8100 48XF4C BF
Subscription E-STU (R6U88AAE) 3F2AC (R9W91A)
• HPE Aruba Networking Central On- • HPE Aruba Networking 8100 40XT8XF4C
Premises 8xxx Switch Foundation 3 year FB 3F2AC (R9W92A)
Subscription E-STU (R6U89AAE)
• HPE Aruba Networking 8100 40XT8XF4C
• HPE Aruba Networking Central On- BF 3F2AC (R9W93A)
Premises 8xxx Switch Foundation 5 year
Subscription E-STU (R6U90AAE)
Make the right purchase decision. • HPE Aruba Networking Central On-
Contact our presales specialists. Premises 8xxx Switch Foundation 7 year
Subscription E-STU (R6U91AAE)

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