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Poor Vash

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Sarathy Nagar, Kundrathur, Chennai-600069

An Autonomous Institute Approved by AICTE and Affiliated to Anna University,



A Report on Internship



Vision of the Institute:

To be an eminent center for Academia, Industry and Research by imparting

knowledge, relevant practices and inculcating human values to address global
challenges through novelty and sustainability.

Mission of the Institute:

IM1.To creates next generation leaders by effective teaching learning methodologies

and instill scientific spark in them to meet the global challenges.

IM2.To transform lives through deployment of emerging technology, novelty and


IM3.To inculcate human values and ethical principles to cater the societal needs.
IM4.To contributes towards the research ecosystem by providing a suitable, effective
platform for interaction between industry, academia and R & Destablishments.
Vision of the Department:

Mission of the Department:

An Autonomous Institute



This is to certify that the “Internship Report” Submitted by POORVASH

MADARAPAKA (Reg no: 210421104094) is work done by him/her and submitted
during 2024-2025 academic year, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award
ENGINEERING , at Chennai Institute Of Technology.

Dr.R.Balamurali, M.Tech, Ph.D

College Internship Coordinator

Dr.S.Pavithra, M.E.,Ph.D
Internal Examiner
Head of the Department

Mrs.Bhavani Ramesh, M.E.,MBA.,(Ph.D) External Examiner

Department Internship Coordinator
Internship Review Evaluation / Comments

Sl No. Criterion Max. Marks
1. Regularity in maintenance of the diary. 10

2. Adequacy & quality of information recorded 10

3. Drawings, sketches and data recorded 10

4. Thought process and recording techniques used 05

5. Organization of the information 05

6. Originality of the Internship Report 10

Adequacy and purposeful write-up of the Internship
7. 10
Organization, format, drawings, sketches, style,
8. language etc. of the Internship Report 10

Practical applications, relationships with basic theory

9. 10
and concepts

10. Presentation Skills 20


External Internship Advisor's Name:


Date: Signature

First, I would like to thank Challa Rohit - Academic Head for giving me the
opportunity to do an internship within the organization.

I also would like all the people that worked along with me Acmegrade with their patience
and openness they created an enjoyable working environment.

I am highly indebted to our Chairman Shri.P.SRIRAM and Principal

Dr.A.RAMESH,M.E.,Ph.D, for the facilities provided to accomplish this

I would like to thank my Head of the Department Dr.S.PAVITHRA, for her

constructive criticism throughout my internship.

I would like to thank Dr.R.BALAMURALI, M.Tech, Ph.D, College internship

coordinator and (Dr.M.ANBARASAN M.E.,PhD.,), internship coordinator
Computer Science and Engineering for their support and advices to get and
complete internship in above said organization.

I am extremely great full to my department staff members and friends who helped
me in successful completion of this internship.



I students of Computer Science and Engineering Department require to do

An Industrial Internship to enhance my knowledge. The purpose of Industrial
Internship is to acquaint the students with practical application of theoretical
concept taught to me during my course period.

It was a great opportunity to have close comparison of theoretical concept in

practical field. This report may depict deficiencies on my part but still it is an
account of my effort.

The output of my analysis is summarised in a shape of Industrial Internship the

content of report shows the details of sequence of these. This is my Industrial
Internship report which I have prepared for the sake of my SECOND YEAR
Industrial Internship. Being an engineer, I should help the society for inventing
something new by utilising my knowledge which can help them to solve their
problem so for this I am working in Acmegrade

Internship courses are different than traditional courses that typically

teach and lecture in the classroom. While the emphasis of the both type
of courses is still on the learning of the students, the delivery method
and the mechanism by which the teaching/learning of the internship
courses is different than other courses.

The teaching/learning style of an internship takes a differentapproach.

Some called this approach “Learning by Doing” or “Learning by
Experience” to explain the learning that is taking place during the work
of the internship. Call it “structured work experience” to emphasize the
structured work that the internship brings and the learning that is taking
place through the work. Internship courses still achieve the goal of
student learning – there is still knowledge gained by the students – but
the method by which knowledge is gained is different. It is gained
through the work experience and whatever goes in the internship
process. This internship training program report deals with the study
of marketing. Commerce deals with day to life. So, it directly or
indirectly places an important role in various fields. Nevertheless,
given that the transfer of knowledge is not done directlyby the teacher,
some consider this new format and delivery method as a deviation from
the “cognitive” style of traditional classroom teaching.
Details of Internship Activities / Curriculum
Industry Name : : ACMEGRADE
Domain : Web Development
Days Date Details of Activities (planned) Signature of
(Tentative) Industry HR
1 06-06-2023 HTML Introduction, Basic, Elements
2 07-06-2023 HTML Attributes, Headings, Paragraphs
3 10-06-2022 HTML Styles, Formatting Quotations
4 11-06-2023 HTML Comments, Colors, Links
5 15-06-2023 HTML Images, Tables, Lists
6 16-06-2023 HTML Input Types, Video, Audio,
7 16-06-2023 CSS Introduction, Syntax, Selectors
8 17-06-2023 CSS Colors, Backgrounds, Borders
9 21-06-2023 CSS Margins, Padding, Height/Width
10 24-06-2023 CSS Box Model, Outline, Text, Fonts
11 25-06-2023 CSS Navigation Bar, Dropdowns,
Rounded, Corners, Backgrounds, Colors
12 27-06-2023 CSS Gradients, Shadows, Text, Effects,
Animations, Buttons, Grid
13 03-07-2023 JS Introduction, Statements, Syntax,
Comments, Variables
14 06-07-2023 JS Let, Const, Operators, Arithmetic,
Assignment, Data Types, Functions
15 10-07-2023 JS Objects, Events, Strings, Numbers,
Arrays, Dates, Math, Random
16 15-07-2023 JS Loop For Of, Loop While, Break,
Sets, Maps, Type of, Type Conversion,
this Keyword
17 18-07-2023 JS Classes, Functions, HTML DOM
18 21-07-2023 DOM Intro, Methods, Document,
Elements, HTML, Forms, CSS
19 28-07-2023 Django

20 05-08-2023 CONCLUSION

Signature of the HOD / Principal


A student intern must always conduct themselves in a professional manner at all

times and this is the role and responsibility of an intern. We have to develop
respectful and cooperative relationships with the supervisors and otheremployees
at the working place. We must always be punctual to work and always behave in
an ethical manner.

⮚ Organize, coordinate, and promote centralized internship program

⮚ Train Department Internship Coordinators
⮚ Ensure academic consistency and intern preparation
⮚ Acquire liability insurance for each intern
⮚ Act as a resource center and develop intern opportunities
⮚ Oversee internship issues and legal concerns
⮚ Oversee the registration process for internship credit/courses


Web development refers to the creating, building, and maintaining ofwebsites.

It includes aspects such as web design, web publishing, web programming, and
database management. It is the creation of an application that works over the
internet i.e., websites. The word Web Development is made up of two words,
that is: Web: It refers to websites, web pages or anything that works over the
internet. Development: It refers to building the application from scratch.


Front End Development: Front-end web development, also known as client-

side development is the practice of producing HTML, CSS and JavaScript for a
website or Web Application so that a user can see and interact with them directly.
The challenge associated with front end development is that the tools and
techniques used to create the front end of a website change constantly and so
the developer needs to constantly be aware of how the field is developing.
Back End Development: Back-end development means working on server-
side software, which focuses on everything you can’t see on a website. Back- end
developers ensure the website performs correctly, focusing on databases, back-
end logic, application programming interface (APIs), architecture, and servers.
They use code that helps browsers communicate with databases, store,
understand, and delete data.


Web design is the way a website looks, front end development is how that design
actually gets implemented on the web. The main objective of designing a site is to
ensure that when the users open up the site, they see the information in a format
that is easy to read and relevant. But now a days users uses a large variety of
devices with varying screen sizes and resolutions thus forcingthe designer
to take into consideration these aspects when designing the site. They need to
ensure that their site comes up 8 correctly in different browsers (cross-browser),
different operating systems (crossplatform) and different devices (cross-device),
which requires careful planning on the side of the developer.


A front-end developer, also known as a front-end web developer, is a professional

responsible for the design and implementation of the interface. The users require
this interface so that they can access the application in question. A web designer
is a professional who creates a website’s appearance
and design. And the front-end developer makes sure that the design works
online by using coding languages such as CSS, HTML, and JavaScript.



Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language used for
creating web pages. It is the most basic building block required for developing


Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is used to apply styles to web pages. It is used to
make web pages presentable. The reason for using this is to simplify the process
of making web pages presentable. It allows you to apply styles on web pages.
More importantly, it enables you to do this independently of the HTML that
makes up each web page. JavaScript: JavaScript is a very powerful tool that can
do many things for a website. For one, it powers the site’s general interactivity.
JavaScript makes it possible to build rich UI components such as image sliders,
pop-ups, site navigation mega menus, form validations, tabs, accordions, and
much more.

A website is a collection of webpages located under a single domain name. These

webpages contain and display information about the business or organization and
are usually made up of elements such as photos, videos and text. Users need a
device with a web browser — laptops, smartphones or tablets
— and an Internet connection to access a website.

1. Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML):

HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is the most basic building block of the
Web. It defines the meaning and structure of web content. Other technologies
besides HTML are generally used to describe a web page's
appearance/presentation (CSS) or functionality/behavior (JavaScript).
"Hypertext" refers to links that connect web pages to one another, either within
a single website or between websites. Links are a fundamental aspect of the
Web. By uploading content to the Internet and linking it to pages created by
other people, you become an active participant in the World Wide Web. HTML
uses "markup" to annotate text, images, and other content for display in a Web
browser. HTML markup includes special "elements" such as <head>,
<title>, <body>, <header>, <footer>, <article>,
<section>, <p>, <div>, <span>, <img>, <nav>, <video>, <ul>, <ol>, <li> and
many others.

Features of HTML:

1) It is a very easy and simple language. It can be easily understood and


2) It is very easy to make an effective presentation with HTML because it has a

lot of formatting tags.

3) It is a markup language, so it provides a flexible way to design web pages

along with the text.

4) It facilitates programmers to add a link on the web pages (by html anchor
tag), so it enhances the interest of browsing of the user.

5) It is platform-independent because it can be displayed on any platform like

Windows, Linux etc.
6) lowercase or upper-case.

HTML Page Structure

It facilitates the programmer to add Graphics, Videos, and Sound to the webpages
which makes it more attractive and interactive.
HTML is a case-insensitive language, which means we can use tags either in

<!DOCTYPE>: It defines the document type or it instruct the browser about the
version of HTML.

<html>: This tag informs the browser that it is an HTML document. Text
between html tag describes the web document. It is a container for all other
elements of HTML except <!DOCTYPE>

<head>: It should be the first element inside the element, which contains the
meta data (information about the document). It must be closed before the body
tag opens.

<title>: As its name suggested, it is used to add title of that HTML page which
appears at the top of the browser window. It must be placed inside the head tag
and should close immediately.
<body>: Text between body tag describes the body content of the page that is
visible to the end user. This tag contains the main content of the HTML

Cascading Style Sheets:

Cascading Style Sheets are fondly referred to as CSS. It is used to make web
pages presentable. The reason for using this is to simplify the process of making
web pages presentable. It allows you to apply styles on web pages. More
importantly, it enables you to do this independently of the HTML that makes up
each web page.

Features of CSS

1). Font, color, background style, element alignments, border, and size tags had
to be duplicated on each web page before CSS. This was a lengthy procedure.
2). CSS makes website maintenance much easier. If we need to make a global
change to the file, we can simply alter the style, which will update all of the
elements on the web page.

3). We can use CSS with older language versions because it is compatible with
them. CSS makes it possible to optimize material for several devices

4). A website that’s dull and plain will not attract the user, so adding some style
would surely make your website presentable to the user.

5). A website with a simple yet beautiful UI would help the users to go through
the website easily. It is used to make the user interface better.

6). Since CSS is a basic requirement while learning Web Development, therefor
there are abundant career opportunities for it. As a freelancer, you can land up to
many projects.
Types of CSS:

There are three types of CSS which are given below:

 Inline CSS
 Internal CSS
 External CSS

Inline CSS: Inline CSS contains the CSS property in the body section attached
with element is known as inline CSS. This kind of style is specified within an
HTML tag using the style attribute.

Internal or Embedded CSS: This can be used when a single HTML document
must be styled uniquely. The CSS rule set should be within the HTML file inthe
head section i.e., the CSS is embedded within the HTML file.

External CSS: External CSS contains separate CSS file which contains only
style property with the help of tag attributes (For example class, id, heading, …
etc.). CSS property written in a separate file with .css extension and should be
linked to the HTML document using link tag. This means that for each element,
style can be set only once and that will be applied across web pages.

Properties of CSS: Inline CSS has the highest priority, then comes
Internal/Embedded followed by External CSS which has the least priority.
Multiple style sheets can be defined on one page. If for an HTML tag, styles are
defined in multiple style sheets then the below order will be followed.

1) As Inline has the highest priority, any styles that are defined in the internal and
external style sheets are overridden by Inline styles.

2) Internal or Embedded stands second in the priority list and overrides the styles
in the external style sheet.

3) External style sheets have the least priority. If there are no styles defined either
in inline or internal style sheet then external style sheet rules are applied for
the HTML tags.
JavaScript (JS) is the world’s most popular lightweight, interpreted compiled
programming language. It is also known as a scripting language for web pages.
It can be used for Client-side as well as Server-side developments. JavaScript can
be added to your HTML file in two ways: Internal JavaScript: We can add JS
code directly to our HTML file by writing the code inside the <script> tag.
The <script> tag can either be placed inside the <head> or the
<body> tag according to the requirement. External JavaScript File: We can create
a file with .js extension and paste the JS code inside it. After creating the file, add
this file in <script src=” file_name.js”> tag inside <head> tag of the HTML file.

Features of JavaScript

1) All popular web browsers support JavaScript as they provide built-in

execution environments.

2) JavaScript follows the syntax and structure of the C programming

language. Thus, it is a structured programming language.

3) JavaScript is a weakly typed language, where certain types are implicitly

cast (depending on the operation).

4) JavaScript is an object-oriented programming language that uses

prototypes rather than using classes for inheritance.

5) It is a light-weighted and interpreted language.

6) It is a case-sensitive language.

The Internship program was quite beneficial for me. It helped me in improving
my various technical skills and marketing based skills enhanced my knowledge
in new areas.


The two weeks of my internship that I will never forget in my life. And this
is because of the experience I acquired which enables me to learn more about the
working environment instructed us how we should behave during of our
internship period.

My Role

Undergraduate admitted by the organization, has to follow rules and

regulations regarding such as organization and recognizing. And I was
considering as a new comer in the organization.

Action Taken

During my internship, I had use to my knowledge and skills to show that

I am able to do everything lying under my specialization.


My colleagues helped me to cope well with all challenges at work and they
were always there for me whenever I was in need of any form of assistance.


I learned the true meaning and importance of the orientation exercise

because it simplifies a work whenever I was expecting to be bothered with new
environment. I enhanced the understanding of both individual and group behavior
in the organization.
Project Title: VIRTUAL VAULT

Technologies Used:


Project Images:

In conclusion, this internship has been a very useful experience for me. I can
safely say that my understanding of the job environment has increased greatly.
However, I do think that there are some aspects of the job that I could have
done better and that I need to work on. I need to build more confidence in coding
side. I realized that I could have completed the work earlier than I did. Also, the
technical parts of the job were a bit flawed and I was asked multiple times to
correct it two main things that I’ve learned in my internship the importance of our
time-management skills and self-motivation. They also help me to handle some
of my weakness and provide guidance to whenever I am in need.
PO & PSO Attainment

PO.No Graduate Attribute Attained Justification

PO 1 Engineering knowledge Yes / No

PO 2 Problem analysis Yes / No

Design/Development of
PO 3 Yes / No

Conduct investigations
PO 4 Yes / No
of complex problems

PO 5 Modern Tool usage Yes / No

The Engineer and

PO 6 Yes / No

Environment and
PO 7 Yes / No

PO 8 Ethics Yes / No

Individual and team

PO 9 Yes / No

PO 10 Communication Yes / No

Project management
PO 11 Yes / No
and finance

PO 12 Life-long learning Yes / No

PSO.No Graduate Attribute Attained Justification
To analyze, design and
develop solutions by
PSO 1 applying the concepts of
Robotics for societal and
industrial needs.
To create innovative ideas
and solutions for real time
problems in
Manufacturing sector by
adapting the automation
tools and technologies.

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