Wang 2013
Wang 2013
Wang 2013
Objective: To investigate the impact of left renal vein division (LRVD) on the postoperative renal function of
abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) or aortic occlusive disease (AOD).
Methods: Between January 2000 and January 2012, 238 patients, including 179 AAAs and 59 AODs underwent
open surgery in our institution (patients who required suprarenal aortic clamping were excluded). 49 patients (38
AAAs, 11 AODs) required LRVD during the operation. Patients in the LRVD and non-LRVD groups were matched
using propensity score method in a 1:2 ratio. Pre- and postoperative renal function, major complications, in-
hospital mortality and long-term renal function were compared. Late survival rate was estimated using the
KaplaneMeier method.
Results: Overall, the LRVD group had a significantly higher male/female ratio (39/10 vs.122/67, p ¼ .045), higher
ruptured AAA ratio (36.7% vs. 20.1%, p ¼ .014), higher American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) classification
3 (53.1% vs. 30.2%, p ¼ .003), higher co-morbidities of coronary artery disease (51.0% vs. 33.3%, p ¼ .022),
higher preoperative shock (22.4% vs. 8.5%, p ¼ .006) and longer operative time (164.2 43 vs. 150.1 41 min,
p ¼ .035). With propensity score matching (PSM), 48 patients in the LRVD group and 96 in the non-LRVD group
were enrolled in this study. The baseline characteristics were well balanced in the groups (p < .05) after PSM.
There were no statistically significant differences in preoperative glomerular filtration rate (GFR, expressed as
mL/min/1.73 m2) (62.0 13.1 vs. 62.9 12.9, p ¼ .695), and postoperative GFR on day 1 (60.3 13.7 vs.
61.3 13.1, p ¼ .671), day 3 (54.6 16.8 vs. 58.8 14.3, p ¼ .120), day 7 (62.1 16.8 vs. 63.7 13.4 p ¼ .537)
and in the long term (>12 months) (62.4 14.0 vs. 64.7 11.8 p ¼ .302). There were no statistically significant
differences in in-hospital mortality (6.3% vs. 9.2%, p ¼ .522) and late survival rate estimated by the Kaplane
Meier method (p ¼ .96).
Conclusion: LRVD may be a safe maneuver during abdominal aortic surgery as it did not increase the risks of early
or late mortality and morbidity.
Ó 2013 European Society for Vascular Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Article history: Received 7 December 2012, Accepted 21 April 2013, Available online 3 June 2013
Keywords: Aortic surgery, Left renal vein, Renal function
PATIENTS AND METHODS Pre- and postoperative (day 1, 3 and 7) renal function,
A retrospective review was carried out of all patients major complications, in-hospital mortality, late survival rate
diagnosed as AAA or AOD treated with open surgery at First and long-term renal function were compared. For renal
Hospital of China Medical University between January 2000 function evaluation, both serum creatinine (sCr) and
and January 2012. To avoid the confounding factors of renal glomerular filtration rate (GFR) were used. GFR was esti-
ischemia impact on the postoperative renal function, pa- mated by the Cockcroft-Gault equation:10,11 (140 e
tients requiring suprarenal aortic clamping were excluded age) weight/72 sCr (age is in years, body weight is in kg
from this study. Two-hundred and thirty-eight (238) pa- and sCr is in mg/dL; the equation is multiplied by 0.85 in
tients, including 123 stable AAAs (sAAA) (51.7%), 56 women). The GFR values are expressed as mL/min/1.73 m2.
ruptured AAAs (rAAA) (23.5%) and 59 AODs (24.8%), were Major complications include myocardial infarction (MI),
eligible. Patients with CT and laparotomic findings of pulmonary embolism (PE), respiratory failure, renal
retroperitoneal hematoma or free peritoneal blood were dysfunction, major amputation, cerebral infarction and
diagnosed as rAAA. All rAAAs were treated urgently. ileus. MI was diagnosed by electrocardiographic change and
A transperitoneal midline incision was used in all cases. elevated cardiac enzymes. Respiratory failure was defined
Blood flow was reconstructed with a bifurcated PTFE graft as a patient who could not be independent from a venti-
in the form of end-to-end anastomy in proximal aorta and lator >72 hours, or required postoperative reintubation or
end-to-side anastomy in distal iliac arteries or femoral ar- tracheostomy. The diagnosis of PE or cerebral infarction was
teries. To improve the exposure of proximal neck, LRVD was made using radiographic evidence and consultation of a
performed in 49 patients (20.6%), including 20 sAAA, 18 senior specialist. Major amputation indicated below- or
rAAA and 11 AOD. All left renal veins were ligated and above-knee amputation for severe lower limb ischemia.
divided near the inferior vena cava to preserve collateral Renal dysfunction was defined as a rise in sCr >0.5 mg/dL
tributaries for drainage of the left kidney. There was no left or an absolute sCr level >2.0 mg/dL. Ileus was considered if
renal vein reconstruction in this group. the gut motility did not recover till 72 hours after surgery.1
Theoretically, patients who needed LRVD may have had We used the propensity score-matched method to bal-
worse baseline characteristics and surgical complexity ance the confounding factors between the LRVD and non-
compared with non-LRVD patients. In order to attenuate LRVD groups. For each patient, propensity score was
compounding variables, we conducted a propensity score- calculated using a multivariable logistic regression model
matched caseecontrol study. with the end point of LRVD (non-LRVD coded as 0, LRVD
coded as 1). The covariates included age, sex, diagnosis, Table 3. Pre- and postoperative GFR (mean SD), expressed as
preoperative shock (systolic blood pressure < 90 mmHg), mL/min/1.73 m2.
co-morbidities, American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) LRVD group Non-LRVD group p Value
classification, intraoperative blood lost, aortic clamping Preoperative 62.0 13.1 62.9 12.9 .695
time and operating time. Then the nearest neighbor GFR
matching was made in a 1:2 ratio. The matching caliper Postoperative 60.3 13.7 61.3 13.1 .671
width was 0.1. Qualitative variables were compared using a day 1GFR
Postoperative 54.6 16.8 58.8 14.3 .120
chi-square test and quantitative variables with an inde-
day 3 GFR
pendent sample t-test. Values of p <.05 were considered
Postoperative 62.1 16.8 63.7 13.4 .537
statistically significant. Late survival rate was established day 7 GFR
using KaplaneMeier analysis. Statistical analysis was per- Long-term 62.4 14.0 64.7 11.8 .302
formed by SPSS (version 12.0) for Windows (SPSS Inc, Chi- GFR
cago, IL, USA). GFR ¼ glomerular filtration rate; LRVD ¼ left renal vein division.
The study was approved by the ethics committee of
China Medical University. No patients required dialysis, or died directly related to
renal failure during follow-up (5e125 months, average 41
A total of 144 patients were included in our study (48 in the DISCUSSION
LRVD group and 96 in the non-LRVD group). One rAAA Although the incidence of abdominal aortic disease is
patient in the LRVD group was not matched. Prior to increasing with the aging of Chinese population, the
matching, LRVD had significantly higher male/female ratio, amount of open surgery is decreasing. This is because of a
ruptured AAA ratio, ASA classification, co-morbidities of widely accepted endovascular therapy for AAA or AOD.
coronary artery disease, preoperative shock rate and longer However, increased complexity of open aortic surgery had
operative time. After matching, these variations were well been noticed.12 Cases left to open surgery were often in
balanced between groups. Detailed patient demographics emergency or with unfavorable anatomy, especially the
are shown in Table 1. short proximal neck. Thus, more LRVD was needed to
Both preoperative sCr and GFR showed no significant improve the exposure of the aorta. In our series, the ratio of
difference. We found a compromised renal function on LRVD was 20.6% in all and 21.2% in AAA patients, which
postoperative day 1 and 3, which recovered to the baseline was higher than previous reports.1,2
level on day 7. However, there was still no significant dif- Renal hypertension caused by LRVD resulted in a reduc-
ference on postoperative renal function. In 115 patients (37 tion of renal blood flow and GFR. The activation of the
in the LRVD group, 78 in the non-LRVD group) survived renineangiotensinealdosterone system may further reduce
more than 12 months, long-term renal function was ob- GFR.13 These pathophysiological changes were similar to
tained in an average of 31 months after surgery (13e78 the nutcracker syndrome, which was characterized by
months). Renal functions of six patients (four in the LRVD impeded outflow from the LRV into the inferior vena cava
group, two in the non-LRVD group) were failed to be as a result of extrinsic compression.14 To preserve venous
evaluated. Data available also showed no significant dif- collaterals and reduce the risk of stump thrombosis, all left
ference. Details of sCr and GFR are shown in Tables 2 and 3. renal veins were divided close to the inferior vena cava.
No significant difference was observed between groups Some early reports described complications of bleeding,
in major complications (Table 4). Total in-hospital mortality renal edema or renal rupture caused by division near the
was 8.3% (12 patients), all of these patients were rAAA left kidney.15e17 In our series, no patient experienced any
except for one sAAA who died from PE in the non-LRVD symptoms of nutcracker syndrome, such as left flank pain or
group. Late survival rate was similar between groups massive hematuria,14 both in-hospital and follow-up. There
(p ¼ .960). The KaplaneMeier curves are shown in Fig. 1.
Table 4. Comparison of major complications and in-hospital
Table 2. Pre- and postoperative sCr (mean SD), expressed as survival rate.
mg/dL. Major complications LRVD group Non-LRVD group p Value
LRVD group Non-LRVD group p Value MI 2 (4.2%) 1 (1.0%) .216
Preoperative sCr .92 .27 .94 .25 .660 PE 0 (0%) 1 (1.0%) .478
Postoperative 1.06 .25 1.05 .26 .826 Respiratory failure 11 (22.9%) 17 (17.7%) .467
day 1 sCr Renal dysfunction 6 (12.5%) 11 (11.5%) .855
Postoperative 1.14 .34 1.07 .32 .228 Major amputation 2 (4.2%) 3 (3.1%) .748
day 3 sCr Cerebral infarction 1 (2.1%) 2 (2.1%) 1.000
Postoperative .97 .37 .96 .28 .857 Ileus 5 (10.4%) 12 (12.5%) .715
day 7 sCr In-hospital 3 (6.3%) 9 (9.2%) .522
Long-term sCr .95 .29 .93 .23 .653 mortality (%)
LRVD ¼ left renal LRVD ¼ left renal vein division; MI ¼ myocardial infarction;
vein division. PE ¼ pulmonary embolism.
230 European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Volume 46 Issue 2 August/2013
Figure 1. The KaplaneMeier curves of surviving LRVD and non-LRVD patients (Cum Survival: %; Time: month). There was no significant
difference between groups (p ¼ .960 by log-rank test).
was also no symptomatic PE in the LRVD group. Re- requiring suprarenal aortic clamping were excluded, and the
anastomosis of the left renal vein might be necessary LRVD group was matched using the propensity score
when the collaterals, especially inferior adrenal and gonadal method to make the two groups more comparable.
veins, are in absence. There are still some limitations of this study. Post-
So far, the safety of LRVD without re-anastomosis is still operative imaging of computed tomography angiography or
controversial. Some studies showed that the LRVD did not ultrasonography may help us better understand the physi-
influence the in-hospital renal function or associated com- ological and pathological changes in the left kidney after
plications of aortic surgery.2e4 Samson and colleagues5 LRVD.18 Further determination of split renal function is
investigated the long-term renal function of 36 LRVD pa- recommended to reveal the direct impact of LRVD on the
tients, and found that all patients had a stable sCr and GFR left kidney.
level except for two, who had insufficient preoperative In conclusion, LRVD does not adversely affect the post-
renal function and experienced deterioration more than a operative renal function, complications and early or late
year after surgery. These findings demonstrated that LRVD survival rate of patients undergoing abdominal aortic sur-
was a safe adjunct for aortic surgery. gery. It is a safe procedure for complex or emergency aortic
Some other reports gave a conflicting conclusion, in that surgery. Reconstruction of the left renal vein may be un-
increased in-hospital sCr and decreased GFR after LRVD necessary when the collaterals are preserved.
were observed.6,7 AbuRahma6 reported that two of 13
LRVD patients had no left renal function six months after
surgery. In a multivariate analysis for open surgery of par-
arenal AAA, West et al.8 demonstrated that LRVD was a None.
significant predictor of pulmonary complications, post-
operative renal insufficiency and prolonged hospital stay.
Marrocco-Trischitta et al.,1 reporting on a group of AAAs
who underwent LRVD and reconstruction during open None.
repair, concluded that left renal vein reconstruction main-
tained renal function and was not associated with length-
ening operative time and increasing complications.
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