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High Lactate Levels Are Predictors of Major Complications After Cardiac Surgery

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Hajjar et al Perioperative Management

High lactate levels are predictors of major complications after

cardiac surgery
Ludhmila A. Hajjar, MD, PhD,a Juliano P. Almeida, MD,a Julia T. Fukushima, MSc,a
Andrew Rhodes, MD, PhD,b Jean-Louis Vincent, MD, PhD,c Eduardo A. Osawa, MD,a
and Filomena R. B. G. Galas, MD, PhDa

Objective: Although hyperlactatemia after cardiac surgery is common, the implications of raised levels remain
controversial. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether high lactate levels after cardiac surgery are predic-
tors of major complications including mortality.
Patients and Methods: This was a substudy of TRACS (Transfusion Requirements After Cardiac Surgery),
which was designed as a prospective, randomized, controlled trial evaluating the effects of a transfusion strategy
on morbidity and mortality.
Results: Of the 502 patients enrolled, 52 (10%) had at least 1 major complication. Patients with complications
were older, had a higher EuroSCORE, lower left ventricular ejection fraction, lower preoperative hemoglobin,
a higher prevalence of renal disease, and received more blood transfusions than the group without complications.
Lactate levels were higher in the group with complications at the end of surgery (3.6 mmol/L [2.8-5.1] vs 3.3
mmol/L [2.2-4.8]; P ¼ .018), immediately after intensive care unit (ICU) admission (0 hour) (4.4 mmol/L
[3.1-8.4] vs 4 mmol/L [2.6-6.4]; P ¼ .048); 6 hours (4 mmol/L [2.7-5.8] vs 2.6 mmol/L [2-3.6], P <.001),
and 12 hours after admission (2.3 mmol/L [1.8-3.2] vs 1.7 mmol/L [1.3-2]; P<.001). In a multivariate model,
higher age (odds ratio [OR], 1.048, 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.011-1.086; P ¼ .010), left ventricular
ejection fraction (LVEF) lower than 40% (OR, 3.03; 95% CI, 1.200-7.510; P ¼ .019 compared with LVEF
of 40%-59%; OR, 3.571; 95% CI, 1.503-8.196; P ¼ .004 compared with LVEF higher than 60%), higher Euro-
SCORE (OR, 1.138; 95% CI; 1.007-1.285; P ¼ .038), red blood cell transfusion (OR, 1.230; 95% CI,
1.086-1.393; P ¼ .001), and lactate levels 6 hours after ICU admission (OR, 3.28, 95% CI; 1.61-6.69;
P ¼ .001) are predictors of major complications.
Conclusions: Hyperlactatemia 6 hours after ICU admission is an independent risk factor for worse outcomes in
adult patients after cardiac surgery. (J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2013;146:455-60)

Hyperlactatemia is frequently encountered during and after maintenance of appropriate hemodynamic goals is essential
cardiac surgery and has many causes that include tissue to improve outcomes after cardiac surgery.1 Perfusion
hypoxia as well as nonhypoxic causes such as drug therapy, markers such as central venous oxygen saturation and blood
cardioplegia, hypothermia, and cardiopulmonary bypass lactate may, therefore, represent important tools for the
(CPB).1-4 In sepsis and shock states, high levels of blood management of these patients.7 The predictive role of hy-
lactate have been associated with worse outcomes, perlactatemia as a prognostic factor in these patients is
including mortality.5,6 not well understood.
After cardiac surgery, morbidity and mortality are related The aim of this study was to evaluate whether high lactate
directly to the preoperative status of the patient, as well as to levels after cardiac surgery are predictors of major compli-
specific anesthetic, surgical, and postoperative factors. The cations, including acute respiratory distress syndrome
(ARDS), cardiogenic shock, acute kidney injury needing re-
nal replacement therapy, and mortality.
From the Surgical Intensive Care Unit and Department of Anesthesiology,a Heart In-
stitute (InCor), Hospital das Clinicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de
S~ao Paulo, S~ao Paulo, Brazil; the Department of Critical Care,b St George’s Health- METHODS
care NHS Trust and St George’s University of London, London, United Kingdom; The Transfusion Requirements After Cardiac Surgery (TRACS) study,
and the Department of Intensive Care,c Erasme Hospital (Libre Universite of Brux- which has been previously reported, was designed as a prospective, ran-
elles), Brussels, Belgium. domized, noninferiority, controlled trial to look into blood transfusion
Disclosures: Authors have nothing to disclose with regard to commercial support. thresholds after elective cardiac surgery.8 Consecutive adult patients who
Clinical Trial Registry Number: NCT 01021631.

were scheduled for elective cardiac surgery with CPB between February
Received for publication Aug 30, 2012; revisions received Dec 13, 2012; accepted for
9, 2009, and February 1, 2010, were enrolled. We excluded patients requir-
publication Feb 8, 2013; available ahead of print March 18, 2013.
Address for reprints: Ludhmila A. Hajjar, MD, PhD, Av Dr Eneas Carvalho Aguiar,
ing surgery in an emergency situation, ascending or descending thoracic
44, S~ao Paulo, Brazil 05403000 (E-mail: ludhmila@usp.br). aortic procedures, left ventricular aneurysm resection, inability to receive
0022-5223/$36.00 blood products, pregnancy, cancer, congenital heart defect, hepatic dys-
Copyright Ó 2013 by The American Association for Thoracic Surgery function, end-stage renal disease, and the refusal to consent. The study
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jtcvs.2013.02.003 was approved by the Heart Institute Ethics Committee of the Clinics

The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery c Volume 146, Number 2 455
Perioperative Management Hajjar et al

(P <.1). And all tests were 2-tailed. Statistical analyses were performed
using SPSS version 18 (SPSS, Inc, Chicago, Ill).
Abbreviations and Acronyms
ARDS ¼ adult respiratory distress syndrome
CI ¼ confidence interval RESULTS
CPB ¼ cardiopulmonary bypass A total of 502 patients were enrolled in the original study,
ICU ¼ intensive care unit from which 52 (10.4%) patients had at least 1 major com-
LVEF ¼ left ventricular ejection fraction plication. Thirty-six (7.2%) patients had 2 or more compli-
OR ¼ odds ratio cations. Death occurred in 26 (5.2%) patients, cardiogenic
RIFLE ¼ renal risk, injury, failure, loss, end-stage shock in 34 (6.8%), acute kidney injury needing renal re-
kidney disease placement therapy in 23 (4.6%), and ARDS in 7 (1.4%)
ROC ¼ receiver operating characteristic patients.
TRACS ¼ Transfusion Requirements After Cardiac This group of patients was older (67  11 vs 59  12
Surgery years; P<.001) and had a lower prevalence of male gender
(22 [42%] vs 288 [64%]; P ¼ .002) than the group without
complications. There was no significant difference in co-
morbidities, except for a higher prevalence of chronic renal
Hospital, University of S~ao Paulo, and written informed consent was ob-
disease (11 [22%] vs 41 [9%]; P ¼ .004) in patients who
tained from all patients before enrollment. Patients were randomly as-
signed to a liberal (hematocrit values maintained >30%) or restrictive had complications (Table 1). The prevalence of patients
strategy group (hematocrit values maintained >24%) from the beginning with a lower preoperative left ventricular ejection fraction
of the operation until discharge from the intensive care unit (ICU). (LVEF) was higher in the group with complications as com-
In this substudy, we assessed the values of blood lactate measurements pared with the group without complications (LVEF<40%,
as predictors of postoperative complications in the overall population of
16 [31%] vs 53 [12%]; P ¼ .001). Patients with complica-
502 patients. Blood lactate levels and blood gases were determined rou-
tinely iRadiometer ABL 835 blood gas analyzer (Radiometer Medical tions also had a higher operative risk, characterized by
A/S, Bronshoj, Denmark) during surgery in the operating room, immedi- a higher EuroSCORE (7 [5-9] vs 4 [3-6]; P < .001) and
ately on the arrival to the ICU (0 hours), and at 6 and 12 hours after ICU a lower preoperative hemoglobin level (12.6  2.1 vs
admission. 13.3  1.7 gm/dL; P ¼ .009) when compared with patients
without complications (Table 1). The group with complica-
Outcome Measures tions had a longer duration of hospital stay (14  5 days vs
A composite end point for postoperative complications was used and
9  4 days; P <.001) than those who did not.
defined as a combination of 30-day all cause mortality and severe mor-
bidity (cardiogenic shock, ARDS, or acute kidney injury needing renal The patients in whom major complications developed
replacement therapy during the hospital stay). Cardiogenic shock was were more likely to undergo valve surgery (19 [37%] vs
defined as the presence of tachycardia, hypotension, and poor perfusion 140 [31%]; P<.001) or a combined valve and graft proce-
associated with a central venous oxygen saturation less than 65%, car- dure (11 [21%] vs 25 [6%]; P <.001) compared with the
diac index equal to or lower than 2.2 L $ min1 $ m2, or metabolic ac-
group without complications. They also had a longer dura-
idosis (decrease in base deficit >4) in the absence of a cause other than
heart failure, which occurred after ICU admission.9,10 ARDS was defined tion of CPB (109  36 minutes vs 93  29 minutes;
by standard criteria.11 Renal function was evaluated daily using the P < .001) and a lower hematocrit (27%  5% vs
RIFLE (renal risk, injury, failure, loss, end-stage kidney disease) 25%  6%; P ¼ .019), higher final lactate levels at odds
classification.10 ratio (OR) (3.6 [2.8-5.1] mmol/L vs 3.3 [2.2-4.8] mmol/L;
P ¼ .018), and lower venous oxygen saturation
Statistical Analysis (74%  11% vs 82%  7%; P < .001) during surgery
Results are expressed as means with standard deviation or medians with
than the other patients. They required more blood products
interquartile ranges, as appropriate. Normality was assessed with the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The relationships between the complications during surgery than did the group without complications
and potential risk factors identified by univariate analysis were assessed (2 [1-3] vs 1 [0-2]; P < .001), and after ICU admission
using a c2 test, Fisher’s exact test, likelihood ratio test, t test, or Mann- (2 [2-4] vs 1 [0-2]; P<.001). There was no significant dif-
Whitney U test. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were con- ference between groups regarding the strategy of red blood
structed, and the area under the ROC curve was determined to assess the
cell transfusion (Tables 2 and 3).
discriminant ability of the lactate concentration measured at intraopera-
tive, at ICU admission (0 hours), 6 hours, and 12 hours after ICU admis- Patients in whom complications developed had
sion to predict complications. Negative predictive value and positive higher lactate levels immediately after ICU admission
(4.4 [3.1-8.4] vs 4.0 mmol/L [2.6-6.4]; P ¼ .048); 6 hours

predictive value to predict complications were calculated. The ROC curves

also were used to determine the cutoff values of lactate to predict compli- (4 [2.7-5.8] vs 2.6 mmol/L [2-3.6]; P<.001); and 12 hours
cations. The cutoff was the value that maximized the sensitivity and
after admission (2.3 [1.8-3.2] vs 1.7 mmol/L [1.3-2];
A forward multiple logistic regression analysis was then performed to P <.001) (Table 2).
estimate independent predictive factors for complications. This model in- Lactate levels of 3 mmol/L after 6 hours of ICU stay and
cluded risk factors that were first identified by univariate analysis of 2 mmol/L after 12 hours of ICU stay were associated with

456 The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery c August 2013

Hajjar et al Perioperative Management

TABLE 1. Univariate variable screening findings

Variable Total No (n ¼ 450) Yes (n ¼ 52) P value
Age (y), mean (SD) 60  12 59  12 67  11 <.001
Men 310 (62%) 288 (64%) 22 (42%) .002
Body mass index (kg/m2), mean (SD) 26  4 26  4 26  5 .967
Comorbid conditions
Hypertension 393 (78%) 350 (78%) 43 (83%) .416
Diabetes 165 (33%) 144 (32%) 21 (40%) .236
Dyslipidemia 286 (57%) 253 (56%) 33 (65%) .260
Renal disease 52 (11%) 41 (9%) 11 (22%) .004
COPD 14 (3%) 13 (3%) 1 (2%) 1.000
Unstable angina 155 (31%) 140 (31%) 15 (29%) .738
Previous myocardial infarction 175 (35%) 158 (35%) 17 (33%) .784
Heart failure, NYHA classification
I 17 (6%) 11 (5%) 5 (14%) .313
II 110 (39%) 76 (37%) 14 (39%)
III 94 (33%) 99 (48%) 15 (42%)
IV 61 (22%) 19 (9%) 2 (6%)
LVEF (%)
<40 69 (14%) 53 (12%) 16 (31%) .001
40-59 151 (30%) 137 (30%) 14 (27%)
60 282 (56%) 260 (58%) 22 (42%)
Reoperation 68 (14%) 60 (13%) 8 (15%) .682
EuroSCORE, median (IQR) 4 (3-6) 4 (3-6) 7 (5-9) <.001
Preoperative laboratory values, mean (SD)
Hemoglobin (g/dL) 12.6  1.7 13.3  1.7 12.6  2.1 .009
Hematocrit (%) 39  5 40  5 39  6 .071
Prothrombin time (s) 11.1  1.6 11.1  1.6 11.4  1.4 .248
Platelet count (3103/mL) 223  66 224  66 218  67 .526
Creatinine level (mg/dL) 1.12  0.35 1.11  0.35 1.21  0.37 .081
Leukocyte count (/mL) 7635  2065 7640  2084 7596  1918 .889
Preoperative drug exposure
Aspirin 197 (39%) 176 (39%) 21 (40%) .868
Heparin 5 (1%) 5 (1%) 0 (0%) 1.000
SD, Standard deviation; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; NYHA, New York Heart Association; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; EuroSCORE, European
System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation; IQR, interquartile range.

major postoperative complications, resulting in an area un- also at 6 and 12 hours later, are related to postoperative ad-
der the ROC curve of 0.72 (95% confidence interval [CI], verse events. A threshold of 3 mmol/L at 6 hours after ad-
0.64-0.79; P < .001) and 0.75 (95% CI, 0.66-0.83; mission to the ICU and of 2 mmol/L at 12 hours identifies
P <.001), respectively (Figure 1). patients with worse outcomes including a higher rate of
In a multivariate model, higher age (OR, 1.048; 95% CI, 30-day mortality after cardiac surgery. Also, a lactate level
1.011-1.086; P ¼ .010), LVEF lower than 40% (OR, 3.03; exceeding 3 mmol/L at 6 hours after surgery is indepen-
95% CI, 1.200-7.510; P ¼ .019; compared with LVEF of dently associated with a 3.3 times risk of a major compli-
40%-59%, OR, 3.571; 95% CI, 1.503-8.196; P ¼ .004; cation after cardiac surgery, including death. Although the
compared with LVEF higher than 60%), higher Euro- causes of these high lactate levels are numerous and
SCORE (OR, 1.138; 95% CI, 1.007-1.285; P ¼ .038), red diverse, these results raise the possibility that targeting
blood cell transfusion (OR, 1.230; 95% CI, 1.086-1.393; therapy to reduce or prevent the initial increase in this vari-
P ¼ .001), and lactate levels 6 hours after ICU admission able may prevent complications and improve postoperative
(OR, 3.28; 95% CI, 1.61-6.69; P ¼ .001) are predictors outcomes.

of major complications (Table 4). Cardiac surgery may result in an imbalance between ox-
ygen demand and supply, leading to tissue hypoxia and ulti-
DISCUSSION mately to organ failure.12,13 Factors such as inadequate
This study has demonstrated that lactate levels at the end myocardial protection, residual ischemia, and longer
of cardiac surgery, immediately after ICU admission and duration of CPB are widely known risk factors for tissue

The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery c Volume 146, Number 2 457
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TABLE 2. Intraoperative data, laboratory findings, and cardiac TABLE 3. RBC unit exposure and lactate levels after ICU admission
procedure details Complications
Complications Variable No (n ¼ 450) Yes (n ¼ 52) P value
Variable No (n ¼ 450) Yes (n ¼ 52) P value Transfused RBC units 1 (0-2) 2 (2-4) <.001*
Procedure (median, IQR)
CABG surgery 285 (63%) 22 (42%) <.001 Lactate (mmol/L) after ICU
Valve surgery 140 (31%) 19 (37%) admission (median, IQR)
CABG þ valve surgery 25 (6%) 11 (21%) 0 4 (2.6-6.4) 4.4 (3.1-8.4) .048*
No. of grafts per patient 6h 2.6 (2-3.6) 4 (2.7-5.8) <.001*
1 28 (9%) 4 (12%) .395 12 h 1.7 (1.3-2) 2.3 (1.8-3.2) <.001*
2 93 (30%) 6 (18%) RBC, Red blood cell; ICU, intensive care unit; IQR, interquartile range. *Mann-Whit-
3 129 (42%) 15 (45%) ney test.
4 50 (16%) 8 (24%)
>4 10 (3%) 0 (0%)
a marker of tissue hypoperfusion and worse outcomes is
ITA graft 281 (91%) 28 (85%) .351
CPB (min) 93  29 109  36 <.001
a matter of controversy.
Crossclamp time (min) 42 (41-44) 43 (42-44) .099 Our results are consistent with reports in surgical and non-
Hemoglobin (g/dL) surgical settings where elevated lactate concentrations and
Initial 12.6  1.7 12.4  1.8 .408 prolonged lactate clearance were associated with morbidity
Middle 8.8  2.3 8.5  3.2 .367 and death.14,15 Polonen and associates16 showed that nor-
Final 10.4  1.4 10.2  1.4 .374 malizing lactate concentrations as a therapeutic goal is asso-
Hematocrit (%) ciated with decreased morbidity and hospital length of stay
Initial 39  5 38  5 .373 in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Although some stud-
Middle 27  5 25  6 .019 ies have described lactate levels higher than 3 mmol/L as
Final 32  4 31  4 .239
being associated with worse outcomes in critically ill surgi-
Lactate (mmol/L)
cal patients,6,17 other investigations have discussed which is
Initial 1.6 (1.2-1.9) 1.4 (1.1-1.9) .442
Final 3.3 (2.2-4.8) 3.6 (2.8-5.1) .018
the appropriate range for lactate values in these patients.18,19
ScVO2 (%) This study has shown that lactate concentrations higher
Initial 74  9 71  10 .045 than 3 mmol/L 6 hours after ICU admission are indepen-
Final 82  7 74  11 <.001 dently associated with major complications after cardiac
Fluid administered (mL) 3000 (2500-3500) 3000 (2500-3500) .429 surgery, including death. Our data are different from the
Crystalloids (mL) 2500 (2000-3000) 2500 (2500-3000) .832 findings of Maillet and colleagues,1 who reported that
Albumin 3 (1%) 1 (2%) .355 higher lactate levels at ICU admission were associated
Hydroxyethylstarch 189 (42%) 28 (54%) .103 with complications that included a longer duration of me-
6% (130/0.4) chanical ventilation and length of ICU stay. We hypothe-
Transfused RBCs, units 1 (0-2) 2 (2-4) <.001
sized that during surgery and immediately after ICU
(median, IQR)
admission, hyperlactatemia may be due to other causes
Platelet transfusion 27 (6%) 6 (12%) .137
Fresh frozen plasma 76 (17%) 21 (40%) <.001
than tissue hypoperfusion, such as cardioplegia, hypother-
Cryoprecipitate 9 (2%) 2 (4%) .318 mia, and CPB.
Liberal strategy of RBC 229 (50.9%) 24 (46.2%) .850 This study brings a new perspective to the role of lactate
transfusion monitoring after cardiac surgery. Previous studies have fo-
CABG, Coronary artery bypass grafting; ITA, internal thoracic artery; CPB, cardio- cused their attention on the moment that hyperlactatemia
pulmonary bypass; ScVo2, Central venous oxygen saturation; RBC, red blood cells; arises, dividing between immediate and delayed hyperlacta-
IQR, interquartile range.
temia. According to these studies, patients in whom hyper-
lactatemia develops during their ICU stay have the same
hypoperfusion and consequently for worse outcomes after outcome as patients who have normal lactate levels during
cardiac surgery.1,2 Despite many advances in the care of the same period. In addition, patients who have hyperlacta-
these patients and low rates of mortality for elective temia immediately after ICU admission have worse out-
cardiac procedures, complications remain frequent. comes than do the other patients.1,2
Crucial to implementing adequate treatment is the The origin of the hyperlactatemia after cardiac surgery is

definition of appropriate goals for treatment and predictive multifactorial. Hyperlactatemia can occur even in the ab-
factors for complications. In sepsis, lactate levels have sence of tissue hypoperfusion.20 It can involve a reduced
been used as a resuscitation end point and as predictors of liver clearance of lactate secondary to the effect of the anes-
both short- and long-term complications and mortality.5 In thetics and the low temperatures during CPB on the cellular
cardiac surgery, however, the role of hyperlactatemia as metabolism.20,21 In addition, the use of catecholamines

458 The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery c August 2013

Hajjar et al Perioperative Management

FIGURE 1. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve comparing the ability of immediate postoperative, 0-hour, 6-hour, and 12-hour lactate levels
after intensive care unit (ICU) admission in predicting major complications after cardiac surgery. OR, Operating room; AUC, area under the curve; CI, con-
fidence interval; PPV, positive predictive value; NPV, negative predictive value.

during cardiac surgery can lead to increased lactate levels could represent a subgroup of patients with hyperlactatemia
owing to their action on oxidative glucose metabolism.22,23 secondary to occult tissue hypoperfusion. These findings
Patients undergoing uncomplicated cardiac surgery can suggest that a strategy of hemodynamic optimization using
often have a transient hyperlactatemia. In our study, the pa- other parameters such as cardiac index, calculated oxygen
tients who still had lactate levels higher than 3 mmoL/L after delivery, and central venous oxygen saturation in patients
6 hours and higher 2 mmol/L after 12 hours of ICU stay with early hyperlactatemia aiming a serum lactate under 3
mmol/L in the first 6 hours and under 2 mmol/L in the first
TABLE 4. Multiple logistic regression to determine predictive factors 12 hours of ICU admission may reduce the incidence of ma-
for major complication after cardiac surgery jor complications, as reported by previous studies.4,16,24,25
Estimated Other classic risk factors for worse outcomes after car-
Variable parameter SE OR 95% CI P value diac surgery, including increased age, lower LVEF, higher
Age (y) 0.044 0.017 1.048 1.011 1.086 .010
EuroSCORE, and red blood cell transfusion, were also pre-
LVEF .010 dictors of major complications in our patients. These data
<40 (%) are similar to other previous studies.25-28 The additional
40-59 (%) 0.899 0.451 3.030 1.20 7.51 .019 role of lactate as a risk factor suggests that in the clinical
>60 (%) 1.176 0.426 3.571 1.503 8.196 .004 setting, it might help physicians in the perioperative
EuroSCORE 0.137 0.060 1.138 1.007 1.285 .038 planning to drive patients’ monitoring and therapy.
Transfuse red 0.195 0.062 1.230 1.086 1.393 .001 Our study has the limitation of being performed in a sin-
blood cell units gle center, with a relatively small number of patients, which

Lactate 6 h could restrict the generalization of our findings. In addition,

<3 mmol/L Reference
we have used data from a previous prospective study that
>3 mmol/L 1.236 0.351 3.280 1.607 6.694 .001
was not specifically designed for this purpose. Despite
Model sensitivity and specificity ¼ 74%. SE, Standard error; OR, odds ratio; CI, con-
fidence interval; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; EuroSCORE, European Sys- this, our data set is large and well validated, enabling us
tem for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation. to be confident of our estimates and assumptions.

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