Pusa Institute of Technology Mechanical Engg. Department 1 Assignment (To Be Submitted Before 15.09.2024) Third Semester (2024)
Pusa Institute of Technology Mechanical Engg. Department 1 Assignment (To Be Submitted Before 15.09.2024) Third Semester (2024)
Pusa Institute of Technology Mechanical Engg. Department 1 Assignment (To Be Submitted Before 15.09.2024) Third Semester (2024)
Q.4. List separately intrinsic and extrinsic properties from among the
(a) Pressure (b) Volume (c) Mass (d) Density
(e) Temperature (f) Specific heat
(g) Heat capacity
Q.5. which among the followings are path function and point function?
(i) Pressure (ii) Work done (iii) Temperature (iv)
Q.6. In how many ways energy can be transferred to a closed system and a
open system?
Q.7 Explain energy inter-action between system and surrounding for a
closed system.
Q.8 A room is insulated. A candle is burning in the room. Taking room air
and candle as system, identify the nature of energy transferred and change
of internal energy of the system.
Q.10 State and explain Boyle’s law of gas and derive an expression for work
Q.11 State and explain Charles’s law of gas and derive general gas law
Q.15 Human body temperature is 370C. What will be its value in Kelvin?
Q.18 A potato initially at room temperature (25 0C) is being baked in an oven
that is maintained at 2000C. Is there any heat transfer during this baking
process? Explain.
Q.19 Determine power transmitted through the shaft of a car when the
torque applied is 200 N-m and shaft rotates at a rate of 4000 rpm.
Q.21 A rigid tank contains hot fluid that is cooled while being stirred by a
paddle wheel. Initially, the internal energy of the fluid is 800 KJ. During the
cooling process, the fluid loses 500 KJ of heat and the paddle wheel does 100
KJ of work on the fluid. Determine the final internal energy of the fluid.
Q.22 What is flow energy of a flowing fluid? Explain with a neat diagram.
Q.23 What is steady flow system? Explain.
Q.29 State and explain First law of thermodynamics for open and
closed system.
Q.30 State and explain Zeroth law of thermodynamics and discuss its
application area.
Q.31 State and explain the first law of thermodynamics closed and open
system. Derive steady flow energy equation for open system.
Q.37 With the help of a neat diagram explain the working of Babcock –
Wilcox and Cochran boiler.
Q.38 What are differences between fire tube and water tube boiler?