Research Methodology Methods and Techniques
Research Methodology Methods and Techniques
Research Methodology Methods and Techniques
Methods and
Research methodology is a structured approach used to identify, collect,
analyse, and interpret data for research purposes. It lays the foundation for
how researchers approach problems, organize their research, and present
their findings. In academic research, methodology encompasses the
underlying principles and strategies that guide the entire research process.
This includes decisions about which methods and techniques will be used to
gather data, how to analyse it, and how to draw conclusions.
By Nadimpally Kavya Sree
Overview of Research Methodology
Research methodology refers to the specific procedures or techniques used to identify, select, process, and analyse information
about a topic. It serves as the blueprint for the research process, helping the researcher design the study, gather data, and reach
This approach focuses on numerical This methodology is used for This approach combines both
data and the statistical analysis of exploring phenomena in-depth, aiming quantitative and qualitative research
variables. It is often used in scientific, to understand human behaviour, methodologies to take advantage of
social, and medical research where experiences, or social processes. It the strengths of both approaches.
the goal is to quantify relationships, involves non-numerical data, such as
test hypotheses, and establish interviews, observations, and textual
patterns and generalizations. analysis, and is often used in fields
such as anthropology, sociology, and
Quantitative Research Methods
Quantitative research methods are employed when researchers seek to measure the quantity, frequency, or impact of a phenomenon, often
aiming to develop generalizable findings that can be applied to larger populations. Key features of quantitative research include hypothesis
testing, the use of variables, and statistical analysis.
Surveys can take many forms, such as online In experimental research, the researcher manipulates one
questionnaires, telephone interviews, and paper-based or more variables (independent variables) to observe their
forms. They are useful for collecting data from a large effect on another variable (dependent variable). This
group of people in a relatively short time. method is particularly useful for establishing cause-and-
effect relationships.
In correlational research, the goal is to determine whether Quantitative research heavily relies on statistical
and how two or more variables are related. While techniques for data analysis, including descriptive statistics,
correlation does not imply causation, researchers may use inferential statistics, and regression analysis.
this method to identify patterns or trends in data.
Qualitative Research Methods
Qualitative research methods are focused on understanding human experiences, behaviours, and social phenomena in a more detailed
and contextual manner. They emphasize depth over breadth and are often used in exploratory research, theory development, or
understanding complex social processes.
Convergent Design
Both quantitative and qualitative data are collected simultaneously,
analysed separately, and then compared to look for convergence or
Explanatory Sequential
Quantitative data is collected first, followed by qualitative data to explain or
interpret the quantitative findings.
Exploratory Sequential
Qualitative data is collected first to explore a phenomenon, followed by
quantitative data collection to test or generalize the findings.
Advantages of Mixed
By combining both data types, researchers gain both breadth
(through quantitative data) and depth (through qualitative insights).
Mixed methods allow for triangulation, where multiple data sources
or methods are used to validate findings, increasing the credibility
of the results.