Subject Name: Medicinal Chemistry II Time: 02:30pm to 05:30pm Total Marks: 80 Instructions: 1. Attempt any five questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 (a) Write a short note on H2 receptor antagonist. 06
(b) Discuss in detail about gastric proton pump inhibitors along with its mechanism 05 of action. (c) Classify H1-receptor antagonist. Write the structure, IUPAC nomenclature and 05 use of one drug from each category. Q.2 (a) Write chemical structure, mechanism of action and therapeutic use of any three 06 drugs from anti-cancer alkylating agents. (b) Describe drugs used for erectile dysfunction. 05 (c) Write the chemical structure and use of following drugs: 05 (i) Cromolyn sodium (ii) Cetirizine (iii) Thiotepa (iv) Cyclophosphamide (v) Diethyl stilbesterol Q.3 (a) Classify anti-hypertensive agents with suitable examples. 06 (b) Write a short note on oral anticoagulants. 05 (c) Give synthetic scheme and use of (i) Acetazolamide (ii) Warfarin 05 Q.4 (a) Classify corticosteroids with relevant examples. Give chemical structures of 06 any three drugs from each category. (b) Describe chemistry of cardiac glycosides. 05 (c) Write the chemical structure and IUPAC nomenclature of following drugs: 05 (i) Tolbutamide (ii) Phenytoin Sodium (iii) Benzocaine (iv) Furosemide (v) Ethacrynic acid Q.5 (a) What is Diabetes Mellitus? Write chemical classification of oral hypoglycemic 06 agents with suitable examples and two structures from each class. (b) Define and classify anti-arrythmic agents and explain mode of action of each 05 class. (c) Write a short note on anti-hyperlipidemic agents. 05 Q. 6 (a) Classify anti-anginal agents. Describe the mechanism of action and use of 06 nitrates. (b) Write the chemical structure and use of following drugs: 05 (i) Methyl Dopa (ii) Mannitol (iii) Captopril (iv) Metformin (v) Nitroglycerin (c) Give synthetic scheme of following drugs: 05 (i) Diphenhydramine hydrochloride (ii) Methotrexate Q.7 (a) What are diuretics? Classify diuretics with suitable examples. 06 (b) Write an informative note on antithyroid drugs. 05 (c) Outline the SAR of local anesthetics. 05