PFA Questions
PFA Questions
PFA Questions
[N.M. College]
Q. 1 From trial balance of Ram and Shyam you are required to prepare Trading and Profit
& Loss account for the year ending 31st March 2019 & the Balance sheet as on that date after
taking into consideration the additional information.
1. Partners share profits & losses in their capital ratio.
2. The closing stock cost Rs. 20,000/-, market value Rs. 45,000/-
3. Ram has withdrawn goods worth Rs. 1,200/- for his personal use.
4. Uninsured goods worth Rs. 10,000/- were destroyed by fire.
5. Rs. 450/- written off as bad debts from debtors.
6. Outstanding salaries & wages Rs. 800/-
7. Depreciate Land & Building at 15%.
8. Both partners are entitled for salary of Rs. 4,000/- every year.
9. Shyam is entitled for commission @ 5% on net sales.
Q. 2 Komal, Kamal and Kajal are the partners sharing profits and losses in the ratio of
3:2:1. Prepare final accounts of their partnership firm from following.
The Trial Balance as on 31st March 2019 is given below.
Particulars Debit Rs. Credit Rs.
Partner’s Capital A/c: - Komal 3,00,000
Kamal 2,00,000
Kajal 1,00,000
Partner’s Current A/c: - Komal 16,000
Kamal 7,000
Kajal 9,000
Opening Stock 68,000
Purchases & Sales 1,94,000 4,16,000
Productive Wages 66,000
Office Salary 46,000
Opening Stock of Stationery 2,500
Purchase of Stationery 17,500
Insurance for year ended 01.07.19 4,500
Postage Telegram and Telephone 15,500
Customers and Suppliers A/c 1,61,600 1,27,000
Bills Receivable & Payable 29,000 18,000
Sundry Expenses 4,400
Carriage 8,000
Clearing Agent’s Commission 8,000
Land 70,000
Building 1,14,000
Furniture and Fittings 35,000
Bad Debts and Bad Debts Reserve 6,800 2,800
Plant & Machinery (Includes purchases of 1,74,000
machinery Rs. 74,000/- on 01.06.18)
Discount 7,800 5,200
Loss by fire 1,400
Production Expenses 8,000
Advertisement 11,000
Bills Sent for Collection 9,000
Bank Charges and Interest 3,500
Investment in 15% Debentures on 1/04/2018 25,000
(Face value Rs.30,000/-)
Interest on Above Investments 2,000
Bad Debts Recovery 2,500
Balance with Bank 3,000
Cash on Hand 2,700
Goodwill 30,000
Commission 7,200
Office Equipment’s 32,800
Royalties - Production 11,500
Loading Charges 8,700
Refreshments Expenses 5,100
TOTAL 11,98,500 11,98,500
Adjustments: -
1. Closing stock of goods represents cost Rs.95, 000/- and market value Rs.
1,10,000/-. Stock of Stationery on 31st March 2019 was Rs. 2,000/-.
2. Goods costing Rs. 3,000/- were taken by Kamal for personal use. It remains
3. A cheque of Rs. 1,400/- was received from a customer in full settlement of Rs.
1,500/-. The dishonor of this cheque remains unrecorded.
4. Office salary includes prepaid salary of Rs. 6,000/-.
5. Depreciate building, plant & machinery and furniture at the rate of 12% p.a.
6. Allow interest on capital at the rate of 10% p.a.
7. A bill of Rs. 3,000/-, which was sent for collection, was dishonoured and noting
charges were paid by us Rs. 100/-.
8. Outstanding telephone bill of Rs. 500/-.
9. Write off Bad Debts Rs. 3,000/- and create Bad Debts Reserve @ 5% on debtors.
10. Create provision for discount on debtors and creditors @ 2% and 1% respectively.
Q. 3 Following is the trial balance of Tom and Jerry as on 31st March 2019.You are
required to prepare Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year Ended 31 st
march 2019 and Balance sheet as on that date.
Trial Balance as On 31st March 2019
Particulars Debit Rs. Credit Rs.
Current Account of - Tom 12,000
-Jerry 15,000
Stock as on 1st April 2018 2,64,000
Purchases 5,28,000
Sales 9,24,000
Capital Account of – Tom 3,60,000
- Jerry 3,60,000
Wages 70,500
Salaries 45,000
Office Expenses 24,000
Bank Charges 7,800
Legal Charges 9,000
Machinery 2,70,000
Land and Building 3,90,000
Interest 10,800
Export Duty 11,400
Bad Debts 12,000
Sundry Debtors 2,46,000
Travelling Expenses 9,600
Electricity Charges 6,900
Furniture 1,11,000
10% Debentures 1,20,000
(Purchased on 1st October 2018)
Sundry Creditors 3,09,000
Bank Overdraft 1,80,000
21,48,000 21,48,000
Additional Information:
Q.4 From the following Trial Balance of Reena, Meena and Teena and additional
information, prepare Final accounts for year-ended 31st March 2019.
Trial Balance of Firm as on 31st March 2019.
Meena 3,00,000
Teena 5,00,000
Meena 24,000
Teena 15,000
Goodwill 82,500
Premises 3,15,000
Machinery 1,85,000
Furniture 95,000
Bank 10,000
Sundry Income
Land 3,46,000
Adjustments: -
1. Closing Stock is valued at Rs. 56,000/-.
2. Charge interest on drawings and allow interest on capital @ 10% p.a.
3. A customer with debit balance of Rs. 5,000/- was declared insolvent and his asset
could pay first and final dividend of 40 paise in a rupee. The books of accounts
show only the cash receipt.
4. Create provision for Bad & Doubtful Debts @ 4% on debtors.
5. Depreciate machinery and furniture @ 12% and @ 10% p.a. respectively.
6. Goods costing Rs. 6,000/- were lost by fire and insurance company did not admit
the claim of 55%.
7. Sale of machinery account represents selling price of machine sold, the machinery
representing an opening balance of Rs. 8,000/- was sold on 31.12.2018.
8. The ABC Co. declared dividend of 15% which is received by NEFT in business
bank account.
9. Outstanding expenses – Salaries = Rs. 2,500/-, Factory Expenses = Rs. 2,000/-,
Office Expenses = Rs. 1,500/-.
Q.5 Akash and Gagan are partners sharing Profit & Losses in the proportion of 3:2 on 31 st
March 2019 their Trial Balance was as under:
Trial Balance As On 31st March 2019
Debit Amt. Credit Amt.
Current Accounts
Building 77,700
Carriage 1,200
Discount 750
Purchases 90,000
Investments 22,560
Debtors 96,000
TOTAL 5,76,450 TOTAL 5,76,450
From the information given below prepare Trading and Profit & Loss Account and a
Balance sheet as on 31st March 2019.
1. Stock on 31st March 2019 was valued at Market value Rs. 45,000/- & at cost Rs.
2. Goods worth Rs. 3,000/- were destroyed by fire, nothing could be recovered from
the insurance company.
3. Depreciate building by 30%, furniture by 15% and motor car by 60%.
4. Increase Bad Debts Reserve by Rs. 9,000/-. Rs. 9,000/- for commission is still to
be received. Salaries are outstanding to the extent of Rs. 1,650/-.
5. Create 6% reserve for discount on debtors as well as creditors.
6. According to Partnership deed, 15% interest on partner’s capital is to be credited.
7. Goods selling price is Rs. 1,500/- donated to “GOOD DEED TRUST”. We
normally sell goods at 20% profit on selling price.