C - 11 Final Accounts Ws
C - 11 Final Accounts Ws
C - 11 Final Accounts Ws
1. From the following Trial Balance, prepare final accouts ofSathish Traders for the year
ending 31-3-2018
(TSBIE-March, 2018)
Trial Balance
Investments 10,000
Patents 7,000
Salaries 1,300
Legal Expenses 600
Insurance 800
Drawings 1,000
Debtors 12,000
Discount 750
Answer: 1Gross Prolit: 6,400; Net Profit: 150; Balance Sheet: 44,000
2. From the following particulars, prepare final accounts ofGodrej Traders for the year ending
Trial Balance
Amount Amount
Debit Balances Credit Balances
Rent 2500
Insurance 600
Salaries 1500
Furniture 5000
Gas&Water 400
Freight 800
109600 109600
Stock 31-12-2018: 5600, (2) Outstanding Wages: 700, (3) Pre-paid
(1) Closing on
Furniture: 10%. (5) Interest on Capital: 6%, (6)
Insurance: 200, (4) Provide for Depreciation on
Write off 1500 as Bad Debts.
Furniture 2000
Rent 800
Machinery 5000
Debtors 4000
Discount 400
27,700 27,700
(1) Outstanding salarices: S00, (2) Closing Stock: R 4,500 (3) Prepaid Insurance: R400.
4) Outstanding Wages: R300 (5) Depreciation on Machinery: 10%.
[Answer: Gross Profit: 7 4100; Net Profit: { 1600; Balance Sheet: 19400|
4. Fromthe following 'TrialBalanceof M/s Manoj& Son's Trader's, prepare Trading, Profit
& Loss A/c and Balance Sheet for the year ended 31.03.2018.
Commission 300
Debtors 25000
Cash 1300
Furniture 5000
1,14,000 1,14,000
insurance: 100, (4) Create
(1) Closing Stock: 9000 (2) Outstandingsalaries: 1000, (3) Prepaid
Furniture: 200 and on Machinery: 600,
5% Provision for Bad Debts, (5) Depreciation on
(6) Outstanding Wages:
Net Profit: F 20,150; Balance Sheet:7 81,350
JAnswer: Gross Profit: F25,400;
S. From the following particulars ofAnasuya Traders, prepare final accounts for the year ended
Purchases 90000
Salaries 12500
Advertisement 1300
2,34,800 2,34,800
(1) Closing Stock: 15,500, (2) Interest on Capital: 6%, (3) Write off7 2000 as
Bad Debt and
provide 5% Reserve for Doubtful Debts, (4) Outstanding Wages: 1000. (5) Depreciation
Furniture: 10%.
Debtors 30000
Bank Balance 4000
Cash 1100
87,800 87,800
Freight 500
Patents 2000
Debtors 10000
Cash 1000
Insurancee 1000
38,900 38,900
(1) Closing stock: Rs 6,800, (2) Depreciation on Motor Van: 5%, (3) Reserve for Bad &Doubtful
Debts: 6%, (4) Outstanding Rent: 7 500, (5) Prepaid Insurance: T 300, (6) Create Reserve for
Discount on Creditors: 3%.
Answer: Gross Profit: 7 3,500; Net Profit: 71,155; Balance Sheet:7 27,050]
8. Prepare final accounts from the following Trial Balance of Mamaji Trader's for the year ended
Trademarks 7000
Salaries 2300
Drawings 2000
Debtors 12500
Discount 750
Insurance 1400
65,850 65,850
(1) Closing Stock (31-12-2018): 2500,(2) Outstanding Stationary: 600, (3) Depreciat
Buildings:10%, (4) Bad Debts: 500 and Provision for Bad and Doubtfal Debts: 5% (5) Prepaid
Wages: 500, (6) Interest on Drawings: 6%.
(Answer: Gross Profit: 7 2,100; Net Loss: 6,930; Balanee sheet: 7 37,300)
9. From the following Trial balanceof Vinayaka Enterprises, prepare final accounts for
yearending 31.12.2018.
Trial Balance as on 31.12.2018
Credit Balances Amount
Debit Balances Amount
Discount 1100
Commission 1300
Carriage 600
Stationary 1000
Coal&Gas 2200
Goodwill 10000
90,100 90,100
(1) Closing stock: 10,500, (2) Bad debts: 1,500 and Provide Reserve for Doubtful Debts: 5%,
(3) Outstanding Factory Rent: 400, (4) Depreciation on Furniture: 10%. (5) Interest received in
advance: 500. (6) Stock worth ofRs. 10,000 destroyed in fire and Insurance Co. admitted a claim
of Rs. 7,500.
Answer: Gross Profit: 18,400; Net Profit: 13,600; Balance Sheet: 62,9001
10. Prepare final accounts of Raghavendra Trader's for the ycar ended 31.03.2019
Trial Balance
Insurance 2000
Machinery 30000
Debtors 40000
d) Closing Stock Valuc: 7500, (2) Depreciation on Machinery: 10%,() Commission Received in
Advance: 1,000, (4) Outstanding Salaries: 1,500, (5) Further Bad Debts: 400, and Provision for
Bad & Doubtful Debts: 5% (6) Good worth ofRs. 5,000withdrawn by the owner for his personal
Copyright 10000
Debtors 10000
Drawings 1500
Furniture 15000
83,000 83,000
Create 6% Provision for Bad &
(1) Closing stock: 6500, (2) Prepaid Salaries & Wages: 400. (3)
Doubtful Debts (4) Depreciation on Machinery: 10% (5) Interest on Capital: 6% (6) MD's
Commission on Net Profit is 10% before charging such commission.
(Answer: GP: 7 10,200; Net Profit: F 5,310; Balance Sheet: F 62,900)
12. Prepare Veena Entereprises Final Accounts for theyear ended 3 1-12-2018.
Discount 500
Freight 600
Furniture 16,000
Machinery 40,000
Reserve for Bad Debts. 5% 3) Depreciation on patents 10%
) Closing Stock Value: 8,300, 2)
Receivable: 400, 6) Interest on Capital: 6%.
4) Outstanding Rent: 600, 3) Commission
Sheet: 1 , 06,450)
(Answer: Gross Profit: 7 4,300; Net Loss: 7 14,750; Balance
13 Prepare final Accounts of Srivasthava Traders as on 31-12-2018
Trial Balance as on 31.12.2018
(Ans.: Gross profit: 7 8,900; Net Profit: F 6,465; Balance Sheet Total: 7 52,865)
14. From the following Trial Balance, prepare Final Accounts for the year endcd 31.03.2019
Debtors 10,400
Carriage 350
Salaries 9,650
Carriage on Sales 540
1,02,720 1,02,720
1) Closing Stock Value: 17,800
2) Outstanding Wages: 7 400
Machinery 25,000
Buildings 15,000
Furniture 6,000
Debtors 12,600
General Expenses 2,600
Rent, Rates & Taxes 3,200
Drawings 5,000
1,43,400 1,43,400
1) Closing stock value: 7 16,400
2) Depreciation on Furniture: 5%, on Machinery: 10%
3) Outstanding Wages: 500
4) Write off 7 600 as Bad Debts and create Provision for Bad & Doubtful Debts: 6%
5) Interest on Drawings: 5%
6) Stock worth of 12000 destroyed by fire and Insurance Company admitted a claim of
(Answer: G.P: { 57,000; NP: 7 38,130; B/s. Total:7 83,380)
16. Prepare Final Accounts for theyear ended31.03.2018
Wages 40,000
Furniture 8,000
Salaries 49,000
Freight 5,300
5,78,350 5,78,350
4) Depreciation on Machinery: 5%
5) Lighting: Factory-Rs. 4000 and Office- Rs. 2000