0570 Maths June 2010 Paper 2
0570 Maths June 2010 Paper 2
0570 Maths June 2010 Paper 2
1 (i) A four room house was bought tor 2 520 000 FCFA . It is rented
out to four traders at 9 000FCFA per month for each room.
(a) Find the total rents received each year.
At the end of each year 72 000 FCFA is spent on taxes and
(b) Find the real annual income on the house.
(c) Determine how long in years, it will take to recover the
initial expenditure, if the rents are never changed.
The house belongs to three brothers who share the yearly
income in the ratio 3 :7 :2.
(d) Find what the person with the highest amount receives.
(ii) Mrs Mafa walks from school to her house at a steady speed
of v km/h and the journey takes two hours. When she decreases
her speed by 1 km/h the journey is 30 minules longer. Find the
value of v .
2 (i) Given that (x−1) is a factor of f (x) where f ( x)=2 x 3 +k x 2−5 x+ 6,
(a) find the value of k ,
(b) with this value of k , by factorizing or otherwise, solve the
equation f (x)=0
(ii) Given that y= + bx, and that y=6 when x=2 and y=10.5 whon
(a) Find the values of a and b.
(b) Calculate the value of y when x=20
(iii) Find the range of values of x for which (3 x +1)(x−2)≥ 0
3 (i) Given that OP=2 i+ 3 j and OQ=3 i−2 j , find.
(a) ¿ PQ∨¿
(b) the gradient of the lines OP and OQ . Hence, show that O P
and OQ are perpendicular
Figure 1 shows a triangle OAB , with X a point on OA such that
OX = OA . Y is the mid point of AB and Z is on OB produced such
that OB=BZ . Given that OB=b and OA=a
(a) Find, in terms of a and b , the vectors AB , XY and YZ
(b) deduce that X , Y , and Z lie on the same straight line.
4 (i) Three sets A , B , and C are defined on the set of real numbers,
R . Given that
A={ multiples of 4 }
B={ even numbers }
(a) Draw a Venn diagram to show the relationship between A
and B
Given also that, C=¿ {prime numbers }
(b) Find A ∩ B , B ∩C and A ∩C
(c) Draw another Venn diagram illustrating the relationship
between the sets A , B and C .
(d) Express in ordinary English ( A ∪ B)∩C ≠ ∅ .
(ii) The functions f and g are delined on the set of real numbers
R as follows
f : x → x +2 and g : x → 3 x −1
(a) Find f (4 ).
(b) Express the inverse of f (x) in a similar manner.
(c) Show that f −1 ∘ g: x → 3 ( x 2−1 ).
(d) Hence or otherwise find the values of x for which f −1 ∘ g(x )=9.
5 i)
Figure 2 shows the rectangle base of a box. The sides of the
rectangle are (16−x)cm and (15−3 x )cm. Given that the perimeter
of the rectangle is 30 cm .
(a) Find the value of x .
Given also that the height of the box is 5 cm ,
(b) Find the volume of the box.
x -2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
- - -
y 0
36 15 36
Using a scale of 1 cm to 1 unit on the x -axis and 1 cm to 5 units
on the y -axis, draw the graph of the curve.
Using the same scale, draw the line y=5 x−10 on the same
From your graph,
(b) find the roots of the equation 12 x−3 x2=0
(c) determine the maximum value of the curve within the given
(d) write down the equation of the line of symmetry of the curve.
(e) deduce the roots of the equation. 10+7 x−3 x 2=0
In figure 5, 0 is the centre of the circle CDEF . The diameter EC
meets the tangent AT at C .. Angle FDC=35 ° . Find the values of
the angle marked r , s and t .
9 The following table shows the scores for 60 students in a
statistics test.
Scorc (x ) 0 1 2 3 4. 5 6 7 8 9 10
Frequency (f) 2 2 5 6 7 10 10 7 3 5 3