Affordable Infrared-Optical Pose-Tracking For Virt
Affordable Infrared-Optical Pose-Tracking For Virt
Affordable Infrared-Optical Pose-Tracking For Virt
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2 authors:
All content following this page was uploaded by Hannes Kaufmann on 10 June 2014.
In this paper, we describe the hard- and software of a new low-cost
infrared-optical pose-tracking system for room-sized virtual envi-
ronments. The system consists of 4-8 shutter-synchronized 1394-
cameras with an optical bandpass filter and infrared illuminator. All
image-processing is done in software on an attached workstation.
Preliminary results indicate low latency (20-40 ms), minimal jitter
(RMS less than 0.05 mm / 0.02°), submillimeter location resolution
and an absolute accuracy of ±0.5 cm. Currently, ten independent
6-DOF targets can be tracked in real-time with up to 60Hz.
Keywords: Infrared-optical 6-DOF pose-tracking, low-cost.
Index Terms: I.4.0 [Computing Methodologies]: Image Process-
ing and Computer Vision—General; I.3.8 [Computing Methodolo-
gies]: Computer Graphics—Applications
Figure 1: An early prototype of our pose-tracker in a mobile, tripod-
1 M OTIVATION mountable configuration for room-sized virtual environments.
Time and again, a lack of affordability has delayed or averted the
adoption of an otherwise viable technology. In the context of Vir-
tual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR), the single largest expense deployed at locations in three different countries. At the time of
for building a room-sized virtual environment is almost always in- this writing (January 2007), we are beginning to make the system
curred by the acquisition of a wide-area 6-DOF pose-tracker. commercially available to interested parties for a price of six to
Only a few vendors offer commercial systems that extend be- eight thousand Euros (depending on the configuration). Our goal is
yond 20 square meters in coverage and are capable of tracking at to provide an affordable, high-quality tracking to a broad range of
least six independent targets with a precision, latency and measure- smaller VR/AR application developers.
ment frequency that is considered adequate for a range of VR/AR The remainder of this paper summarizes our requirement anal-
applications (see Section 2). Systems meeting those criteria in- ysis, outlines hard- and software design choices, and gives prelim-
clude 3rd Tech’s HiBall [1] (inside-out, infrared-optical), the In- inary performance results. It is intended as a high-level overview,
tersense IS-1200 [2] (inside-out, hybrid optical/inertial) and A.R.T. not an in-depth discussion of algorithmic or constructional details.
ARTrack1 (outside-in, infrared-optical). A brief survey of available
optical tracking systems is given in [3]. In a configuration tailored 2 R EQUIREMENT A NALYSIS
to a room-sized multi-user environment, all of the aforementioned
systems have price tags in the range of tens of thousands of Euros. Choosing commodity hardware over custom-built components has
While corporate entities and well-funded research laboratories will always been a reliable cost-minimization strategy. The ready avail-
not be deterred by such amounts, it is the authors’ first-hand ex- ability of inexpensive electronic imaging devices with a standard-
perience that many smaller educational institutions, especially sec- ized computer interface (e.g. IEEE-1394) prompted us to chose
ondary schools, operate on tightly constrained budgets that leave optical tracking over competing technologies, mainly because it
little, if any, room for an expense of this magnitude, even if third- would allow for all computation to be done on a regular PC work-
party subsidies are available. station. Within the domain of optical tracking, outside-in trackers,
It was an attempt to build an affordable hardware platform for usually composed of wall- or tripod mounted cameras directed to-
Construct3D [4], a collaborative Augmented Reality application wards the center of the interaction volume, exhibit better scalability
designed to supplement the mathematics and geometry education (in a monetary, not a computational sense) to multiple targets than
curriculum of secondary schools, that prompted us to build our own inside-out self-trackers. Additionally, the installation and configu-
wide-area tracker. Born out of necessity in early 2005, our tracking ration of outside-in trackers is usually faster and easier than that of
system has since undergone three design iterations and is currently existing inside-out systems.
The basic principle of optical outside-in tracking lies in estimat-
∗ e-mail: ing the pose of known rigid 3D feature-point constellations, com-
† e-mail: monly referred to as “targets”, from their projections in different
views. To simplify the task of identifying relevant features in a cam-
era image, targets are usually built from clusters of light-emitting
diodes (“active targets”) or retro-reflective spheres (“passive tar-
gets”). In the latter case, which we opted for, all cameras must
1 be equipped with a strobelight. The added expense is an initial dis-
(a) Development prototypes from early 2005 (left), mid-2006 (middle) and final camera design (right). (b) Trigger box.
advantage, but is made up for by the fact that passive targets are an opto-isolated trigger input, constant-current LED driver and the
cheaper to build and maintain, because they do not require a power necessary circuitry for interfacing with the camera board’s TTL I/O
source. As long as the system is operating under controlled lighting pins. The device is powered by an external 12 VDC (1A) power
conditions, which is usually the case in an indoor environment, the supply and connects to a PC workstation via 6-pin firewire (1394a)
choice of near-IR strobelights (typically in the 750-950 nm range) cable, which can reach a length of up to 10 meters.
combined with optical band-pass filters helps to avoid user irritation Multiple cameras are shutter-synchronized from a 20 mA square-
and increases the speed and accuracy of the image segmentation by wave current loop signal generated by a synchronization unit (see
reducing unwanted contributions from ambient light sources. Figure 2b) with a built-in programmable oscillator. The synchro-
nization unit supports arbitrary phase-shifting between cameras,
Accuracy and Precision: While of lesser importance for fully syn- and can be locked onto an external stereo synchronization signal.
thetic virtual environments, closely registered AR overlays impose
rather stringent requirements on tracking precision and accuracy.
We consider a location resolution of less than 1.0 mm, with a mini-
mum accuracy of ± 5.0 mm, and an angular precision of better than
0.05 degrees as adequate for a wide range of AR applications.
Latency: It is commonly accepted that HMD rendering latencies
beyond 40-60 ms will start to negatively affect user performance,
possibly inducing symptoms of “simulator sickness” (i.e. fatigue,
loss of concentration). According to recent experiments [5], trained
users are able to discriminate variations of end-to-end latencies as
small as 15 ms. To be suitable for use with an HMD, a tracker’s Figure 3: L-shaped room calibration target, four-marker target,
intrinsic latency should under no circumstances exceed 30-40 ms. single-marker extrinsic calibration target and building materials.
Predictive Filtering
Data Delivery
camera 3 camera 4
ponent responsible for streaming the tracking data to clients over a 0.467
network (Data-Delivery).
Zroom (m)
With the sole exception of intrinsic camera calibration, for which 0.234
we currently use a M ATLAB toolbox, our software framework was 0.156
written entirely in C++. In addition to modularity and platform-
0.5 0.079
independence, special emphasis has been placed on shared-memory 2
0 2 2.5 3
parallelizations of the core algorithms in order to take maximal −1
−2 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0.008
advantage of modern multi-core CPU architectures. In some in- Yroom (m) Xroom (m)
stances, we made use of existing public-domain software libraries
(such as VRPN [6]), but for the most part, we re-implemented stan- (b) Reconstructed 3D-path of the calibration target. Coloring indicates the
dard textbook techniques. Since their in-depth discussion would average reprojection error at different points inside the volume.
lack particular merit, we refer the reader to the pertinent literature
[7, 8] on projective geometry for a detailed and exhaustive treat-
ment of the underlying mathematical theory. Noteworthy excep-
tions are multiple-view feature correlation and model-fitting, both
of which do not lend themselves to straight-forward parallel imple-
mentations. Our approach was to re-state those problems as combi-
natorial optimizations on graphs and use a parallel maximum-clique
enumeration algorithm to reduce the solution space. Unfortunately,
limited space precludes us from giving anything more than a brief
overview of those techniques.
(c) Exterior pose of the cameras (not drawn to scale).
5.1 Camera Calibration
Although several multiple-camera calibration methods exist that Figure 6: Extrinsic calibration (4 cameras).
simultaneously solve for intrinsic and extrinsic parameters (e.g.
[9, 10] and others), we chose to treat the two problems separately 4
500 200
0 0
4 12
5 11 −600
6 9 10
8 6 7 8
Y−axis 9 5
X−axis −800
10 3 4
12 1 2
(a) Four shutter-synchronized video images. (b) Recovered centers of overlapping blobs (via circular Hough transform).
(c) 2D features and corresponding epipolar lines. (d) Reconstructed 3D marker positions. (e) Estimated 6-DOF pose of multiple rigid targets.
Figure 5: Stages of the data-processing pipeline: from raw video images to 6-DOF pose estimates.
5.1.2 Extrinsic Parameters tween the two sets is computed as outlined in Section 5.5.
In order to accurately estimate a camera rig’s exterior position 5.2 Feature Segmentation
and orientation, we implemented parts of the automated single-
point self-calibration technique published by Svoboda et al. [11] A fast, robust and accurate feature segmentation algorithm is essen-
in C++. Instead of using a laser-pointer, we move a single retro- tial to the stability of the subsequent projective reconstruction. We
reflective marker (“extrinsic calibration target”), as depicted in Fig- designed an adaptive algorithm that combines three standard seg-
ure 3, through the interaction volume, apply our segmentation al- mentation techniques (thresholding, luminance-weighted centroid
gorithm (see Section 5.2) and record its resulting screen-space co- computation, and circular Hough transform) to efficiently locate
ordinates. After discarding outliers using pair-wise RANSAC anal- the centers of all circular shapes in a monochrome image with-
ysis, the point cloud’s projective structure is computed by rank- out sacrificing accuracy. Fortunately, the bright circular pixel-blobs
factorization and refined through bundle adjustment. The final step formed by the light reflected from our spherical markers are ex-
is Euclidean stratification that converts the projective reconstruc- tremely easy to locate in an otherwise dark camera image by simple
tion into Euclidean structures. The minimal average reprojection means of binary thresholding. The application of a non-destructive
error (all cameras, all points) achieved by this method lies between block-wise threshold (via locical AND-operations) yields image re-
0.15 and 0.35 pixels. The running time for six cameras with pre- gions containing at least one bright (> 50% luminance) pixel. Only
calibrated intrinsic parameters, and an average of 2500 marker re- those regions are further examined by subjecting them to a weighted
projections per camera, is below five minutes. Figure 6 illustrates grayscale centroid computation, which recovers the center location
the calibration procedure. of an 8-connected blob to subpixel precision. We use a heuristic
(based on the bounding rectangle and sum of pixel luminances) to
In a final step, the affine transformation between the (arbi- select certain blobs for further analysis, if they are deemed likely
trary) coordinate frame returned by Svoboda’s algorithm and a to be composed of overlapping marker reprojections. In this case,
user-defined room coordinate system with real-world distance units a circular Hough transform [12] is applied to recover the center of
(mm) is computed. We place an L-shaped constellation of reflective every circular shape within a confined region-of-interest around the
markers (“room calibration target”), as shown in Figure 3, at the in- blob. Figure 5b shows a typical case of two markers, whose projec-
tended coordinate origin inside the working volume. The target’s tions overlap and their recovered center locations.
marker positions were previously measured to submillimeter accu-
racy with an industrial theodolite system (Leica TPS700). Using
5.3 Projective Reconstruction
a scale-invariant version of our model-fitting algorithm (described
in Section 5.4), we obtain the set of optimal correspondences be- Minimizing the square-sum of 2D image reprojection errors of a 3D
tween calibration target and observed point cloud. The scaling fac- point is widely accepted as the optimal formulation of the projec-
tor is calculated from the ratio of the sum of entries in both distance tive reconstruction problem [13] (also known as “L2-optimal trian-
matrices (over multiple frames), and a 3D rigid transformation be- gulation”). When the correspondence between projected points in
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 (mm)
pairwise marker
(with uncertainties)
look-up table
apply threshold
-50 -100
-100 0
connect high-scoring candidate vertex- select entries (3D points) with above-
Without correlation-score accumulation: pairs with an undirected edge threshold values as candidate vertices
100 100
0 0
-50 -50
-100 -100
100 100
0 0
-100 -50 -100 -100 -50 -100
100 50 0 100 50 0
Figure 7: Quadratic-time complexity reduction (top). Formulation of the model-fitting problem as maximum-clique search (bottom).
different views is initially unknown, as is the case with our system, spondence candidates. Optimal correspondences are then chosen
is becomes necessary to formulate a feature-correlation strategy. from the remaining candidates by ranking them according to their
reprojection error (computed via triangulation).
5.3.1 Multiple-View Feature Correlation
5.3.2 Triangulation
In order to reduce the combinatorial size of the correlation prob-
lem, we take advantage of an observation from epipolar geometry: Recovering a 3D point from multiple 2D correspondences in cal-
A (very) large algebraic distance between a 2D point in one im- ibrated camera images is a well-studied problem with multiple
age and the epipolar line corresponding to a point in another image straight-forward solutions (see [13] for a comprehensive survey).
(also known as “epipolar distance”, see Figure 5c) will also yield In our system, we chose the following approach: After obtaining an
(very) large reprojection errors after L2-optimal triangulation. This initial estimate via the standard “linear” SVD method, we perform
allows us to safely discard every n-tuple of 2D features (from differ- bundle adjustment [15] with a Levenberg-Marquardt nonlinear least
ent views), in which the epipolar distance between any two points squares algorithm.
exceeds a certain large threshold (usually in the range of several
pixels). Since the (squared) algebraic epipolar distance can be com- 5.4 Model-Fitting
puted very efficiently, this results in a significant reduction of pro- The basic idea behind our model-fitting algorithm is to formu-
cessing time. We modeled this optimization as search on a graph, late the underlying combinatorial problem in a way that allows
whose vertices correspond to the 2D features in all cameras. If we for the application of a maximum-clique search. Prior to run-
connect every vertex-pair, whose epipolar distance does not exceed ning the maximum-clique search (which is NP-hard), we apply a
said threshold with an undirected edge, we can apply a maximum- polynomial-time complexity-reduction heuristic that takes advan-
clique algorithm [14] to obtain a drastically reduced set of corre- tage of an important constraint: Since we are in control over how
our targets are designed, we can construct them in a way that opti- stopped, because we need at least three point-matches to es-
mizes the effectiveness of the complexity-reduction step (see Sec- timate the target’s orientation. Otherwise (if n > 3), we start
tion 5.4.3 for a detailed discussion). a new search for model-substructures of size (n − 1), which
involves adding previously discarded markers with an accu-
5.4.1 Complexity Reduction mulation score above Tn−1 = t ∗ (n − 2) to the graph.
Our complexity-reduction technique is based on a form of geomet-
ric hashing. At startup, we compute the Euclidean marker-distance The complexity-reduction procedure described in Section 5.4.1
matrix for every trackable target (i.e. rigid constellation of 3D needs to run only once for each frame, whereas the graph search is
markers) and store its entries in a one-dimensional look-up table repeated at least once per trackable target. We generally search for
(see Figure 7, first row). Measurement uncertainties are assumed to targets in descending order of their size (i.e. number of model-
follow a Gaussian distribution whose standard deviation is chosen markers), but prioritize targets that were discovered in a recent
to coincide with the tracker’s absolute accuracy (see Section 7.3). frame over those for which no recent observation exist. Once the
We refer to the entries stored in this look-up table as correlation solution to the model-fitting problem has been found for a specific
scores, because they represent the probability with which any given target, its corresponding markers are removed from the 3D point
marker-pair (or more precisely, their separating distance) is part of cloud before the search for the next target continues.
the same target.
At runtime, we calculate the Euclidean distance between every 5.4.3 Target Design
pair of observed 3D markers for a given frame. For every entry in The computational performance of our model-fitting algorithm de-
the Euclidean distance matrix (EDM), we look up its corresponding pends in large parts on how many candidates (i.e. edges and ver-
correlation score and store it in a separate Correlation score matrix tices) the complexity-reduction heuristic is able to eliminate prior
(CSM). From the CSM, we compute a vector containing the accu- to the graph search. Problems arise when multiple targets are too
mulated correlation scores for every observed marker through row- “similar” to each other, or if a single target has a high degree of
or column-wise summation. “self-similarity”. In this context, we define “similarity” as the
All of these operations can be carried out in a single parallel smallest difference between pair-wise marker distances across all
pass without any inter-thread coordination overhead. A visualiza- targets. For the target pictured in Figure 8, the similarity-measure
tion of the procedure is shown in Figure 7 (second row). As can would be equal to the minimum entry in the matrix of pair-wise
be seen in the image, the CSM will contain mostly near-zero en- distances between all di j .
tries, indicating that the majority of marker-pairs do not belong to
Suppose our targets were built to minimize this similarity-metric.
the same solution-tuple. In other words: the optimal solution to the
It follows that we simultaneously minimized the probability with
model-fitting problem is highly unlikely to contain both of the two
which any (random) marker-distance can at the same time occur
inside two or more targets. A visual assessment of the similarity-
Depending on the number (n) of model-markers, we also expect metric would require examining the extent of overlap between mul-
every member of the solution-set to have an accumulated correla- tiple targets’ correlation-score look-up tables, where little overlap
tion score of at least Tn = t ∗ (n − 1), where t ∈ [0.5, 1]. The eas- would indicate a low similarity.
iest way to enforce this constraint is to apply threshold Tn to the
accumulation-vector. Afterwards, every marker whose thresholded
entry is zero can be eliminated as a candidate. d12
According to our observations, this elimination procedure will
reliably reduce the number of candidate markers by up to 90% (in d23
a real-life scenario, not degenerate test-cases), without being prone L1 L2 d14 d13
to false negatives.
5.4.2 Graph Search
L4 L3 d34
After complexity-reduction, the remaining candidate markers are
modeled as vertices in an initially unconnected graph. Every
vertex-pair whose correlation score lies above threshold t is con-
nected with an undirected edge. Figure 7 (bottom row) shows the
resulting graph structure. As can be seen, the optimal solution to the
model-fitting problem for a target of n markers is a vertex-clique of Figure 8: Target construction template.
size n, which can be obtained through a maximum-clique search.
We have to account for three possible outcomes of the search: Unfortunately, the way in which we build our targets does not al-
low for an arbitrary placement of markers. The position of a marker
• Single solution: The graph has exactly one vertex-clique of is determined by the length and angle of inclination of its mount-
size n. This is the ideal (and most common) case. No further ing rod. In order to simplify the manufacturing process, we use
processing is necessary. the same drill-hole positions and angles for multiple base mounts
(“target templates”), which leaves the variation of rod lengths as
• Multiple solutions: The graph has multiple vertex-cliques of the only means of marker-placement. In Figure 8, those lengths are
size n. We choose the solution with the minimal square-sum denoted L1..4 .
of point-wise model-alignment errors as “optimal fit”. If an The problem of determining the optimal rod lengths for a set of
estimate of the expected target pose is available (from a pre- targets amounts to a global maximization of the objective function
vious frame or predictive filter), we can also use linear and f (L1 , L2 , ..., Ln ) = minimum pair-wise distance (di , d j ). Although
angular distances from the expected pose as ranking criteria. there are are better global optimization techniques for this kind of
problem, we achieved very good results with a simple genetic algo-
• No solutions: The graph does not have any vertex-cliques rithm. In our experiment, the minimum difference of distances for
of size n, most likely due to occlusions or the absence of a set of 6 targets with a total of 28 markers came out to 3 mm (with
the target from the working volume. If n = 3, the search is a 0.05-quantile of 5 mm).
5.5 3D-3D Pose Estimation 50
95% confidence bound
Z (mm)
−0.2 0.253
• Every server instance can synchronously serialize its entire in- 0.05 −0.15
0 −0.05
ternal state (to a compressed buffer) at any point in the image- 0
−0.05 0.05
X (mm) 0.1
Y (mm)
processing pipeline. The runtime penalty for such an opera-
tion is approximately 1 ms.
Figure 10: Distribution of position estimates for a static marker.
• Every non-temporary variable can be (synchronously) read or
(asynchronously) written remotely via an XML-RPC commu-
nication protocol. 7.2 Static Jitter
Next, we placed a single marker near the center of the interaction
7 P RELIMINARY R ESULTS volume and recorded its reconstructed 3D position for 36 seconds,
resulting in 1800 measurements. The 3D scatter-plot in Figure 10
This section provides an initial assessment of our systems’s ac-
illustrates the spatial distribution of the reconstructed marker posi-
curacy, precision and latency for a room-sized four-camera setup.
tions, whose RMS distance from their mean-normalized center (see
Currently, our tracking server application runs on GNU/Linux (us-
Figure 11 for a histogram) equals 0.04 mm (σ = 0.02 mm). The
ing libdc1394) and Microsoft Windows (using either DirectShow or
95% confidence radius of the distribution lies at 0.07 mm.
Point Grey’s FlyCapture SDK for video acquisition). Unless other-
wise indicated, all experiments were conducted on a system with
two AMD Opteron 280 processors clocked at 2.4 GHz, running un- 600
number of measurements
der SUSE Linux 10.1. The extrinsic camera calibration at the time 500
of the experiments is the same as shown in Figure 6, yielding an ap- 400
proximate working volume of 2.75 x 2.75 x 2.25 m (about 17m3 ). 300
7.1 Latency 100