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Work-life balance (WLB) is a major aspect of the quality of work and life of individuals and
couples trying to manage multiple roles. The objective of this study was to examine the effect of
work-life balance on employee performance among the employees of UNDP Ethiopia. To achieve
this objective, descriptive and explanatory type of research designs with quantitative approach was
employed. The target population of this research was employees of United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP) Ethiopia. The data was collected using structured questionnaire which
contained items that measure the status of work life balance factors and performance of the
employees and factors affecting work life balance. After permission granted, the questionnaires
were distributed to the respondents by email using Google forms. Cronbach’s Alpha reliability test
was used to test the internal consistency of the instrument. After the data collection, the collected
data was entered into SPSS software version 20. A total of 56 (48.7%) employees responding the
questionnaires sent prepared by Google forms via email. This research revealed that the regression
analysis showed how much the combination of independent variables explain the dependent
variable, there are a number of predictors for the performance of employees of the sample
organization. Work Overload work related stress and Family role overload were perceived to be
factors that negatively affects employee performance; and Organizational support was perceived
to be the factor that positively affect the employee’s performance. Recommendations are made
based on the findings and conclusions of the study such as design a staff training programs that
create awareness on early recognition and management of work-related stress. UNDP Ethiopia
should work with the employee assistance programs such as counseling services, health services,
physical fitness facilities and financial assistance services
Chapter One
1.1 Background of the Study
In today’s fast-paced, achieving a harmonious work-life balance has become a challenging pursuit
for many individuals. The concept of work-life balance goes beyond merely dividing time between
work and personal activities.
Work-life balance (WLB) is a major aspect of the quality of work and life of individuals and
couples trying to manage multiple roles. The ILO policy recommends organizations to recognize
the need for and value of Work-Life Balance policies (Fagan, et al., n.d.). Organization
encouraging work life balance is a way to attract and retain employees who support the wellbeing
of the organization. Work life imbalance has negative results for effective functioning of
organization (Raj, 2013).
Job satisfaction is a reward that an employee aimed as a result of productive activity apart from
his income. So, organization should consider this variable to satisfy employees to retain their best
workers (Noraani Mustapha, 2013). Employee’s satisfaction towards organizational policies leads
to greater organizational productivity as a result of employee performance (Shagufta Sarwar,
2013). There is positive relationship between rewards and employees job satisfaction.
Research results found that some factor such as gender, attainment, job satisfaction and work
ethics affect the employee organizational commitment (Alaba Adenguga, 2013). Individuals who
spend more time engaged in work related issues are viewed and perceived as high performing.
However, this work engagement does not come free. It comes at a cost of sacrificing one ‘s life
outside of work. This includes family, health and social activities. Work-life conflict is one major
cause of employees’ departure from organizations leading to the increased number of
organizations that are therefore devising family-friendly policies for their employees in order to
retain them. In recent times Work Life Balance has emerged as a strategic issue for human
resources management and a key element of an organization’s employee retention strategies
(Capella, 2000; Lewis and Cooper, 1995).
1.2. Statement of the problem
Employees are the most valuable asset of an organization who can help organizations in achieving
the mission and vision (Lazar & Ossian, 2010). The theory of work-life balance is to protect
supportive and healthy work surroundings which allow employees to have balance between their
work and family tasks. Work-life balance is vital for life, family and job satisfaction and it also
helps in reducing absenteeism and employee turnover (Carlson, Kalmar & Williams, 2000). As
the demand of work is increasing, the issue of Work Life Balance is becoming more and more
A growing number of studies on the work-life balance issue have been carried out due to the
realization of the effects of the demanding work environment in today’s new age competitive
world. It was quite recently that this issue has grabbed the interest of researchers.
As Susi (2010) a highly engaged workforce is 50% more productive than an unengaged workforce.
Work-life balance is increasingly important for engagement. The majority of HR professionals
(78%) feel employee engagement is important or extremely important for success.
Even though, we can find some studies conducted in the banking industry in Ethiopia, studies that
have been made towards addressing the issue of work-life balances and employees’ job
performance in non-governmental organizations are rare.
The intention of this thesis was to examine the effect of work life balance on employee’s
performance. In addition, this study was focusing on the non-governmental organization unlike
the studies conducted in Ethiopia previously studied. Therefore, this study attempted to bridge the
gap in knowledge by addressing the following hypothesis.
1.3. Objectives of the study
1.3.1. General Objective
The general objective of this study was to examine the effect of work-life balance on employee
performance among the employees of UNDP Ethiopia.
1.3.2. Specific Objectives
The specific objectives of the study were:

➢ To investigate if the level of Work overload among UNDP Ethiopia staffs has significant effect
on their performance

➢ To examine whether work related stress among UNDP Ethiopia staffs significantly affect their

➢ To examine if flexible work arrangement has an effect on employee performance among UNDP
Ethiopia staffs

➢ To investigate whether organizational support has an effect on employee performance among

UNDP Ethiopia staffs

➢ To examine if family role overload factors have significant effect on the performance of UNDP
Ethiopia employees
1.4. Significance of the Study
This study will benefit different bodies such as employees, organizations, the international and
local labour organizations and researchers. Individual benefits have more value, balance in daily
life and work and reduce stress.
This study will be a milestone for the students and researchers to properly understand the concepts
of employee performance, WLB and their relationship. Additionally, it will shed a light on the
factors affecting the work life balance of employees. It will serve as a reference for upcoming new
researchers on related topics in doing research.
1.5. Scope of the Study
There are a lot of factors affecting the performance of employees, but this research mainly focused
on employee work life balance. Due to lack of sufficient literature on the area, the study was
delimited to only one international organization, UNDP Ethiopia in Addis Ababa.
Regarding its conceptual scope, this study tried to cover the Work life balance and its effect on
employee performance.
1.6. Definition of terms
Work-life balance: is the satisfaction and good functioning at work and at home with a minimum
of role conflict (Clark, 2000).
Work: is the paid employment (Guest, 2002)
Life: is the activity that employees perform outside work (Guest, 2002)
Work Overload: is the mental and physical effort required by the job task that is concerned with
the amount of work required to be done (Halfer and Graf, 2006) as stated by Njeri (2014)
Work related stress: is the adverse reaction employee has to excessive pressures or other types
of demand placed on them in their working environment (Richmond Surrey, 2007).
Flexible work arrangement: is the opportunity of workers to make choices influencing when,
where, and for how long they engage in work related tasks” (Bal & De Lange, 2014).
Family Role Overload: is the level and intensity of responsibility within the family domain and
societal responsibilities (Boyar and Moseley, 2007) as stated by Shiels (2015)
Organizational Support: the degree to which employees perceive that supervisors or employers
care about their general well-being on the job through providing positive social interaction and
resources (Kossek, Pichler, Bodner and Hammer, 2011)
1.7. Organization of the Study
The final report for this study has five chapters. The first chapter deals with the background of the
study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions, significance of the
study, scope of the study and organization of the study. The second chapter presents review of
related literature. It is both the theoretical and empirical literature review, conceptual and
theoretical framework. Chapter three of this study focused on methodology adopted covering the
sample size and techniques, methods of data collection, and methods of data analysis (statistical
procedures) and reliability and validity of the data. Chapter four covers data presentation, analysis
and interpretation. Finally, chapter five compiles the major research findings, its conclusion,
summary and recommendations of the study.
2.1. Work life balance
The meaning of work life balance has many unique characteristics. It often depends on the context
of the conversation and the speakers view point. It means different things to different groups. The
right balance today will probably be different by tomorrow. Academics also haven ‘t reached
consensus on the understanding and definition of the work life balance concept. Therefore, one of
the possible definitions or views of the concepts is the division of the activities into two categories:
work related and non-work related life. According to the ILO document, work life balance is
defined as the distribution of time and effort between work and other aspects of life (Fagan, et al.,
n.d.). Work-life balance (WLB) refers to the ability of individuals to pursue successfully their work
and non-work lives, without undue pressures from one domain undermining the satisfactory
experience of the other (Noon & Blyton, 2007). A “good” work-life balance is defined as a
situation in which workers feel that they are capable of balancing their work and non-work
commitments, and, for the most part, do so (Moore, 2007). Generally, work life balance definition
includes three important themes. These include the need for employees to achieve an acceptable
balance between work and family lives, a need for employer to facilitate their employees by
providing programs and provide flexibility to the employees (H. De cieri, n.d).
2.2. Work Life Balance Theories
Specialists have been attempting to propose several theories to clarify the work family linkage and
the different viewpoints of the relationship between work, personal and family life. There are two
fundamental theories that study role conflicts and its effect on work life balance. These are
Boundary theory and Border theory. There are also different theories that was clarified by experts
and theories are built on the foundation of the above two theories (Kumar and Janakiram, 2017).
Hereunder are the different theories of work life balance.
2.2.1. Border Theory
According to this theory, the flexibility and limitation of switching the boundaries between work
and family life will affect the level of integration and will determine the facility of transitions
between the two spheres, and the level of conflict between these spheres is closely linked.
The theory addresses the issue of crossing borders between domains of life, especially the domains
of home and work. Conversely, when these domains are segmented, transition is more effortful,
but work family conflict is less likely to happen (Bellavia and Frone, 2005).
2.2.2 Boundary Theory
Boundary theory focuses on outcomes such as the meanings people assign to home and work
(Nippert-Eng, 1996) and the ease and frequency of transitioning between roles (Ashforth et al.,
2000). This theory suggests that individuals manage the boundaries between work and personal
life through segmentation processes and/or integration of domains. (Bulgar, Matthews and
Hoffmann, 2007).
2.2.3 Compensation Theory
Compensation theory refers to the efforts intended at countering negative experiences in one
sphere through increased efforts for positive experiences in another Sphere. This model takes work
and family as to be two spheres of life. What we couldn’t find in one of the spheres, in terms of
demands or satisfactions may be derived from the other sphere of life.
An example would be a dissatisfied worker focusing more on family than work, or a satisfied
worker focusing on work more but compromises on family life thus reallocating his preferences
for being happy in one accept difficulties in the other (Edwards and Rothbard, 2000). According
to Clark (2000) compensation theory there exists a contradictory relationship between work and
life, so individuals try to satisfy voids from one domain with satisfactions from the other.
2.2.4. Resource Drain Theory
Resource drain theory refers to the transfer of resources from one domain to another; because
resources are limited.There is also needed to move Resources to other domains that are not work
and family related, such as community or personal pursuits (Edwards and Rothbard, 2000).
2.2.5. Structural Functionalism Theory
Structural functionalism, or simply functionalism, is "a framework for building theory that sees
society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability".
Structural functionalism theory believes in the existence of fundamental parting between work and
families. As per this theory work and life aspect should work at tandem with each other, when men
and women specialize their activities in separate domains, women at home doing expressive work
and relieving men of household chorus and men in the workplace performing instrumental tasks
not worrying about house hold responsibilities (Kumar and Janakiram, 2017).
2.2.6. Spill over Theory
The spill over theory is about when individuals experience on one role affects their role in other
experiences. This theory suggests the most popular view of work-family relationships. Most
researchers found out that there is a high tendency that workers carry the feelings, emotions,
attitudes; skills and behaviors that they establish at work into their family life and vice versa
(Belsky, Perry-Jenkins and Crouter 1985).
2.2.7. Work-Life/Family Enrichment Theory
Greenhaus & Powell (2006) define work-family enrichment as “the extent to which experiences
in one role will enhance the quality of life in the other role and reported that employees perceive
that their work and life roles enrich each other.
It indicated that there is a degree to which experiences from skills, abilities and values, mood and
satisfaction improves the quality of the other domain (Madsen, John and Miller, 2005).
2.3. Factors Affecting Work-Life Balance
Different studies have been devoted in search of backgrounds influencing perception of work-life
balance among individuals. Dr. Deepak Srivastava (2017) identified that there are various factors
affecting quality life conditions i.e. Job Satisfaction, Work Stress, Career Growth, Turnover,
Absenteeism, Appreciation and competitive environment in context with Work-life Balance and
its practices/policies.
2.3.1. Work Overload
Eloy and Smith (2003) suggested that work overload tends to happen when employees receive
several work demands that are beyond their capabilities. This includes qualitative or quantitative
overload: Qualitative overload is a situation where the work load is too challenging to be
completed, while quantitative overload occurs when there are too many tasks to be completed.
According to McDowall (2009) workload generally refers to the quantity of physical and cognitive
work that workers can perform without endangering their own health and safety or that of others,
yet still remain efficient.
Boxall and Mackey (2014) in an effort to define work intensity, measured hours worked, as well
as whether employees experience overload in what is expected of them in their work and whether
they feel pressure to take work home or work longer than they desire. It can also happen in lean-
production environments that are accompanied by heightened production pressure (Boxall and
Mackey 2014).
According to Bahiru and Mengistu (2018), the main reasons for the work overload can sometimes
be the employees’ inability to say no, the nature of their company and their work, the amount of
trust and responsibility the company bestowed in them, and the imbalance of their responsibility
and their working hour.
2.3.2. Work Arrangement
Many studies have suggested that flexible work arrangements would help the employees to attain
a better blend between work and non-work activities and help the organizations to recruit, retain
and motivate their employees (Bachmann, 2000) and (Kaur, 2004).
Christensen and Staines (1990) identified that flexitime work arrangement reduced late comings,
absenteeism, and turnover. The study concluded that flexible time strategy improved employee
productivity by minimizing absenteeism, turnover and work family conflict.
Hill, Hawkins, Ferris & Weitzman (2001) conducted a study on 6,451 employees of IBM in USA
and the study empirically suggested the importance of flexible work timings and location of work
place to reduce employee’s work life imbalance. The study demonstrated that individual with the
perceived job flexibility have the benefit of good work-life balance and were capable of working
longer hours. Wayne, Musisca & Fleeson (2004) suggested that limiting work hours may benefit
workers to increase the level of work-family balance because fewer work hours may contribute to
reduction in work family conflict.
Hill, Erickson, Hoimes & Ferris (2010) propounded that, flexi time helps employees to manage
their work and family responsibilities effectively there by allowing them to minimize work-family
conflict and to improve the performance at work & home.
Julien, Somerville & Culp (2011) had examined the role of alternative work arrangements that
helps to reduce work-life conflict in the public sector. The Results revealed that a compressed
work week is considered as an alternative work life arrangement that reduces work-life conflict
and helps to enhance work-life balance.
Recent days, most of international studies have laid higher emphasis on flexible work
arrangements and new working conditions compared to other work-life balance initiatives as
(Kramer, 1998), (Hill et al. 2010), (Frone, 2003), (Walt man & Sullivan, 2007) and (Carlson,
Grywacz & Kacmar, 2010) mentioned.
2.3.3. Life/Family Role Overload
Michel and Clark (2009) described family demands as consisting of a combination of number of
children at home, number of hours spent on family activities, parental (time) demands, and time
commitment to family.
Family demands are increased both by the volume of dependent responsibilities (caring for
children, elderly parents, serious ill spouses and other family members) and by specific acute
situations producing intense demands, such as the birth of a new baby or sudden serious illnesses
of spouses/parents/other family members: _the combination of reduced time available and
increased work and family demands for many employed parents obviously creates additional role
stress ‘(O ‘Driscoll et al. 2006).
In Ethiopia there are societal demands too that require the time of employees like attending
weddings and funerals, as well as other indigenous social networks like ‘edir and equb ‘(Bahiru
and Mengistu, 2018) that causes life/family role overload on employees.
2.3.4. Social Support
Family-based support creates an environment in which family members can coordinate their work
and family responsibilities effectively, which assists the family manage their work-life balance
Voydanoff (2005). An employee who has a supportive partner at home is abler to recover from
stressors in the workplace by being able to debrief and discuss difficult workplace issues
(Kinnunen, Mauno, Geurts and Dikkers, 2005).
Russo, Shteigman and Carmeli (2016) in their study to explore the way in which multiple support
sources (workplace and family social support) help individuals to experience work-life balance
and thereby develop a sense of psychological availability and positive energy at work, the findings
showed the importance of support from work and non-work sources for the pursuit of employees
to achieve balance in the spheres of work and life.
Bahiru and Mengistu (2018) stated that most of the respondents in their survey said that they had
great assistance from their spouses, and witnessed it was of great help for their professional success
and that the help they received related to looking after the kids contributed in balancing their work
and family demands.
Padma and Reddy (2013) in their study to examine the effect of family members support on work-
life balance among female police personnel, showed that the support from family members plays
a significant role in balancing personal and professional lives and that family members support is
a dominant predictor of work life balance.
2.3.5. Workplace Support
Thompson, Kirk, and Brown (2005) showed that supervisors have significant influence on
professional stress of female police officers and they can reduce moral exhaustion and contribute
to a better work-life balance. Warner and Hausdorf (2009) conducted a study on work life issues
among health care workers in Canada. The results indicated that a positive relationship exists
between the organization and supervisor support for work-life issues and reduction of work- to-
family conflict.
Different researchers have identified different aspects of workplace support such as supportive
work–family culture, organizational support, supportive supervisor or manager, and supportive co-
workers (Thompson and Prottas, 2006).
Supervisors have been recognized as essential to enabling employees to manage work and family.
Kossek, Pilcher, Bonder and Hammer (2011) distinguished between general workplace support
(e.g., perceived organizational support and supervisor support) and family-specific construct
support, such as perceived organizational work-family support and supervisor work-family
Furthermore, it has been argued that although having general organizational support is beneficial
and can be viewed as a resource, work-family specific support will have a stronger relationship to
work-life conflict than general support (Kossek, et al., 2011).
Hammer, et al., (2009) have conceptualized family-supportive supervision along four dimensions:
emotional support, instrumental support, role modelling behaviors, and creative work–family
management. Role modelling behaviors refer to the supervisor ‘s ability to demonstrate effective
strategies for effective work–family management.
2.3.6. Work-Life Balance Policies
Policies that are supportive of employee’s needs to manage work and family responsibilities have
increasingly become a topic of discourse within the work–family literature. It is widely recognized
that legislative policies or government-level supports for work and family vary enormously across
the world (Heymann, Earle, and Hayes, 2007; Waldfogel, 2001).
Lockwood, (2003) stated that communication about work/life programs is essential. Although an
organization may offer a rich menu of work/life benefits, the desired effect yielding positive
business results, is unlikely to occur if employees do not know about the programs or understand
Hyman & Summers (2007) demonstrated that employees in financial service sector of Scotland
were prone to work-life balance issues and emphasized the need for organizations and unions to
develop a focus on work-life balance programmes.

2.4. Employee performance

Performance is defined as the record of outcomes produced on a specified job function or activity
during a specified time period (Bernardino and Russel, 1998). According to this definition
performance is set of outcomes produced during a certain time period. Hence the researchers have
developed the working definition of employee performance for study purpose is that, “achievement
of targets of the tasks assigned to employees within particular period of time”.
According to Campbell (1990) performance is related to that which the individual that is hired do
in fulfilling her / his duties and the activities that can be examined and measurable are reflected.
Performance could be described in various ways. It could be an act of accomplishing or executing
a given task (Okunola, 1990). It could also be described as the ability to combine skillfully the
right behavior towards the achievement of organizational goals and objectives (Olaniyan, 1999).
Peretemode (1996) argued that job performance is determined by the worker’s level of
participation in the day to day running of the organization.
Low performance and not achieving the goals might be experienced as dissatisfying or even as a
personal failure. Although there might be exceptions, high performers get promoted more easily
within an organization and generally have better career opportunities than low per- formers
(Scotter and Motowidlo, 1996).
Contemporary organizations in today ‘s context are characterized by such constantly changing
dynamics as complexity of customization and competitiveness, importance of people rather than
strategies; reliance on technology and the rise of knowledge economy both for the individual
employees and the organization as a whole among many other organizational issues (Prasetya &
Kato, 2011).
2.6. Empirical Studies
There are different findings revealed in Africa continent as well related to WLB. As Mukururi and
Ngari (2014) found out, there is significant relationship and influence among WLB programs and
policies and job satisfaction. Also Kamau, et al. (2013) determines the effects of organizational
work-life balance programs on employee job performance at ECO Bank Kenya.
In a most recent study conducted in our country Ethiopia by Mulu (2012) and Filimon (2015) on
the relationship between work overload and job satisfaction in public service organizations, and
Work to personal life Interference Personal Life to work Interference Work Overload Job
Autonomy, Job Satisfaction found that statistically significant relationship was found between
facets of job satisfaction. On the other hand, Wossen (2015) has identified relationship between
quality of work life and different factors like environmental, social and managerial factors.
Meanwhile, the WLB issues of employees in Ethiopia are very new. Even in the international
arena, studies on this topic are scarce, especially with regard to developing and developed
countries. This study specifically focused on women middle and top level administrative staffs in
Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa region and assessed the effect of work life balance
factors and its effect on job performance.
Bahiru and Mengistu (2018), in their study on women leaders of business organizations in Addis
Ababa, found out that one of the major organizational factors posing a challenge was work
overload. They stated the work responsibilities the participants were given was not commensurate
with the normal working hours the company provided where companies seem to demand more
outcomes than the resources they offer.
2.7. Research Hypothesis
The following hypothesis is formulated and shall be tested in the course of the study
H1. Work overload has statistically significant effect on employee performance
H2. Work related stress has statistically significant effect on employee performance
H3: Flexible work arrangement has statistically significant effect on employee performance
H4. Organizational support has statistically significant effect on employee performance
H5. Family role overload has statistically significant effect on employee performance
2.8. Conceptual Framework
Conceptual framework is a visual diagram that captures the main things to be studied that is the
key factors, concepts, or variables and the presumed relationships among them.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Work overload Employee Performance
Work related stress
Flexible work arrangement
Organizational support
Family role overload
3.1. Introduction
In this chapter a research methodology and data collection instruments are discussed in detail to
be employed in the research process. It includes; study design, data collection instruments,
population and sampling method, data collection procedure, validity and reliability, data analysis
methods, ethical considerations are addressed.
3.2. Study Design
The primary aim of this study was to investigate the effect work-life balance on employees work
performance. To achieve this objective, descriptive and explanatory type of research designs with
quantitative approach was employed.
3.3. Research approach
Quantitative research approach was considered as it is more appropriate to determine the extent of
a problem, issue by quantifying the variation. This study was also assessing the relationship
between work-life balance and employees’ performance so that it has answer the question of the
research by quantifying the variation also quantitative research answers questions through a
controlled deductive process, allowing for the collection of numerical data, prediction, the
measurement of variables, and use of statistical procedures to analyze and develop inferences from
the data.
In descriptive research the study provides a description of relevant aspects of the situation and
gives numerical picture of the phenomena. A descriptive type of research design was used to
narrate the facts and characteristics of work life balance and employees’ performance in the study
3.4. Target Population
The target population of this research was employees of United Nations Development Programme
(UNDP) Ethiopia. The study population was both the national and international staff groups of the
sample organization as the issue of work life balance affects both staff groups. Currently there are
115 employees are working in UNDP Ethiopia. The research census study as the number of
employees were few.
3.5. Data collection Instruments
The data was collected using questionnaire which contained items that measure the status of work
life balance factors and performance of the employees and factors affecting work life balance.
The work life balance measurement tool was developed from Daniels and Carraher (2000) and the
other variables measurement was adopted from Kamua et al. (2013). Then after incorporating
constructive comments, the revised questionnaire was distributed to the respondents by email on
Google forms. It has three parts. These are: -
Background Information (Demographic), Level work life balance measurement and factors (Work
overload, Work related stress, Flexible work arrangement, Organizational support and Family role
overload) and Overall Work-Life Balance questionnaire. The first part was to obtain background
information of respondents that were relevant to the study.
The rest part of the questionnaire was to measure the employees’ work life balance level, factors
of WLB and employees’ performance by using a five – point Likert response scale developed by
Frone et al. (1992) & Voydanoff (2004) includes strongly disagree (1), disagree (2), neutral (3),
agree (4) and strongly agree (5).
3.6. Data collection procedure
After permission granted, the questionnaires were distributed to the respondents by email using
Google forms. Respondents were assured of the confidentiality of their responses and were told
that completed questionnaire was collected directly through email and there was no other person
seeing the completed questionnaires.
3.7. Validity and Reliability
Validity is the extent to which the results really measure what they are supposed to measure. Since
the study used census study the scores represent the variable they are intended to address.
Moreover, as Uma (2000) suggests adaption of items used by previous researchers is advisable
because of the approval of content validity and criterion related validity of these items by previous
scholars. As the variables used in the study are taken from review of related literature.
Cronbach’s Alpha reliability test was used to test the internal consistency of the instrument.
Coefficient of 0.7 is a commonly used as the cut of point of acceptable reliability according to Hair
et al. (2010).
A pilot survey was conducted on 10 employees’ government organization. This preliminary
analysis helped to determine whether the questionnaires were reliable and valid for data collection.
For work overload, the alpha coefficient was 0.654, approaching Hair’s recommendation of 0.70.
Table 1: Cronbach’s Alpha result measures

Variable No of items Cronbach’s Alpha(α)

Work life balance factors:
Work overload 5 0.654
Work related stress 5 0.870
Flexible work arrangement 5 0.733
Organizational support 5 0.880
Family role overload 5 0.871
Employee performance
Employee performance 6 0.930

3.8. Data Analysis Methods

After data collection, descriptive statistics was analyzed quantitatively using statistical packages
for social sciences, SPSS version 20. The respondents’ personal and job related profile was
described using frequencies and percentages. The responses collected on the dependent and
independent variables were summarized and described using mean and standard deviation.
3.9. Ethical Considerations
While doing the study, appropriate ethical considerations were made. A written letter that
explained purpose of the study was obtained from the university and provided to the UNDP
Ethiopia head office. Any written materials were clearly cited, acknowledged and continued till
the end of the study.
The general objective of this study was to examine the effect of work-life balance on employee
performance among the employees of UNDP Ethiopia, Addis Ababa. In this chapter the data
analysis and findings are presented using SPSS and MS Excel.
4.1. Descriptive Analysis of the Variables
Descriptive statistics of mean for central tendency and standard deviation for variability was used
to conduct the data analysis concerning the dependent and independent variables. To examine the
strength of the dependent and independent variable relationship, correlation and multiple
regressions were done to estimate the relationships among the dependent and the five independent
The independent variables contain 25 questions that asked respondents to state their perception of
each variable. Each of the independent variables such as Work overload, Work related stress,
Flexible work arrangement, Organizational support and Family role overload has 5 items. The
dependent variable employee performance scale has 6 items that measure the work-life balance of
the participants. The mean score measurement used by Pihie (2009) was applied where mean score
of 3.8 as high.
4.1.1. Work overload
The summary of the responses given by the respondents to the five questions above the table
showed that 2.5 % of the respondents strongly disagree that their work overload is affecting their
family life whereas 13.2% disagree;15.0% of the respondents neither agree nor disagree showing
no awareness if their current job assignment has affected their personal/family life. However,
36.4% and 32.9% of the respondents replied that the current job burden is affecting or strongly
affecting their family life. Besides the grand mean (4.14) showed that work overload was found to
be high which implies that the respondents perceived high level of work overload in their
Source: Survey result
Key: 1= strongly disagree; 2= disagree; 3=neutral; 4=agree; 5=strongly agree
4.1.2. Work related stress
Summary of the results shows that 64.6 % of the respondents strongly agree/agree that the work
related stresses affecting their effectiveness at work place. 21.4% of the response showed that the
respondents are either neutral or they are not aware of the effects of work related stress on their
The remaining 13.9% of the response shows respondents disagree/strongly disagree that work
related stress affects their workplace.
Source: Survey result
Key: 1= strongly disagree; 2= disagree; 3=neutral; 4=agree; 5=strongly agree
General overview of the responses shows that majority of the respondents have work related stress
that is affecting their effectiveness at their workplace. The grand mean (4.05) also indicated that
work-related stress was found to be high implying the respondents were having high level of work-
related stress.
4.1.3. Flexible work arrangement
Analysis of the response for each question under flexible work arrangement showed that thirty-
four (60.7%) of the respondents strongly agree/agree that there is a flexible working hour
management at your organization. 11 (19.6%) respondents are not sure if they get such practice at
work whereas 11 (19.6%) disagree/strongly Disagree. Forty-three (76.8%) of the respondents
strongly agree/agree that flexible working hours allow to balance personal commitments. 4 (7.1%)
respondents are not sure if they get such assistance at work whereas 9 (16.1%) disagree/strongly
Overall review of the flexible work arrangement for the respondents showed that the sample
organization has significant flexible work arrangement for their employees to enable them get a
good work life balance. The grand mean (4.23) also showed that flexible work arrangement was
found to be high implying high level of flexible work arrangement was perceived by employees
helped them better manage their work life.
4.1.4. Organizational support
Analysis of the result showed that 61.5% of the responses strongly agree/agree that respondents of
the sample organization have organizational support for supporting work life balance of their
employees. 20.7% of the response showed that respondents are not sure if the organization has
support. The remaining 3.9% of the response showed that they disagree/strongly disagree about
the organization support for work life balance.
4.1.5. Family role overload
Summary of the result showed that 52.8% of respondents agree/strongly agree that they have
family role overload at home. 28.3% of the responses show that the respondents are not sure if
they have family role overload. The remaining 18.9% respondents do not have a family role
4.1.6. Employee performance
The employee job performance was determined using self-rating questionnaire. The table
summary below showed that 25.4% of the responses strongly agree/agree that the respondents
rated themselves highly performing. 22.0% of the response showed that the respondents rated them
neutral. The remaining 52.6% of the responses showed that the respondents strongly
disagree/disagree; they rated themselves as not performing well.
Table 9: Mean Scores and Standard Deviations for study variables
Mean Standard deviation N
Independent variable
Work overload 4.14 0.819 56
Work related stress 4.05 0.923 56
Flexible work 4.23 0.713 56
Organizational 3.14 0.923 56
Family role overload 3.95 0.818 56
Dependent variable
Employee 3.05 0.818 56
Source: Survey result
Key: 1= strongly disagree; 2= disagree; 3=neutral; 4=agree; 5=strongly agree
5.2. Conclusion
From the study it can be concluded that the perception of employees work life balance towards
their performance is very critical. The research identified that there are a number of predictors that
can affect employee performance of the sample organization.
In UNDP Ethiopia, work overload is an identified predictor that has an effect on employee
performance. As the workload increase the employee’s performance will be decreased.
Work related stress is another factor that has an effect on employee performance in the studied
organization. As the work related stress increase the employee’s performance will be decreased.
Flexible work arrangement in this study is not the factor that has an effect on employee
performance in the studied organization.
Organizational support at UNDP Ethiopia has significant relation with the employee performance.
As the organizational support increase the employee’s performance will be increased.
This study is also concluded that Family role overload have significant effect on employees’
performance at UNDP Ethiopia. As the family role overload increases the employee’s performance
will be decreased.
5.3. Recommendations
The following recommendations are made based on the findings and conclusions of the study:
It is recommended UNDP Ethiopia to promote widely and regularly appropriate policies and
initiatives to encourage awareness and knowledge of available options for accessing work-life
balance strategies to manage work overload.
The studied organization should design a staff training programs that create awareness on early
recognition and management of work related stress to increase their performance. It is
recommended that it should adopt flexible working arrangements where employees can work from
home so that they can have time to get for the family issues which in turn reduce work related
UNDP Ethiopia should work with the employee assistance programs such as counselling services,
health services, physical fitness facilities and financial assistance services.
The UNDP Ethiopia should also consider programs such as, Day care for employee’s young
children, facilities for old parent’s care, workable employee welfare to support employees in times
of need.
So as to improve management of family role over load the sample organizations should have
marriage/family counselling programs. Besides UNDP Ethiopia should encourage employees to
plan for their personal development goal.
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