LIMITED CORPORATE OFFICE , KESAVAYANAGUNTA, TIRUCHANUR ROAD:: TIRUPATI LIMITED RECRUITMENT NOTIFICATION (FOR FILLING UP OF SUB-ENGINEERS/ELECL BACKLOG VACANCIES.) The APSPDCL invites applications from eligible candidates for filling up of the following Backlog vacancies of Sub-Engineers (Electrical) on regular basis on or before 18-01-2012.. 1)SUB-ENGINEERS (ELECTRICAL) BACKLOG VACANCIES
SNo 1 2 3 4 5 6 CIRCLE VJA GNT ONG NLR TPT KDP Total OC G W 9 5 14 BC-A G W - 2 - 2 - 1 - 5 BC-B G W - 2 - 1 - 1 - 4 BC-C G W BC-D G W - 1 - 1 - 2 BC-E G W SC G W ST G W - 3 - 1 - 2 - 1 - 7 PH (OH) G W PH (VH) G W - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - 6 PH (HH) G W 1 1 1 1 1 5 Total 5 13 11 7 3 4 43
- VJA Vijayawada (Krishna District), Ongole(Prakasam District), NLR KDP Kadapa(Kadapa District) G= General; W= Women
All the above Backlog vacancies shall be filled up with local candidates of respective circle/District only. The candidates can apply according to reserved category of posts in the respective Circle/District only
2)LOCAL AREA / NATIVITY: Each District/Circle will be regarded as Local area with spirit of Presidential Order. The candidates who apply for the above posts should produce the Study Certificate from Class IV to X or Residence Certificate(in the proforma enclosed) for deciding that he belongs to concerned Circle/District. The Residence Certificates will be accepted only in respect of candidates who have not studied in any Educational Institutions up to SSC examination.
3)JOB SPECIFICATION: Assisting Section Officers in all matters relating to section operation in addition to maintenance of Operational Records, Petty Cash Book, Collection of DDs and remittance, monthly M.I.S, submission of reports relating to breakdowns, accidents, failure of Transformers. 4)AGE : Not below 18 years and not more than 34 years as on 30.11.2011. Relaxation in upper age limit upto 5 years for SC/ST/BC candidates and up to 10 years for P.H. candidates for in service contract workers working in this organization the age at the time of entry in to the organization as contractor worker will be considered to ascertain eligibility or other wise. 5)QUALIFICATIONS : Must possess a Diploma in Electrical Engineering or Graduation in Elecl., Engineering in addition to Diploma in Elecl. Engineering or any other equivalent qualification recognized by the Board/Govt., of AP/India/UGC/DEC/AICTE as the case may be. The qualifications acquired from other state universities through distance mode can not be considered as per Memo.No.73/11, Dt:20-1-2011. Note: If there is any deviation from the above qualification for post, the candidate shall produce the equallent certificate from the authority issuing the qualification certificate viz, the Register of the University or Secretary of the Institute for accepting his/her application. 6)SCALE OF PAY : 11545-485-13000-650-16250-800-20250-955-23115 7)TRAINING CUM PROBATION : The Candidates appointed to the post shall be placed on Training cum Probation for a period of 2 years. During the period of Training cum Probation he/she will be paid the minimum of the pay scale along with admissible allowances. 8)SELECTION PROCEDURE : (i) The eligible candidates shall be required to appear for a written examination at Tirupati centre. The following are the minimum qualifying marks in the written test. OC BC 40% 35% 30%
Selection will be made 100% based on merit in written examination and after verification of certificates for fresh candidates. 2
(ii). Weightage for In-service candidates. Evaluation will be done on a scale of 100 marks with a maximum of 55 marks for written exam and a maximum of 45 marks for experiences. The in-service contract worker who have been working in this organization will be given weightage marks to a maximum of 45, depending on the length of the service in this organization i.e.,2 marks per every half year(i.e.,180 days) service as contract worker as per the memorandum of settlement dt:18-12-2010 reached before the additional Commissioner of Labour and Conciliation Officer, Government of A.P. between representatives of AP.Transco. and recognized Trade Unions. Any disruption or discontinuation of service for a continuous period of 180 days and above for whatever the reason as contract worker shall be considered, as if fresh commencement from the date of resumption after such discontinuation or disruption. Service less than six months will not be considered for weightage. (iii). In service contract worker shall submit service certificate from the concerned Divisional Engineer evidencing length of service, and continuity of in service as contract worker/with recorded evidence through sub-station Log Books to be certified by the concerned Divisional Engineer. ( OR) With recorded evidence of EPF No. in his name to be certified by the concerned DE. (iv). No interviews will be conducted. (v). The merit candidates community wise based on the common merit list will be called for verification of certificates in 1:2 ratio. Note: i. For computation of period of contract service, the date of joining on such service shall be reckoned and period of service shall be computed upto the date of pole climbing test. ii. Brake in service should not exceed more than six months for computation of weightage of marks. iii. Disqualification:- conviction in criminal case involving moral turpitude declared insolvent. iv. Medical Fitness certificate should be furnished at the time of joining. 9) EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT: The candidates appointed shall be required to execute a bond (in Non-Judicial Stamp Paper worth Rs.110/- (Rupees One hundred and ten only) at the time of joining, to serve APSPDCL for a minimum period of 5 years after completion of Training Cum Probation Period of two years. During the above bond period the candidates will deposit his/her original certificates such as Degree, Date of Birth, and Community etc with APSPDCL. The certificate so deposited with APSPDCL shall not be returned during the above bond period. The candidate who leaves the APSPDCL service during the Training cum Probation period shall refund the emoluments received by him/her plus 30000/-(Rupees Thirty thousand only) by way of liquidated damages.
The candidate who leaves APSPDCL service without serving a minimum period of 5 years after completion of Training-cum-Probation period shall have to pay a sum of Rs.60000/(Rupees Sixty Thousand Only) by way of liquidated damages to the company. 10) Mode of application : (a) Eligible candidates may submit their applications so as to reach the Chief General Manager/HRD/APSPDCL/Tirupati by 5 PM on or before 18-01-2012 to the following address CHIEF GENERAL MANAGER/HRD APSPDCL KESAVAYANAGUNTA BEHIND SRINIVASA KALYANA MANDAPAM TIRUCHANOOR ROAD TIRUPATI - 517503 (b) Application received after the due date and time will be rejected summarily. The company will not be responsible for any postal delay. (c) The applications should be sent in a sealed cover superscribed as : APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF SUB-ENGINEER (ELECTRICAL) IN APSPDCL ON REGULAR BASIS. 11) The application should be submitted affixing recent passport size photo attested by a Gazetted Officer and two photos in an envelope. 12) One set of following of certificates duly attested by Gazetted Officer shall be enclosed to the application. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 S.S.C. (As proof of Date of Birth) Diploma in (EEE) B.Tech(EEE) if any in addition to Diploma (EEE) Study certificate from IV to X class. Residence certificate ( In respect of candidates who have not studied in any Educational Institutions up to SSC) Permanent Community Certificate issued by MRO or Caste Certificate issued by Revenue Officer not less than the rank of MRO issued on or after 01.06.2011.
13) Candidates shall appear for written test at their own cost. 14) PAYMENT OF FEE : ( i) Applicants belongs OC category must pay Rs. 500/- towards examination fee ( 350/-) 4
and application processing fee (Rs. 150/-) (ii) Applicants belongs SC/ST/BC/PH candidates must pay Rs.150/- only towards application processing fee.
(iii) payment shall be made in the form of DD drawn in favor of PAY OFFICER , APSPDCL, TIRUPATI. Payable at Tirupati. (iv) The above prescribed fee is not refundable. 15) The Hall Ticket will be issued by the SPDCL only. (Two Passport photos are to be attached in envelope along with application) Applicants should fill in the application in the following format in their own handwriting. The format should be on thick white paper of A4 size. 16. The SPDCL reserves the right to cancel the Notification/Recruitment process at any stage without assigning any reasons.
FORMAT SOUTHERN POWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY OF A.P.LIMITED APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF SUB-ENGINEER (ELECTRICAL) ON REGULAR BASIS (For Office Use Only) Hall Ticket No. Application No : Checked and the application is Admitted/Rejected for the following reasons: Checked by : (Initial of the Officer) (To be filled in by the candidate Use CAPITAL LETTERS only) ==================================================================== NAME OF THE CIRCLE APPLIED FOR:___________________________________ (SE/OPN/ VIJAYAWADA, GUNTUR, ONGOLE, NELLORE, TIRUPATI, KADAPA) (Only one Circle Name to be noted) Native District as per Study certificate/Residence certificate ______________________ Demand Draft Particulars Demand Draft No. Date Amount Name of the Bank/Branch
Affix latest Passport Size photograph attested by Gazetted Officer Month Year
(in words 3. 4. 5.
Permanent Address :
Basic Educational Qualifications : (ACADEMIC / TECHNICAL ) (Specify clearly class obtained and distinction with percentage of Marks) Name of the Board/ University Year of Passing Percentage of marks
Details of qualification
If Yes indicate VH HH OH
VH: Visually Handicapped :: HH : Hearing Handicapped :: OH: Orthopedically Handicapped (Proof in support to be enclosed) Percentage of Disability: _____________________________ %
: Yes
12. 13.
Mother Tongue : (Do you know Telugu, if so state whether you can speak/read/write) Employment Reg. No. & Date : Names of Two responsible persons from whom antecedents can be verified together with their addresses. (i) (ii)
14. 15.
E-Mail-ID: Telephone:
No No
Have you ever been involved in criminal cases ? : Yes If so give details
Whether the candidate is working as Contranct Labour if so furnish the proof of experience certificate by concerned DE in the prescribed format.: Yes/No
DECLARATION I declare that I have not at any time been pronounced unfit for Govt./erstwhile APSEB/ APTRANSCO/APGENCO/ APSPDCL other services on any ground and that the particulars given in this application are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I understand that I am liable for termination of the contract appointment if proved otherwise. I am willing to serve anywhere in APSPDCL Offices/ in Rural areas. Station: Date : Signature of the Candidate CERTIFICATE TO BE ISSUED BY GAZETTED OFFICER I hereby certify that the candidate whose photo is affixed has signed in my presence and that the particulars stated above are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Station: Date :
List of the Enclosures with application form: 1) Age - Proof of age as recorded in SSC certificate or equivalent.(Xerox Copy duly attested by a Gazetted Officer)
2) Qualification Diploma in EEE/LEE or equivalent from any recognised university. Only copies of Provisional certificate shall be accepted Memorandum of Marks or certificates issued by the College authorities etc., will not be accepted .(Xerox Copies duly attested by a Gazetted Officer) 3) Permanent Community Certificate issued by MRO or Caste Certificate issued by Revenue Officer not less than the rank of MRO issued on or after 01.06.2011 in respect of SC/ST candidates (Xerox Copy duly attested by a Gazetted Officer)
4) Physically Handicapped Certificate indicating the minimum 40% of disability issued by District Medical Board. .(Xerox Copy duly attested by a Gazetted Officer) 5) School Study Certificate/Residential Certificate issued by the Officer of the Revenue Department not below the rank of Tahsildar in independent charge of mandal as the case may be.(Proforma enclosed) .(Xerox Copy duly attested by a Gazetted Officer) 6) Proof of work experience certificate by concerned DE in the prescribed format. 7) Demand draft of drawn in favour PAY OFFICER, APSPDCL, TIRUPATI payable at Tirupati. 8) Self Addressed Envelope of 11 X 5 duly affixing Postal stamps worth Rs.10/-(Ten Only). 9) Two Passport size photos in addition to the photo affixed on the application in an envelope. (without 2 photos application will not be accepted). 10) Ex-Servicemen Certificate .(Xerox Copy duly attested by a Gazetted Officer) 11) Employment Card .(Xerox Copy duly attested by a Gazetted Officer)
FORM FOR COMMUNITY, NATIVITY AND DATE OF BIRTH CERTIFICATE Serial No. S.C. S.T. B.C. Certificate No: Seal of the Issuing Office District Code: Mandal Code: Village Code:
COMMUNITY, NATIVITY AND DATE OF BIRTH CERTIFICATE (1) This is to certify that Sri/Smt/Kum__________________________________ Son/Daughter of Sri.______________________________________ of Village/Town __________________________ Mandal ___________________ District ________________________ of the state of Andhra Pradesh belongs to _____________ Community which is recognized as(*) S.C./S.T./B.C. sub-group ________________ The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order, 1950 The Constitution(Schedule Tribes) Order, 1950 G.O.Ms.No.1793, Education, dated 25.9.1970 as amended from time to time (BCs)/SCs, STs list (modification) Order, 1956 S.Cs and S.Ts (Amendment) Act, 1976. (2) It is certified that Sri/Smt/Kum._________________________________ is a native of ________________ Village/Town _______________ Mandal __________ District of Andhra Pradesh. (3) It is certified that the place of birth of Sri/Smt/Kum. ______________________________ is _____________ Village/Town _____________ Mandal _____________ District of Andhra Pradesh. (4) It is certified that the date of birth of Sri/Smt/Kum.___________________________ is _____________ Day _____________ Month ______________ Year _______________ (in words) _____________________________ as per the declaration given by his / her /father/mother/guardian and as entered in the school records where he/she studied. Signature: Date: Name in Capital Letters: Designation: (seal) Explanatory Note:- While mentioning the community, the Competent Authority must mention the sub-caste(in case of Scheduled Castes) and sub-tribe or sub-group(in case of Scheduled Tribes) as listed out in the S.Cs and S.Ts (Amendment) Act, 1976.
SCHOOL STUDY CERTIFICATE NOTE: Should be obtained from the Head of Educational Institution(s). Class IV V VI VII VIII IX X or SSC Name and Place of School District Duration of Study giving month and year
(To be produced by such candidates who have not studied in any educational institution during the whole or any part* of the relevant 4/7 years period but claim to be local candidates by virtue of residence for Post Codes for which there is reservation for Local Candidates) It is here by certified (a) That Sri/Smt/Kum ___________________________________________________ S/o. W/o. D/o._______________________________________ appeared for the first time for the Matriculation (S.S.C) Examination in _______________ (Month) ______________ (Year) (b) That he/she has not studied in any educational institution during the whole/or part of the 4/7 consecutive academic years ending with the academic years ending with the in which he/she first appeared for the aforesaid examination. (c) That in the 4/7 years immediately preceding the commencement of the aforesaid examination he/she resided in the following place / places namely; Sl.No 1 2 3 4 5 Village Mandal District Period
OFFICE SEAL: STATION: DATED: Officer of Revenue Department not below the rank of Mandal Revenue Officer holding independent Charge of a Mandal.
This is to certify that on verification of the Log book, daily Log Sheet, Attendance register maintained at------------------------------ Sub-Station/Office and the Aquitence rolles maintained by the Contractor, Sri-------------------------------------------------------(Full Name with Surname) S/o. Sri ------------------------------------(Full Name with Surname) has worked as -----------------------------------------------------(designation of post) at ----------------------------------------Sub-Station/Office/Section for the period
Agreement No.
:: 2 :: II) Particulars of EPF: S.No. Name of the incumbent Name of the Contractor Particulars of remittance of EPF Chelan Date Amount No. Period No.of days
III) Particulars of Group Insurance: S.No. Name of the incumbent Name of the contractor Insurance Policy No. Period From To
IV) Spells of absence for more than 30 days S.No. Name of the incumbent Name of the contractor Spells of Absence From To No.of Days
Total No.of Man days(excluding absence period)------------------------------. This certificate is issued only for the purpose of enabling Sri---------------------------------to apply for the post of SUB-ENGINEER in APSPDCL. DIVISIONAL ENGINEER(OPERATION) APSPDCL::-----------------NOTE: The above particulars of agreement, check measurement, attendance are to be based on records only and Xerox copy of the records duly attested by the concerned DE/Opn. are to be enclosed to this certificate. The above particulars are to be verified by the Divisional Engineer personally and he is responsible for the correctness of the
particulars. Certificates of the lower officers and counter signed by Divisional Engineer are not permitted.