Class2 BM
Class2 BM
Class2 BM
Archaea are distinct from both Bacteria and Eukaryotes, earning them their own domain in the Three Domain
Classification originally proposed by Woese in 1977, alongside the Eukarya and the Bacteria.
Specific Characteristics in Archaea cellular membranes
ARCHAEA Morphology, Physiology, biochemistry, diversity & Industrial Applications of domain Archaea, 2015
Major lipids of Archaea and the architecture of archaeal membranes
ARCHAEA Morphology, Physiology, biochemistry, diversity & Industrial Applications of domain Archaea, 2015
Major lipids of Archaea and the architecture of archaeal membranes
ARCHAEA Morphology, Physiology, biochemistry, diversity & Industrial Applications of domain Archaea, 2015
What is membrane curvature?
Spontaneous membrane curvature Phospholipid form
(1) a single α helix, (2) as multiple α helices, or (3) as a rolled-up β sheet (a β barrel), (4) Some of these are anchored to the
cytosolic surface by an amphiphilic α helix, (5) Others are attached to the bilayer solely by a covalently bound lipid chain, (6)
via an oligosaccharide linker, to phosphatidylinositol in the noncytosolic monolayer—called a GPI anchor,
Lipid Anchors Control the Membrane Localization of Some Signaling Proteins
The porins are well-studied examples (example 3 in Figure 10– The FepA protein is a more complex example of a
23C). Many porin barrels are formed from a 16-strand, β barrel transport protein. It transports iron ions
antiparallel β sheet rolled up into a cylindrical structure. across the bacterial outer membrane.
Membrane Proteins Can Be Solubilized and Purified in Detergents
Membrane Proteins Can Be Solubilized and Purified in Detergents
Membrane Proteins Can Be Solubilized and Purified in Detergents
Model of a membrane protein reconstituted into a nanodisc
Many Membrane Proteins Diffuse in the Plane of the Membrane
Many Membrane Proteins Diffuse in the Plane of the Membrane