Mexican Cultural
Mexican Cultural
Mexican Cultural
2. Exploration of Mexican
Cuisine and Ingredients
The colonial era marked a significant period in Artisans and Craftsmanship in Mexico
Mexico's history, as Spanish conquistadors
brought their language, religion, and customs to
the region. Despite centuries of colonial rule, Mexican artisans are true masters of their craft,
Mexico eventually gained its independence in the passing down techniques through generations.
early 19th century, leading to a renewed sense of Talavera pottery from Puebla, with its intricate
national identity and pride. patterns in blue, green, and yellow, is a testament
to the skill and artistry of Mexican potters. The
4. Examination of Mexican intricate embroidery of Oaxacan textiles and the
delicate silver filigree jewelry from Taxco
Festivals and Celebrations highlight the diverse range of craftsmanship found
throughout Mexico.
Introduction to
Topic 1
Mexican culture
The indigenous ethnic group referred to as the Family is highly valued and the majority are nuclear
Mexica families, although some households have extended families.
Men are the family authority figure, they make the decisions
Population by Mixed Native American and Spanish and are head of the household. The mother holds the family
descent favored by 60% of Mesoamericans together and can influence decisions.
Divorce is not common, but in the lower socioeconomic
Amerindian or predominantly Amerindian 30% levels, stable out-of-wedlock relationships are common.
White 9%
Other 1%. Families are large, generally with four or more children.
Children respect parental authority and parent-child bond is
Location of Mexico valued over the husband-wife bond.
It is bordered on the north by the United States; on the south Roman Catholicism
& west by the Pacific Ocean on the southeast of
Guatemala,Belize and the Caribbean Sea; on the east by the The predominant religion practiced by Mexican Americans
Gulf of Mexico. is Roman Catholicism. Religious practices that are
commonly observed include baptism, confirmation,
Covering almost two million square kilometers communion, weddings and funerals.
Nutrition & Dietary Preferences Prayers from the priest and family are relied on in times of
crisis. When dealing with illness in the family, they will use
the rituals of making promises, lighting candles, visiting
shrines and offering prayers.
The traditional Mexican diet is based on corn, beans, squash,
and chili, but also includes dairy products, meats, (some
examples below)
Aguilera, V. (2009)
Grains - flour or corn tortillas, rice, oatmeal
(Kaiser, 2006)
The role of godparent is very important, the is committing to Printed material in Spanish and lower literacy to
accepting co-responsibilities along with the parents. ensure accuracy of information.
Have direct eye contact when communicating to
This relationship begins at the child's baptism and is life- show you are paying
long; it is both for religious purposes and revolves into an
important relationship and resource for coping with life's attention and focused on the
Giger, 2013
Often a godparent is chosen from a higher socioeconomic
level, this enables the child to grow up with more extensive Pharmacy Implications
social resources than the family could provide for them.
Universal Healthcare
3 Tiers
Title: "México: A Tapestry of History, Tradition, In this section, you will see colonial-era
and Modernity" artifacts, including paintings of the Virgin
of Guadalupe, a symbol of Mexican
Catholicism, alongside vibrant Indigenous
Introduction: art. You will also discover how this period
laid the foundation for Mexico's unique
Welcome, everyone, to our exhibit on Mexican culture by blending European and
culture! Today, we will take you on a journey Indigenous elements.
through the heart of Mexico, a country rich in
traditions, history, art, and vibrant celebrations. Key Highlights:
From the ancient civilizations that shaped the o Colonial religious art and sculptures.
land to the modern expressions of art and culture, o Baroque-style churches and missions,
Mexico offers a unique blend of the past and highlighting the architecture.
present. o The evolution of traditional clothing,
such as the iconic charro suit.
Section 1: Ancient Civilizations o
Script: We begin our exploration with Section 3: Mexican Revolution and National
Mexico’s ancient civilizations: the Maya, Identity
Aztec, Olmec, and Zapotec, among others.
These cultures flourished long before the Script: The early 20th century was a time
arrival of the Spanish in the 16th century. of great social and political upheaval in
From complex societies to remarkable Mexico, marked by the Mexican
achievements in science, astronomy, and Revolution (1910-1920). This revolution
architecture, their legacies remain alive played a crucial role in shaping modern
today. Mexico, as it gave rise to new ideals of
equality, land reform, and cultural
In this section, you will see replicas of the identity.
majestic temples of Teotihuacan and the
intricate Mayan calendars. Take a look at This section celebrates the revolutionary
the beautifully carved Aztec stone leaders like Emiliano Zapata and Pancho
sculptures and pottery, which are symbolic Villa, who fought for justice and equality.
of the artistic talents that flourished during Explore how the revolution also gave birth
these ancient times. to Mexican muralism, an artistic
movement led by Diego Rivera, José
Key Highlights: Clemente Orozco, and David Alfaro
o Replica of the Aztec Calendar Stone. Siqueiros, whose work conveyed the
o Maya codices (ancient manuscripts) struggles and hopes of the Mexican
and hieroglyphs. people.
o Models of ancient pyramids and
ceremonial centers. Key Highlights:
o Historical photographs and posters
from the revolution.
o Murals and sketches from Rivera and o Traditional dance performances with
Orozco. explanations of the cultural
o Mexican folk art depicting significance.
revolutionary themes. o Costumes worn during festivals like
Día de los Muertos, with vibrant face
Section 4: Mexican Cuisine – A Feast for the paint and intricate paper mâché
Senses skulls.
Key Highlights:
o Displays of contemporary Mexican
fashion by leading designers.
o Paintings by Frida Kahlo and other
modern Mexican artists.
o Street art inspired by urban Mexico
City culture.