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Mexican Cultural

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Mexican 3.

Cuisine: Mexican cuisine is one of the most

popular and diverse in the world. It was
Cultural recognized by UNESCO as an Intangible Cultural
Heritage of Humanity.

 Tacos: These iconic street foods come in

various forms, filled with meats, seafood,
1. Geography and History: Mexico, located in or vegetables, topped with fresh cilantro,
North America, is bordered by the United States onions, and salsa.
to the north and Belize and Guatemala to the  Mole: A rich, complex sauce made with
southeast. It boasts a diverse landscape, from chocolate, spices, and chilies, often served
stunning beaches to mountains and deserts. The over chicken or turkey.
country's history is rich and complex, shaped by  Tamales: Made from masa (corn dough)
indigenous civilizations such as the Maya and and filled with meats, cheeses, or fruits,
Aztec, followed by Spanish colonization in the wrapped in corn husks, and steamed to
16th century. Today, Mexico is a vibrant blend of perfection.
ancient traditions and modern influences.  Chiles en Nogada: A patriotic dish
representing the Mexican flag, consisting
of poblano peppers stuffed with meat and
topped with a walnut-based sauce and
2. Culture: Mexico's culture is a tapestry of pomegranate seeds.
influences that include indigenous traditions,
Spanish colonialism, and contemporary practices.

 Festivals: 4. Music and Dance: Music is an integral part of

o Día de los Muertos (Day of the Mexican culture, reflecting the country’s history
Dead): Celebrated on November and diversity.
1st and 2nd, this unique holiday
honors deceased loved ones with  Mariachi: This traditional form of music
colorful altars, marigolds, sugar includes violins, trumpets, and guitars,
skulls, and traditional foods. It is a often performed at celebrations. Mariachi
time for families to gather, musicians dress in charro outfits, adding to
remember, and celebrate the lives the colorful atmosphere.
of those who have passed.  Banda: Originating from the northern
o Cinco de Mayo: While often regions, Banda music features brass
mistaken for Mexican instruments and percussion, creating lively
Independence Day, Cinco de Mayo rhythms that invite everyone to dance.
commemorates the Mexican army's  Folkloric Dance: Each region of Mexico
victory over the French at the has its unique dance styles, often
Battle of Puebla in 1862. performed during festivals and
Celebrations include parades, celebrations, showcasing the traditional
music, and traditional food. costumes and stories of the culture.
 Arts and Crafts:
o Mexico is famous for its vibrant
arts and crafts, including pottery,
textiles, and silverwork. Each 5. Languages: While Spanish is the official
region has its unique style, often language, Mexico is home to a rich linguistic
using bright colors and intricate heritage. Over 68 national languages are
designs. The art of Talavera recognized, including Nahuatl, Maya, and Mixtec,
pottery is especially renowned, among others. These languages reflect the
with its distinct blue and white country’s diverse indigenous cultures and
patterns. histories.
1. Overview of Mexican
6. Natural Wonders: Mexico is blessed with Culture and Traditions
stunning natural beauty, including:

 Cenotes: These natural sinkholes filled

with freshwater are a unique geological Introduction to Mexican Cultural
feature in the Yucatán Peninsula, often Diversity
used for swimming and diving.
 Biosphere Reserves: Home to diverse
ecosystems, places like the Monarch Mexico is a vibrant tapestry of diverse cultures
Butterfly Biosphere Reserve and Sian and traditions that have been shaped by centuries
Ka’an Biosphere Reserve showcase the of history and influences from indigenous peoples,
country’s commitment to preserving its European colonizers, and other immigrant groups.
natural heritage. From the colorful art and music to the rich
culinary heritage, Mexican culture is a true
melting pot that celebrates its unique blend of
7. Conclusion: In conclusion, Mexico is a country
rich in history, culture, and tradition. Its vibrant Key Elements of Mexican Culture
festivals, mouthwatering cuisine, lively music, and
breathtaking landscapes all contribute to its
charm. Whether you're exploring ancient ruins,
Key elements of Mexican culture include a strong
savoring delicious tacos, or dancing to mariachi
sense of family and community, a deep reverence
music, Mexico offers an unforgettable experience
for nature and spirituality, and a love for
that captures the heart and soul of its people.
festivities and celebrations. Art, music, dance, and
Thank you for joining me on this journey through
storytelling are integral parts of Mexican identity,
Mexico's wonders!
reflecting a deep connection to both the past and

2. Exploration of Mexican
Cuisine and Ingredients

Traditional Mexican Foods

Mexican cuisine is renowned worldwide for its

bold flavors, vibrant colors, and diverse
ingredients. From tacos and tamales to mole
Mexico, a country rich in history, culture, and sauces and fresh salsas, traditional Mexican foods
traditions, offers a vibrant tapestry of experiences showcase a harmonious blend of indigenous
waiting to be explored. From its colorful festivals ingredients like corn, beans, and chili peppers
and mouthwatering cuisine to its ancient with Spanish and other global influences.
civilizations and modern-day influences, Mexico
captivates visitors with its diverse offerings. In
this comprehensive article, we delve into the
Signature Mexican Ingredients
depths of Mexican culture, cuisine, history, and
more, providing a detailed and insightful look at
what makes Mexico a truly unique and fascinating Key ingredients in Mexican cuisine include corn
destination. Join us on a journey to uncover the (maize), beans, avocados, tomatoes, and a variety
treasures of Mexico and gain a deeper of chili peppers like jalapeños and poblanos.
understanding of this captivating country. Herbs and spices such as cilantro, cumin, and
Mexican oregano play a crucial role in adding (Holy Week) and the feast day of Our Lady of
depth and complexity to dishes, creating a Guadalupe are deeply rooted in Mexican
symphony of flavors that tantalize the taste buds. traditions, combining faith, music, dance, and
feasting to honor spiritual beliefs and pay homage
3. Deep Dive into Mexican to saints and religious figures.

History and Heritage 5. Showcase of Mexican Arts

and Crafts
Ancient Civilizations of Mexico

Traditional Mexican Art Forms

Mexico boasts a rich tapestry of ancient
civilizations, including the Maya, Aztec, and
Olmec cultures, whose architectural wonders, When it comes to traditional art forms, Mexico is
artistry, and scientific advancements continue to a treasure trove of creativity. From vibrant papel
awe and inspire. The legacy of these civilizations picado (perforated paper) decorations to intricate
lives on in Mexico's archaeological sites, Huichol beadwork, Mexican art is rich in color
museums, and cultural traditions. and symbolism. The famous folk art of alebrijes,
fantastical creatures carved from copal wood and
Colonial Era and Independence painted in bright hues, showcases the country's
imaginative spirit.

The colonial era marked a significant period in Artisans and Craftsmanship in Mexico
Mexico's history, as Spanish conquistadors
brought their language, religion, and customs to
the region. Despite centuries of colonial rule, Mexican artisans are true masters of their craft,
Mexico eventually gained its independence in the passing down techniques through generations.
early 19th century, leading to a renewed sense of Talavera pottery from Puebla, with its intricate
national identity and pride. patterns in blue, green, and yellow, is a testament
to the skill and artistry of Mexican potters. The
4. Examination of Mexican intricate embroidery of Oaxacan textiles and the
delicate silver filigree jewelry from Taxco
Festivals and Celebrations highlight the diverse range of craftsmanship found
throughout Mexico.

6. Insights into Mexican

Major Mexican Festivals
Geography and Landmarks
Mexico is renowned for its vibrant festivals and
celebrations, which blend indigenous, European,
and modern traditions into colorful and lively Geographical Diversity of Mexico
events. From the Day of the Dead to Cinco de
Mayo, these festivals provide a glimpse into
Mexico's cultural richness and the spirit of Mexico's geography is as diverse as it is
community that defines its people. breathtaking. From the lush jungles of Chiapas to
the arid deserts of Baja California, each region
Religious Celebrations in Mexico offers its own unique beauty. The towering peaks
of the Sierra Madre mountain range and the
crystal-clear waters of the cenotes in the Yucatán
Religion plays a central role in Mexican culture, Peninsula showcase the natural wonders of
with Catholicism being the dominant faith. Mexico.
Religious celebrations such as Semana Santa
Iconic Landmarks in Mexico
Mexico's influence on global culture extends to
music and film, with artists such as Frida Kahlo
Mexico is home to a myriad of iconic landmarks and filmmakers like Guillermo del Toro leaving a
that showcase its rich history and culture. The lasting impact. Traditional Mexican music genres
ancient city of Teotihuacan, with its towering like mariachi and banda have gained international
pyramids, provides a glimpse into Mexico's pre- popularity, while Mexican cinema continues to
Columbian past. The vibrant neighborhoods of garner acclaim at film festivals worldwide.
Mexico City, such as Coyoacán and Roma, offer a
blend of colonial architecture and modern flair. Mexican Contributions to World Cuisine
The stunning beaches of Cancún and the
archaeological site of Chichen Itza are must-see
destinations for visitors. Mexican cuisine is celebrated for its vibrant
flavors and diverse ingredients, from spicy chiles
7. Analysis of Mexican to rich mole sauces. Popular dishes like tacos,
Economic and Social tamales, and enchiladas have become staples in
culinary scenes around the world. Tequila and
Landscape mezcal, Mexico's signature spirits, are enjoyed
globally, showcasing the country's culinary
prowess beyond its borders.In conclusion, Mexico
Economic Trends in Mexico stands as a testament to the beauty of diversity and
the richness of heritage. Its people, traditions, and
landscapes weave together a tapestry that is both
Mexico boasts a diverse economy, with thriving fascinating and inspiring. As we wrap up our
industries in manufacturing, agriculture, and exploration of Mexican culture, cuisine, history,
tourism. The country's close trade ties with the and influence, we invite you to continue your own
United States have fueled economic growth, while
journey of discovery and appreciation for all that
industries such as automotive and aerospace
continue to expand. However, issues such as Mexico has to offer. Whether you seek to savor its
income inequality and poverty remain challenges flavors, celebrate its festivals, or admire its
for the Mexican economy. artistry, Mexico promises a world of wonder
waiting to be explored. Viva México!
Social Issues and Developments in Mexico

Mexico grapples with a range of social issues,

including violence, corruption, and environmental Mexican Cultural Presentation
sustainability. The country has made strides in
areas such as education and healthcare, but Mexico's
challenges persist in achieving social equity and
justice for all citizens. Civil society organizations Culture Diversity Project
and grassroots movements play a crucial role in
advocating for social change and promoting By: Marie Roman
human rights in Mexico.
Comarison with Western
8. Highlighting Mexican
Influence on Global Culture Beliefs

Mexican Influence in Music and Film

Introduction By Crystal Schneider

Introduction to
Topic 1
Mexican culture

culture Social Organization

 The indigenous ethnic group referred to as the Family is highly valued and the majority are nuclear
Mexica families, although some households have extended families.
Men are the family authority figure, they make the decisions
 Population by Mixed Native American and Spanish and are head of the household. The mother holds the family
descent favored by 60% of Mesoamericans together and can influence decisions.
Divorce is not common, but in the lower socioeconomic
 Amerindian or predominantly Amerindian 30% levels, stable out-of-wedlock relationships are common.
 White 9%
 Other 1%. Families are large, generally with four or more children.
Children respect parental authority and parent-child bond is
Location of Mexico valued over the husband-wife bond.

Location of The entire family, including children, often contribute to the

financial benefit of the family

It is bordered on the north by the United States; on the south Roman Catholicism
& west by the Pacific Ocean on the southeast of
Guatemala,Belize and the Caribbean Sea; on the east by the The predominant religion practiced by Mexican Americans
Gulf of Mexico. is Roman Catholicism. Religious practices that are
commonly observed include baptism, confirmation,
Covering almost two million square kilometers communion, weddings and funerals.

Nutrition & Dietary Preferences Prayers from the priest and family are relied on in times of
crisis. When dealing with illness in the family, they will use
the rituals of making promises, lighting candles, visiting
shrines and offering prayers.
The traditional Mexican diet is based on corn, beans, squash,
and chili, but also includes dairy products, meats, (some
examples below)

Aguilera, V. (2009)
Grains - flour or corn tortillas, rice, oatmeal

Fruits - guava, mango, papaya, melon, banana, avocado Godparents

Vegetables - chilies, tomatoes, onions, tomatillos, jicama padrinos

Dairy - cow's and goat's milk, cheese, custard
Protein - legumes (beans, lentils), chicken, beef, pork, eggs,
This Catholic practice is very important in Mexican
seafood/fish, pumpkin and sesame seeds

(Kaiser, 2006)
The role of godparent is very important, the is committing to  Printed material in Spanish and lower literacy to
accepting co-responsibilities along with the parents. ensure accuracy of information.
 Have direct eye contact when communicating to
This relationship begins at the child's baptism and is life- show you are paying
long; it is both for religious purposes and revolves into an
important relationship and resource for coping with life's attention and focused on the
Giger, 2013
Often a godparent is chosen from a higher socioeconomic
level, this enables the child to grow up with more extensive Pharmacy Implications
social resources than the family could provide for them.

Communication Mexicans are a minority group that have managed to

maintain their rich traditions and culture as they
Comarison with Western have assimilated here in the United States.

Mexico is working to increase awareness of quality

Beliefs healthcare for its citizens and residents who reside in
their country. I now see the lasting effects the Mexican
 Among this vibrant country, you will most likely government has provided their citizens to give
hear the indigenous spoken language of Nahuatl. insurance health coverage throughout their lives.

 This language is a part of the Uto-Aztecan family of Conclusion

languages and is spoken today by 1,376,026
people in Mexico. References

 Spanish influenced by English and Nahuatl and has Institute for Social Security and Services for state workers.
about 120 million speakers. Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias. (n.d.). Retrieved
March 6, 2022, from
(statistica, 2022) https://en-academic.com/dic.nsf/enwiki/10466209

Communication Lima, M. (2021, December 29). Free healthcare in mexico-

what to expect? Mexico Relocation Guide. Retrieved March
Pharmacist/ Pharmacy Technician 6, 2022, from https://mexicorelocationguide.com/free-
Mexico: Summary. Search the website. (n.d.). Retrieved
 Establish an individualized trusting and caring
March 6, 2022, from
patient/customer professional relationship.
 Assess the ability to communicate and understand.

 Digital translators can visually allow for direct
viewing for gestures and accuracy of cultural
Mexperience. (2021, April 19). How to access the Mexican
 Certified translators by use of phone or more
Healthcare System (IMSS). Mexperience. Retrieved March
modern technical devices such as Vocera and
6, 2022, from https://www.mexperience.com/how-to-access-
language line to provide competent care.
 Acknowledging client directly and kindly will
enhance the care.
O'Neill, A. (2021, September 14). Mexico - languages.
 Avoid the use of sayings, slang, or jokes to avoid
Statista. Retrieved March 6, 2022, from
confusion of care.
 Teaching and listening are key concepts for
accuracy in cultural care.
Pérez-Tepayo, S., Rodríguez-Ramírez, S., Unar-Munguía, clinic for medical treatment, with the
M., & Shamah-Levy, T. (2020, May 27). Trends in the understanding that as a patient who needs special
dietary patterns of Mexican adults by sociodemographic care,
characteristics - nutrition journal. BioMed Central.
Retrieved March 6, 2022, from The second tier is for individuals working for an employer,
https://nutritionj.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12937 they shall receive additional insurance under the Instituto
-020-00568-2 Mexicano de Seguro Social, paid through the workers’
employer payroll taxes.
Policy brief - OECD. (n.d.). Retrieved March 6, 2022, from
https://www.oecd.org/health/Policy-Brief-Mexico-Health- The final tier is the Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios
EN.pdf Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (Mexican Civil
Service Social Security and Services Institute) for assistance
Zimmermann, K. A. (2022, January 27). Mexican culture: in cases of disability, old age, early retirement, and death to
Customs and traditions. LiveScience. Retrieved March 5, federal workers.
2022, from https://www.livescience.com/38647-mexican-
culture.html Population Health Risk

Resources Overall health of citizens of Mexico is:

Skills in Pharmacy -34.2 are obese

Pharmacy & Pharmacy Skills

- 16.9% are diabetic

Pharmaceutical staff and pharmacists will need to be

Contributing factors to the increase in obesity and diabetes
knowledgeable about the trade brands and generic drugs
is due to consumption of sugar sodas as well as processed
available to their citizens

Mexico’s population is increasing so is the need for Population

pharmacists to be aware of the drug’s adverse side effects,
uses, and drug product information to better prepare their Health

The pharmacist technician will also assist and supports the

pharmacy inventory management activities, such as
ordering, unpacking, checking, and storing shipment of
pharmaceuticals. claims for warehouse overages, drug
supply shortages, order errors, or damaged goods involving
prescription drugs.

Universal Healthcare

3 Tiers


Their government health system is made up of three tiers

ranging from public, employer, and private insurances.

The first tier is structured by Instituto de Salud para el

Bienestar– which translates to the Health and Wellbeing
Institute, which is a free healthcare system created by
President Lopez Obrador. (gob.mx, 2022).

 This is one hundred percent free to all citizens and

residents who enter into an INSABI hospital or
Section 2: Spanish Conquest and Colonial Era

 Script: The arrival of Spanish explorers,

led by Hernán Cortés in 1519, marked the
beginning of a transformative period for
Mexico. The mixing of Spanish and
Indigenous cultures gave birth to new
traditions, languages, and religious
Exhibit on Mexican Culture: A Vibrant practices. This blend, known as mestizaje,
Tapestry of Traditions is central to Mexican identity.

Title: "México: A Tapestry of History, Tradition, In this section, you will see colonial-era
and Modernity" artifacts, including paintings of the Virgin
of Guadalupe, a symbol of Mexican
Catholicism, alongside vibrant Indigenous
Introduction: art. You will also discover how this period
laid the foundation for Mexico's unique
Welcome, everyone, to our exhibit on Mexican culture by blending European and
culture! Today, we will take you on a journey Indigenous elements.
through the heart of Mexico, a country rich in
traditions, history, art, and vibrant celebrations.  Key Highlights:
From the ancient civilizations that shaped the o Colonial religious art and sculptures.
land to the modern expressions of art and culture, o Baroque-style churches and missions,
Mexico offers a unique blend of the past and highlighting the architecture.
present. o The evolution of traditional clothing,
such as the iconic charro suit.
Section 1: Ancient Civilizations o

 Script: We begin our exploration with Section 3: Mexican Revolution and National
Mexico’s ancient civilizations: the Maya, Identity
Aztec, Olmec, and Zapotec, among others.
These cultures flourished long before the  Script: The early 20th century was a time
arrival of the Spanish in the 16th century. of great social and political upheaval in
From complex societies to remarkable Mexico, marked by the Mexican
achievements in science, astronomy, and Revolution (1910-1920). This revolution
architecture, their legacies remain alive played a crucial role in shaping modern
today. Mexico, as it gave rise to new ideals of
equality, land reform, and cultural
In this section, you will see replicas of the identity.
majestic temples of Teotihuacan and the
intricate Mayan calendars. Take a look at This section celebrates the revolutionary
the beautifully carved Aztec stone leaders like Emiliano Zapata and Pancho
sculptures and pottery, which are symbolic Villa, who fought for justice and equality.
of the artistic talents that flourished during Explore how the revolution also gave birth
these ancient times. to Mexican muralism, an artistic
movement led by Diego Rivera, José
 Key Highlights: Clemente Orozco, and David Alfaro
o Replica of the Aztec Calendar Stone. Siqueiros, whose work conveyed the
o Maya codices (ancient manuscripts) struggles and hopes of the Mexican
and hieroglyphs. people.
o Models of ancient pyramids and
ceremonial centers.  Key Highlights:
o Historical photographs and posters
from the revolution.
o Murals and sketches from Rivera and o Traditional dance performances with
Orozco. explanations of the cultural
o Mexican folk art depicting significance.
revolutionary themes. o Costumes worn during festivals like
Día de los Muertos, with vibrant face
Section 4: Mexican Cuisine – A Feast for the paint and intricate paper mâché
Senses skulls.

 Script: No exploration of Mexican culture Section 6: Día de los Muertos – A Celebration of

is complete without diving into its rich and Life and Death
flavorful cuisine. Recognized by UNESCO
as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of  Script: One of the most visually striking
Humanity, Mexican food is a perfect blend and culturally significant holidays in
of indigenous ingredients such as corn, Mexico is Día de los Muertos, or Day of
beans, and chili peppers, with Spanish the Dead. This celebration, rooted in both
influences like cheese and rice. pre-Columbian traditions and
Catholicism, honors the memory of loved
Here, you will find displays of traditional ones who have passed away. Rather than a
Mexican dishes, from tacos and tamales to time of mourning, it is a celebration of life,
mole and pozole. We invite you to explore filled with vibrant colors, altars
the significance of these foods, not just as (ofrendas), and offerings of food, drinks,
nourishment, but as a connection to and flowers.
family, history, and community.
In this section, we have recreated a
 Key Highlights: traditional ofrenda where you can see
o Interactive cooking demonstrations of offerings like sugar skulls, marigolds, and
making tortillas and tamales. pan de muerto. The ofrenda is a way of
o Explanation of ingredients like maize, keeping the connection between the living
chocolate, and avocado. and the dead alive, and it reflects the deep
o Sampling stations with classic dishes spiritual roots of Mexican culture.
like guacamole, salsa, and street
foods.  Key Highlights:
o A replica ofrenda with candles,
Section 5: Music, Dance, and Festivals photographs, and traditional
 Script: Music and dance are at the heart o Artwork and skull masks (calaveras)
of Mexican celebrations, from the lively symbolizing the connection between
beats of mariachi and norteño music to the life and death.
more traditional folk dances. The rhythms o Interactive displays explaining the
of these art forms are tied to celebrations symbolism behind different elements
such as Día de los Muertos (Day of the of the celebration.
Dead), Cinco de Mayo, and the
Guelaguetza festival. Section 7: Contemporary Mexican Art and
As you move through this section, let the
sounds of mariachi fill the air and witness  Script: Mexico’s art scene continues to
traditional dances like Jarabe Tapatío (the evolve, blending traditional influences
Mexican Hat Dance) and Danza de los with modern innovation. Artists like Frida
Viejitos. These performances offer a Kahlo have left an indelible mark on
glimpse into the joy and passion that global art, while contemporary designers
Mexicans bring to their cultural fuse Indigenous patterns with modern
expressions. fashion trends.

 Key Highlights: In this final section, you will see modern

o Live mariachi band performances. interpretations of Mexican fashion, street
art, and multimedia installations that
reflect the diversity of voices in Mexico
today. These pieces highlight the ongoing
creativity and cultural expression that
make Mexico an artistic hub.

 Key Highlights:
o Displays of contemporary Mexican
fashion by leading designers.
o Paintings by Frida Kahlo and other
modern Mexican artists.
o Street art inspired by urban Mexico
City culture.


 Script: Thank you for joining us on this journey

through the vibrant and diverse culture of
Mexico. From its ancient civilizations to its
modern expressions of art, food, and festivals,
Mexico stands as a testament to resilience,
creativity, and a deep connection to history.
We hope that this exhibit has not only
educated you but also inspired you to
appreciate the rich tapestry that is Mexican
culture. Gracias!
Section 1: Ancient Civilizations 4. Cooking Demonstrations - making
tortillas or tamales
1. Maya Temples - e.g., Temple of 5. Sampling Stations with Salsa and
Kukulkan at Chichen Itza Guacamole
2. Aztec Calendar Stone - Sun Stone or
Aztec Calendar Stone
3. Olmec Colossal Heads
4. Zapotec Pyramids - e.g., Monte Albán Section 5: Music, Dance, and Festivals
5. Mayan Codices - e.g., Dresden Codex
6. Aztec Stone Sculptures 1. Mariachi Band Performance
7. Pottery from Ancient Mesoamerican 2. Jarabe Tapatío (Mexican Hat Dance)
Cultures Performance
3. Día de los Muertos Costumes and Face
4. Danza de los Viejitos (Dance of the Old
Section 2: Spanish Conquest and Colonial Men)
Era 5. Festival Costumes - including
Guelaguetza costumes
1. Portrait of Hernán Cortés
2. Virgin of Guadalupe Icon
3. Baroque Churches and Missions - e.g.,
Cathedral of Puebla Section 6: Día de los Muertos – A
4. Colonial Religious Sculptures Celebration of Life and Death
5. Traditional Charro Suit
6. Colonial-Era Paintings - depicting early 1. Traditional Ofrenda (Altar)
Spanish influence in Mexico 2. Sugar Skulls (Calaveras)
3. Marigold Flowers (Cempasúchil)
4. Pan de Muerto (Day of the Dead Bread)
5. Calavera Masks and Artwork
Section 3: Mexican Revolution and 6. Candles and Photos on an Ofrenda
National Identity

1. Photographs of Emiliano Zapata and

Pancho Villa Section 7: Contemporary Mexican Art
2. Historical Posters from the Mexican and Fashion
3. Murals by Diego Rivera, José Clemente 1. Frida Kahlo Paintings - e.g., The Two
Orozco, David Alfaro Siqueiros Fridas
4. Mexican Folk Art - art pieces 2. Modern Mexican Street Art
representing revolutionary themes 3. Contemporary Mexican Fashion -
5. Mural of the Struggle of the Mexican designs using Indigenous patterns
People 4. Urban Mexican City Art - street murals
from Mexico City
5. Paintings from Contemporary Mexican
Section 4: Mexican Cuisine – A Feast for
the Senses

1. Traditional Mexican Dishes - e.g., tacos,

tamales, mole, pozole
2. Ingredients like Maize, Chocolate,
3. Mexican Street Food Images

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