Fastest-growing renewable natural building material.
Easily available & Eco friendly. Bamboo is a viable (if not better!) alternative for steel, concrete and masonry as an independent building material. Cost effective and easy to work. It can be easily bend, give desired shape and can provide joints to suit the construction. Its enormous elasticity makes it a very useful building material in areas with very high risks of earthquakes. Local available material to some areas, which tries to carry the local tradition & vernacular Architecture of that place. DIFFERENT PURPOSE AT DIFFERENT AGE <30 days it is good for eating. • 6-9 months for baskets. • 2-3 years for bamboo boards or laminations. • 3-6 years for construction. • >6 years bamboo gradually loses strength up to 12 years old. PROPERTIES OF BAMBOO Tensile strength Compressive strength Shrinkage Fire resistance TREATMENT OF BAMBOO TREATMENT OF BAMBOO TREATMENT OF BAMBOO TREATMENT OF BAMBOO JOINERY Lashing - is used for joining two or more poles together with a tying material.
Wrap – is a turn around two or
more poles.
Frap – is turn made between two
poles to pull the wrap together.
Dowel – is a pin of 10mm dia.
inserted right through the pole. JOINERY JOINERY
To fix horizontal and vertical members
Interlocking connection with metal anchor technique
Simple bamboo roof
Bamboo shingles APPLICATIONS Walls and ceilings APPLICATIONS Scaffolding Doors and windows Bamboo boards
Bamboo boards
Hanging Bamboo bridge over Siang River,
Arunachal Pradesh, India ADVANTAGES It is Light, strong and versatile. It is Environment friendly. Easily Accessible to the poor. Self renewing resource of nature. Speedily growing Highly productive. Low Cost Material DISADVANTAGES It requires preservation. Shaped by nature Durability- bamboo is subjected to attack by fungi, insects; for this reason, untreated bamboo structures are viewed as temporary with an than 5 years. Jointing- although many jointing structural efficiency is low. Lack of design guidance and codes. Prone to catch fire very fast. Thank you