130 2dqi CRF
130 2dqi CRF
130 2dqi CRF
Follow the procedure outlined in EPA method 130.2 for the analysis of samples
for hardness.
Use sample aliquots containing not more than 25 mg CaCO3 to avoid large
titration volumes. This is determined by performing practice runs.
pretreat waste waters and highly polluted waters by digesting the sample as
described in the procedure in Section 7.1.2 of EPA Method 130.2.
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Table 2. Summary of Internal Quality Control Procedures for Hardness by EPA 130.2
Titration Blank One per Batch or SDG a < CRDL 1. If lowest sample concentration is more than
(MB) (1 per 20 samples 10X the blank conc., no action
minimum) 2. If samples are non-detected, no action
3. If detected sample concentrations are less
than 10X blank conc., all associated samples
must be prepared again with another method blank
and reanalyzed
Duplicate One per batch or SDG RPD <20% for 1. Flag associated data with an "*"
Sample (DUP) (1 per 20 samples samples >5X
minimum) CRDL; ± CRDL
for samples
case; or each 14 calendar day period during which field samples in a case are received.
Add inhibitors if the end point is not sharp. Excessive amounts of heavy metals interfere by causing fading
or indistinct end points. To correct for interferences, refer to Section 7.4 of EPA Method 130.2.
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