Unit 2
Unit 2
Unit 2
1.Full Adder:
1. Inputs: Two binary digits (bits) to be added and a carry-in bit from the previous stage.
2. Outputs: A sum bit and a carry-out bit.
2.Parallel Adder:
•Consists of multiple full adders connected in parallel.
•Each full adder handles one bit of the binary numbers.
•The carry-out of one full adder is connected to the carry-in of the next higher-order full
Carry Look Ahead Adder
In the case of the parallel adder, the speed at which the addition is performed is affected by the
propagation delay at all the stages. That is, in a ripple carry adder, for every adder block, the two
bits that are to be added are present immediately. However, all adder blocks wait for the carry to
reach from its preceding block.
So, it is not possible to generate the sum and carry off any block until the input carry is identified.
The Look Ahead Adder Carry adder speeds up the performance of the process, eliminating the
ripple carry delay. Below are the important terms regarding the Look Ahead Adder Carry Adder.
A carry-look-ahead adder decreases the propagation delay by including more complex hardware. In
this configuration, the ripple carry design is suitably transformed such that the carry logic over fixed
groups of bits of the adder is reduced to two-level logic. Below is the circuit diagram for 4-bit look
ahead carry adder.
Pi=Ai⊕Bi→Carry propagates
Gi=Ai Bi →Carry generation
Si=Pi⊕Ci→Output Sum
Ci+1=Gi+PiCi→Output Carry
Where Ai , Bi , Ci are the inputs
BCD Adder
BCD stands for binary coded decimal. Assume, we are having two 4-bit numbers A and B. The
value of A and B can range from 0(0000 in binary) to 9(1001 in binary) because we are
examining decimal numbers.
The output will range from 0 to 18 if we are not counting the carry from the earlier sum. But if
we are analyzing the carry, then the maximum value of output will be 19 (i.e. 9+9+1 = 19).
When we are simply combining A and B, then we get the binary sum.
If the sum of two numbers is less than or equal to 9, then the value of the BCD sum and the
binary sum will be identical. Whereas if the sum is greater than 9 we will add 6(0110 in binary)
to the result to make it valid.
Below is the block diagram for the BCD adder.
We consider a 4-bit Binary-Adder, which uses addend and augend bits as an input with an
input carry ‘Carry in’. The Binary-Adder returns five outputs, i.e., S3, S2, S1, S0, and output
carry K. With the assistance of the output carry K and S3, S2, S1, S0 outputs, the logical circuit
is designed to identify the Cout
• Decoder is a combinational circuit. It has N inputs and 2N outputs.
• The decoder is called n-to-m-line decoder, where m≤2n .
• 2 to 4 Decoder.
• It has 2 inputs and 22 = 4 outputs.
2 to 4 Decoder with Enable input
3 to 8
• Encoders is a combinational circuit which takes 2N inputs and
gives out N outputs, the enable pin should be kept 1 for enabling
the circuit.
Encoders • 4 to 2 Encoder
• An encoder is the inverse operation of a decoder.
• A= Y2+Y3
• B=Y1+Y3
• An Encoder is a device that converts the active data signal into a coded message format or it is a device that
converts analogue signal to digital signals.
• When an input signal is applied to an encoder then logic circuitry involved within it converts that particular input
into coded binary output.
• To decode is to perform the reverse operation :converting a code back into an unambiguous form code and the
device which perform this operation is termed as Decoder.
Decimal to BCD Encoder
• The 8 to 3 Encoder or
octal to Binary encoder
consists of 8 inputs: Y7
to Y0 and 3 outputs:
A2, A1 & A0. Each
input line corresponds
to each octal digit and
three outputs generate
corresponding binary
• Application of Encoders
• Encoders are very common electronic circuits used in all digital systems.
• Encoders are used to translate the decimal values to the binary in order to perform binary functions such as addition,
subtraction, multiplication, etc.
• Other applications especially for Priority Encoders may include detecting interrupts in microprocessor applications.
•T flip flop or to be precise is known as Toggle Flip Flop because it can able to toggle its output depending upon on the
•T here stands for Toggle.
•Toggle basically indicates that the bit will be flipped i.e., either from 1 to 0 or from 0 to 1.
•Here, a clock pulse is supplied to operate this flop, hence it is a clocked flip-flop.
• Characteristic Equation
• The characteristic equation tells us about what will be the next state of flip flop in terms of present state.
• Q(n+1) = TQn’ + T’Qn = T XOR Qn
• Excitation Table
Excitation Table basically tells about the excitation which is required by flip flop to go from current state
to next state.
• Applications of T Flip Flop
• There are numerous applications of T Flip Flop in Digital System, which are listed below:
• Counters: T Flip Flops used in counters. Counters counts the number of events that occurs in a digital system.
• Data Storage: T Flip Flops used to create memory which are used to store data, when the power is turned off.
• Synchronous logic circuits: T flip-flops can be used to implement synchronous logic circuits.
• Shift registers: T flip-flops can be used in shift registers which are used to shift binary data in one direction.