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Zonecheck Automatic Flow Switch Tester Frequently Asked Questions/Answers W H

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Zonecheck Automatic Flow Switch Tester

Frequently Asked Questions/Answers

What is Zonecheck? Why is it being offered? How is Zonecheck activated?

Zonecheck is a mechanism that simplifies testing Zonecheck is activated via a key switch, included with
waterflow switches. It is intended to assist in all Zonecheck models. Since the key switch is wired
compliance with the quarterly test requirements for to the pump, by turning the key in the key switch, the
waterflow alarms, per NFPA 25. pump is activated.

How does Zonecheck work? Can multiple Zonecheck units be interconnected?

Zonecheck uses a re-circulating pump to flow the How?
existing water within the sprinkler system riser around Multiple Zonecheck units may be interconnected by
the paddle of the flow switch, which simulates the flow wiring the key switches together. This may be
of one sprinkler head in operation. In doing so, the desirable if testing multiple flow switches from one
flow switch is tested without discharging water from or location is desired. Note that when interconnecting
re-introducing fresh water into the sprinkler system. Zonecheck models, a pump and key switch are still
required for each flow switch. In other words, one
pump is dedicated to only one flow switch.
What benefits does Zonecheck offer over traditional Interconnection simply allows any key switch to
flow switch testing methods?
become a master key switch for the others connected
Zonecheck offers a number of benefits over the to it.
traditional method of flow switch testing, which
involves opening the inspector’s test connection and What testing capabilities does Zonecheck’s key
flowing water through the sprinkler system. switch offer?
For example, since Zonecheck does not require The Zonecheck key switch offers two test capabilities.
opening the inspector’s test connection, no water is The first is referred to as “self-test”, which as its name
wasted. Conservatively, as much as 100 gallons of implies, activates the pump connected directly to the
water can be saved per flow switch, per test, using key switch. The other capability is referred to as
Zonecheck. “group test”, which activates all key switches that are
When testing flow switches using the inspector’s test interconnected to that key switch. In doing so, all of
connection, the building’s fire pump may become the associated pumps are activated, and their flow
activated. Though NFPA 25 specifically prohibits an switches are tested.
inspector from turning off a fire pump, this may often
occur. Should this occur, the integrity of the fire How is Zonecheck wired into the fire alarm system?
sprinkler system is at risk, and represents a significant Zonecheck is technically not connected to the fire
life safety hazard. Since Zonecheck avoids the test alarm system. The Zonecheck pump is wired to the
connection completely, a fire pump is not activated, key switch, which is then wired to either 110V or
and hence not turned off by the inspector. The 220V AC power. As mentioned earlier, the key
integrity of the fire sprinkler system is maintained. switches may be interconnected, if desired. Only the
Another added benefit from Zonecheck is the potential flow switch is connected to the fire alarm system.
for mitigating Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion
(MIC). MIC has been proven to be accelerated by the What sizes and configurations are available?
introduction of fresh water into a fire sprinkler system.
Zonecheck is available in a number of configurations
Since Zonecheck does not discharge water, it
for retrofit and new construction applications. Retrofit
therefore doesn’t re-introduce fresh water, thereby
models are available for 2”, 2_, 3”, 4”, 6”, and 8” sized
slowing down the oxidation process.
risers, and are offered in 110V domestic, 110V
Finally, Zonecheck offers a faster method for testing Canadian, or 220V International configurations. For
flow switches. Rather than taking several minutes to new construction applications, manifold assembly
test each switch, Zonecheck can test a flow switch in models are offered in 2”, 2_, 3”, 4” sizes, and are
seconds. offered in domestic and Canadian configurations.
Zonecheck Automatic Flow Switch Tester
Frequently Asked Questions/Answers

What’s included with each Zonecheck? What is the pressure rating for Zonecheck?
The retrofit models include the Zonecheck pump, Zonecheck is pressure rated up to 175 PSI. Per
valves, 2 sets of elbows, key switch, flow switch, NFPA 13, section 3-1.2, Zonecheck meets the
mounting template, and assembly/installation minimum requirements for system component
instructions. Note that mechanical tees (not included working pressure.
with Zonecheck) will also be required to secure the
elbows to the riser. With which pipe sizes is Zonecheck compatible?
The manifold models include an assembled manifold Zonecheck retrofit kits are compatible with schedule
assembly consisting of the Zonecheck pump, valves, 10 through 40 steel pipe. Zonecheck manifold
elbows, and flow switch. The key switch and models are compatible with schedule 10 steel pipe.
installation instructions are also included. Note that
grooved couplings (not included with Zonecheck) will
also be required to secure the manifold to the riser. At what flow rate does the Zonecheck pump
The Zonecheck pump flow rate varies with the size of
What thread types are used on the components? the manifold or riser to which it is secured. However,
The valves are 25mm British Standard Thread. On it pumps at a rate that simulates the flow of one
retrofit models, two sets of elbows are included to sprinkler head in operation, just as opening an
account for the possibility of non-standard threads. inspector’s test connection would simulate.
For most North American installations, the installer
would use the two elbows that convert 25mm British
Standard Thread to 1” NPT. Where metric threads are Is Zonecheck CSFM approved?
required, the second pair of elbows offer 25mm British According to CSFM, Zonecheck is not considered a
Standard threads on both ends. For manifold models, fire alarm device, and therefore does not require
the elbows installed are always the 25mm/1” NPT CSFM approval.
Is the Zonecheck proven technology?
What purpose do the two valves serve? Absolutely. Zonecheck was first introduced into the
The valves are provided for two reasons. First, the United Kingdom in 1998 and over 2,000 units have
green valve contains a check valve, to prevent back been successfully installed throughout the U.K.
flow when running the Zonecheck pump. Second, the
valves are provided in the unlikely event that the pump
requires servicing. In such an instance, close the
valves, and disconnect the pump from the valves.
There is no need to drain the sprinkler system.

How often does the pump require servicing?

The pump is designed to withstand normal quarterly
use. Under these circumstances, the pump should not
require servicing. NOTE: Never run the pump with
the valves in the closed position, or while the
sprinkler system is drained.

What function does the aluminum angle piece

(included with the retrofit kit) serve?
The aluminum angle is provided as a guide to assist in
drilling the holes for the elbow connection points. By
using this angle as a template, the holes will be
spaced apart and aligned properly.

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