Prepered By
First of all, I want to thank God for His immeasurable grace and love, giving me
the strength and patience to bring the peace of His humble works to light.I am
grateful to our Department of Plant Sciences for designing such types of courses
and giving me the opportunity to participate in them, with our special thanks to
Dawuro Tarcha Campus College of Agriculture. I would like to express my deep
appreciation to my mentor Mr. Petros who stood by me with various supportive
advices during this research proposal.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents.........................................................................................................................................ii
LIST OF TABLES............................................................................................................................................iv
LIST OF ABBREVATION.................................................................................................................................v
1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................1
2 Literature Review................................................................................................................................3
2.3 Germination.................................................................................................................................5
4 WORK PLAN.......................................................................................................................................11
5 Reference..........................................................................................................................................14
Abbreviation Term
Kg kilogram
Trt treatment
cm Centimeter
Rep Replication
1.1 Background of the study
Chickpea (cicer arietinum L.) is the most important crop in the world. This crop is originated in
the western Asia. It has two types. There are the smallest seeded or desi types with brown color
coat and largest seeded or kabuh with white color coat.It ranks as the third most important grain
legumes in the world after dry bean and peas. * Ahlawat, I. P. S., Warkentin, T., & Kumar, S.
(2022).It is the cool season annual pulse crop, which growth in the tropical, sub-
tropical and temperate region of the world. The production of the chickpea is very
high in the world. For example, India is the more premier country accounting for
77% of the total area and production in the world. Chickpea is an important crop
due to its nutritional value and economic significance. It is widely cultivated in
various regions around the world. However, the success of chickpea cultivation
depends on several factors, and sowing depth is one of them.
Sowing depth refers to the depth at which seeds are planted in the soil. It plays a vital role in
determining the availability of moisture, temperature, and oxygen to the seeds during
germination. The depth at which seeds are sown can significantly influence the germination
percentage, emergence rate, and subsequent growth of the plants.
Several studies have been conducted to investigate the effect of sowing depth on
chickpea germination and growth. These studies have examined different sowing
depths ranging from shallow to deep, and their impact on various parameters such
as seedling emergence, root and shoot development, biomass production, and
Smith, Johnson, and Thompson (2023) presents the findings of a study conducted to evaluate the
effect of sowing depth on the germination and growth of chickpea. The study involved sowing
chickpea seeds at different depths and monitoring their germination rates, emergence, and
subsequent growth parameters.
Now days, Ethiopia is one of the most commercially chick pea producing country. It occupies
about 33%of the total production area of developed to pulses .The chick pea crop is cultivated in
the most part of the country:-the greatest concentration being in the northern and central high
land specifically ,chick pea is sub-tropical crop that grow well in a wide of climate. It is
predominantly grow in cool, dry periods on the receding moisture and in the wide range of soil
from medium to heavy black soil and alluvial soil, but it required well drained aerated
conditions. The optimum temperature for chick pea is 24-30 oc, so as to germinate and growth
from the soil. If not the crop is very sensitive to excessive moisture and therefore doesn’t with
stand logging of water, because all the pore space are completely filled with water.
Chick pea has an optimum time of sowing with in actual sowing (planting depth). Time of
planting for chick pea is different according to the weather conditions. For instance, the cool
weather get in early, the week of October is the optimum for sowing of chick pea, but when
sowing during the winter, it can be up to the November. The depth of sowing for chick pea is
5cm-8cm. any way, chick pea may not grow in higher depth, so the selection of the correct depth
will be exactly determined.* FAOSTAT. (2022). Chickpea production. When we sow deeply
enough they will be protected from desiccation, yet shallow enough to permit easy and rapid
emergency and growth of shoot .
The germination of seedling will be depends on the character of seed quality and soil type.
Which means if the seed is not quality seed, the germination rate and growth of the chick pea
will not that much good and if it is quality seed and larger in size, it will grow rapidly than the
smaller seed because of having larger food reserve in its cotyledon. And during lighter soil the
seed will grow briskly without depression than heavy soil, because the germination will have
heavy resistance. The relationships of depth of the sowing and germination have highly
interrelated. This means, if the seed is sown in shallow depth it will germinate rapidly, but if it is
sown in high depth it may not grown. So, germination is highly depen ding on the depth of
and productive. Thus empirical analysis of sowing depth on germination and growth is needed to
overcome the problem.
2 Literature Review
2.1 Origin and distribution
Chickpeas are an important crop in many of these regions, and understanding the impact of
sowing depth on their germination and growth is crucial for optimizing yields.The study on the
effect of sowing depth on germination and growth of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L) could have
originated from various regions where chickpea cultivation is common. The origin of chickpea
cultivation can be traced back to the Middle East, where it has been grown for thousands of
years. From there, it spread to other parts of Asia, Europe, and eventually the rest of the world.
Today, chickpeas are grown in a wide range of climates, from temperate to semi-arid regions,
making it an important crop for food security and agricultural sustainabilityFAO. (2012).
low level of soil moisture, sowing should be deeper than normal in an endeavor to locate the seed
adjacent to the moisture deeper in the profile (Abbas and Murad, 2001).
The seed moisture-seed relations are also influence soil type, lighter having a lower moisture
holding capacity. In this soil, therefore deeper sowing is justified when compare with heavier soil
with higher holding capacity. The emergence and growth of the seedling depend on the
characteristics of the seed and soil condition. Small seed species have small food reserve and
therefore restricted elongation of the seedling. This is a shallower sowing depth than in the case
for larger seeds with much greater food reserves which are normally sown of (3-5cm).The effect
of depth of sowing germination and growth is more critical for smaller seeded species, but
sowing practice have been generally less exact for small seed, perhaps because of the lack of
suitable machinery (S.R.Reddy et al, 2006).
A more placement of small seeds by drilling will undoubtly result in even more emergence and
establishment growth and thus higher crop yields. In contrast, the placements of larger seed
species are carried out more accurately. For each set of condition an optimum sowing depth for
any given crops exists March 2024 Axay BhukerPuneeth RajM. S. Harish Virender Mor.
Sowing practice should take this into account.
The ability of a crop to emergence from soil is influenced by the type of emergence of the seed.
Chick pea exhibit epigeal germination (in which the cotyledon brought above the ground),the
depth of the sowing needs to be more shallow than for crops such as peas. Soil characteristics
also influence emergence and growth of the seed. In lighter soil, seed can be sown deeper than in
heavy soil because less resistance is offered to the progressive of seedling. In poorly structure
soil or where soil compaction and surface crashing are likely impaired. In such condition a light
soil face has sowing following the sowing may be necessary to the seed that sown at the depth of
1cm and 1.5cm, the juvonite seedling germinate even if the seed germinated and raised out the
earth. The situation causes a little problem such as loss of seed necessity of to much covering
materials or soil, work force and healthy seedling per unit value. (Millington1995)
In other word sowing carried out at the depth of more than 15cm are not economically viable.
This difference in budding and height continuous in coming season, therefore it is possible to
acquire physical better developing (growth) through early sowing. However some factors such
as, severe cold and wet soil also reduce the rate of germinated and growth performance of chick
pea. This situation should take to consideration in the sowing period. When the germination
effect is cause by people carrying. sowing are ignore, seed sowing are date changed depending
on various factor "J.partley, et al" published in 2003.
2.3 Germination
Germination of chickpeas improves protein digestibility, although at a lower level than cooking.
Germination degrades proteins to simple peptides, improving crude protein,.nonprotein nitrogen,
and crude fibre content. Germination decreases lysine, tryptophan, sulphur and total aromatic
amino acids, but most contents are still higher than proposed by the FAO/WHO reference
pattern.Germination is when a seed of some sort start to sprout. It can be done in the soil or in
wet paper towel. It is development of the seedling from the seed for germination; seed require
water, warm, air and soil. During germination the following steps is value.
The seed should absorb water until it swell and smaller its exterior wrinkles.
Swelling continues until the seed coat brust open
Enzyme digested the stand food and digestion begin
Radicles appears first and the plumules
The seedling gains fresh weight by absorbing more water and this losses dry weight until
enough leaves get mature to produce photosynthesis faster than it’s used for growth.
However the germination affected by the depth of sowing and soil characteristics, for example,
as sowing depth increase the number of shoots that emerged is reduced. At similar sowing
depth, seedling form the heavy seed are heavier and developed more leaves and tillers.
Ahmed, S.R.H. (2012).
Use of small seeds can also reduces the growth and production of chickpea by 15 to 25%by
reducing the amount of seed need per area
Sowing deep can affect the seedlings emergence percentage and vegetative growth such as shoot,
stem, number of tillers or branches plant height, internodes and others. Many studies have signed
the mentioned factors on growth of chickpea. * Sadiq, M. S., Afzal, A., & Cheema, Z. A.
(2015). Sowing winter cultivar will leading to extend the growth period of and utilize more
stored moisture which influence positive on growth characters. As regards size (Eser et al.,1991.,
Khalat et al.,2003 Roy yet et al,1994; Varshney,2003) found that large seed of chick pea
recorded superior in the growth trait as compared to small seeds. On the other hand, * Gaur, P.
M., Siddique, K. H. M., Farquharson, R. J., & Gupta, S. K. (2019)reported that plant growth is
better in deep sown, but Abbas and Murad (2001)reported that sowing depth has no significant
effect on most of the growth character of chickpeachickpea
It may promote more root growth and better anchorage, thus reducing the likelihood lodging
particularly in highly yield chickpe. Slower emergency provide a longer period for the save
application of herbicide after sowing but before emergence. Reducing the likelihoods of birds
digging up the seed or up rooting the seedling. Gan, Y., B.G. McConkey, P.R. Miller, R.P.
Zentner and C.L. McDonald, 2000.
Chickpea plants are multiple branched, spreading growth habits annual ranging from 8 to 40 inch
tall. Some chick pea varies have compound leaves (8 to 20 leaflet) and some have simple leaves
which are pubsent (chairy) in appearance. Chickpea leaves exudates are malic and oxalic acid
because of its deep root system. Chickpea can with stand drought condition by extracting water
from deeper in the soil profile. Haqqani, A. M., & Iqbal, J. (1987).Flower pollinated which are
borne in group of two, three are ½ to 1 inch and come in purple, white, pink or blue color
depending up on variety. each flowers produce a short ,pubsent pod which is ¾ to2 inch legs.
(Food and Agriculture Organization. (FOA. 2020).
conducted using a randomized complete block design with four treatments representing different
sowing depths (e.g., 2 cm, 4 cm, 6 cm, and 8 cm). Each treatment will be replicated four times
Number of Replications: 3
Number of Treatments: 4
Initially, two seeds were sown per hole, but later thinned to have only one plant
per hole.
Nutrient application:
The 79.75g of Nitrogen will be applied after seed germination for the growth of
chickpea after emergence.
3.3 Data collected
Important data were recorded from two central row on randomly selected plants and data
collected were: date of emergence, plant height, germination percentage, number of internodes,
number of pod per plant and number of seeds per pod were analysised
Sure, here are some specific data points that could be collected for a batch of chickpeas:
These data points can provide a comprehensive overview of the quality, origin, and
characteristics of the chickpeas.
Shoot length: Measure the length of the shoot from the base of the stem to the tip of
the longest leaf using a ruler or measuring tape.
Root length: Carefully excavate the seedlings and measure the length of the longest
root using a ruler or measuring tape.
Biomass: Harvest the seedlings, wash the roots, and dry them in an oven at 60°C
until constant weight is achieved. Weigh the dried seedlings to determine biomass.
Plant Growth
Plant height: Measure the height of the plants from the base of the stem to the tip of
the tallest stem using a ruler or measuring tape.
Number of pods per plant: Count the number of pods produced by each plant at
Seed yield: Harvest the pods, thresh the seeds, and weigh the dried seeds to
determine seed yield per plant.
3.5 Data analysis
Data obtained from the effect of different planting depth on germination percentage, number of
pod per plant, , plant height, number of inter node per plant and number of seed per pod where
subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) for RCBD; using statistical analysis system (SAS) of
soft ware and the significance was evaluated using least significance difference (LSD) at 1%
and/or 5% probability level statistically.
Table 1: A six-month research plan
NO Activities Months
January February March April May June
1 Proposal x
2 Field X
3 Planting X
4 Post sowing care X X X
5 Data collection x X X X
6 Data analysis X X X
7 Report writing X
8 Report X
submission and
9 Presentation X
Table 2: Labour cost
6 Bounder - 1 20 20
7 Typing pepper Packet 1/4 30 30
8 CD - 1 15 15
5 Reference
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