January, 2023
DAS=Developmental Agents
Table of Contents
CHAPTER ONE........................................................................................................................................1
1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................1
1.1. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY.....................................................................................................1
1.2. Statement of the problem..........................................................................................................2
1.3 Objectives the study area...........................................................................................................3
1.3.1 General objective......................................................................................................................3
1.3.2 Specific Objectives...................................................................................................................3
1.4 Research questions....................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER TWO.......................................................................................................................................4
2 REVIEWS LITERATURES.......................................................................................................................4
2.2 Definition and concept of fertilizer..............................................................................................4
2.2.1. Artificial fertilizer.....................................................................................................................4
2.2.2. Organic fertilizer......................................................................................................................4
2.3. Characteristics of fertilizer..........................................................................................................4
2.4. The role of artificial fertilizer......................................................................................................5
2.5. Fertilizer consumption in Ethiopia..............................................................................................5
2.6. Factors affecting fertilizer use.....................................................................................................5
2.7. Problem with fertilizer utilization...............................................................................................5
2.8 Agriculture inputs and credit market...........................................................................................6
2.8.1 Fertilizer use in Ethiopia...........................................................................................................6
2.8.2 Fertilizer Imports, Sales, and consumption...............................................................................6
2.9. Conceptual frame work..............................................................................................................7
CHAPTER THREE....................................................................................................................................9
DATA AND RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.................................................................................................9
3.1 Description of the study area......................................................................................................9
3.1.1 Location....................................................................................................................................9
Figure 3.1 Location of Map of the study area of Mechara District Hawa Gelan Woreda......................9
3.1.2 Climate Condition of study area.............................................................................................10
3.1.3 Topography.............................................................................................................................10
3.1.4 Soil type..................................................................................................................................10
3.1.5 Vegetation..............................................................................................................................10
3.1.6 Population.............................................................................................................................10
3.1.7 Economic activity....................................................................................................................10
3.2 Research methodology of the study..........................................................................................11
3.2.1 Research design......................................................................................................................11
3.2.2 Data sources.........................................................................................................................11
3.2.2 Primary data source................................................................................................................11 Secondary data source.........................................................................................................11
3.3 Sampling Techniques and sample size determination...............................................................11
3.3.1 Sampling Techniques..............................................................................................................11
3.4 Data collection instrument........................................................................................................12
3.4.1 Observation............................................................................................................................12
3.4.2 Questionnaires........................................................................................................................13
3.4.3. Interview................................................................................................................................13
3.5 Methods of Data Analysis........................................................................................................13
3.6 Budget plan and Time plan........................................................................................................13
Budget Allocation............................................................................................................................14
The practice of agriculture will have become an increase popular way of life in the world;
more over it provide countless people with productivity with substance and livelihood.
Today, however, chemical fertilizer will be playing the vital factor in the agriculture
productivity in the world (Chandra 2011).The Ethiopian economy will be primary
agriculture. In any single year, agricultural production accounts half (46%) of GDP, 60% of
exports, and 80% of total employment (CIA World Fact Book, 2013). Much of the foreign
currency earnings will have derived from it and 85% of the country’s population derives their
livelihood directly from the sector. Despite its role, the sector will characterized by low
productivity and high exposure to risk due to severe soil erosion and of which one will
utilization of artificial fertilizer on other of the mineral contents of the soil.
government priority to fight wide spread poverty and food insecurity will also directed
toward this sector. The agriculture development lead to industrialization (ADLI), which will
has been adapted as development strategy since 1995 is strongly believed to have put the
agriculture sector its proper place in Ethiopian economy (Berhanu, 2002).
In the intensive agriculture, nutrient management will be gaining important for sustainable
production. This use of in organic fertilizer to sustain cropping will find to increase yield only
for some few year, but all long term basic it has not be effective.It often leads to decline in
soil organic matter contents, soil acidification, and soil physical degradation, leads to increase
soil erosion .In order to solve the problem several soil fertility methods will being used, of
which one will utilization of artificial fertilizer. On the other hand utilization of in organize
fertilizer will beyond the buying capacity of poor farmer because it will be high costly and
uncertain accessibility an organic inputs, which will offer proposed as alternatives than
inorganic fertilizer even though it needs high labor force (Ojeniyi,2000)
In the study area farmer's to developed crop productivity using artificial and natural fertilizer.
Thus the study area farmers will be using more artificial fertilizer to organic
fertilizer.Agriculture willthe main economy sector of in the study areas.
More over chemical fertilizer will be resistant in the environment especially on soil fertility
because most of microorganisms decrease following the increase of chemical fertilizer uses
(Katasunori, 2003). Agriculture will heavily depend on the environment resource, direct
impact will fail by local farmers because the uses of fertilizer on their agricultural land and
loss of their ecological system the pollution in the water resource and the resolute of land
degradation because using chemical fertilizer and also bring harm both healthy and
environments (LiU.YU, 2010).
Similarly, the problem of the artificial fertilizer on agricultural productivity will be occurred
in Mechara Keble due to lack of awareness or Knowledge of farmers recording with the use
of artificial fertilizer how and when they will fertilizer for their crops. Inaddition to this also
in the study area absence of training recording with the use of artificial fertilizer and its
impact on agricultural productivity by agricultural specialist and low agricultural production
value on this area as the result of soil fertility, so mitigation measure would be considered to
increase agricultural productivity of these Keble by solving related problem. The researcher
wants to study the impact of artificial fertilizer on agricultural productivity in selected
Mechara Keble. Based on the proposal empirical observation at the area the land value
become low due to lack of farmer knowledge about the usage of artificial fertilizer, low use
of fertilizer on crop production and following traditional methods of agriculture’s the
proposal will solving to the problem farmers have been enough knowledge about using of
the artificial fertilizer. Additional fertile to soil,use to compost to the community
1.3 Objectives the study area
To identify the major factors that affects the distribution, supply, and market price of
artificial fertilizer in the study area.
To examine the negative impact of utilizing artificial fertilizer on the farm land
productivity in Mechara Keble.
To identify the roles of artificial fertilizer on agricultural productivity in the Mechara
Therefore, this research may fill the research gap in relation to utilization of artificial
fertilizer mechara Keble. The result of the research may also help the Keble agricultural
experts, Das and extension workers to design effective SWC plan and success in its
implementation. Moreover, it may also use as a reference for other studies in the area with
similar or other themes of study.
Including animal wasted from meat processing, peat manure, slurry, guano
unavailable to plants and only amino portion will have released each years though biological
activities or chemical process. This release too to composite for the removal of nutrients by
agricultural production and to meet crop requirement, there for fertilizer will have designed to
supplement the nutrients already present in the soil. The use of chemical fertilizer, organic
fertilizer or bio fertilizer has its advantage need be integrated in order to make optimum use
of each type fertilizer and achieve balanced nutrient management or crop growth .
As indicated above, AISE will be currently sole importer of the fertilizer in Ethiopia. An
important decision that AISE must make every years in how much fertilizer to import in
order to meet the anticipated demand from farmers. These estimates begin at the Keble by
MOARD agents, then aggregated to woreda, tonal regional and national levels in order for
AISE to initiate procurement line with GDP targets. The following diagram illustrates this
process (Figure 2.1).Source; (EFA 2012) Authors, based on information collected from
Zonal Demand
Utilization of
Affecting Artificial Fertilizers
Artificial Fertilizer
Loss ecological
Figure 2.1 Conceptual frame works of the Hypothesized Factors that Influence the Utilization
artificial fertilizer practice in the Study area.
3.1.1 Location
Mechara Keble will be the rural Keble found in Hawa Gelan woreda. The study area has
relative location is located in the west part of Dambi Dollo town and also in the north
direction of Gidaami woreda and in the west direction of Hawa Gelan woreda and the east
direction is Chanka keble. The absolute location of latitudinal and longitudinal of Machara
Keble in Hawa Gelan Woreda will be 8 o 41’30``N latitude and 340 58`30``E in longitudinal
with 1570-meter elevation. The study will be conduct in Mechara kebele which found in
Kellem Wollega zone mechara kebele located 613 from Addis Ababa and 43km Dambi Dollo
to the east (Hawa Gelan Woreda rural development office 2018).
Figure 3.1 Location of Map of the study area of Mechara District Hawa Gelan Woreda
3.1.2 Climate Condition of study area
The climate of Mechara Keble will be kola. The minimum and maximum annual averages
temperature of the Keble 19–32-degree Cellicous and the average rain fall amount of the
Keble ranges between 800-1500 millimeters. The seasonal rain fall pattern that extends from
the first rain period June and July and the second rain season August the reaches and warmest
months will December to march (Hawa Gelan Woreda metrology agency 2018).
3.1.3 Topography
Topography refers to the feature of land surface. The common features of the study area plain and
hill surface. The study area wide coverage plain from the relief feature the following plain and hill.
The average altitude of the study area will be below 1570 mean above sea level (woreda agricultural
office 2018).
3.1.5 Vegetation
The dominant types of vegetation found in the study area will be eucalyptus (Bahirzaf),
grasslands, and mango etc. This vegetation will be used for the purposes of construction, fire
wood and income. (Source Woreda agriculture office, 2018).
3.1.6 Population
The total populations that live in the study area, mechara Keble, will be1049 with 529 will be
male and 520 will female. The major types of religious followers in the study area will
Muslims and a few Christianity. The dominant religious will Muslim about 75% of the total
number of the total population and about 25% of Christianity of the total number of the
population (woreda agricultural office 2018).
and crop produced. Cattle breading will be supporting to produce natural fertilizer and
activity of the society to their practice of crop production. (woreda agricultural office, 2018).
Purposive sample techniques of the study of mechara Keble artificial fertilizer utilization in
Hawa Gelan woreda selected from other Keble with collected data through will be detailed
utilization in study with in manageable small part of the population. The reason will be
selected mechara Keble from others will exist impact of artificial fertilizer utilization.
Qualitative techniques will also use to analysis qualitative data which Strengthen the
quantitative data.
z p.q. N
N= 2 2
e ( N−1 )+ z p . q
Z scope= 1.96
n = Sample size
p+q=1 q = p-1
(1.96) ∗0.3∗0.7∗232
Thus, our sample size will n= 2 2 ❑
(0.1) ( 232−1 ) + ( 1.96 ) (0.3∗0.7)
3.4.1 Observation
Direct field observation encompassed visited of utilization of inorganic and organic fertilizer,
topography, vegetation covered, settlement pattern and the over all aspects of crop production of
the study area. Will proposal opinion based on their visit of the study area will be included in the
analysis? questionnaires, interview and observation
3.4.2 Questionnaires
The researcher will be used both open ended and close ended questionnaire to obtained
information from select samples of 60 households from study area. Using this method, house
hold demographic characteristics, house hold socio economic characteristics, issues related to
artificial fertilizer problem, utilization and the existing challenges to crop productivity and
measures to be taken to improve will be obtained.
3.4.3. Interview
A key informant interview is particularly important in getting information pertinent to
through such instrument, information regarding the views of experts from Hawa Gelan
Wored agriculture and rural development office and community elders of the respective
sample Keble will be collecting.
1 Title Selection
2 Proposal preparation
3 Proposal submission
4 Proposal modification
5 Prepare questionnaires and
printing of tools
6 Collecting data
7 Summarization of data
9 Data analysis
11 Final submission
paper presentation
Budget Allocation
The expected expense of the study is shown below.
2 Pen 2 600 30 00
3 Mobile card 5 15 75 00
7 Printing and 3 25 75 00
8 Questionnaire 3 10 30 00
Ethiopia. Ethiopia food 2012 / Authors, based on information collected from MOARD.
Kastunori.s. (2003) sustainable and environmental found land use in rural area use special
attention to land degradation, APFED.
Kothari. (2004)
Phat Chandra.2011 Negative impact of chemical fertilizer on Agricultural land and soil
degradation, ROYAL University of phenomena
WWW Ifpri.org/role of fertilizer-transform agriculture 26/02/2018.
☐ Increment of fertilizer price ☐ other
16. How can describe the rate of production by using artificial fertilizer comperating use the
rate production without artificial fertilizer intern of output?
☐ high ☐ medium ☐ low ☐very high