Academics - Course Programs - EE
Academics - Course Programs - EE
Academics - Course Programs - EE
Hard and soft real-time systems, deadlines and timing constraints, workload parameters, periodic task
model, precedence constraints and data dependency, real time scheduling techniques, static and
dynamic systems, optimality of EDF and LST algorithms, off-line and on-line scheduling, clock driven
scheduling, cyclic executives, scheduling of aperiodic and static jobs, priority driven scheduling, fixed
and dynamic priority algorithms, schedulable utilization, RM and DM algorithms, priority scheduling of
aperiodic and sporadic jobs, deferrable and sporadic servers, resource access control, priority
inversion, priority inheritance and priority ceiling protocols, real-time communication, operating
The Laboratory Classes will be conducted using TI C2000 Platform
Rathna G N
Jane, Liu W S, Real-Time Systems, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2001.
Krishna C M and Kang G Shin, Real-time Systems, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2010.
TI C2000 Platform Manuals.
Current literature.
Basic concepts and issues, survey of applications of sensor networks, homogeneous and
heterogeneous sensor networks, topology control and clustering protocols, routing and transport
protocols, access control techniques, location awareness and estimation, security information
assurance protocols, data fusion and management techniques, query processing, energy efficiency
issues, lifetime optimization, resource management schemes, task allocation methods, clock
synchronization algorithms. A Wi-Fi application, Communication between MSP 430 based Sensor nodes
and with addition of Extra Sensors. Compute Total Energy and estimated life of Battery.
Rathna G N
The focus of the course will be on the fundamental aspects of convex analysis and optimization, both
in terms of theory and algorithms. We will also look at various applications of convex optimization
in inverse problems, signal processing, image reconstruction, communications, statistics, and machine 1/24
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learning. In the process of understanding the foundations of various algorithms, the students will be
introduced to relevant topics in convex analysis and duality.
Review of relevant topics in real analysis, linear algebra, and topology. Topics in convex analysis:
convex sets and functions, analytical and topological properties, projection onto convex sets,
hyperplanes, separation theorems, sub-gradients, etc. Duality and its applications: Optimality
conditions, duality, minimax theory, saddle points, KKT conditions.
Canonical programs for constrained optimization: Linear programming, cone programming, and
semidefinite programming.
Classical algorithms: simplex, ellipsoid, and interior-point methods. Modern algorithms: accelerated
gradient methods, proximal methods, FISTA, forward-backward splitting, augmented Lagrangian,
ADMM, etc.
Boyd S and Vandenberghe L, Convex Optimization,Cambridge University Press, 2004.
Bertsekas D P, Convex Optimization Theory, Athena Scientific, 2009.
Bertsekas D P, Nonlinear Programming, Athena Scientific, 1999.
Introduction to pattern recognition, Bayesian decision theory, supervised learning from data,
parametric and non parametric estimation of density functions, Bayes and nearest neighbor
classifiers, introduction to statistical learning theory, empirical risk minimization, discriminant
functions, learning linear discriminant functions, Perceptron, linear least squares regression, LMS
algorithm, artificial neural networks for pattern classification and function learning, multilayer feed
forward networks, backpropagation, RBF networks, deep neural Networks, Auto encoders, CNNs, 2/24
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support vector machines, kernel based methods, feature selection and dimensionality reduction
P S Sastry
Dudo R O, Hart P E & Stork D G, Pattern Classification John Wiley & sons, 2002.
Bishop C M, Neural Network & Pattern Recognition, Oxford University Press(Indian Edition) 2003.
This course will present a broad, introductory survey intended to develop familiarity with the
approaches to modeling and solving problems in computer vision. Mathematical modeling and
algorithmic solutions for vision tasks will be emphasised. Image formation: camera geometry,
radiometry, colour. Image features: points, lines, edges, contours, texture; Shape: object geometry,
stereo, shape from cues; Motion: calibration, registration, multiview geometry, optical flow;
approaches to grouping and segmentation; representation and methods for object recognition.
David Forsyth and Jean Ponce , Computer Vision: A Modern Approach, Prentice-Hall India, 2003
Hartley R and Zisserman A, Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision, Second Edition, Cambridge
University Press, 2004.
Current literature
P S Sastry
Ross S M, Introduction to Probability Models, (6th Edition), academic Press and Hardcourt Asia, 2000.
Hoel P G, Port S C, and Stone C J, Introduction to Probability Theory, Indian Edition, Universal Book
Stall, New Delhi, 1998.
Hoel P G, Port S C, and Stone C J, Introduction to Stochastic Process, Indian Edition, Universal Book
Stall, New Delhi, 1981. 3/24
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Chi-Tsong Chen, Linear Systems Theory and Design, HBJ 1984.
Kailath T, Linear System Theory, Prentice Hall, 1980.
Joao P. Hespanha, Linear System Theory, Princeton University Press, 2009
Equilibria and qualitative behavior. Existence and uniqueness of solutions. Lyapunov stability,
invariance principle, converse theorems, ultimate boundedness, input-to-state stability. Input-output
stability, small-gain theorem. Passivity. Feedback linearization, gain scheduling, sliding mode control,
Additional topics: Intro to switched and hybrid systems. Applications in networked control such as
control over channels with quantization, sampling, time delays; applications in distributed systems and
control such as consensus, synchronization, coverage, etc.
E1-241 “Dynamics of linear systems” or equivalent; Or background in linear algebra and ordinary
differential equations; Or permission of the instructor.
Khalil, H. K., Nonlinear Systems. Prentice Hall, 3 edition, 2002.
Sastry, S. S., Nonlinear Systems: Analysis, Stability and Control. Number 10 in Interdisciplinary Applied
Mathematics. Springer, 1999.
Sontag, E. D., Mathematical Control Theory: Deterministic Finite Dimensional Systems, volume 6 of
TAM. Springer, 2 edition, 1998
Necessary and sufficient conditions for optima; convex analysis; unconstrained optimization; descent
methods; steepest descent, Newton’s method, quasi Newton methods, conjugate direction methods;
constrained optimization; Kuhn-Tucker conditions, quadratic programming problems; algorithms for
constrained optimization; gradient projection method, penalty and barrier function methods, linear
programming, simplex methods; duality in optimization, duals of linear and quadratic programming
Muthuvel Arigovindan 4/24
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Luenberger D G,Introduction to Linear and Nonlinear Programming, 2nd edition, Addison Wesley, 1984.
Jorge Nocedal and Stephen J. Wright, Numerical Optimization, Second Edition, Springer, 2000.
Edwin Chong, Stanislaw Zak, An Introduction to Optimization, Wiley Student Edition.
Vectors, vector norms, vector algebra, subspaces, basis vectors, Gramm-Schmidt orthonormalization.
Matrices, matrix rank, matrix norms, determinant, inverse, condition number. Hermitian and
symmetric matrices, positive definite matrices, unitary matrices, projection matrices and other special
matrices. LDU decomposition, QR decomposition, eigenvalue decomposition, singular value
decomposition. Solving linear system of equations using Matrices. Least-squares approach, total least
squares approach. Numerical issues. Perturbation theory of matrices. Differentiation of scalar
functions of vectors and matrices. Matrix functions of scalar variables, Kronecker product of matrices.
Positive matrices, nonnegative matrices, stochastic matrices and Markov
A G Ramakrishnan
Carl D Meyer, Matrix Analysis and Applied Linear Algebra, SIAM Publication, 2000
Theodore Shifrin and Malcolm Ritchie Adams, Linear Algebra: A Geometric Approach, W H Freeman
and Comapany, Second Edition, 2011
Gilbert Strang, Linear Algebra and its Applications, Fourth Edition, Thomson Brooks/Cole, 2007.
Horn, and Johnson, Matrix Analysis, Second Edition, Cambridge University press, 2017
Golub, and Van Loan, Matrix Computations, Fourth Edition, John Hopkins University Press, 2015
Charge transport in semiconductors, Junctions, MOSFET, BJT, Power diode, Power MOSFET, IGBT, SCR,
an introduction to devices with wide band gap semiconductors including SiC Schottky Diodes (no
reverse recovery); SiC MOSFETs (up to 1.8 kV), and GaN HFETs (650 V).
Sudarshan Tangali
Ben G. Streetman and Sanjay Kumar Banerjee, Solid State Electronic Devices,Seventh Edition, Pearson.
Robert F. Pierret, Semiconductor Device Fundamentals,Addison-Wesley Publishing.
Jacob Millman, MicroEectronics,McGraw-Hill International Company
Digital Signal Controller (A micro-controller with a DSP engine): Architecture and real time
programming in Assembly and Embedded C. Introduction to Fixed Point Arithmetic. Understanding the
constraints of program memory and execution time.Programming peripherals including GPIO, 5/24
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TIMERS,etc. On Chip FLASH NAD eepprom PROGRAMMING. Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA):
Architecture and programming of digital circuits including Finite State Machines (FSM) in Verilog
HDL.Understanding the CAD tool and various timing isues. Communication-Chip level: AXI, Board level:
SPI, I2C, System level: RS 232, CAN, MODBUS RTU on RS 485. Developing a GUI for supervisory control
and monitoring. Introduction to different semiconductor memories: RAM, ROM, NVRAM etc. and their
applications. Analog sensing: Anti-aliasing filter design, scaling, online calibration and biasing.
Continuous time feedback controller design and its discrete timeimplementation, D/A and A/D
converters, effects of sampling, modeling the Pulse Width Modulator (PWM) etc.Co-design: How to
optimally implement an embedded task using a programmable processor (DSC) and a re-configurable
hardware (FPGA). Embedded design of a typical Power Conversion System including: process control,
protection, monitoring, real-time feedback control etc.
Kaushik Basu
Prerequisite: Under graduate level analog electronics, digital electronics and classical feedback control
Familiarity with micro-processor, digital signal processing.
previous experience in programming will be helpful but not a necessity.
Brown S, and Vranesic Z, Fundamentals of Digital logic with Verilog design, McGraw Hill Education 2017.
Mazidi, Mckinlay and Causey, PIC Micro-controllers and Embedded Systems, Pearson education India:
First Edition 2008.
Franklin G F, Powell J D and Naeini, Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems, Pearson 2008.
Sedra A. S and Smith K, Microelectronic Circuits: theory and Applications, Oxford University Press, 2017
Proakis J G and Manolakis D K, Digital Signal Processing, Pearson 2007.
Lucca Corradini, Dragan Maksimovic, Paolo Mattavelli, and Regan Zane, Digital Control of High-
Frequency Switched-Mode Power Converters, Wiley-Blackwell, 2015.
Patrick R. Schaumont, A Practical Introduction to Hardware/Software, Springer 2nd Edition, 2014
Linear and nonlinear applications of operational amplifiers, inverting and non-inverting amplifiers,
differential amplifiers, phase-shifting circuits, active filters, oscillators, comparators waveform
generating circuits. Logic circuits, flipflops, counters and timers. Voltage controlled oscillators, phase
locked loops, frequency multiplier and divider circuits. Electronic circuits relevant for power electronic
converters, power systems measurements and protection of power apparatus.
Horowitz P, and Hill W, The art of electronics, Cambridge University Press, 1989.
Millman J, and Halkias C C, Integrated electronics: Analog and digital electronic circuits and systems,
Tata McGraw Hill.
Sedra A S, and Smith K C, Microelectronic circuits, Fifth Edn, Oxford University Press.
Technical datasheets and application notes from manufacturers. 6/24
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Introduction to digital relaying, signal conditioning, sampling and analog to digital conversion, real
time considerations, hardware design concepts – microcontroller/DSP based, single/multiprocessor
based. Relaying algorithms, software considerations. Digital protection schemes for feeders,
transmission lines, generators and transformers, integrated protection scheme – a case study, New
relaying principles based on AI techniques, ANN approach and Fuzzy Logic (FL) methods for fault
detection and fault location. Software tools for digital simulation of relaying signals, playback
simulators for testing of protective relays Laboratory Exercises – Digital techniques for the
measurement of phasors, frequency and harmonics, implementation of relaying algorithms and digital
protection schemes on hardware platforms. Testing of relays, transient tests based on EMTP data.
Design procedures of AI based relays using software tools. Mini-projects.
U J Shenoy
Warrington A R, and Von C, Protective Relaying: Theory and Practice, Vol. II, Chapman and Hall, 1970.
IEEE Tutorial Course on Microprocessor Relays and Protection Systems, Power Systems Research
Group, University of Saskatchewan, 1979 and 1987.
Phadke A G, and Thorp J, Computer Relaying for Power Systems, John Wiley, Inc. 1988.
IEEE Tutorial Course on Advancement in Microprocessor Based Protection and communication, 1997.
Technical papers from IEEE transactions, CIGRE, IEE journals.
Padiyar K R, Power System Dynamics, Stability and Control, Interline Publishing, 1996.
Machowski J, Bialek J W, and Bumby J R, Power System Dynamics and Stability, John Wiley and Sons,
Prabha Kundur, Power System Stability and Control, Tata McGraw Hill Edn, 2006.
Current Literature.
Review of Artificial Intelligent (AI) techniques. Overview of the current practice of power systems
planning and operation and the problems of the basic mathematical tools used. Knowledge based
systems/expert systems, basic requirements and techniques for building knowledge-based systems.
Fuzzy systems and control, applications of fuzzy control. Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs). Application
examples in power systems, decision and control in monitoring operation, fault locators, restoration.
Wang, Li-Xin, A Course in Fuzzy Systems and Control, Prentice-Hall Intl, Intl Edition, 1997.
Rao V B, and Rao H V, C++ Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic, BPB Publcations,1996. 7/24
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Yegnanarayana B, Artificial Neural Networks, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1999.
Current Literature.
Gurunath Gurrala
Wood A J, and Wallenberg B F, Power Generation, Operation and Control, John Wiley and Sons, 1984.
Russel B D, and Council M E, Power System Control and Protection, Academic press, 1978.
Miller T J E, Reactive Power Control in Electrical Power System, John Wiley, USA.
Prabha Kundur, Power System Stability and Control, McGraw Hill Inc., 1983.
Kusic G L, Computer Aided Power System Analysis, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, 1989.
Introduction to Power System Analysis; Admittance Model of Power System Elements; Kron’s
Reduction; Power Flow Analysis: Gauss–Seidel, Newton Raphson, Fast Decoupled; Programming
Consideration for Large Systems; Balanced and Unbalanced Radial Power Flow, AC-DC Power Flow,
Harmonic Power Flow, Continuation Power Flow; Steady-State Voltage Stability; Power Flow Tracing;
Loss Allocation Methods; Network Congestions; Available Transfer Capability; Contingency Analysis; Z-
Bus Formulations; Fault Analysis using Z-Bus; Structure of Indian Power Systems; Indian Electricity Grid
Sarasij Das
Kusic G L, Computer Aided Power System Analysis, CRC Press, 2nd edition, 2009.
Arilaga J, and Watson N R, Computer Modelling of Electrical Power Systems, Wiley, 2005.
Grainger J J, and Stevenson W D, Power System Analysis, McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt Ltd., 2003.
Wang X, Song Y and Irving M, Modern Power Systems Analysis, Springer, 2008
Arilaga J, and Watson N R, Power System Harmonics, Wiley, Second Edition, 2003. 8/24
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Gurunath Gurrala
Current Literature
Phadke A G, Thorp J S, “Synchronized Phasor Measurements and Their Applications”, Springer, 2008
Acha E, “FACTS: modelling and simulation in power networks”, Wiley, 2004
Hingorani N G and Gyugyi, L and El-Hawary M, “Understanding FACTS: concepts and technology of
flexible AC transmission systems”, IEEE press New York, 2000
Kundur P and Balu, N J and Lauby M G, “Power system stability and control”, McGraw-Hill, 1994
Miller T J E, “Reactive power control in electric systems”, Wiley-Interscience, 1982
Sarasij Das
Horowitz. S.H. and A.G. Phadke, Power system relaying, by John Wiley & Sons, 3 rd edition 2008.
Mason C.R, The Art and Science of Protective relaying, GE Digital Energy
Phadke A.G. and Thorp J.S. Synchronized Phasor Measurements and Their Applications, Springer, 2008
C37 series of IEEE standards on power system protection
IEC 61850 – Communication Networks and Systems in Substations 9/24
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Kuffel E, Zaengl W S, Kuffel J, High Voltage Engineering- Fundamentals, Newnes, 2000
Gallagher T J and Pearmain P J, High Voltage – Measurement, Testing and Design, Wiley Interscience,
Rizk F A M and Trinh G N, High Voltage Engineering, CRC Press, 2014
Recent publications
HV power transformers, equivalent circuit, surge phenomenon, standing and traveling wave theory,
ladder network representation, short circuit forces, impulse testing, diagnostics and condition
monitoring of transformers, natural frequencies and its measurement, modern techniques.
Introduction to HV switching devices, electric arcs, short circuit currents, TRV, CB types, air, oil and SF6
CB, short circuit testing.
Bernard Hochart, Power Transformer Handbook, Butterworth, 1987.
The J & P Transformer Book, 12th Edn, M J Heathcote, Newnes, 1998.
Transformers, Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Tata McGraw Hill, 2001.
Blume L F, and Boya Jian, Transformer Engineering, John Wiley and Sons, 1951.
Garzon R D, HV Circuit Breakers – Design and Applications, Marcel and Dekker NY, 1996.
Flurscheim C H, Power Circuit Breaker: Theory and Design, Peter Peregrinus Ltd., 1975.
Ryan H M, and Jones G R, SF6 Circuit Breaker, Peter Peregrinus Ltd., 1989.
Transient phenomena on transmission lines, methods of analysis and calculation, use of PSPICE,
principle of EMTP lightning discharges, origin and characteristics of lightning and switching
overvoltages, behaviour of apparatus and line insulation under overvoltages. Protection of Apparatus
against Overvoltages, Surge arresters, VFTO in GIS, insulation co-ordination.
L Satish
Ragaller K (ed.), Surges in High Voltage Networks, Plenum Press, 1980.
Transmission Line Reference Book, 345 kV and above EPRI, 1984.
Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations in insulation design, transient fields due to finite conductivity,
method of images, images in two-layer soil, numerical methods, finite difference, finite element and
charge simulation methods tutorials and demonstration on PC. Programming assignments.
Udaya Kumar 10/24
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Sadiku M N O, Numerical Techniques in Electromagnetics, Second Edn, CRC Press.
Weber E, Electromagnetic Fields, Dover, 1951.
Silvester P P and Ferrari R L, Finite Elements for Electrical Engineers, Cambridge University Press, 1996.
Selected journal papers.
Electrical power transmission by HVAC and HVDC, Overhead transmission lines, Bundled conductors,
Mechanical vibration of conductors, Surface voltage gradient on conductors, Corona & associated
power loss, Radio-noise and Audible-noise & their measurement, Fields under transmission lines,
Overhead line insulators, Insulator performance in polluted environment, EHV cable transmission –
underground cables and GIL, High Voltage substations-AIS and GIS, Grounding of towers and
substations, Over voltages in power systems, Temporary, lightning and Switching over voltages, Design
of line insulation for power frequency voltage, lightning and switching over voltages, Insulation Co-
Joy Thomas M
Begamudre R D, Extra High Voltage AC Transmission Engineering –Wiley Eastern Limited, 1990
Transmission line Reference Book 345 kV & above, Electrical Power Research Institute, (EPRI), 1982
Journal Publications
Current literature from journals and conference proceedings.
Overview of Pulsed Power Engineering, Energy storage devices, Pulsed power generators, Pulse
transformers, Pulse modulators, PFN schemes, Marx circuits, Magnetic pulse compression, FCG,
Explosively driven FCGs, Homopolar generators. Power conditioning systems, Switching devices,
Insulation requirements for pulsed power systems- gaseous, liquid, solid and magnetic insulation and
their behaviour under pulsed voltages. Measurement techniques of pulsed power parameters.
Applications of pulsed power systems, pulsed power systems for high power lasers, HPM, UWB, IRA,
Railgun, ETC, NEMP and ESD simulators. Pulsed power systems for biological and pollution control
Joy Thomas M
Advances in Pulsed Power Technology, Vol. 1 & 2, Plenum Press, New York, 1987, 1990.
Current literature from journals and conference proceedings.
Electric power transmission, AC & DC, overhead lines, air insulated substations, outdoor insulation
functions, Types of line and station insulators up to 1200 kV, wall/equipment bushings, HVDC 11/24
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insulators, Materials used for outdoor insulation; porcelain, glass, synthetic/composite, wood, Types of
stresses – electrical, mechanical, thermal, environmental, and extraneous and their implications, Aging
mechanisms and failure modes, Deterioration of synthetic insulator due to UV rays and corona,
Performance of Insulators in polluted/contaminated conditions and remedial measures, Field
experience and standards employed for the evaluation, Maintenance and inspection of insulators in
service, Computer simulation for estimation of electrical surface and bulk stress, lab experiments on
insulator discs/strings for dry/wet (artificial rain) and polluted conditions, for both ac and dc high
Transmission Line Reference book 345 kV and above, EPRI, Palo Alto, USA, 1982
Ravi S Gorur, Edward Cherney and Jeffrey Burnham, “Outdoor Insulators”, text book, Phoenix, Arizona,
USA 1999.
Bradwell A, “Electrical Insulation”, text book, Peter Peregrinus Ltd, London, UK, 1983
Recent Journal/ Conference and CIGRE publications.
Overview of primary and renewable energy sources, installed capacity and projected growth, recent
advances in UHV power transmission, introduction to 765/1100kV AC and ±500/800 kV DC transmission
systems; present status and future growth. Design criteria for overhead transmission lines: general
system design, methodology, reliability, wind/ice loading, security and safety requirements,
components of HV transmission systems, types of conductors/accessories, HTLS, bundle
configurations, Transmission towers- calculations of clearances for power frequency, switching and
lightning surges, right of way (ROW), earth wire/OPGW, selection of insulators for light, medium and
heavy polluted areas, Up-gradation of existing transmission lines, Design considerations of UHV
Substations, Comparison of AIS, Hybrid-AIS and GIS, review on insulation coordination/overvoltages for
UHV systems, High performance metal oxide surge arresters, earthing and safety measures for
765/1200kV HV substations. Introduction to Subs-station automation, SCADA and Smart-grids.
Assignments involving computation of potential distribution, ground end electric and magnetic fields.
Subba Reddy B
Gilbert M Masters, “Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
Publication, 2004
Rakosh Das Begamudre, “ Extra High Voltage AC Transmission Engineering”, New Age International(P)
Ltd, publishers, New Delhi, 2000.
Kuffel E, Zaengl W S and Kuffel J, “High Voltage Engg. Fundamentals”, textbook published by Butter
worth- Heinemann (Newness publishers), second edition, 2000.
Recent IEEE Journal/ Conference and CIGRE publications.
Introduction to dielectrics and electrical insulation systems used in high voltage power apparatus:
gaseous, vacuum, liquid, solid and composite insulation, behaviour of electrical insulation under
electric stress, polarization, relaxation, permittivity and dielectric loss, space charge in dielectrics.
Breakdown mechanisms under dc and 50 Hz ac voltages in gaseous insulation- ionization, attachment, 12/24
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Townsend and streamer theories, Paschen’s law, partial breakdown, corona, time lags in breakdown,
breakdown under impulse voltages, volt-time characteristics of breakdown, breakdown under high
frequency voltages, breakdown in compressed gases, breakdown in vacuum, liquid, solid and
composite insulation, polymers as dielectrics in various electrical equipments, polymer structure and
morphology, classification of polymers, filled polymers for HV applications, introduction to
nanodielectrics electrical degradation – treeing, partial discharge, tracking & erosion, stochastic
models of breakdown, multistress ageing. Design of insulation systems used in various power
apparatus (case studies) – transformers, bushings, circuit breakers, cables, capacitors, high voltage
rotating machines, gas insulated substations and transmission lines, Computational dielectrics.
Joy Thomas M
Kuffel E, Zaengl W S and Kuffel J, High Voltage Engineering Fundamentals, Butterworth-Heineman
press, Oxford, 2000
Papers from IEEE Trans on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation
Power switching devices: diode, BJT. MOSFET, IGBT; internal structure, modeling parameters, forward
characteristics and switching characteristics of power devices; control and protection of power
switching devices; electromagnetic elements and their design; choppers for dc to dc power conversion;
single and multi-quadrant operation of choppers; chopper controlled dc drives; closed loop control of
dc drives.
Hands-on exercises: soldering and desoldering practice, pulse generator circuit, inductor design and
fabrication, thermal resistance of heat sink, switching characteristics of MOSFET, dc-dc buck converter,
CCM and DCM operation, linear power supply, output voltage feedback for over-current protection, dc-
dc boost converter, measurement of small-signal transfer functions, closed loop control of boost
Mohan N, Power Electronics; Principles, Analysis and Design , John Wiley, 1989.
Robert Ericson, Fundamentals of Power Electronics, Chapman & Hall, 1997
Umanand L, Power Electronics: Essentials and Applications, Wiley India, 2009
Baliga B J, Power Semiconductor Devices,. PWS Publishing Company, 1996
Sorab K.Ghandhi, Semiconductor Power Devices, John Wiley and Sons, 1976
Closed loop control of DC drives. Static inverters-Voltage source inverters, inverter control; six step and
pulse width modulated operation, AC motor operation from inverters. Voltage source drives, closed
loop control of AC drives.
G Narayanan 13/24
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Ranganathan V T, Electric Drives, Course Notes, IISc, 2005-06
Fitzgerald A E , Kingsley C Jr. and Umans S D, Electric Machinery, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003.
Leonhard W., Control of Electrical Drives, 3rd Edition, Springer
Miller T J E, Brushless Permanent-Magnet and Reluctance Motor Drives, Oxford Science Publications,
Krishnan R, Permanent-Magnet-Synchronous and Brushless DC motor Drives, CRC Press, Taylor &
Francis Group, 2010
Current Literature.
Switched mode power supplies (SMPS): Non-isolated dc-dc converter topologies: continuous
conduction mode (CCM) and discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) analysis; non-idealities in the
SMPS. Modeling and control of SMPS, duty cycle and current model control, canonical model of the
converter under CCM and DCM. Extra element theorem, input filter design. Isolated dc-dc converters:
flyback, forward, push-pull, half bridge and full bridge topologies. High frequency output stage in
SMPS: voltage doubler and current doubler output rectifiers. Power semiconductor devices for SMPS:
static and switching characteristics, power loss evaluation, turn-on and turn-off snubber design.
Resonant SMPS: load resonant converters, quasy resonant converters and resonant transition
Laboratory excercises on : Opamp circuits for current and voltage sensing in converters, differencial
amplifiers for sensing in presence of common mode signals, higher order opamp filters, phase shifters,
and pulse width modulators, comparator circuits, efficiency modeling and prediction in dc-dc
converters, dymnamic response and compensator design for dc-dc converters.
Vinod John
Robert Ericson, Fundamentals of Power Electronics, Chapman & Hall, 2004.
Ramanarayanan V., Switched Mode Power Conversion, 2007
Umanand L, Power Electronics: Essentials and Applications, Wiley India, 2009.
Jayant Baliga B, Power Semiconductor Devices, PWS 1996.
AC/DC and DC/AC power conversion. Overview of applications of voltage source converters, pulse
modulation techniques for 1-phase and 3-phase bridges; bus clamping PWM, space vector based PWM,
advanced PWM techniques, practical devices in converter. Calculation of switching and conduction
losses. Compensation for dead time and DC voltage regulation; dynamic model of a PWM converter,
multilevel converters; constant V/F induction motor drives; estimation of current ripple and torque
ripple in inverter fed drives. Line-side converters with power factor compensation.
G Narayanan
Mohan, Undeland and Robbins; Power Electronics; Converters, Applications and Design, John Wiley and
Sons, 1989.
Erickson R W, Fundamentals of Power Electronics, Chapman and Hall, 1997. 14/24
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Introduction to distribution systems, fault calculations, fault contribution and protection coordination
with Distributed Generation (DG), intentional and unintentional islanding, impact on distribution
system voltage profile, relaying requirements for DG systems. Power converters for grid
interconnection and micro-source-side power converter topologies, inverter modeling, component
selection, design for efficiency and reliability, grounding and filtering requirements. Power converter
design trade-off considering efficiency and reliability. Control requirements for DG, phase locking,
current control, DC bus control, power quality, unbalance, harmonics, surges, voltage and frequency
Vinod John
IEEE papers and standards, datasheets, current literature.
Ramanarayanan V., Switched Mode Power Conversion, 2007.
Arthur R, Bergen, Vittal, Power Systems Analysis (2nd Ed) Prentice Hall, 1999.
Ned Mohan, Tore M, Undelnad, William P, Robbins (3 Edition), Power Electronics: Converters,
Applications and Design; Wiley 2002.
Rectifiers: Line commutated, unidirectional power factor correction (PFC), bi-directional, rectifiers with
isolation. AC to AC power converters: Matrix converters, Multistage conversion: voltage link and
current link topology, High frequency link converters. DC to DC converters: Dual active bridge,
Resonant converters. Inverters: Multilevel, Inverters for open ended load configurations, Resonant
inverters. High frequency magnetics: Modeling and loss estimation, Inductor and transformer design.
Thermal design. Emerging power semi-conductor devices.
Kaushik Basu
E6 201:Power Electronics or
E6 202: Design of Power Converters
Ned Mohan, Tore M Undeland, William P Robbins, Power Electronics: Converters, Applications and
Design, Wiley, Third Edition 2007.
Erickson R W and Maksimovic D, Fundamentals of Power Electronics, Springer, Second Edition 2005.
Umanand L, Power Electronics and Essentials, Wiley, 2009.
Ramanarayanan V, Switched Mode Power Conversion, Course Notes, IISc, 2004.
Current literature 15/24
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Review of basic electrostatics, dielectrics and boundary conditions, systems of charges and conductors,
Green’s reciprocation theorem, elastance and capacitance co-efficient, energy and forces, electric field
due to steady currents, introduction to magnetostatics, vector potential, phenomena of induction, self
and mutual inductance, time-varying fields, Maxwell’s equations.
Udaya Kumar
Kraus J D, Electromagnetics, McGraw Hill International.
Jeans J H, The Mathematical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism, Cambridge University Press.
Smythe W R, Static and Dynamic Electricity, McGraw Hill Book Company, New York.
Discrete-time signals and systems, frequency response, group delay, z-transform, convolution, discrete
Fourier transform (DFT), fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithms, discrete Cosine transform (DCT),
discrete Sine transform (DST), relationship between DFT, DCT, and DST; design of FIR and IIR filters,
finite word length effects, Hilbert transform, Hilbert transform relations for causal signals, Karhunen-
Loève transform. Introduction to linear prediction, bandpass sampling theorem, bandpass signal
Soma Biswas
Proakis and Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing, Prentice Hall India,.
Oppenheim A V , Schafer R W, Discrete-time Signal Processing, Prentice Hall, 1998.
Sanjit K Mitra, Digital Signal processing : A Computer Based Approach, Tata McGraw-Hill
Introduction to real world signals – text, speech, image, video. Feature extraction and front-end signal
processing – information rich representations, robustness to noise and artifacts,signal enhancement.
Basics of pattern recognition, Generative modeling – Gaussian and mixture Gaussian models, hidden 16/24
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Markov models, factor analysis and latent variable models. Discriminative modeling – support vector
machines, neural networks and back propagation.Introduction to deep learning – convolutional and
recurrent networks, pre-training and practical considerations in deep learning, understanding deep
networks. Clustering methods and decision trees. Decoding time sequences with finite state networks.
Feature and model adaptation methods. Feature selection methods. Applications in computer vision
and speech recognition.
Sriram Ganapathy
Random Process / Probablity and Statistics
Linear Algebra / Matrix Theory
Bishop C M, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, 2nd Edition, Springer, 2011.
Goodfellow I, Bengio Y, Courville A, Deep Learning, MIT Press, 2016.
Gonzalez R C, Woods R E, Digital Image Processing, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2008.
Rabiner L and Juang H, Fundamentals of speech recognition”, Prentice Hall, 1993.
Li Deng, Deep Learning : Methods and Applications, Microsoft Technical Report.
Yu D, Deng L, Automatic Speech Recognition – Deep learning approach” Springer, 2014.
Szeliski R, Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications, Springer, 2010
Review of estimation theory. Wiener Solution. Kalman filter and its application to estimation, filtering
and prediction. Iterative solution; of method of steepest descent and its convergence criteria, least
mean square gradient algorithm (LMS), criteria for convergence and LMS versions: normalized LMS,
leaky, sign, variable stepsize, transform domain LMS algorithm using DFT and DCT. Block LMS (BLMS)
algorithm: frequency domain BLMS (FBLMS). Recursive least square (RLS) method, fast transversal, fast
lattice RLS and affine projection algorithms. Applications of adaptive filtering: spectral estimation,
system identification, noise cancelling acoustic and line echo cancellation, channel equalization.
Ali H Sayed, Adaptive Filters, John Wiley/IEEE, 2008
Spaces and bases: Hilbert space, Banach space, orthogonal bases, orthonormal bases, Riesz bases,
biorthogonal bases, Frames, shift-invariant spaces, Shannon sampling theorem, B-splines. 17/24
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Wavelets: Wavelet transform, real wavelets, analytic wavelets, dyadic wavelet transform, wavelet
bases, multi resolution analysis, two-scale equation, conjugate mirror filters, vanishing moments,
regularity, Lipschitz regularity, Fix-Strang conditions, compact support, Shannon, Meyer, Haar and
Battle-Lemarié wavelets, Daubechies wavelets, relationship between wavelets and filterbanks, perfect
reconstruction filterbanks.
Cohen L, Time Frequency Analysis, Prentice Hall, 1995
Mallat S, A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing – The Sparse Way, Elsevier, Third Edition, 2009.
Continuous image characterization, sampling and quantization, 2D Fourier transform and properties,
continuous/discrete image processing, rotation, interpolation, image filtering (shift-invariant filters,
bilateral filters, nonlocal means), spatial operators, morphological operators, edge detection, texture,
2-D transforms (discrete Fourier transform, discrete cosine transform, Karhunen-Loève transform,
wavelet transform), image pyramid, image denoising, segmentation, restoration.
Lim J S, Two-dimensional signal and image processing, Prentice Hall, 1990.
Jain A K, Fundamentals of digital image processing, Prentice Hall, 1989.
Gonzalez R. C. and Woods R. E., Digital image processing, Prentice Hall, 2008.
Dudgeon D.E. and Merserau R. M., Multidimensional digital signal processing, Prentice Hall Signal
Processing Series, 1983.
Applications: Image
Denoising, Deblurring, Inpaiting,
Segmentation, Motion Estimation. Tools: Wavelets, Level Set Methods, Non-Linear Diffusion and PDE’s,
Stochastic Models, Kernel Methods, Variational Methods.
Chan T. and Shen J., Image Processing and Analysis, SIAM, 2005.
Mallat S., A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing(3rd edition), Academic Press, 2008.
Introduction to principles of tomography and applications, tomographic imaging. Radon transform and
its properties, mathematical framework. Introduction to X-ray tomography, emission computer 18/24
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tomography, magnetic resonance imaging systems. Projection and Fourier slice theorem. Scanning
geometries: translate and rotate, translate-rotate, rotate on a circular trajectory for 2-D imaging and
helical or spiral scan trajectory for 3-D imaging. Transform domain algorithms: Fourier inversion
algorithms, filtered back projection algorithms – reconstruction with non-diffracting sources, parallel
projections and fan projections for 2-D and cone beam projections on circular and spiral trajectory for
3-D reconstruction. Computer implementation, iterative reconstruction techniques: algebraic
reconstruction techniques, statistical modeling of generation, transmission and detection processes in
X-Ray CT, artifacts and noise in CT images. Image reconstruction with incomplete and noisy data,
applications of Radon transform in 2-D Signal and Image processing.
Kak A C, and Slaney M, Principles of Computerized Tomographic Imaging, IEEE Press, 1988.
Herman G T, Image Reconstruction from Projections, Implementation and Applications: Topics in
Applied Physics, Vol 32, Springer Verlag, 1979.
Natterer F, The Mathematics of Computerized Tomography, SIAM Classics In Applied Mathematics, Vol.
32, 2001.
Natterer F, and Wubbeling F, Mathematical Tools in Image Reconstruction, SIAM, 2001.
Document images – printed, handwritten, camera captured, text in scenic images. Layout analysis, Text
localization and extraction from complex colour images. Binarization of colour images, Segmentation
of images, graphic items, signatures. Script, orientation, language and font identification, optical
character recognition, common features, Skew detection and correction, holistic word recognition.
Alignment of curved text, offline and online handwriting recognition, context based postprocessing,
verification. Annotated databases. Analysis of Degraded Documents. document image compression.
Test and calibration charts. Applications – postal automation, forms processing,digital libraries, digital
books for the blind, field extraction from legal documents, translation of text from boards, signs, etc.,
conversion of ancient manuscripts, bank cheque processing, document authentication.
A G Ramakrishnan
This course will develop the use of multiview geometry in computer vision. A theoretical basis and
estimation principles for multiview geometry, dense stereo estimation and three-dimensional shape
registration will be developed.The use of these ideas for building real-world solutions will be
emphasised. Topics Stereo estimation: current methods in depth estimation 3D registration: ICP and 19/24
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other approaches Multiple view geometry: projective geometry. Multilinear relationships in images,
Image Features – Harris corner detector, Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT), Speeded Up Robust
Features (SURF), edge detection, Hough Transform; Image Enhancement – Noise models, image
denoising using linear filters, order statistics based filters and wavelet shrinkage methods, image
sharpening, image super-resolution; Image Segmentation – Graph-based techniques, Active Contours,
Active Shape Models, Active Appearance Models; Image Compression – Entropy coding, lossless JPEG,
perceptually lossless coding, quantization, JPEG, JPEG2000; Image Quality – Natural scene statistics,
quality assessment based on structural and statistical approaches, blind quality assessment; Statistical
tools – Kalman Filter, Hidden Markov Models; Video Processing – Video standards, motion estimation,
Soma Biswas
Human speech communication: physiology of speech production, phonetics and phonology. speech
perception and illusions. Time- domain features. Time-varying signal analysis: short-time Fourier
transform, spectrogram, quasi-stationary analysis: cepstrum, linear-prediction models. Line spectral
pair, Mel frequency cepstral coefficients. sinusoidal models. Principles of Speech synthesis, prosody,
quality evaluation, pitch and time scale modification. Speech as a sequence of vectors: orthogonal
transforms, principal component analysis, vector quantization, Gaussian mixture model and their
applications. Dynamic time warping and hidden Markov models. Speaker recognition.
E9-201 or consent of the instructor.
Handbook of Speech Processing, Benesty, Jacob; Sondhi, M. M.; Huang, Yiteng (Eds.), Springer, 2008.
Gold B, and Morgan N, Speech and Audio Signal Processing, John Wiley, 2000.
Douglas O’shoughnessy, Speech Communication, IEEE Press 2000. 20/24
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Biophysics and computational techniques for the analysis of action potentials, Local Field Potential
(LFP), Electrocortico/encephalogram (ECoG/EEG) and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI).
Techniques include stochastic processes, self organized criticality, time-frequency analysis, sparse
signal processing, coherence, information theoretic methods, ICA/PCA, forward and inverse modeling,
directed tranfer functions, Granger causality, image processing methods and reverse correlation.
Kandel, Schwartz and Jessell. Principles of Neural Science, 4th Edition.
Buzsaki G, Rhythms of the brain, Oxford University Press, USA 2006.
Poldrack R A, Mumford J A and Nichols T E, Handbook of functional MRI data analysis, Cambridge
University Press, New York, 2009.
Mallat S, A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing – The sparse way, Elsevier, Third Edition, 2009
Thomas M. Cover and Joy A. Thomas, Elements of Information Theory, 2nd Edition, Wiley series in
Telecommunications and Signal Processing, 1991.
DSP Architecture: Single Core and Multicore; Pipelining and Parallel Processing; DSP algorithms:
Convolution, Correlation, FIR/IIR filters, FFT, adaptive filters, sampling rate converters, DCT, Decimator,
Expander and Filter Banks. DSP applications.
Weekly laboratory exercises using Beagle and xilinx FPGA boards.
G N Rathna
Rulph Chassaing, Digital signal processing and applications with C6713 and C6416 DSK, Wiley, 2005
Keshab K Parhi, VLSI Digital Signal Processing Systems:Design and Implementation, student Edition,
Wiley, 1999.
Nasser Kehtarnavaz, Digital Signal Processing System Design: LabVIEW-Based Hybrid Programming,
Academic Press, 2008
Current Literature. 21/24
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G N Rathna
Nasser kehtarnawaz, Real-Time Digital Signal Processing based on TMS320C6000
TMS320C6x Data Sheets from TI
Introduction- Graph signal processing, Review of linear algebra and signal processing,Various graph
structures, Weighted graphs,Graph signals,Graph matrices,Graph Laplacian and its properties,Graph
spectra,Graph Fourier transforms ,Graph signal representation-vertex and spectral domain,Circulant
graphs ,Spatial and spectral features of Circulant graphs,Generalised operators for signals on graph
convolution,translation ,modulation ,dilation,graph coarsening,Graph Filtering-frequency domain and
vertex domain,Multiscale Analysis of Graph Signals,Wavelets on Graphs ,Graph approximation,Directed
Mgraphs .Applications: Multiview Image coding, Image Filtering, Graph Semi supervised learning.
Spielman D D, Spectral graph theory. Lecture Notes, Yale University, 2009.
Cvetkovic M, Rowlinson P, and Simic S, An introduction to the theory of graph spectra. Cambridge
University Press , 2010.
Spielman D, Spectral graph theory. Lecture Notes, Yale University, 2009.
Ekambaram V N, Graph Structured Data viewed Through a Fourier Lens, Ph D
Grady L J, Polimeni J R, Discrete Calculus :Applied Analysis on Graphs for computational
Signal, image processing and machine learning applications to recent trends in neuroscience research,
such as auditory neuroscience; brain computer interface; biofeedback; sleep research; neural
mechanisms and rehabilitation in coma; analysis of infradian, circadian and ultradian rhythms;
interrelationships between biological signals; connectome and functional connectivity analysis.
A G Ramakrishnan
Prerequisites: 22/24
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1. Recent literature.
2. Rao, Rajesh PN. Brain-computer interfacing: an introduction. Cambridge University Press, 2013.
3. Berry, Richard B., et al. “The AASM manual for the scoring of sleep and associated events.” Rules,
Terminology and Technical Specifications, Darien, Illinois, American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 2012.
4. Broadbent, Donald Eric. Perception and communication. Elsevier, 2013.
5. Gazzaniga, M.S. The cognitive neurosciences. MIT press, 2009.
6. Dunlap, J.C., Loros, J.J. and DeCoursey, P.J. Chronobiology: biological timekeeping. Sinauer Associates,
7. Sebastian Seung. Connectome: How the brain’s wiring makes us who we are. HMH, 2013.
E9:xxx (3:1)(Aug)
Advanced Deep Learning
Overview : With the deep learning breaching into all fields of science and engineering, the
advancement in deep learning field is also going at a faster pace. The algorithms and methods have
evolved with influx of techniques from optimization, mathematics, visualization and data engineering.
This course is designed to provide a comprehensive coverage of cutting edge topics in deep learning
models for text, speech, image and other domains.
Unsupervised Learning :
Restricted Boltzmann Machines, Variational Autoencoders, Generative Adversarial Networks. New
Architectures : Capsule networks, End-to-end models, Transformer Networks.
Applications in NLP, Speech, Image/Video domains in all modules.
Course structure :
3 monthly research projects from three different domains (speech/audio, text, images/videos,
biomedical, financial, chemical/physical sciences/mathematical sciences) : 60%,
1 midterm : 10%,
1 final : 30%
Sriram Ganapathy
Pre-requisties :
Linear Algebra.
Random Process.
Basic machine learning/pattern recognition course.
Good background in python programming. 23/24
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References :
A significant portion of the material would come from research papers/tutorials in the domain.
Lecture notes in pdf format.
Deep Learning, Ian Goodfellow and Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville, MIT Press 2016. 24/24