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Results in Chemistry 3 (2021) 100205

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Results in Chemistry
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High-performance supercapacitor electrode materials of MoS2/PPY

nanocomposites prepared by in-situ oxidative polymerization method
Ling Li a, b, Zhiqiang Wei a, b, *, Jiahao Liang b, Jinhuan Ma a, b, Shangpan Huang b
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Processing and Recycling of Non-ferrous Metals, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China
School of Science, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China


Keywords: MoS2/ PPY nanocomposites with different mass ratios were successfully synthesized the in-situ oxidative poly­
Polypyrrole merization method. The microstructure, morphology, element content of the samples was characterized by field
MoS2 emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy-dispersive X-ray spectrum
(EDX), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), X-ray photoelectron spectrometer (XPS). And
the influence of the composite ratio on the electrochemical properties was evaluated by galvanizing char­
ge–discharge (GCD), cyclic voltammetry (CV), electrochemical impedance spectra (EIS) and cycle stability. The
experimental results show that all samples exhibit hexagonal systems with great crystallization. The morphol­
ogies are uniform structures with an obvious cladding layer. The CV curve is rectangular and the redox peak is
evident. MoS2 nanocomposites have excellent specific capacitance and good cyclic stability. The Nyquist spec­
trum of the sample shows that the electrical resistance of the MoS2 nanocomposite is low and the electronic
conductivity is excellent. When the current density is 1 A g-1, the specific capacitance of MP-2 is 677.8F g-1,
which is higher than that of pure PPY and the other two kinds of nanocomposites. It can be seen from the
experimental results that the specific capacitance of MP-2 nanocomposite material decreases by 24.3% after
3000 cycles.

Performance introduction attracted huge attention to check their suitability as electrode materials.
However, the industrial application of MoS2 is limited due to its poor
In recent years, with the progress and development of science, specific capacitance. The CoS2@MoS2 is the electrode of the super­
technology and society, the energy crisis and environmental pollution capacitor. The specific capacitance is 1038 nm F g− 1, and the rate is
have become urgent problems to be solved [1–4]. Therefore, more and 71.7%. Because of the synergistic effect between layered MoS2 and
more attention has been paid to the utilization and development of new conductive CoS2, nanocomposites have excellent electrochemical per­
energy [5–7]. Compared with the traditional electrolytic condenser and formance[18]. NiMoO4@MoS2 is better than NiMoO4 and MoS2 elec­
chargeable batteries [8–10], supercapacitors as electrochemical energy trodes as a supercapacitor electrode, with a specific capacitance of
storage devices have been studied extensively because of their unique 2246.7 F g− 1[9]. It shows that the performance of the composite ma­
properties, such as high power density, better cycle stability, high terial is better than that of pure MoS2. We know that composites can
charge–discharge rate [11–15]. improve electrochemical performance, but there are few reports about
Therefore, many researchers devoted efforts to exploring higher MoS2@PPY composites[19]. MoS2 composites provide effective mate­
specific capacity electrode materials applied for supercapacitors rials with good chemical properties and have been explored as potential
[16,17], various carbon materials, transition metal oxides, transition electrode materials for supercapacitors(given in Table 1 [20–23].
metal chalcogenides, conducting polymers as electrode materials for Among them, PPY is considered as one of the important electrode ma­
supercapacitors have attracted extensive attention. MoS2 as a narrow terials in supercapacitors due to its multiple oxidation states, light­
indirect bandgap (1.2–1.9 eV) semiconductor with a two-dimensional weight property, rich chemistry, corrosion-resistivity[24]. But, polymer
sheet-like structure, exhibits better electrochemical performance due skeleton is poor cyclic stability due to its easy degradation and unstable,
to high ionic conductivity and multiple valence states, which have which limits it is an industrial application[25]. Therefore, it is very

* Corresponding author at: State Key Laboratory of Advanced Processing and Recycling of Non-ferrous Metals, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050,

Received 17 April 2021; Accepted 25 September 2021
Available online 30 September 2021
2211-7156/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
L. Li et al. Results in Chemistry 3 (2021) 100205

Table 1
The specific capacitance of different MoS2 structure.
Electrode Fabrication method Current density(A g− 1) Capacitance(F g− 1) Surface capacity(F cm− 2) Cycle number/Cs retention(%) Electrolyte Ref.

MoS2/PANI – 0.6 400 0.8 500/84 HCl [20]

MoS2/PANI Hydrothermal 0.5 552 0.992 6000/79 1 M H2SO4 [22]
MoS2/HN Hydrothermal 1 359.7 0.7194 2000/89 3 M KOH [21]
MoS2/PPY Hydrothermal 1 400 0.8 5000/92.8 1 M H2SO4 [23]
MoS2/PPY Hydrothermal 1 677.8 0.82 3000/75.7 5 M KOH This work

MoS2/ PPY nanocomposites.

In this paper, MoS2/PPY nanocomposites with different mass ratios
were successfully synthesized by the in-situ oxidative polymerization
method[27,28]. The microstructure, morphology, element content,
electrochemical properties of the samples were characterized by X-ray
diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy
(FESEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM),
energy-dispersive X-ray spectrum (EDX), X-ray photoelectron spec­
trometer (XPS), galvanostatic charge–discharge (GCD), cyclic voltam­
metry (CV), electrochemical impedance spectra (EIS) and cycle stability.
And the influence of the composite ratio on the electrochemical prop­
erties of MoS2/PPY nanocomposites was evaluated[29].

2. Experimental

2.1 Synthesis of MoS2 samples

Fig. 1. XRD patterns of MoS2, PPY, MP-1 and MP-2 samples.

MoS2 samples were prepared via the hydrothermal method as

significant to construct the composite by conducting polymers and following. First, according to the molar ratio of molybdenum and sulfur
transition metal chalcogenides to form an interconnection network and sources, weighed 2.42 g Na2MoO4⋅2H2O, 0.28 g polyethylene glycol,
charge accumulation surface area between the layered MoS2 nano­ 3.06 g (NH2)2CS used as precursors, dissolved in 60 ml deionized water.
structures, which enable them to have excellent cycle stability and high The mixed solution was magnetically stirred intensively for 30 min to
specific capacitance [26]. However, as far as we know, few studies on form a homogeneous solution. Subsequently, add an appropriate
the influence of the mass ratio on the electrochemical properties of amount of hydrochloric acid to the solution and adjust the pH value to 1.

Fig. 2. SEM images of (a) MoS2, (b) PPY, (c) MP-1 and (d) MP-2.

L. Li et al. Results in Chemistry 3 (2021) 100205

Fig. 3. EDS diagram of (a) MoS2 and (b) MP-2, (c-g) MP-2 element SEM-Mapping scanning image.

Fig. 4. TEM, HRTEM and SAED diagrams of (a-c) MoS2 and (d-f) MP-2.

The mixed solution was vigorously stirred for 30 min and then trans­ 2.2 Preparation of MoS2/PPY nanocomposites
ferred to a Teflon-lined stainless steel autoclave and heated at 200 ℃.
After reaction for 24 h, the samples were naturally cooled to room MoS2/PPY nanocomposites with different mass ratios (MoS2 viz. PPY
temperature, and the obtained precipitates were centrifugally washed corresponding to 75:25 and 55:45) were synthesized by the in-situ
with deionized water and anhydrous ethanol three times, respectively. oxidative polymerization method. First, weighed 1 g pyrrole monomer
Finally, MoS2 samples were obtained by vacuum drying at 60 ℃ for (PPY) dissolved in 50 ml deionized water and ultrasonic treatment for
12 h. 30 min. Then, a certain amount of MoS2 was added to the obtained
solution under constant magnetic stirring for 30 min to mix completely,
subsequently, quickly added 50 ml solution containing 2.5 g ammonium

L. Li et al. Results in Chemistry 3 (2021) 100205

Fig. 5. XPS spectra of (a) MP-2, (b)S 2P, (c) Mo 3D, (d) C 1 s and (e) N 1 s.

persulfate into the mixture, the resulting solution was sealed and stored After vacuum drying at 60 ℃ for 12 h, MoS2/PPY nanocomposites were
in an ice bath, and the solution was stirred for 5 h at 0 ~ 4 ℃. Thereafter, collected and used for further studies. With the above method, different
place the resultant solution in the refrigerator at 0 ◦ C for 10 h. Finally, mass ratios (75:25 and 55:45) MoS2/PPY composites were obtained via a
the refrigerating solution was filtered and centrifugally washed with similar method, and the samples were denoted as MP-1 and MP-2,
anhydrous ethanol and deionized water several times after filtration. respectively. For comparison, pure PPY samples were prepared by a

L. Li et al. Results in Chemistry 3 (2021) 100205

The electrochemical performance test is to test the sample in 5 mol/L

KOH aqueous solutions using a three-electrode system using an elec­
trochemical workstation (CS350, Wuhan Corrtest, China) [26]. The
three-electrode system consists of a standard calomel electrode (SCE),
MoS2/PPY composite material. Platinum foil is used as a reference
electrode, working electrode and counter electrode respectively. The
working electrode was prepared by acetylene black, polyvinylidene
fluoride (PVDF) and active substance at a mass ratio of 8:1:1. The smear
was made of nickel foam, acetylene black and PVDF. Nickel foam has
good electrochemical stability, high porosity, low resistance and high
tear strength, good elasticity and retention performance of aprotic sol­
vent(Nickel foam CV is shown in Fig. 6 [30–32]. When acetylene black is
used as a conductive agent, the active substance and acetylene black will
not automatically polymerize together, so adding binder (PVDF) to
make them polymerize together, and the charge and discharge reaction
in the battery will prevent the active substance from falling off, can
maintain the shape of the tablet, prevent itself from swelling and rupture
by the electrolyte. Then, 2 mg of the active substance was evenly coated
Fig. 6. Cyclic voltammetry curve of nickel foam. on the 1 cm− 2 nickel foam and pressed under 10 MPa as flakes. Finally,
Ni foam electrodes were dried at 90 ◦ C for 10 h in a vacuum drying oven,
similar procedure without adding MoS2. obtained the working electrodes (MoS2, PPY, MP-1, MP-2). The influ­
ence of the composite ratio on the electrochemical properties was
evaluated by galvanostatic charge–discharge (GCD), cyclic voltammetry
2.3 Characterization (CV), electrochemical impedance spectra (EIS), cycle stability.

The crystallography of the products was recorded on a powder X-ray 3. Results and discussion
diffractometer (Rigaku, Japan, D/Max-2400). The surface morphology
and microstructure of the samples were recorded by field emission 3.1 XRD analysis
scanning electron microscopy (FESEM, JEOL JSM-6701F), high-resolu­
tion transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM, JEOL JEM-2010) and X- The typical XRD patterns of MoS2, PPY, MoS2/PPY nanocomposites
ray energy dispersion analysis (EDAX). The surface chemical composi­ are shown in Fig. 1. It is obvious that pure MoS2 displays the charac­
tion and chemical states of each element were studied by X-ray photo­ teristic peaks at 2θ = 14.37◦ , 32.67◦ , 33.50◦ , 35.87◦ , 39.53◦ , 44.15◦ ,
electron spectroscopy (XPS, PHI-5702). 49.78◦ , 58.33◦ , 60.14◦ and 88.70◦ , which are respectively assigned to

Fig. 7. Cyclic voltammetry curves of (a) MoS2, (b) PPY, (c) MP-1 and (d) MP-2 electrodes.

L. Li et al. Results in Chemistry 3 (2021) 100205

Fig. 8. Comparison of (a) CV curves of MoS2, PPY, MP-1 and MP-2 electrodes, and (b) specific capacitance change curves.

Fig. 9. Electrochemical impedance spectra of MoS2, PPY, MP-1 and MP-2 electrodes in (a) low frequency region and (b) high frequency region.

the (0 0 2), (1 0 0), (1 0 1), (1 0 2), (1 0 3), (0 0 6), (1 0 5), (1 1 0), (0 0 8) and 0.38 keV, the peaks of S and Mo coincide at 2.3 keV. The atomic weight
(1 1 8) crystal planes of hexagonal structure MoS2 with JCPDS (No. and weight percentage as shown inset of Fig. 3c. The calculated weight
37–1492). Pure PPY exhibits a broad spectrum in the 2θ range of 15-30◦ and atomic percentage are equal to their standard stoichiometry in the
correspond to the characteristic peak of amorphous PPY. In addition, experimental error. The EDS results further validated the XRD conclu­
MoS2/PPY nanocomposites with different mass ratios possess a similar sion. Fig. 3d shows the corresponding elemental mapping of MP-2
XRD pattern in the 2θ range of 10-90◦ . Compared with pure MoS2/PPY, composites, which indicate that C, N, S, Mo elements are evenly
no other impure peaks are detected for MoS2/PPY composites, indi­ distributed in the products according to the molar concentration of the
cating that the MoS2/PPY samples have been successfully synthesized. precursor.

SEM analysis TEM analysis

Typical SEM photographs of MoS2, PPY, MP-1, MP-2 are exhibited in Fig. 4 shows the TEM said results of MP-2 composites. It can be seen
Fig. 2. Fig. 2a shows that bare MoS2 samples exhibit irregular special from Fig. 4a and Fig. 4d that MoS2/PPY nanocomposites exhibit flower-
structures with an average diameter of about 100 nm and flocs appear on like microspheres structure with fuzzy boundaries and rough surfaces,
the surface of the ball with an obvious agglomeration phenomenon. and the PPY in the dark region. Fig. 4b and Fig. 4e is the high power
Fig. 2b presents an SEM image of PPY samples, revealing that the HRTEM image of MP-2 composite material, the neatly arranged lattice
samples are composed of many nanoparticles piled together to form a stripes are obvious. The plane spacing of MP-2 is similar to that of the
microsphere structure[33]. The morphology of MoS2/PPY nano­ lattice plane of the MoS2 hexagonal structure (0 0 2), and the plane
composites without significant change, as shown in Fig. 2c which are spacing of MP-2 is about 0.62 nm, which confirms that the MoS2
assembled into an individual spherical structure of flower-like micro­ nanospheres preferentially grow along the (0 0 2) crystal plane. The
spheres. As the content of PPY increases, the microspheres of the com­ SAED image (inset Fig. 4c of MP-2 composites shows three clear
posites have good dispersion and uniform particle size. diffraction rings, corresponding to the (0 0 2), (1 0 0), (1 0 5) planes from
the inside to the outside. The results of XRD and TEM were consistent,
EDS analysis which shows the feasibility that the MP-2 nanocomposites have been
successfully prepared by the one-step hydrothermal method.
To further verify the chemical composition of the MP-2 composite, The microstructure and morphology of pure MoS2 samples were also
EDS measurement was performed. EDS X-ray spectrum (The pure MoS2 observed by HRTEM, as showed in Fig. 4f. The product shows randomly
in Fig. 3a indicates the presence of S and Mo and the absence of other scattered nanosheets. Wrinkled MoS2 nanosheets are clustered together.
elements, while for MP-2 samples mainly contained C and N, besides Mo
and S elements in the EDS X-ray spectrum (Fig. 3b. The characteristic
peak of the C element appears at 0.25 keV, the peak of N appears at

L. Li et al. Results in Chemistry 3 (2021) 100205

Fig. 10. Constant current charge–discharge curves of (a) MoS2, (b) PPY, (c) MP-1.

XPS analysis In comparison, the CV curves of MoS2, PPY, MP-1 and MP-2 elec­
trodes measured at 50 mV s− 1 in the potential window of − 0.2 to 0.6 V
The surface chemical composition and element electronic states were are exhibited[38]. It can be seen from Fig. 8 (a) that MP-2 has a larger
identified by XPS. The high-resolution XPS survey spectra of MP-2 area, which indicates that MP-2 has a better performance than the
samples as exhibiting in Fig. 5. The XPS spectra depict the S 2p, Mo capacitor. It can be intuitively seen that the redox peaks of MP-1 and
3d, C 1 s, N 1 s peaks. Fig. 5c displays Mo 3d four characteristic peaks at MP-2 intuitively combine the characteristics of MoS2 and PPY, indi­
binding energy position of 229.1 eV, 232.7 eV, 235.6 eV and 237 eV, cating that the energy storage property of the composite material does
which correspond to Mo4+ 3d5/2, Mo4+ 3d3/2, Mo6+ 3d5/2 and Mo-O not cause much change, but retains the characteristics of MoS2 and PPY
states [34,35], respectively. Two S 2p characteristic peaks (Fig. 5b which indicates that MP-2 possess higher specific capacitance due to the
appear at 159.9 eV and 162.4 eV, which can be fitted with S 2p3/2 and S amorphous PPY embedded in intertwined sheet-like subunit structure of
2p1/2, respectively, where S 2p3/2 represents the metal sulfur bond, and MoS2 microspheres, illustrating the electrode has good electrochemical
S 2p1/2 stands for S2-. In Fig. 5d, the C 1 s spectrum can be deconvoluted reversibility and ideal capacitance behavior.
into three peaks with the binding energy of 284.8 eV, 285.6 eV and This pseudocapacitance behavior for them indicated that redox re­
288.3 eV, which correspond to the characteristic peaks of C–C, C-O and action of ion disembodiment occurred in the electrolyte solution, spe­
C–– O bonds, respectively. In addition, N 1 s spectrum (Fig. 5e is resolved cific capacitance is calculated as follows:
into three characteristic peaks at 395.2 eV, 399.7 eV and 400.9 eV, ∫ V0 +ΔV
Q 1
which are assigned to C-N– – C, N–– C and C–
– – N–H bonds [36,37], which CS = = I(V)dV
proves the existence of PPY on the composite. V smΔV V0

where CS is the specific capacitance, s is the scanning rate, m is the

Electrochemical performance mass of the active substance on the electrode, V0 is the potential before
discharge, ΔV is the potential difference before and after discharge, and
Circulating voltammetry analysis I (V) is the current). The specific capacitance changes of the electrodes of
the four materials at different scanning rates were obtained in Fig. 8b. In
Fig. 7 presents the typical CV curves of MoS2, PPY, MP-1 and MP-2 the process of increasing the scanning rate, the specific capacitance of
electrodes in the potential window of − 0.2 to 0.6 V at different scan­ each electrode material showed a downward trend, but the specific
ning rates of 5–100 mV s− 1. the areas contained in CV curves of the four capacitance of MP-2 nanocomposites was always higher than that of
electrodes decreased with the increase of scanning rate, and a pair of pure PPY and MoS2 samples.
very typical redox couple appeared in all of them, and the specific The specific capacitance of MP-2 electrode is 694F g− 1, 677.8F g− 1,
capacitance of MP-2 nanocomposites is always higher than others(pure 654.5F g− 1, 632.5F g− 1 and 612.5F g− 1 at the scanning rates of 5 mV s− 1,
PPY and MoS2 samples) at a given scan rate. The ionic equation is as 10 mV s− 1, 30 mV s− 1, 50 mV s− 1 and 100 mV s− 1, respectively, and the
follows: capacitance of MP-2 nanocomposites still keeps 80.6% of its initial
MoS2 + xK + + ye− ↔ (MoS2 − x)y− value, while the capacitance retention rates of MoS2, PPY and MP-1 only
remains about maintain 70.5%, 79.9% and 77.8% respectively.

L. Li et al. Results in Chemistry 3 (2021) 100205

Fig. 11. Comparison of (a) GCD curves of MoS2, PPY, MP-1 and MP-2 electrodes, and (b) magnification curve (c) The surface capacity of MoS2, PPY, MP-1 and MP-2.

Electrochemical impedance analysis

Fig. 8 shows Nyquist plots for MoS2, PPY, MP-1, and MP-2 in the
frequency measurement range of the sample is between 0.01 Hz and
100 kHz. Fig. 8 represents the high-frequency region of the equivalent
circuit and the expanded spectrum. All Nyquist spectra consist of a
semicircle part of the high-frequency region and a straight line part of
the low-frequency region. At the low-frequency region, the Warburg
impedance of electrolyte ion diffusion to the electrode is indicated by
the slope of the curve. All samples possess significant capacitance
behavior due to the phase angles greater than 45◦ (inset in Fig. 8,
indicating PPY/MoS2 nanocomposites can enhance the electron trans­
portation and collection.
The charge-transfer resistance at the electrode–electrolyte interface
(Rct) was derived from the radius of the semicircle (inset of Fig. 9. The
minimum diameter of the semicircular for MP-2 samples indicating the
electrical conductivity of the electrode is improved and the faradic effect
is more likely to occur proceed with high reversibility [39,40]. In
addition, the internal resistance (Rs) is represented by an intercept on
the X-axis of the Nyquist graph. The Rs values for or MoS2, PPY, MP-1
Fig. 12. Comparison of constant current charge–discharge long cycle tests of and MP-2 samples of 1.11 Ω, 0.73 Ω, 0.88 Ω and 0.64 Ω, respectively.
MoS2, PPY, MP-1 and MP-2 electrodes. It was noteworthy that the Rs value for MP-2 samples is the lowest,
indicating MP-2 possesses rapid electron transfer and optimal conduc­
Compared with pure PPY and MoS2 samples, the superior specific tivity because PPY provided more active sites and a larger surface area
capacitance of MP-2 nanocomposites is mainly due to the interaction for MoS2.
between MoS2 and PPY This is because the interaction between the two
promotes the movement of electrons and ions, thus improving the Galvanostatic charge–discharge analysis
electrochemical performance.
The specific capacitance of the electrodes was further estimated by
GCD measurement. Fig. 10 shows the typical GCD curves of MoS2, PPY,

L. Li et al. Results in Chemistry 3 (2021) 100205

MP-1 and MP-2 samples obtained at the potential window between CRediT authorship contribution statement
0 and 0.4 V and different current densities ranging from 0.5 A g− 1 to 10
A g− 1. It is clear that GCD curves for all samples present quasi-triangular Ling Li:Methodology, Investigation, Data curation, Writing – orig­
shapes with good symmetry and similar charge and discharge time at the inal draft, Writing – review & editing,Zhiqiang Wei:Writing – review &
same current densities. Which demonstrates the samples have good editing, Supervision,Jiahao Liang:Data curation,Jinhuan Ma:Soft­
invertibility due to the electrode redox reaction in the electrolyte, and ware, Investigation, Writing – review & editing, Writing – review &
the electrodes possess high coulomb efficiency and ideal pseudocapa­ editing,Shangpan Huang:Methodology, Software.
citance characteristics.
The comparative GCD curves comparison for different electrodes at Declaration of Competing Interest
the used density of 1 A g− 1 is shown in Fig. 11a, it can be observed that
discharge and charge time for the composites are longer than that of The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
bare MoS2 and PPY, and MP-2 electrodes exhibit the longer charge and interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
discharge time, indicating MP-2 electrodes MP-2 electrodes possess the work reported in this paper.
higher special capacitance. This is because CV had a good stimulative
effect. References
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