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Morphology PDF
Electrochimica Acta
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Article history: The formation of cobalt metal organic frameworks (Co-MOFs) in different solvents and mixture is studied
Received 17 September 2017 systematically through solvothermal method. The synthesized Co-MOFs are characterized with X-ray
Received in revised form diffraction, Field emission scanning electron microscope and Brunauer-Emmett-Teller surface analyzer to
28 November 2017
know about its crystal nature, morphology and porosity, respectively. Based on the obtained results, a
Accepted 13 February 2018
Available online 14 February 2018
possible formation mechanism of Co-MOFs has been described with respect to nucleation rate and pH.
The electrochemical properties of as prepared Co-MOFs are studied in 3 M KOH for electrode material of
supercapacitors. A maximum specific capacitance of 958.1 F g1 is achieved for Co-MOF/D-E (Co-MOF
synthesized in DMF/Ethanol) at a current density of 2 A g1. Simultaneously, the capacitance retention is
Specific capacitance maintained as high as 92.3%, even after 3000 cycles. The present study demonstrates that synthesis of
BET surface area Co-MOF with large surface area and micropore volume could be possible using DMF/EtOH mixture
Micropores solvent. The hybrid structure of nanoneedles with sharp edge nanorods offer more active sites for
Nucleation rate electrochemical reaction and ensure a higher charge storage capacity than other synthesized Co-MOFs in
this work.
© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction low energy density, which is still lower than that of rechargeable
batteries [9]. For achieving a high energy density of supercapacitor,
In recent years, Supercapacitors or Electrochemical capacitors the ongoing researches have focused on two aspects: 1. Synthe-
have received much consideration among different energy storage sizing electrode materials with large surface area and 2. Searching a
devices such as batteries, fuel cell and conventional capacitors due new electrode material which has both higher capacitance and
to their high power density, fast charging-discharging rate, and larger potential window [10e12].
exceptionally long cycle life (up to 104 cycles) [1e4]. Super- Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), also known as coordination
capacitors have made a bridge between the conventional capacitors polymers have received more attention in the field of electro-
and batteries [5]. Based on the charge storage mechanism, super- chemical energy storage systems, including fuel cells, lithium ion
capacitors are divided into electric double capacitors and pseudo batteries, supercapacitors, solar cells; because of their large acces-
capacitors [6]. The energy is stored by charge accumulation process sible surface area, tunable size and pore volume, and incorporated
in EDLC's and by faradic reactions in pseudo capacitors [7]. There metal centers [13e15]. Recently, MOF has been used directly as
are various kinds of materials have been studied for supercapacitor electrode materials [16,17]. MOF electrode material for super-
electrodes like metal oxides, polymers and carbon based materials capacitors can be classified into two categories: 1. Since MOF can
[8]. One of the main challenges for available supercapacitors is the serve as a precursor to synthesis, metal oxides, metal sulfides and
carbon materials, MOF derived materials have been used as elec-
trode material of supercapacitors [18,19]; 2. MOF themselves can be
used directly as electrode material of supercapacitors. MOFs can
* Corresponding author. Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
give more accommodation space of electrolyte and active sites for
Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech), No. 1088, XueyuanRoad,
Xili, Nanshan District, Shenzhen 518055, China. the redox reaction than MOFs derived materials due to their large
E-mail address: (F. Wang). porosity and surface area. Several groups have reported that the
0013-4686/© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R. Ramachandran et al. / Electrochimica Acta 267 (2018) 170e180 171
electrochemical properties of MOFs in supercapacitors including Ni behavior in 3 M KOH electrolyte. A maximum specific capacitance
[20], Zn [21], Cu [22], Mn [23], Fe [24], Ce [25] and recently Co based of 958.1 F g1 with energy density of 24.4 W h kg1 was achieved
MOFs. Among various MOFs, Co-MOFs have received more atten- for MOF which was prepared in DMF/Ethanol mixture solvent (Co-
tion, due to theirs better redox reaction ability than others. For MOF/D-E). This research is meaningful in view of the following two
example, Diaz et al. first reported the supercapacitor behavior of a reasons: 1. The development of Co based MOF with different
Co-MOF and achieved a maximum capacitance of 0.47 F g1 at structures for supercapacitors and 2. It provides a better under-
25 mV s1 scan rate [26]. Later, the three dimensional structure of standing of the solvent mechanism for Co-MOF formation by using
Co-MOF was investigated by Lee et al. with capacitance of 206 F g1 H3BTC as an organic linker.
[27]. Very recently, a layered structure of Co-MOF has been evalu-
ated as supercapacitor electrode by Liu et al. [28]. These MOF ma- 2. Experimental method
terials have good electrochemical performances due to their redox-
active species; however, the number of the related reports is still 2.1. Materials
limited until now. Due to the poor electrical conductivity of MOF,
the specific capacitance is usually lower than that of pseudo Cobalt (II) nitrate hexahydrate (Co(NO3)2.6H2O), 1,3,5-
capacitive metal oxides [29]. It has been noticed that researchers tricarboxylic acid (H3BTC), N,N-diethylformamide ((CH3)2NCH),
are attempting to achieve high energy density supercapacitors by Ethyl alcohol, Potassium Hydroxide (KOH) were purchased from
changing different types of MOFs electrodes. However, the energy Sigma-Aldrich. All the solutions were prepared using Milli-Q water
density not only depends on the type of materials, but also its (pH 7.2).
morphology, size and microstructure [30]. Therefore, the control
over the morphology of MOF with well-defined shapes and uniform
2.2. Preparation of Co-MOFs
size remains an important goal of modern synthetic chemistry to
improve the electrochemical performance of supercapacitor elec-
Typically, 2 mM of H3BTC was added into 48 ml of DMF/Ethanol
trodes. Up to now, several kinds of methods have been proposed for
mixed solution (1:1 ratio) and stirred for 10 min. After that, 3.6 mM
modulating morphology and size of MOFs, such as template
of Co(NO3)2$6H2O was added into the above solution and
method [31], different solvents [32], sonochemical process [33],
continued stirring for another 10 min. Then the mixture was
and acid-based adjustment routes [34]. Among them, using
transferred into a Telflon-lined stainless steel autoclave (70 ml ca-
different solvent is the most convenient way to synthesis MOFs
pacity). After sealing, the autoclave was heated to 120 C for 12 h
with desirable structure and properties. Several solvents such as N,
and cooled naturally to room temperature. Finally the resulting
N-dimethylformamide (DMF), Ethanol, 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone
precipitate was washed several times with water and ethanol, and
(NMP), N, N-diethylformamide (DEF) and water have been used
dried at 70 C for 12 h in a vacuum oven. The prepared sample was
for MOFs synthesis under high temperatures. It is known that the
named as Co-MOF/D-E. Similarly, the other Co-MOFs, Co-MOF/D-W,
majority of MOFs are unstable in water, suffering from phase
Co-MOF/D-W-E, Co-MOF/D and Co-MOF/E were prepared in DMF/
changes, loss of crystallinity [35]. Cheng et al. [36], have studied the
Water (1:1), DMF/Water/Ethanol (1:1:1), DMF and ethanol sol-
aluminum based MOF preparation in DMF/water mixed solvent
vents, respectively. The total volume of solvent in all the case was
with various volume ratios and found that increasing the volume
kept to 48 ml.
ratio of water in mixed solvent, which led to the different sizes and
morphologies of MOF. The optimization study of ethanol content in
water/ethanol mixed solvent system for Cu-MOF synthesis has 2.3. Material characterization
been studied by Zhang et al. [37]. Both reports have proved that the
surface area and porosity of the MOF could be increased with the X-ray diffraction system (Rigaku Smartlab) was used with Cu-Ka
optimized volume ratio of mixed solvents rather than the use of a radiation (l ¼ 1.540 Å). Step scanning was done with 2q intervals
single solvent system. Very recently, Israr et al. have studied the from 6 to 55 . The surface morphologies of the samples were
surface area of Ni-BTC's which are synthesized by different mixed characterized by using scanning electron microscope (Zeiss Merlin)
solvents [38]. This report clearly demonstrated that the mixed and transmission electron microscope (Tecnai F30). The N2
solvents could improve the porosity nature of the MOF. Since the isotherm of the samples was measured using by BET ASAP 2020.
surface area and the porosity of MOF are the important factors for
energy storage applications, thus, efforts turned towards to find the 2.4. Electrochemical measurements
suitable solvent and volume ratios for MOF preparations. To best of
our knowledge, there is no report on the modulation of Co-MOFs All the electrochemical measurements were carried out in an
morphology and size with different mixed solvent systems and electrochemical analyzer (CHI 660 E work station). The potentials
its electrochemical properties towards supercapacitor. were measured with respect to Ag/AgCl (sat.KCl) as the reference.
Considering all these factors, we have carried out a systematic Ni foam (purchased from Cabot, USA) and Pt wire were used as the
investigation of Co-MOF formation in different mixture solvents working and counter electrode, respectively. The cyclic voltam-
and studied the electrochemical properties for supercapacitor ap- metry was performed at various scan rates in the potential range
plications. We have built a solvent system alone and related from 0 to 0.5 V. The working electrode was prepared as follows: In
mixture, just by varying the composition of solvents while keeping brief, a known amount of active material was dispersed in 5 wt % of
the other conditions unchanged, series of Co-MOF crystals with nafion and ethanol mixture, and the mixture was coated with Ni
different shape and sizes have been obtained. It should be noted foam (2 cm 1 cm 0.1 cm). The total surface area coated with
that the chemical structure and the geometries of organic linkers, active material was 0.5 0.5 cm2. The mass of the active material of
and the coordination modes of the metal ions are the most electrode was 4 mg/cm2. Then, the electrode was dried for 3 h at
important parameters for MOF synthesis [39]. Terephthalic acid room temperature. Cyclic voltammetry (CV), Galvanostatic charge-
(H3BTC) was used as the organic linker in this work since the discharge (GCD) and Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)
binding ability of H3BTC with the common metal ions such as Co, studies were carried out in 3 M KOH electrolyte solution under
Cu, and Ni is higher than other organic linkers [40]. As synthesized ambient conditions. ECLab software was used for fitting the EIS
Co-MOFs were well characterized and tested for supercapacitive spectrum.
172 R. Ramachandran et al. / Electrochimica Acta 267 (2018) 170e180
3. Results and discussion have reported the rough morphology of MOF structure obtained by
DMF/ethanol mixed solvent [43,44] though the mechanism is still
In order to check the purity of the Co-MOFs synthesized by unclear. It is believed that the rough surface can increase the
different solvents, X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) was recorded porosity and hence, better electrochemical behavior would be
and shown in Fig. 1. The sharp and clear observed diffraction peaks achieved. In addition, most of the nanoneedles were isolated and
indicating that the prepared Co-MOF samples have good crystal- attached on the rough surface rods (Inset picture of Fig. 2 (d)),
linity. All the diffraction peak positions were in good agreement which also enhances the charge propagation during the electro-
with the simulation based on Co-MOF single-crystal XRD data chemical performance. As shown in Fig. 2 e and f, bulk rods with
(Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre - 153067) [41,42]. There crystal structures length up to ~15 mm are formed in water based
are no other peaks in the powder diffraction pattern, indicating the mixed solvents which might due to the slow nucleation process.
high-level purity of Co-MOF samples. The diffraction peaks of all Cheng et al. have reported that one specific direction crystal growth
the samples (exclude at 10.3 for Co-MOF/D-W-E) are identical to of MOF with longer size was obtained by water molecules [36].
each other except for minor differences in their intensities. This is Similar kind of bulk crystal growth has been found when water
probably due to the fact that some of the initial samples may molecules were introduced into mixture solvents (DMF/water and
contain water or used solvent molecules in their pores, which lead DMF/water/ethanol). Pawar et al. have reported that the 1D
to minor alterations in their XRD pattern [36]. The disappeared microrods with porous structure enhanced the electron transport
peak at 10.3 for Co-MOF/D-W-E sample indicates that the slightly for photo degradations [45]. Similarly, the bulk crystal rods in Co-
collapsed MOF network. Since the presence of water molecules in MOF/D-W and Co-MOF/D-W-E could improve the electrochemical
the DMF/Ethanol effectively prevents the co-ordination between properties than nanorod structures obtained in pure DMF. From
the carboxyl groups and Co atoms, the peak disappears [37]. Fig. 2 g and h, it can be seen that needles in the range of a few nm to
The morphology of synthesized Co-MOFs in different mixture ~2 mm were obtained, suggesting that ethanol molecules are
solvents was investigated by SEM analysis. SEM images of the favorable for a smaller size of MOF nanocrystal synthesis without
samples clearly show the difference in crystal size, morphology, any capping agent. Since most of the needles were less than 100 nm
and dimensionalities. Uneven size of rod-like structure was size, the aggregation of these needles may be responsible for
observed for the MOF synthesized in DMF solvent alone (Fig. 2 dropping surface area and porosity. Thus, the MOF synthesized in
a&b). The width of the nanorods is in the range of a few hundred pure ethanol (MOF-E) delivered lower electrochemical activities
nanometers to ~3 mm and the length up to several micrometers. It than MOF-D/E. Fig. 2 i and j shows the nano and bulk crystal rods
can be seen that the obtained nanorods surface is completely with some of the hexagonal layer structure of Co-MOF. The size of
smooth and most of the nanorods are broken. When ethanol was the hexagonal layer is around ~10 mm with a thickness of several
introduced to DMF (MOF-D/E), nano needles and rod kind hybrid nanometers. The microstructure of Co-MOF/D-E was further
structure was formed with the size of needles from a few nm to investigated by HRTEM analysis. From Fig. 3, the MOF synthesized
~2 mm. As evidenced from Fig. 2 c and d, the obtained nanorods in by DMF/ethanol solvent has demonstrated hybrid structure with a
the hybrid structure exhibit almost uniform size with sharp edges large number of nanoneedles and rods. Needles with uniform size
of nanorods and nanoneedles with less than 2 mm width, which can be observed from the images, which is consistent with SEM
suggests that the ethanol molecules could increase the hydrogen studies.
bond strength of mixture solvent and ligands [37], and favorable for The N2 adsorptionedesorption isotherms at 77 K and Bar-
small needle crystal size MOF formation. It could be seen appar- retteJoynereHalenda (BJH) pore size distribution measurements
ently that there were fissures on the surface of nanorods (Fig. 2 d), were further performed to evaluate the surface area and the
which indicates that the ethanol molecules in DMF solvent might porosity of Co-MOFs. From Fig. 4, the isotherm of all Co-MOF
create the rough surface of the MOF. Recently, some of the literature samples can be attributed as a typical type IV hysteresis and the
loop at a relative pressure between 0.7 and 1.0, indicating the
presence of mesoporous in MOF samples [18]. As shown in Fig. 4 a,
BET surface area of 31.98 m2 g1 is observed for Co-MOF/D-E, which
is higher than that of the other Co-MOFs. The isolated small needle-
kind of structure on the one dimensional nanorod improves the
surface area of Co-MOF/D-E. Various surface areas of 5.73, 1.81, 2.27
and 3.84 m2 g1 were achieved for Co-MOF/E, Co-MOF/D-W-E, Co-
MOF/D-W and Co-MOF/D, respectively. The result was further
validated by the Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH) pore size distribu-
tion curve as shown in Fig. 4b which also shows the presence of
micro and mesoporous. The higher differential pore volume of Co-
MOF/D-E suggested the increased total pore volume. The total pore
volume of other MOFs roughly decreases (Table S1), which in-
dicates smaller BET surface area. Though Co-MOF/E has smaller
crystal sizes than Co-MOF/D-E, the more aggregation of nano-
needles reduced the surface area. It is known that the specific
capacitance of electrode materials depends on the specific surface
area, total pore volume and micro porosity; therefore, high surface
area and larger micro porous structures would directly facilitate
fast ion transport at the electrode/electrolyte interfaces, which in-
creases utilization of the electroactive materials and leads to higher
specific capacitance [46]. Therefore, the larger surface area and high
micropore volume of Co-MOF/D-E are likely to enhance its elec-
Fig. 1. XRD pattern of (a) Co-MOF/D-E (b) Co-MOF/E (c) Co-MOF/D-W-E (d) Co-MOF/D- trochemical performance for supercapacitors.
W and (e) Co-MOF/D. Based on the results and discussion above, the formation
R. Ramachandran et al. / Electrochimica Acta 267 (2018) 170e180 173
Fig. 2. SEM images of (a, b) Co-MOF/D (c, d) Co-MOF/D-E (e, f) Co-MOF/D-W (g, h) Co-MOF/E and (i, j) Co-MOF/D-W-E.
Fig. 4. (a) Nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherms and (b) Pore size distribution curve of Co-MOFs.
mechanism can be described as follows (Scheme 1). Generally, fast metal ions and the organic linkers, resulting in MOF with tunable
nucleation rate will lead to small crystal size of MOF formation and size and morphology. H3BTC has higher coordination chemistry
vice versa [47]. The rate of nucleation and crystal growth can be (binding ability) of the Co(II) ions than other organic linker;
controlled by the deprotonation rate of organic linkers in solvents. therefore, remarkably good yield of MOF can be easily obtained.
The solvents can decide the coordination interaction between the When DMF is used as a solvent alone, H3BTC is more favorable for
174 R. Ramachandran et al. / Electrochimica Acta 267 (2018) 170e180
the coordination of organic ligand with metal ions (Co(II)) due to This result indicates that the mixed solvent systems might be
the higher deprotonation rate of H3BTC. Since DMF has better beneficial for high yield MOF synthesis with large surface area,
ability to improve the deprotonation of H3BTC than water and especially DMF/ethanol mixed solvent. A comparison between our
ethanol [38], weak coordination with hydrogen protons was work and previously reported morphologies obtained by other Co-
formed by the DMF molecules and produced one dimensional MOF synthesis conditions are listed in Table S3.
nanorod crystals. When water is introduced into DMF, the depro- To investigate the potential application of the Co-MOF's as
tonation rate of H3BTC becomes slow, because water reduces the working electrode of supercapacitors, the electrochemical perfor-
solubility of H3BTC in the reaction mixtures and slows down the mances such as cyclic voltammetry, Galvano static charge-
nucleation rate. So the crystal size of Co-MOF in water based mixed discharge and electrochemical impedance have been tested. Fig. 5
solvents is increased. The water molecules in mixed solvents (DMF/ shows the cyclic voltammetry (CV) curves of prepared Co-MOF
water and DMF/water/Ethanol) can build up the growth of crystals/ electrodes at second cycle. All the CV curves show one couple of
particles in one specific direction; therefore, the nanorod structure redox peaks, which indicate the pseudo capacitive behavior of the
turns out to be longer with increased size for Co-MOF/D-W and Co- electrodes from the surface redox reactions. The anodic and
MOF/D-W-E. When ethanol was introduced into DMF, the solubility cathodic peaks at about 0.35 V and 0.2 V might be due to the con-
of H3BTC has grown and the coordination between H3BTC and version of different cobalt oxidation states like CoII to CoIII and then
Co(II) is greatly improved. Hence, the nucleation rate becomes CoIV [48].
much higher in DMF/EtOH solvent which results in the smaller size
of needle crystal structure with nanorod formation. In other words, CoðIIÞs þ OH 4CoðIIÞs ðOHÞad þ e1 (1)
the lower pH value leads to a slower nucleation process. The pH of
DMF/EtOH solvent is higher than that of water mixed solvents
CoðIIÞs ðOHÞad 4CoðIIIÞs ðOHÞad þ e1 (2)
(Table S2), resulting in accelerated nucleation rate and the crystal
size is decreased. The coordination of H3BTC and Co(II) is much The oxidation and reduction peaks of all the electrodes move to
higher in ethanol solvent alone than DMF/EtOH system, promoting the positive and negative directions at higher scan rates, which is
the crystal growth formation. In contrast, pH value of both DMF and attributed to the internal resistance of the electrodes [49]. On the
ethanol alone is lower than that of other solvent systems, while other hand, the positive ions in electrolyte (Kþ) can easily diffuse
faster crystal growth and smaller size of the Co-MOFs have still into all the available spaces of electrodes at lower scan rates,
been obtained. It is also notable that the obtained final product leading to sufficient redox reactions [50]. In Fig. 5c, it was notable
yield in the single solvent systems (pure DMF and pure ethanol) is that the redox peak position of Co-MOF/D-W-E sample occurs at
relatively low compared with mixed solvent systems (Table S2). more positive potential might be due to higher internal or charge
R. Ramachandran et al. / Electrochimica Acta 267 (2018) 170e180 175
Fig. 5. Cyclic voltammetry response of (a) Co-MOF/D-E (b) Co-MOF/E (c) Co-MOF/D-W-E (d) Co-MOF/D-W (e) Co-MOF/D and (f) Comparison of CV with bare electrode at 5 mV s-1
scan rate (second cycle).
transfer resistance. The redox peaks of all Co-MOF electrodes can be time dependence of the potential provides an evidence for pseudo
observed significantly even at high scanning rates, which suggests capacitive behavior, which results from redox reactions at the
good rate capability. The area of CV curves reflects the capacitance interface between the electrode and the electrolyte or the elec-
and real active surface area of the materials [51]. The area and trochemical adsorption-desorption. From Fig. 6a, the increase in
current level of CV curve for Co-MOF/D-E are larger than other the charging/discharging time represents the higher specific
MOF's, which reflects more capacitive nature due to better ion capacitance of Co-MOF/D-E electrode [54].
transport within the hybrid structure of nanoneedles and sharp The specific capacitance of electrode materials is calculated from
edge nanorods. galvanostatic discharge curves according to the following equation
The galvanostatic charge-discharge (GCD) at different current [55],
densities of Co-MOFs are shown in Fig. S1. The plateaus in the
charge and discharge curves of all electrodes are consistent with i Dt
the CV results, indicating the existence of pseudo capacitance Cs ¼ (3)
DV m
behavior due to the Faradic processes. The nonlinear shape of GCD
curves, attributed to the faradic reactions of Co2þ/Co3þ associated where i is the constant current (A) of the charge-discharge process;
with OH, validates the CV results [52]. Fig. 6a shows the charge- Dt is the discharge time (s), DV is the potential window (V) and m is
discharge curves of Co-MOF electrodes at a current density of the mass of active material on the electrode (g).
2 A g1. The charge-discharge curves can be explained via two A calculated maximum specific capacitance of 958.1 F g1 was
ways: (i) small voltage drop (IR drop), (ii) charge transfer reaction of achieved for Co-MOF/D-E at a current density of 2 A g1. At the
the working electrode (redox reaction). A sudden drop of in current same current density, the other electrodes, Co-MOF/E, Co-MOF/D-
at the start of discharge curve indicates the IR drop of electrode W, Co-MOF/D-W-E and Co-MOF/D have exhibited the maximum
which is attributed to the internal resistance. As seen in Fig. 6a, the specific capacitance of 654.4, 626.9, 428.3 and 393.4 F g1, respec-
IR drop of Co-MOF/D-E electrode is lower than other electrodes, tively. The specific capacitance of the electrode decreases in the
which indicates the enhanced charge storage capacity and less order of Co-MOF/D-E > Co-MOF/E > Co-MOF/D-W > Co-MOF-D-W-
energy dissipated during charge-discharge process. The isolated E > Co-MOF/D. The specific capacitance depends not only on the
and less aggregated nanoneedles in Co-MOF-D/E makes most of the surface area but the micropores of the materials. Since the micro-
surface of nanoneedles easily accessible by the electrolyte ions. This pores are leading contributor to the charge storage in electro-
will promote the charge transport and thus reduce the internal chemical performance [56,57], the larger micropore volume of Co-
resistance of the electrode. A similar reason has been reported by MOF/D-E sample implies the better ions transport within the
Zhang et al. for NiCo2O4 nanoneedles [53]. The slope variation of micropore network. The order of the specific capacitance
176 R. Ramachandran et al. / Electrochimica Acta 267 (2018) 170e180
Fig. 6. (a). Galvanostatic charge-discharge curve at 2 A g1 current density (b) Specific capacitance as a function of current density (c) Capacitance retention behavior at 10 A g1
current density (d) Ragone plot relating power density to achievable energy density.
Table 1
Comparison of specific capacitance of various MOF electrodes material towards supercapacitor applications.
Material Electrolyte Specific capacitance/F g1 Current density or scan rate Reference
electrical resistance and ionic conductivity of Co-MOF electrodes. to the maximum imaginary component (Z00 ) of the semicircle using
Fig. 7 shows the Nyquist plot of Co-MOF electrodes measured with formula below,
an AC perturbation of 0.1 V in the frequency range from 1 Hz to
105 Hz. The plots are composed of a semicircle in the high frequency 1
t¼ (6)
region and a straight line in the region of low frequency. The ver- 2pf *
tical line at low frequency region indicates the ideal capacitive
The time constant of Co-MOF/D-E is calculated to be 0.0061s,
behavior of all Co-MOF electrodes [65]. The ionic conductivity of
which is lower than that of other electrodes (Table 2) suggesting
the electrolyte system can be found from the intersection of the
the fast charging behavior due to the large pore size and fast ion
curve at real axis at high frequency region and called as solution
transport between electrode and electrolyte. The power capability
resistance (Rs) of electrolyte [66]. It is noted that the ionic re-
of prepared Co-MOF electrodes was measured by the “knee” or
sistances of all Co-MOF electrodes are approximately between 0.5
“onset” frequency (fknee). The transition point between high fre-
and 0.6 U and this small value of the solution resistance could be
quency and low frequency component is called “knee frequency”
negligible. The interfacial charge transfer resistance (Rct) reflects
and higher power density or faster charging of supercapacitors can
the electron conductivity of electrode, which can be measured from
be achieved with a higher knee frequency [69]. In supercapacitors,
the diameter of semicircle in mid frequency range. It is well known
the stored charge is not fully accessible at the frequency above the
that the large semicircle diameter indicates high interfacial charge
knee frequency [70]. Therefore, a high knee frequency is preferred
transfer resistance, which is due to the poor conductivity of elec-
during charging/discharging cycle. A knee frequency of 14.68 Hz
trode [67,68]. As seen from Fig. 7, the small interfacial charge
has been obtained for Co-MOF/D-E, which is higher than other
transfer resistance suggests excellent electrochemical performance
electrodes suggesting the fast ion transport with good power
of Co-MOF- D/E electrode with high specific capacitance and good
capability. Hence, Co-MOF/D-E electrode could be used for high
rate capability comparing to other Co-MOF's electrodes. These re-
performance supercapacitor application.
sults are consistent with CV and glavanostatic discharge curves.
Bode phase angle plots and the amplitude of the total imped-
Low time constant is another important characteristic for fast
ance versus frequency plots of all Co-MOF electrodes are shown in
charging function for supercapacitor electrodes. The time constant
Fig. 8. The phase angle of Co-MOF/D-E, Co-MOF/E and Co-MOF/D is
of the electrode is calculated from the frequency (f *) corresponding
observed about 60 at low frequency, which indicates that the
pseudo capacitance of these electrodes is close to ideal capacitors.
The phase angle is slightly low for Co-MOF/D-W-E and Co-MOF/D-
W electrodes which might be due to the high internal resistance at
low frequency. Also, this may be due to the surface roughness of the
electrode-electrolyte interfaces [71]. Since the size of the rod and
layered structure of these samples is larger, it might introduce more
surface roughness at the electrode/electrolyte interface at lower
frequency region. It is noted that the phase angle has a maximum
value of 55 at characteristic frequency fc ¼ 1.5 Hz, which suggests
the more capacitance behavior at mid frequency range for Co-MOF/
D-W-E and Co-MOF/D-W. The phase angle of all Co-MOF tends
nearly zero at high frequency, which indicates that resistive
component is dominant due to the non-homogenous diffusion in
the less accessible site or some leakage of current in electrode may
govern the impedance. The plot of impedance versus frequency
exhibits three slopes at different frequency regions. At high fre-
quency, all the Co-MOF electrodes have a slope of almost zero,
which is due to resistive component at high frequency range (105-
103 Hz). A high value of slope has been observed for Co-MOF/D-E,
Co-MOF/E and Co-MOF/D electrode at low frequency range (100-
1 Hz) where the electrodes behave pure capacitive nature without
any resistance feature; and for the mid frequency region (103-
Fig. 7. Nyquist plot of Co-MOFs from the frequency range of 1 Hze105 Hz and its 100 Hz) these electrodes exhibit both capacitive and resistive
equivalent fitting circuit model (Inset picture). feature. Whereas ideal capacitor behavior has been noticed for Co-
178 R. Ramachandran et al. / Electrochimica Acta 267 (2018) 170e180
Table 2
Various observed analysis parameters of Co-MOF samples.
MOF BET surface area/ Solution resistance Rs/ Charge transfer resistance Rct/ Time constant t/ Knee frequency- fknee/ Specific capacitance C/F
m2g1 Ohm Ohm s Hz g1
Fig. 8. Bode plots of phase angle and bode plots of total impedance versus frequency (a) Co-MOF/D-E (b) Co-MOF/E (c) Co-MOF/D-W-E (d) Co-MOF/D-W and (e) Co-MOF/D.
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