Notes - The Tale of Melon City
Notes - The Tale of Melon City
Notes - The Tale of Melon City
The Tale of Melon City Summary – It is a poem by Vikram Seth in which he
mocks any government system. These tails age-old customs or being proud of
beliefs and traditions too simple. Moreover, through the melon city, the poet
represents any nation whose policies are on the basis of superstitions and old age
beliefs. However, the king in the poem is peace-loving, but soon we find out how
hollow/ironic that claim is. Further, the king wants to establish peace by
eliminating anyone who committed a trifle of mistake. And we can easily get this
by his order of execution of innocent people. By watching how criminals escape
the law and also how people benefit from the nation’s policy.
Vikram Seth through this poem, satire on people in power. He has amusingly
presented the idea that it does not matter to people who king, ruler or head of state
is with the understanding that he let them live in peace, liberty, and leniently.
Long ago, there was a city that people call Melon City. Where a peace-loving and
just king rule. The king announces the construction of an arch across the street for
the enlightenment of people. After the arch was complete the king pass below it
and his crown fell down. Moreover, he became angry and wanted to punish the
chief builder for making the arch so low by hanging them.
So, they set up the gallows and the soldiers bring in the builder for hanging.
Builder fell on his knees and plead for mercy. Further, he said it was workmen’s
fault. So, the king pardons the builder and order hanging of workmen. The minute
workmen to be hanged, they plead the king and said that it was masons fault
because he supplies wrong size brick.
The mason said it was architects fault. In this way, everyone passes the blame to
someone else. However, the architect said it was the king who made modifications
in the plan.
As whom should be hanged become very tricky and the king was very confused.
Hence, he calls the wisest man of the kingdom. Subsequently, a man who was on
his death bed was taken to the king. The wise man advice the king to hang the
arch as it was the criminal. Consequently, a huge gallows were set up to hang the
arch. But, the councillor said that we cannot hang the arch as it has become pure
by touching the kings head.
By this moment the crowd became restless and impatient for a hanging. By fear of
rebellion, the king ordered the instant hanging of anyone to soothe the crowd.
Hence, everyone who was present tries to fit the high set noose But only the king
fitted it perfectly. And as per his order executioner hanged him.
In addition, the city had a bizarre custom of electing a new king. The custom was
that anyone who passes through the streets the next day will choose the king.
Hence, the next morning, when the guard asks a passer-by who must be the king,
he replied, “Melon.” Because the pedestrian was an idiot whose answers all the
questions with just one word “Melon.”
Therefore, they crown the melon as their king. And from that day onwards, they
pronounce the city as “Melon City.” And the locals tell this story to anyone who
asks them the reason behind the name of the city.
Conclusion of the Tale of Melon City Summary
Through this poem, the poet serves the message that the rule of the monarchy is
effective or not.