Organic Insect Management
Organic Insect Management
Organic Insect Management
Organic Insect
A Guide to Minimizing Insect Infestation and Damage in the Home Vegetable Garden
What are insects, and why is it critical to control the soil through additions of compost, organic
them in the vegetable garden? fertilizers and organic matter like leaves and
pine straw. Water plants judiciously and avoid
Insects are defined as small arthropod animals
drought stress if at all possible.
that have six legs and generally possess one or
two pairs of wings. Insects can damage all plant If you have weak plants, pull them out. You can
structures in vegetable crops. Insects can also reduce the likelihood of pests living in your
transmit vector diseases and bacteria into plants garden by clearing out old plant debris and
as they feed on them. Controlling insects can help weeds and disinfecting your tools after touching
a gardener produce better-yielding and more a diseased plant.
visually appealing fruit and vegetables to share or If the weather allows, you may want to consider
sell. planting your crops early. This allows the plants
What is the difference in organic and synthetic to reach maturity faster before insect pressure
insect control? becomes too high.
•• Organic control is when a gardener uses natural Crop rotation is strongly suggested. Certain
insecticides to reduce insect populations. plants belong to the same family. For example,
•• Synthetic control is when a gardener uses man- tomatoes, eggplants, peppers and potatoes are
made insecticides to reduce insect populations. all in the same family and should not be planted
in the same row season after season. Instead,
rotate where each family is planted.
Cultural practices to reduce
insect populations in the home The families of common home garden crops
vegetable garden
•• Alliums: onions, garlic, leeks and shallots
Scout your garden at least once a week for pest •• Umbellifers: carrots, celery, parsley and parsnips
problems. That way if you see a problem, you •• Asters: lettuce, sunflowers and a few other leafy
can fix it early. Do your best to identify the pest. greens
Not all insecticides control all insects, and not all •• Brassica: cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts,
insects are harmful to plants. Therefore, you’ll kale and many other leafy greens as well as
want to identify the pest first before spraying. If rutabagas and kohlrabi
you cannot find the insect, be able to describe •• Amaranth: beets and chard
the damage. For instance, descriptions such as, “It •• Cucurbits: cucumbers, melons, squash and
looks like bites were taken out of the leaf,” or “The gourds
damage looks like tiny holes,” help an extension •• Legumes: peas and beans
professional identify your pest. •• Grass (Poa): corn, wheat, oats and rye
Healthy plants are generally less susceptible to •• Solanaceae: tomatoes, peppers, eggplant and
pests. You can optimize plant health by improving potatoes
When planning your vegetable garden, consider are considered beneficial because they pollinate
the mature size of the crop in relation to spacing. crops, including butterflies and bees. Lady beetles
Avoid planting seeds or seedlings too close — commonly referred to as ladybugs — crawl
together. For example, tomato seedlings start all over our vegetables but never damage them.
off small but will grow at least 2 to 3 feet across. Instead, they eat soft-bodied insects such as
Plenty of space should be given between each aphids and mealy bugs that not only physically
plant to encourage air flow. If plants are too close damage crops but also transmit plant diseases.
together it could encourage disease. Proper For beneficial insects, like lady beetles, to work as
spacing will ensure your plants are not crowded a method of insect control, you must first identify
and may encourage vigorous growth. your problem insect (pest) and then determine
which beneficial insect will work the best. As the
Carefully consider how you will mulch your
population of the pest insect declines, so will
garden. Pine straw and leaves are excellent
the beneficial insect. Beneficial insects will move
organic mulches for the garden. Avoid barks,
from your garden to other places in search of
which can rob plants of nutrients.
food. Thus, beneficial insects generally need to
be purchased each year as a means of control.
Beneficial insects can be purchased at local plant
Using beneficial insects to nurseries and from online sources. Remember,
control pest insects beneficial insects are susceptible to both organic
Beneficial insects are natural predators of insect and non-organic insecticides. You will want to
pests, meaning they eat insects and not plants. limit spraying insecticides or not spray at all when
Some beneficial insects do not eat insects but using beneficial insects.
Stink bug cucumber beetle
Organic Insecticides 101 after 10 to 15 minutes or apply soaps on cloudy
days. Oils and soaps can burn plant foliage in hot,
There are a few organic insecticides available to sunny weather. You can dislodge aphids from
homeowners. Below are descriptions of insects plants by spraying them with water from a garden
and which methods of control — including which hose. Attract beneficial insects, like lady beetles, to
organic pesticides — may work best. your garden. They are natural predators of aphids.
Common organic insecticides Caterpillars and worms
•• Bacillus Thuringiensis Worms will frequent any member of the Brassica
•• Diatomaceous earth* family, including kale, broccoli and cauliflower.
•• Horticultural soaps Worms can be difficult to locate. Look for the frass
•• Kaolin clay* (worm droppings) on the tops of leaves. Consider
•• Neem oil planting thyme around cabbage or broccoli.
•• Pyrethrum Worms are repelled by phytochemicals produced
•• Plant oils by thyme. Use Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) to control
*Organic Materials Review Institute approved with some worms or caterpillars. Bt is a naturally occurring
restrictions bacterium that when sprayed on plants and eaten
Slugs by worms will kill the worms in a few days.
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