suggested cost sensitive strategy may successfully lower the Xianghui Yuan et al.[9] analyses the financial stability of
price of international investments and increase profitability. several combined choices of stock models that contain
At last, this study gives us knowledge on the usage of various feature selection and stock price trend prediction
machine learning models for stock market forecasting and algorithms. They construct such models using methods
emphasises the need to take into account cost sensitive including feature selection, time-sliding windows for cross
applications in this field. validation, and supervised methods. When choosing the top
1% of equities, the RF-RF integrated model occupies a place
Mahinda Mailagaha Kumbure et al.[4] highlighted that of profitable, producing a 29.51% annualised return. With an
previous evaluations frequently focused on library analysis, annualised return of 21.92% and a manageable maximum
finding highly cited publications and individuals, while drawdown of 13.58% from 2011 to 2018, further
giving few aspects about the estimation techniques, input examination utilising a divided back- testing approach
factors, and data used in this research. The current work was supports the model's profitability.
motivated by the lack of knowledge to offer a thorough
analysis of machine learning models that are usually used in Jui-sheng chou et al.[10] explains how to preview stock
financial forecasting. In-depth analyses of forecasting prices using support vector regression, also known as SVR,
methodologies, the subtleties of input variables and data and its variation, least squares support vector regression.
sources, and a close examination of particular variables and LSSVR is renowned for depending on hyperparameter
variable types utilised in the speaking of market forecasts are adjustment for optimum performance and is praised for its
all covered in the study, that offers a better view than earlier effectiveness in addressing massive regression issues.
evaluations. Artificial bee colonies, cuckoo searches, particle swarm
optimisation, and the firefly optimisation method are just a
Mohamed Sharaf et al.[5] tells that it is a habit for few examples of nature inspired optimisation methods that
researchers to analyse earlier literature to expand on current are being involved to automate the hyperparameter
knowledge and spot research gaps that influence their work. optimisation process. Particular values are placed on the
These connected studies may include conventional theories firefly algorithm (FA) due to its effectiveness in resolving
of portfolios and number of Machine Learning models for numerous optimisation issues, including market price
stock prediction, and also earlier attempts to optimise predictions. Fundamentals and their variations are referred to
portfolios using various methods and techniques. be effective tools for design and engineering optimisation
Researchers can place their investigation within the larger jobs.
framework of earlier research and highlight the originality
and contributions of their suggested strategy by looking at Sharanya Banerjee et al.[11] discusses several techniques
and citing comparable work. that are evaluated on technical analysis such as simple linear
regression models, support vector machines with Principal
YOUNGBIN KIM et al.[6] assumes that predicting stock Component Analysis (PCA), Artificial Neural Networks
prices includes using a variety of data sources and (ANN) with sentiment analysis, Hidden Markov Models,
algorithms. Researchers use text-based data from news and hybrid models using sentiment analysis and clustering
social media including numerical elements from previous methods, LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) networks, and
market data. For time-series modelling, they frequently LSTM combined with clustering methods. Each of these
employ Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) such as LSTM algorithms aims to anticipate stock prices.ck prices and
and GRU, to identify sequential trends. Several models trends.
investigate the impact of business events on stock prices
while others include sentiment analysis to identify investor KYUNGBOK MIN et al.[12] explains how to utilise stock
feelings from text. Transformer encoders capture temporal fundamentals to anticipate stock price trends by analysing
correlations inside and between stocks, whereas graph-based the correlation between financial news stories and historical
systems describe inter-company interactions. price movements in stocks. Although earlier studies
demonstrated the efficacy of such methods, they frequently
NAGARAJ NAIK et al.[7] describes correlations between ignored the structural links inside phrases. Due to its
the shares and currency rates, the usage of Support Vector capacity to preserve memory across numerous time steps,
Machines (SVM) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), recurrent neural networks are presented to be most effective
specifically in a setting of Korean stock market information, alternative to convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for text
and the application of Autoregressive Integrated Moving and audio processing. However, when it comes to
Average (ARIMA) models alone or in combination to dependency over time, RNNs experience the issue of
capture non-linear patterns. The article also discusses the gradients disappearing. long short term memory and a model
importance of Deep Neural Networks (DNN) which will known as Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) units are suggested
validate the scant literature on equity crisis prediction, as remedies to this problem, with GRU being statistically
giving ideas for extended research in this field. The paper more effective. Schuster's model is where the concept of a
offers insightful analyses of the various price forecasting two-stream GRU was first introduced, and it is also
techniques and their applications. introduced in the context which demonstrates how machine
Daiyou Xiao et al.[8] offers an overview of how Machine learning algorithms are utilised for predicting stock price
Learning Models are being used within the banking industry, trends by examining the relationship among financial news
particularly to forecast stock values using both conventional items and past stock price changes. Even if past research
and machine learning models. The study depicts the case showed that these techniques worked, they typically
study of a New York Stock Exchange dataset that spans the overlooked the structural links inside phrases.
years 2010 to 2019. To predict stock prices and their HAMED JABANI et al.[13]. gives information about how to
correlations among them the two basic models such as properly estimate stock trends using a combination of
ARIMA (autoregressive integrated moving average) and algorithms and methodologies. Firstly, it utilises different
LSTM (long short-term memory) neural networks are used. economic indicators, including the Simple Moving Average
The outcome of experimentation shows that all of the (SMA), Weighted Moving Average (WMA), Momentum
models have the ability of accurately forecasting correlations (MOM), Stochastic Oscillator (STCK), Stochastic Oscillator
and shares, with LSTM beating ARIMA in this regard. Signal Line (STCD), Larry Williams Percent Range (LWR),
VOLUME 18, ISSUE 4, 2024 32 http://xadzkjdx.cn/