Cdlo Phy Xii 202324
Cdlo Phy Xii 202324
Cdlo Phy Xii 202324
Knowledge Has the child assimilated the facts, figures and theories discussed in the class room? This Questions based on
includes questions like define, Stating Laws, Theories, Expansion of abbreviations etc. all the cognition
levels are asked.
Understanding It tests whether the child has comprehended the concepts. This includes questions like Weightage of each
describe, differentiate, compare, justify, reason, derive, classify, illustrate etc. level is as per the
Application & Can the child apply the concepts learnt, in daily life situations? This includes questions like recommendation.
Skill 20 Problem solving, numerical interpretation of data, reasoning, application in daily life
situation etc.
This section mentions the term wise distribution of the syllabus including the portion for Formative assessments (FA), Midterm assessments, Annual
examination along with the SCM schedule. It also gives an overview of what student must know from the various sub topics.
The question paper has four sections, details of which are given below. [Total = 25 Marks, Duration: 45 minutes]
MCQ 1 7 7
Section A Assertion and
1 2 2
Total 15 25
Internal Choice: There is no overall choice in the paper. However, there is an internal choice for Section B, C and D
The question paper has five sections, detail of which is given below: [(Theory 70 marks + Practical 30 Marks), Duration: 3 Hrs.]
MCQ 1 12 12
Section A
Assertion and
1 4 4
Section B (Short Answer - I) 2 5 10
Total 33 70
The record, to be submitted by the students, at the time of their annual examination, has to include:
Topic Marks
Investigatory Project 3
Total 30
infinite plane sheet and terms of electric potential, field Topics of SCM's
uniformly charged thin of a dipole, dipole in a field.
• Electrostatics
spherical shell (field inside
• Analyses and interprets data,
and outside). • Current electricity
graphs such as, field due to a
uniformly charged thin • Magnetic effect of
• Electromagnetic
induction &
Chapter 2: Electrostatic The learner Art integrated Learning 15 alternating current
Potential and Capacitance
• Understands the electric Organization, display and
Electric potential, potential potential of a point charge,
difference, electric potential superposition principle, and periodical and sessional
due to a point charge, a dipole electric potential of system of work. (
and system of charges; charge.
equipotential surfaces,
• Relation between electric field
electrical potential energy of a
and potential: equi-potential
system of two point charges
surface and region.
and of electric dipole in an
• Applies concepts of capacitance
electrostatic field. Conductors
and insulators, free charges in daily life with reasoning while
and bound charges inside a decision-making and solving
conductor. Dielectrics and problems
No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning outcome Activity
Periods & Topics of SCMs
characteristics (linear and • Mathematically interprets resistor using metre • Moving Charges
non-linear), electrical energy temperature dependence of bridge. and Magnetism.
and power, electrical resistance.
resistivity and conductivity.
Temperature dependence of 3. To verify the laws of
resistance. combination (series) of
resistances using a
metre bridge.
5. To determine the
internal resistance of
given primary cell using
No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning outcome Activity
Periods & Topics of SCMs
Chapter 9: Ray Optics and
1. To find the value of v
• The learner
Optical Instruments
for different values of u
• Differentiates the types of
Reflection of light, spherical in case of a concave
mirrors, mirror formula. mirror and lenses and respective mirror and to find the
Refraction of light, total ray diagrams for image formation focal length.
internal reflection and optical along the mathematical tactics
2. To find the focal length
fibres, refraction at spherical and analysis.
of a convex mirror,
surfaces, lenses, thin lens • Understands the applications
using a convex lens.
formula, lens- of different lenses, mirrors and
formula. Magnification, power 3. To find the focal length
optical instrument in our daily
of a lens, combination of thin of a convex lens by
lenses in contact. Refraction plotting graphs between
• Appreciates the concept of u and v or between 1/u
of light through a prism.
total internal reflection and and 1/v.
relate its application in daily life.
Optical instruments: • Is able to derive expression for
Microscopes and astronomical the formation of image due to
No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning outcome Activity
Periods & Topics of SCMs
telescopes (reflecting and refraction at the concave and 4. To find the focal length
refracting) and their convex spherical surfaces for of a concave lens, using
magnifying powers. both real and virtual images. a convex lens.
Chapter 10: Wave Optics • Understands the concept of Experiments: Entire Syllabus
wave front and relate it to
W differentiate between the 5. To determine angle of
principle, reflection and theories of wave optics and ray minimum deviation for
refraction of plane wave at a a given prism by PB2 ()
plane surface using wave plotting a graph Entire Syllabus
• Will be able to state the
fronts. Proof of laws of between angle of
Huygens principle and hence the
reflection and refraction incidence and angle of
laws of reflection and refraction.
deviation. Topics of SCM's
• Will be able to understand the
6. To determine refractive • Dual nature of matter
slit experiment and phenomenon of interference of
index of a glass slab & radiation photo
expression for fringe width waves and relate it to understand
using a travelling
(No derivation final its application in optical electric effect
expression only),coherent observations.
sources and sustained
No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning outcome Activity
Periods & Topics of SCMs
interference of light. • Will be able to understand the 7. To find refractive index • Atoms & nuclei
Diffraction due to a single slit, of a liquid by using s alpha
width of central maximum double slit experiment and convex lens and plane particle
(qualitative treatment only). expression for fringe width, mirror.
• Semiconductor devices
coherent sources and sustained
Art integrated Learning
interference of light.
Study of lines, strokes,
• Will be able to understand the
colours, shades, tones,
phenomenon of diffraction of
textures, etc. while
waves and relate it to understand
organizing two-
its application in optical
dimensional space with
two dimensional and
• Understand the experimental three-dimensional shapes
set up for diffraction due to single and forms (
for radius of nth possible • Recognizes and applies the incident obliquely on a
orbit, velocity and energy of concepts related to Bohr model, glass slab.
electron in nth orbit, energy levels, hydrogen 5. To observe polarization
hydrogen line spectra spectrum. of light using two
(qualitative treatment only). Polaroids.
• Analyses and interprets
Chapter 13: Nuclei different types of nuclear 6. To observe diffraction
radiations. of light due to a thin
Composition and size of
• Takes initiative to learn about slit.
nucleus, nuclear force.
the newer research, discoveries 7. To study the nature
Mass-energy relation, mass and inventions related to Mass- and size of the image
defect; binding energy per energy relation, mass defect; formed by a (i) convex
nucleon and its variation binding energy per nucleon and lens, (ii) concave
with mass number; nuclear its variation with mass number mirror, on a screen by
fission and fusion. using a candle and a
• Differentiates between nuclear
screen (for different
fusion and nuclear fission
distances of the candle
from the lens/mirror).
Art integrated Learning
Computer graphics.
No. of Portion for Assessments
Month Course Description Learning outcome Activity
Periods & Topics of SCMs