Week 7 Assignment 7: Assignment Submitted On 2023-03-14, 07:09 IST
Week 7 Assignment 7: Assignment Submitted On 2023-03-14, 07:09 IST
Week 7 Assignment 7: Assignment Submitted On 2023-03-14, 07:09 IST
(https://swayam.gov.in) (https://swayam.gov.in/nc_details/NPTEL)
NPTEL (https://swayam.gov.in/explorer?ncCode=NPTEL) » NBA Accreditation and Teaching and learning in Engineering (NATE) (course)
Course outline
Week 7 Assignment 7
How does an NPTEL The due date for submitting this assignment has passed.
online course work? Due on 2023-03-15, 23:59 IST.
One topic
Week 2: POs. PSOs,
and Taxonomy of One classroom session
Learning (Module 1: One Course Outcome/Competency
One laboratory session
Framework) ()
Yes, the answer is correct.
Score: 1
Week 3: Cognitive
Accepted Answers:
and Knowledge
One Course Outcome/Competency
dimensions of the
taxonomy, and other
Learning Domains 2) It is good to record briefly one’s observations immediately after the conduct of an Instructional Unit because 1 point
(Module 1: NBA and
They can help the teacher to ensure attendance by all
OBE Framework) ()
They can serve as a basis for improvements during next offering of the course
Week 4: Attainment They can serve to keep track of an identified set of students
of Outcomes The record of session conducted is created
(Module 1: NBA and
Yes, the answer is correct.
OBE Framework) ()
Score: 1
Accepted Answers:
Week 5: ISD and They can serve as a basis for improvements during next offering of the course
Analysis Phase
(Module 2: Course
3) Student feedback during the session can be on two of the following: 1 point
Design and
Instruction) () Pace of instruction
The credit load of the semester
Week 6: Design
Phase and Scope of the course content
Development Phase Alignment between the COs and instruction
(Module 2: Course
Yes, the answer is correct.
Design and Score: 1
Instruction) () Accepted Answers:
Pace of instruction
Week 7: Implement Alignment between the COs and instruction
and Evaluate
Phases (Module 2: 4) Course Exit Survey is 1 point
Course Design and
Instruction) () Formative in nature
Summative in nature
M2 U10. ADDIE -
Implement Phase 1
Encouraging to students
(unit? Encouraging to teachers
Yes, the answer is correct.
M2 U11. ADDIE -
Score: 1
Implement Phase 2 Accepted Answers:
(unit? Summative in nature
5) CO attainments are computed based on 1 point
M2 U12. Exit Surveys
1 (unit?
Quality of instruction
Quality of learning material
M2 U13. Exit Surveys
Student performance in all the summative instruments of the course
2 (unit?
unit=66&lesson=70) Mid-semester student feedback