Environmental Humanities - Sorlin
Environmental Humanities - Sorlin
Environmental Humanities - Sorlin
Humanities Seriously?
Author(s): Sverker Sörlin
Source: BioScience , Vol. 62, No. 9 (September 2012), pp. 788-789
Published by: Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Institute of Biological
Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1525/bio.2012.62.9.2
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Sverker Sörlin
going into the emerging concept of values, ideas, history, thinking, religion, established truths. Although ecologists
environmental humanities. This is a and communication to bring their and economists have put consider-
broad multidisciplinary approach that knowledge to bear on critical global able hope over the last two decades
signals a new willingness in the human- issues. Norway has started the Cultural into the idea that we may be able to
ities to forgo the primary focus on Conditions Underlying Social Change defend ecosystem services by translat-
disciplines (as in, e.g., environmental program. Among its highest-priority ing them into monetary terms, several
philosophy, environmental history) for areas of interest are the environment humanities scholars (in alliance with
a common effort in which the rel- and climate change. many skeptical scientists) have pre-
evance of human action is on par with Some of the most remarkable sented fundamental criticism of this
the environmental aspect. Programs work on the environment in recent approach. Uncritically applying the
for the environmental humanities have years has already been carried out by indiscriminately universalizing tool of
already started to emerge in universities humanities scholars. Lawrence Buell monetized services risks doing more
in Europe, Australia, and the United at Harvard sparked off the ecocritical harm than good to the environment.
States, including at Stanford. The Con- movement in literary studies from the In particular, it runs the risk of margin-
sortium of Humanities Centers and 1990s with a string of books, including alizing social groups—and, therefore,
Institutes (CHCI), an assembly of more his Writing for an Endangered World civic values—as they try to articulate
than 70 humanities centers worldwide, (2001). His colleague Ursula K. Heise value-based agendas for defending
has its own Initiative Humanities at Stanford articulated the emerging nature and urban space.
for the Environment, which “serves idea of a global humanity with a plan- The arrival of humanists to the
as a network and resource for cen- etary conscience in her book Sense of environmental enterprise should be
ters to develop (or extend) program- Place and Sense of Planet (2008). If this welcomed. It will mean new opportu-
ming, research, and dialogue related is an emerging idea, the outlook in a nities for bioscientists to collaborate
to contemporary environmental chal- few generations may in fact be brighter with those in the humanities and vice
lenges” (http://initiatives.chcinetwork. than we think. versa, as is already the case in the deeply
org/environment). The Transatlantic In France, superstar sociologist– transnational International Geosphere–
Environmental Research Network in philosopher Bruno Latour is currently Biosphere Programme’s Integrated
Environmental Humanities links sev- reconfiguring his country’s leading pol- History and Future of People on Earth
eral universities in the United States icy school, the Sciences Po, putting his (IHOPE). It will mean deeper reflexiv-
and Canada with primarily German ideas of a major environmental turn of ity and an increased competition of
counterparts, including the recently set the planetary enterprise at center stage. ideas and perspectives. It will also bring
up Rachel Carson Center in Munich. At the Science Policy Research depart- a sense of realism back to our work
Princeton’s Institute for Advanced ment at the University of Sussex, Andy for the environment and sustainability.
Study has devoted 2013 and 2014 to Stirling has invited us to consider what When even humanists have come to
the environmental humanities as their he calls directionality as we conceive the point at which they consider the
chosen thematic field. research policy for economic growth in environment (almost) as important as
A new journal, Environmental order to achieve real progress, not just people, there may—malgré tout—be
Humanities, will be launched this more of the same destructive kind of reason for hope.
November; it is based at the University growth. Literary scholar Rob Nixon at
of New South Wales, where there is the University of Wisconsin–Madison, Sverker Sörlin (sorlin@kth.se) is a professor of
also an interdisciplinary environmental argues that a “slow violence” (part of environmental history in the Division of History of
humanities program. Several scholarly the title of his 2011 book, Slow Violence Science, Technology and Environment, at the Royal
environmental humanities networks and the Environmentalism of the Poor) Institute of Technology (KTH), and is affiliated
with the Stockholm Resilience Centre, both in
are active in Scandinavia, and some of plagues the poorest people on Earth,
Stockholm, Sweden. He is responsible for setting up
their work will appear a new volume, who shoulder a disproportionate share the KTH Environmental Humanities Laboratory,
Defining the Environmental Humanities, of the burden when the rich outsource which will be in full operation as of 2013. He is the
derived from a recent conference in their ecological footprint—dumping editor, with Libby Robin and Paul Warde, of
Sweden. After decades of very little waste, axing forests, or relocating dan- The Future of Nature: Documents of Global
Change (forthcoming from Yale University Press).
interest in funding large-scale environ- gerous workplaces.
mental work in the humanities, funders Environmentally aware humanities
have started to invite experts on human scholars have already begun to challenge doi:10.1525/bio.2012.62.9.2