Mining Unit Guideline 2012
Mining Unit Guideline 2012
Mining Unit Guideline 2012
Abatement of Pollution
Mining Operations
Annexure 1 Proforma Affidavit for CTE/CTO
Annexure 2 Areas Identified by CGWA as Safe/ Semi Critical /Critical/ Over Exploited
Annexure 3 Key Parameters for Monitoring – MoEF, GoI
Annexure 4 National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)
Annexure 5 Model Eco-Friendly Mining Plan – DMG, Rajasthan
Annexure 6 General Standards for Discharge of Effluents
Annexure 7 Noise Ambient Air Quality Standards
Annexure 8 Noise Limits for Generator Sets run with Diesel
Annexure 9 Form-V Environmental statement for the financial year ending the 31st March
Annexure 10 Geo-referenced Cadastral Map
Annexure 11 Proforma of Inspection Reports for inspection of Mining Units
The State Board has issued detailed guidelines from time to time to facilitate the process
of grant of consent to establish/ consent to operate and to suitably guide/ advise the
industries for taking appropriate measures for abatement of pollution. The purpose of
developing sector specific guidance manual for Mining projects is to provide clear and
concise information to all the stakeholders i.e. project proponent, environmental
consultant, Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board officials and the public to have a
better understanding on the relevant environmental aspects in the initial stage itself. This
Guidelines covers the legal requirements, clearance process, environmental standards
and maintenance of statutory records. The manual will also cover the environmental
concerns related to mining of minerals. The project proponent may use these Guidelines
to ensure that all the aspects of the environment due to the project are addressed and
adequate mitigation measures are planned in the environmental management plan and
project proponent will be fully aware of the environmental process and requirements.
Public who are concerned about mining of minerals, should have information about the
environmental aspects, standards, regulatory requirements etc., and have a better
understanding about the mining activity.
This sector specific guideline by Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board is prepared
in line with National Environmental Policy 2006, which emphasizes on:
- Formulate and periodically update codes of good practices for environment for
different category of industries
- Ensure faster decision making with greater transparency and access to information,
together with necessary capacity building
The guideline is meant to serve as a guide. In case of interpretation of any question
related to law, the provisions of the original law and the rules made thereunder with
various government directions/resolutions will have to be read and followed.
In case of amendment to the original Act/Rules/Notifications made thereunder, the
provisions as amended from time to time shall be applicable.
1.1 Introduction
The process involved in the mining industry is such that if appropriate measures are
not taken, it may lead to pollute air and/ or water, besides impact on Land, soil,
flora and fauna. Therefore, it is mandatory that mining units must be established
only after seeking proper consent under Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution)
Act, 1981 (Air Act) and/or Water Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974
(Water Act). Likewise, after getting established, the mining Units must be put to
operation only after valid consent to operate under the above mentioned laws. Any
violation in this regard is a criminal offence.
1.2 Minerals resources of Rajasthan
With total geographical area of 3,42,239 sq. km, occupying 10.41 % of India’s total
area and having population (2001Census) of about 5.65 crore, Rajasthan ranks first
in production of Minor Minerals by contributing about 30% share of the nation’s
production and occupies fifth place in terms of the value of Major Minerals
produced. Out of 23,818 leases in force in the State (15.10.2010), 2,384 leases are
of Major Minerals, 10,147 leases of Minor Minerals, and 10,287 Quarry Licenses of
Minor Minerals. Minerals contributed Rs. 1560.48 crores (rent and royalty) to the
State’s exchequer during 2009-10 as compared to Rs 1213.02 crores during the
preceding year 2008-09
Rajasthan is the sole producer of jasper, lead & zinc concentrate and wollastonite.
Rajasthan was the sole producer of garnet (gem) till 2004-05. Almost entire
production of calcite and natural gypsum in the country comes from Rajasthan.
State is a major producer of asbestos, copper concentrate, ochre, Rock phosphate,
silver, steatite, ball clay, fluorite and feldspar. The State is also an important
producer of marble having various shades. Makrana area is world famous centre
for marble mining. Country’s more than 90% resources of wollastonite, lead &
zinc ore and potash are located in Rajasthan. State has a main share in the total
resources of silver ore (84%), gypsum (81%), bentonite (80%), fuller’s earth
(74%), diatomite (72%), ochre (71%), marble (63%), feldspar (62%), calcite
(53%), mica (51%), talc/ steatite/soapstone (50%), asbestos (49%), copper (48%),
ball clay (36%), rock phosphate (31%), tungsten (31%), fluorite (26%), granite
(23%), gold (primary) (17%) and china clay (14%).
The value of mineral production in Rajasthan during 2007-08 was Rs.4931 crores
which increased by 6% as compared to the previous year. Its share to the total
value of mineral production in the country in 2007-08 was about 4.6%.The value
of production of minor minerals was estimated at Rs.2,578 crores for the year
2007-08. The index of mineral production in Rajasthan (base 1993 - 94 = 100) was
200.5 in 2007-08 as against 176.9 in the previous year.
The following table shows the contribution of the Minor mineral and Major
mineral in the state of Rajasthan during the year 2007-08. It is evident from the
statistics that the contribution of the minor mineral is far more than the major
mineral, not only in terms of production, but the total revenue to state exchequer,
the employment it has generated and its share in the overall economy of the state,
thus making the small scale mining significant.
Marble, Masonry stones, Sand Stone, Serpentine and other Decorative Stone, etc.
as specified in Schedule-I appended with Minor Mineral Concession Rules 1986.
(i) The case where capacity of existing mining unit is proposed to be enhanced, it
will be treated as the case of establishing new mining unit.
(ii) The mining units will also be required to comply with the conditions laid
down in all other laws for the time being in force. The consent to establish /
consent to operate issued under the Air Act/Water Act does not absolve the
project proponent from the other statutory obligations prescribed under any
other law or any other instrument.
The State Board has delegated powers to Regional Officers to grant or refuse
consent to establish and consent to operate to all Mining/Quarrying of Minerals in
area less than 5.0 hectares except in case of Schedule Major Minerals and Mines
covered under Aravalli Notification. However, when a consent application is
refused by Regional Officer, the decision on the application submitted
subsequently will be taken by the Head Office (Ref. Board office Order No. F.14
(57) POLICY/ RPCB/ Plg/ 9260 Dated 21.12.2010) – Refer Board’s website
It is estimated that there are nearly 200 enactments in the country, which deal
with the protection of forests, wildlife, land use, and prevention and control of
water, air and noise pollution.
Mining of minerals other than coal, lignite, natural gas and petroleum is regulated
under the Mines and Minerals (Development & Regulation) Act, 1957, amended
in 1994; Mineral Concession Rules, 1960; and the Mineral Conservation and
Development Rules, 1988 besides the Rajasthan Minor Mineral Concession Rules
1986 which deal with the concession of Minor Minerals in the state. These acts
and rules have provisions for environment preservation and protection while
carrying out mining operations. Following are the main environmental legislation,
which cover the mining industry:
1. The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 (As amended to
2. The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 (As amended to Date)
3. The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (with rules 1986 and 1987)
4. The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 (amended in 1988)
5. The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 (amended in 1991)
The important features of the some of the Acts and Rules concerning mine
environment are as follows:
4.1 Provisions related to Environment in MMRD Rules 1988
The chapter V Rule- 31 – 41 of Mineral Conservation & Development Rules,
1988 enumerates the provisions to safeguard the Environment from Mining
Activity which is provided below for ready reference:
(5) Wherever back-filling of waste rock in the area excavated during mining
operations is not feasible, the waste dumps shall be suitably terraced and
stabilized through vegetation or otherwise.
(6) The fines, rejects or tailings from mine, beneficiation or metallurgical
plants shall be deposited and disposed in a specially prepared tailings disposal
area such that they are not allowed to flow away and cause land degradation
or damage to agricultural field, pollution of surface water bodies and ground
water or cause floods.
to a minimum. These effluents shall be suitably treated, if required, to
conform to the standards laid down in this regard.
5.1 Specific Requirements:- Water Act
Section 25 (1) Subject to the provisions of this section, no person shall, without the
Restrictions on new previous consent of the State Board:
outlets and discharges A. Establish or take any steps to establish any industry, operation or
process, or any treatment and disposal system or an extension or
addition thereto, which is likely to discharge sewage or trade effluent
into a stream or well or sewer or on land (such discharge being
hereafter in this section referred to as discharge of sewage); or
B. Bring into use any new or altered outlets for the discharge of sewage;
C. Begin to make any new discharge of sewage
Section 44 Whoever contravenes the provision of section 25 shall be punishable
Penalty of contravention with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than two years but
of section 25 which may extend to six years and with fine
5. • The following conditions shall be imposed while issuing Consent to Establish:
• The artificial recharge proposal shall be vetted by the component authority viz.
Regional Director, Central Ground Water Board (WR), Jaipur/State Ground Water
Department, Jaipur
• Industry shall undertake artificial recharge measures
• Recycled and /or treated water shall not be used for recharge to ground water
• Industry shall provide suitable meter system and maintain proper record of the
daily abstraction of ground water
6. A copy of consent letter will be endorsed to Regional Director, Central Ground Water
Board (WR), 6A, Jhalana Institutional Area, Jaipur for their information and necessary
action by RPCB
Please refer RPCB Circular dated 08.01.2010 for further information
• Construction of any clusters of dwelling units, farm houses, sheds,
community centres, information centres and any other activity connected with
such construction (including roads, a part of any infrastructure relating
• Electrification (laying of new transmission lines)
Areas • All reserved forests, protected forests or any other area shown as “forest in
covered the land records maintained by the State Government as on the date of this
under the notification in relation to Gurgaon District of the State of Haryana and the
Notification Alwar District of the State of Rajasthan
• All areas shown as
a. Gair Mumkin Pahar, or
b. Gair Mumkin Rada, or
c. Gair Mumkin Behed, or
d. Banjad Beed, or
e. Rundh
In the land records maintained by the State Government as on the date of this
notification in relation to Gurgaon district of the State of Haryana and the Alwar
district of the State of Rajasthan
• All areas covered by notifications issued under Section 4 and 5 of the Punjab
Land Preservation Act, 1900, as applicable to the State of Haryana in the
district of Gurgaon up to the date of this notification
• All areas of Sariska National Park and Sariska Sanctuary notified under the
Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 (53 of 1972)
Clearance Any person desirous of undertaking any of the activities mentioned in the
process Notification No. 319 (E) dated 7th May 1992 shall submit an application to the
Secretary, Department of Environment of the Government of Haryana/Rajasthan,
as the case may be. The applicant shall also furnish environment impact
statement and an environment management plan and such other information as
may be prescribed by such State Governments. The application after due scrutiny
shall be placed before the Expert Committee for its recommendations. Based on
the recommendations of the Expert Committee, the Department of Environment
in the State Government concerned shall take a final decision and convey the
same to the applicant within the three months from the date of receipt of
application or when further information has been asked for from the applicant
within three months from the date of receipt of such information
Monitoring Monitoring Committee, under the Chairmanship of District Collector concerned
mechanism (Gurgaon in Haryana and Alwar in Rajasthan) shall inter alia monitor the
compliance of the conditions stipulated while according Environmental
Clearance by State Government
The District collectors of Gurgaon in Haryana and Alwar in Rajasthan shall be
authorized by the respective State Governments to take necessary action under
section 5 of the said Act in respect of cases where the project proponents fail to
implement the conditions
Appeal The MoEF retains appellate power against rejection of any proposal and the
provision National Environmental Appellate Authority constituted under the National
Environment Appellate Authority Act, 1997 (22 of 1997) shall continue as an
Appellate Authority against approval
Note: Refer the Notification for details
Boundaries a. The said eco-sensitive zone is situated in the southern area of Rajasthan in
of the eco- Sirohi District between 240 33’42’’ and 240 39’ 00’’ North latitude and between
sensitive 720 41’ 36’’ and 720 48’ 06’’ East longitude and the configuration of land is hilly
zone and rugged with high altitudinal variation ranging from 300 meter to 1727 meter.
Gurushikar, the highest peak of the Aravalli, is the highest peak between the
Himalayas and the Nilgiris. The boundaries of the said eco-sensitive zone
b. The Eco-sensitive zone covers the entire area of Notified Urban Area Limit,
including Mount Abu Municipal Limits adjoining Forest Block Areas
c. The list of the villages in the eco-sensitive zone – Sanigaon, Machgaon,
Goagaon, Delwara, Oriya, Jawal, Achalgarh, Salgaon, Torna, Dudhai, Hetamji
and Ama
d. All activities in the Forest Block Areas (both within and outside Municipal
Areas) shall be governed by the provisions of the Rajasthan Forest Act, 1953 and
the Forests (Conservation) Act, 1980 (69 of 1980) and all the activities in the
Protected Areas (Sanctuary) shall be governed by the provisions of the Wildlife
(Protection) Act, 1972 (53 of 1972)
Quarrying The quarrying and mining activities shall be restricted in the Eco-sensitive zone
and mining
The monitoring committee shall have the authority to grant special permission for
limited quarrying of materials required for the construction of local residential
housing and traditional road making and maintenance work in Mount Abu, based
on site evaluation
No quarrying shall be permitted on steep hill slopes with a gradient of 20 degrees
or more or areas with a high degree of erosion, or on forestland
Note: Refer the Notification for complete details
As per EIA Notification S.O.1533 (E) dated 14th September 2006 as amended on
1.12.2009 and till date, has made it mandatory to obtain prior environmental clearance for
certain mining projects. The following is the categorization made for applicability of EIA
Mining of > 50 ha of mining lease area <50 ha >5 ha of mining General Condition
minerals in respect of non-coal mine lease area in respect of shall apply
lease. non-coal mine lease.
Note: (i) Prior
>150 ha of mining lease area <150 ha >5 ha of mining
environment clearance
in respect of coal mine lease. lease area in respect of coal
is as well required at
mine lease.
the stage of renewal of
mine lease for which
Asbestos mining irrespective
application should be
of mining area.
made up to one year
prior to date of
(ii) Mineral prospecting
is exempted.
Authority for MoEF, GOI on the State/Union territory
approval of recommendations of Expert Environmental Impact
TOR & Appraisal Committee (EAC) Assessment Authority
issue/reject (SEIAA) on the
of EC recommendations of State
or Union territory level
Expert Appraisal
Committee (SEAC)
(a) General condition should apply*
General Condition (GC): Any project or activity specified in Category ‘B’ will be treated as
Category A, if located in whole or in part within 10 km from the boundary of: i) Protected areas
notified under the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972, ii) Critically polluted areas as notified by the
Central Pollution Control Board from time to time, iii) Notified Eco-sensitive areas, iv) Inter-state
boundaries and international boundaries
Prior Environmental Clearance is required in case of following
1 New Mining Projects
2 Mining Lease Renewal is pending or became due on the Date of Notification of EIA
3 Expansion of Production after EIA Notification
4 Increase in the Lease Area after EIA Notification
5 Addition of the New Mineral in the Mining Lease after EIA Notification
Form 1 along with pre- feasibility project report
with proposed TOR to MoEF (EAC)
on the Public consultation
MoEF process by SPCB/UTPCC
Display at Panchayat, ZP, DM/DC/Dy.
Proceedings of public Com & on the SPCB/UTPCC website
Proceedings to MoEF
Figure 6.1 Prior Environmental Clearance Process for Category ‘A’ Projects
Form 1, pre- feasibility project report with
proposed TOR to SEAC
Treated as
category A - if
di i l
Scoping by EAC
(Site visit by sub group
EC- rejected by
SEIAA on the
Proceedings of public
Submission of half
Display of
Post EC monitoring yearly compliance compliance
report to SEIAA report on
Figure 6.2 Prior Environmental clearance processes for category ‘B’ projects
6.1 Validity of TOR
From 01.04.2010, the prescribed TORs would be valid for a period of two
years for submission of the EIA reports, after public consultation where so
required. This period will be extended to the 3rd year, based on the proper
justification and approval of the EAC/SEAC, as the case may be (MoEF
circular dated 22nd March 2010).
Board of Education and Training (NABET). The consultants shall include the
copy of the accreditation certificate and that provided by the other
organizations/laboratories including their status of approvals etc. the
EIA/EMP reports prepared by the consultants who are not registered with
NABET/QCI shall not be considered by the Ministry after 30th July 2010.
Mine development
Mine development
Mine development
Conventional Longwall
Ore Overburden Room & Pillar
breakage removal
Conventional Continuous
Continuous Room & Pillar Mining
Ore breakage Mining
Coal winning
Excavation /
Loading Blasting
Haulage Loading
Beneficiation Haulage
Further processing
7.2 Mining Methods
Method Deposit
• 5 km. radius from the boundary limits of mine lease area of < 50 hectares should be
“buffer zone”
• Maps (appropriate scale) of the study area (core and buffer zones) clearly delineating
the locations of various monitoring stations (air/water/noise/soil), superimposed on
locations of habitats are to be shown
• Indicate 2km, 5km distance from the boundary limits of mine lease by appropriate
• Monitoring and testing should be done as per guidelines of CPCB/ MoEF
Mineral/Overburden operator
• Water spray on mineral ore /
overburden material prior to
Haul Roads / High dust • Both dumper and conveyor
Transportation potential transportation. Provision for
automatic water sprinkle system on
permanent road and water spray by
tankers on temporary road
• Covering of the material with
turpentine in case of long haulage
or in case the road is passing
through in close proximity of
• Green belt of trees with good
footage on both side of haul road
• Provision of water spay on the
dumper to arrest fine dust before it
is transported to crusher
Crushing of Mineral High potential of • Automatic water spray in crusher
dust and hopper and unloading point.
occupational Suitable enclosure for the conveyor
hazard system
• Provision of bag filter in crusher
• Barrier in form of greenbelt all
around in the vicinity of the crusher
to trap fugitive dust
Storage of Mineral High potential Covered storage yards with greenbelt
and occupational of adequate width all around
quantity of overburden to be generated during the entire life of the mine and its
management. The lessee will construct a Retaining wall and siltation around the
waste dump as per the standard practice and procedure.
iv. In-pit dumping of mine waste – in-pit dumping of mine waste should be promoted
wherever possible rather than external dumping. In case of external dumping, it
should be stabilized by suitable plantations.
v. Rain water runoff management – runoff from the mine and waste dumps should
be regulated by constructing check dams and garland drains, a detailed plan shall be
vi. Mine drainage management – mine drainage is to be treated adequately before
appropriate discharge outside the boundary of the mine area.
vii. Rain water harvesting – check dams on natural nallah and developing water bodies
should be planned for recharging water.
viii. Fugitive emissions – adequate dust control/suppression system during Drilling and
blasting, haulage, processing/ crushing, storage etc should be planned. In case dust
suppression is planned, proper assessment on water quantity requirement and
reliable source should be addressed
ix. Noise control – engineering noise control by noise reduction at the source and by
interpretation of the noise path from the source to the receiver
x. Noise and ground vibration from blasting – be careful in designing a blast hole
drilling pattern or blast geometry with appropriate burden distance, spacing as holes,
hole size, hole depth and stemming height, and powder factor. Required Permissions
form the Director General Mines Safety and Director, Explosives be obtained and
copy be submitted to State Board. Controlled Blasting be promoted.
xi. Stress on road network – the number of vehicles for transportation of ROM,
capacity of the vehicles and stress on the existing road network and requirements for
improvement should be assessed
xii. Mine waste management – phase wise waste management should be shown on
surface plan in the mine leased area for the 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th & 30th year.
xiii. Mine closure plan – In case of Major Minerals whether mine closure plan is
prepared as per Rules. In case of Minor Minerals also project proponent shall submit
a Mine closure plan.
xiv. Green belt development – identification of areas for development of greenbelt,
suitable plant species, suitability of the soil conditions, any requirement of soil
treatment and water availability should be addressed
xv. Monitoring – The monitoring requirement (parameters & frequency) should be
outlined based on MoEF circular guidelines on this subject.
iv The dust extraction and collection system shall be regularly inspected and
maintained in good condition and shall be used as required.
v A high standard of housekeeping shall be maintained. Any piles of materials
accumulated on or around the mine process shall be cleaned up regularly.
vi Malfunctioning or breakdown of equipment leading to abnormal emissions
shall be dealt with promptly. In any case, the abnormal emission due to
equipment failure shall be stopped as soon as practicable.
vii The premises of the mine must clearly be demarcated by having pillars.
1. Whenever the lessees dig out the available top soil, they may store it separately
in such a manner that it could be utilized for stabilizing of dumps created by
depositing overburden, by intensive plantation
2. For minerals like gypsum, brick earth etc. where mining is shallow for very
small depths (1m to 5m), waste & overburden generated during mining
operations, must be refilled. After leveling, top soil collected must be spread
over it and suitable plantation should be done
3. All leaseholders should check the water channels in their mining lease areas and
clear/clean them before the rains start. Water should flow in its natural path and
there should be no obstruction created by way of unplanned mining activities
4. If some diversion of water channels becomes necessary due to availability of
mineral in lease area at a particular location only, new drains following the
contours be constructed by lessees, so that water flows un-obstructed to main
water bodies/ponds / tanks/natural reservoirs
5. The overburden should not be dumped in such a manner that it flows with water
in the nearby tanks, reservoirs and ponds etc. The leaseholders should dump the
overburden in such a manner that it does not get washed away to the nearby
water tanks and lakes etc. during the rainy season
6. All mining lease holders/quarry license holders are requested to plant a specific
number of trees based on their area of lease so that they survive for longer time
to come. It has to be ensured here that the mine owners should report the
achievement of the target of tree plantation by way of giving number of plants
that survive and not by the number of plants planted by them
7. The lessees of major and minor minerals having areas more than 5.00 hectares
shall develop thick afforestation zone on the boundary of lease in atleast 10
meter strip. This can be achieved in steps and exact plan should be submitted to
ME/AME. The plan must contain yearwise afforestation programme including
site and nature of plantation. It shall also be duty of lessee to maintain growth of
these plants and survival rate should not be less than 80%. Proper protection of
these plantations is also to be ensured by the lessee
8. In all leases that are located adjacent to forest areas, a safe distance as provided
in the rules should be left by leaseholders between the actual mining area and
the forest boundary. The lessees of such leases should plant a specific number of
trees to create a green buffer zone between the mining area and the forest. Such
lessees may also construct loose stone/Pakka stone wall showing their working
boundaries between the forest and the lease so that there is no possibility of even
unintentionally movement towards the forest areas
9. Whenever mining reaches the water table, the leaseholder should dig a separate
well in the lease area itself in which water from the mining pit is disposed with
the objective of recharging the water table. By doing so, there would be no
wastage of ground water due to mining operations close to the water table
10. Water pollution and air pollution clearances, wherever required are duly
obtained by the lessees from the State Pollution Control Board
The lessees should prepare “Eco-friendly Mining Plan” on the above guideline and
submit the mining plan in the Performa given in Annexure 5 to DMG
It has been recognized that self-monitoring of key environmental parameters by the
respective project proponents and placing the same for information of all concerned
in the public domain is crucial for ensuring effective compliance of the stipulated
conditions and environmental safeguards. Accordingly, in respect of mining projects,
it has been decided as under:
1. The information to be put in public domain will be in two parts comprising (i) static
information relating to physical data about the mine lease in terms of its area,
production, lease duration and date of commencement of work and (ii) dynamic
parameters to be monitored periodically and put into public domain such as AAQ,
quality of discharged water, area under plantation and number of trees planted and
vibration due to blasting (peak particle velocity)
2. The broad parameters to be monitored and their frequency as decided by the
Committee are as under:
3. In case of small mines operating in clusters, it would be desirable that these mines
form a co-operative body and monitor the environmental parameters as a group of
mines and display the monitored parameters on a display board to be located at a
suitable location in the area to show the environmental conditions in the public
It is thus brought to the information of all the project proponents of mining projects to
take note of the above instructions for compliance with immediate effect
(Source: MoEF Circular No. J-20012/1/2006-IA.II (M) dated 27th May 2009--Annexure -3)
b) For Mining Lease having area more than 10 Hectares upto 50 Hectares
A time period of maximum 10 years or validity of Mining Lease whichever is less
may be allowed to achieve 33% plantation. As far as possible, the plantation has to be
carried out within lease area. But if this is not possible due to some constraints and the same
is recommended by R.O. that it is not possible to have plantation within lease area then, it
may be allowed outside lease area which should be nearest to the lease area but not more
than 10 Kms. from it. Outside Land on which plantation is to be done may be Khatedari
Land or as permitted by Government or any other Agency.
c) For Mining Lease having area more than 50 Hectares
Mining units may be given a maximum time period of 20 years or validity of Mining
Lease whichever is less for 33% plantation. And plantation should be carried out within the
lease area.
The Mine Project Proponent shall obtain Consent to Establish under section 21 of
the Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 as amended and shall also
obtain Consent to Establish under section 25 of the Water (Prevention & Control of
Pollution) Act, 1974 as amended in case of discharge of sewage or trade (Mine)
effluent into stream or well or sewer or on land.
11.1 The documents required to be submitted for Consent to Establish
1 The Project Proponent shall apply in the prescribed Consent to Establish
application form (completely filled and duly signed by authorized signatory)
alongwith the following documents. The Consent to Establish and Consent to
Operate application form can be downloaded from RSPCB website
2 Requisite consent fee- Consent to Establish fee is to be paid along with
Consent to Establish application as notified by the DoE, Government of
Rajasthan under section 64 of the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution)
Act, 1974 as amended and under section 54 of the Air (Prevention & Control
of Pollution) Act, 1981 as amended (Refer Fees notification dated 10.12.10
and 24.6.10 If the mine attracts provisions of the
Hazardous Waste (Management and Handling and Transboundary) Rules,
2008 then fee equal to one and a half times fee prescribed in the schedule of
the Notification shall be paid. In case the mine requires environmental
clearance under the provisions of Environment (Protection) Act, the project
proponent shall pay an extra amount of Rs 15,000/-, as one time consent fee
to establish in addition to the fee mentioned in the schedule each under the
provisions of Water Act & Air Act. The Fee is to be paid through Demand
Draft In favor of Member Secretary, Rajasthan State Pollution Control
Board, payable at the location where the Consent application is submitted.
3 Requisite declaration on Rs. 10/- non-judicial stamp paper duly attested by
notary public (Annexure 1)
4 Copy of the Lease Agreement/Sanction Letter/ Letter Of Intent (LOI) from
the Mines Department.
5 Copy of memorandum of article of Association/Partnership deed as the case
may be.
6 Document authorizing the applicant for signing application and other
documents, if the applicant is (him/herself) is not a mining lease holder.
7 Details of various sources of water/air pollution & solid waste and mitigation
measures to meet the norms.
8 Copy of the Mine plan/ Eco- Friendly Mine Plan as the case may be.
9 Copy of EIA Report in case of Mines which have obtained Environmental
10 Copy of Environmental Clearance in case of mine which have obtained
Environmental Clearance.
11 In case of all other mines which have not obtained Environmental Clearance
nor require Environmental Clearance shall submit Environmental
Management Plan broadly covering information such as facilities proposed
with capacities, environmental aspects on land, water, air, noise and solid
waste – generation/mitigation
12 Copy of partnership deed/MoU & Article of Association as the case may be
13 Authenticated Production Figures in case Consent to Establish is required for
expansion of production of mineral or has obtained Environmental Clearance.
on account of Mining Lease Renewal.
14 Undertaking of the compliance of conditions of Environmental Clearance on
Rs 10/- Non Judicial Stamp Paper if Consent to Establish is being applied
after obtaining Environmental Clearance.
15 Copy of permission from the Central Ground Water Authority, permission in
case mine proposes to intersect ground water table or abstract ground water
or submit an undertaking on Rs 10/- Non Judicial Stamp Paper if mine is not
proposed to intersect ground water table or abstract ground water (Refer
16 Copy of Forest Diversion letter under FCA, if the mining lease falls in forest
land. Otherwise relevant documents which indicate that mine area does not
fall in forest land.
2 Requisite Declaration on Rs. 10/- non judicial stamp paper (as per annexure
3 Report of compliance of conditions of consent to operate.
4 Copy of periodical reports (As per Para 14).
5 Authenticated Production Figures.
6 Action Plan for Green Belt Development in case not submitted earlier as per
Para 9.
7 Present/ Ultimate depth of Mining & Depth of Ground Water Table.
8 The Approved Mining Scheme for the current period, if earlier Mining Plan/
Scheme stands expired.
b. The plqiect propotrenthas faileclin cornplianceof the conditions laicl clowr in ;
the consent. 'l
in tJreguiclelinc2.e enclosecl.
l i l
All conccrllccl
to cllsLlre
$trictcolnpliance oIthe guidclirres
while clealing
with thc issucsrelateclwith the mineralgri'cling i'd,stry.
guideiinesare being issuedin supersession
to all pr.eviols guiclelines.
No.F.14( 38 ) PolicylRpCB/plg.icf
>Bg*&.Btf Dare. /s/z/iort
Copy to lbllorvinglbr infbrmationand neces.sary
1. P.S.tclChairperson. RajasthanStatePollutionControlBoard,Jaipur.,
2. P.A. to Melttbet'secrctary.,
3' Chief'Ilnvirontnental Etrgineer,'RajasthanStatePoilutionControlBoarci,jaipur.
4. Cbief'scientificOfficer:,RaiasthanStatePollutionControlBoard,Jaipur.
5. Group In charge,ADM/ CCCI Cess/CPM/ l.Iorel/Minel MUID/ iraaCl SCMG/
SWMC/ TCD/ VTR, RPCB. .taipur.
6. Law Officer I/TI,RPCB, Jaipur.
7. Regional Office, RPCB,'Alwar/ Ilalotra/ Bharatpur/Bhilwara/ Bikaner./Chittorsarh/
.IaiqurI Jodhpu/ KishangarhI Kotal pali/ Sikar/ Udaipur.
A9Pl RajasthanState Pollution Control Board. Jaiprir with request to clisplayon
Chief En neeL
Annexure 1
Proforma Affidavit for Consent to Establish/Operate
1. That I am responsible for establishing / operating the Mine unit named M/s.
_________________________ (Name & address of the Mine unit).
2. That, I, ____________________ (with name and designation) am authorized to sign
the consent application form and other enclosures with the application.
3. That the area of the Mine unit is ____________________ Hectares.
4. That the number of workers to carry out various activities in the Mine unit is
5. That the total number of employees proposed in the Mine unit is _______________.
6. That the total capital investment on the Mine project is Rs. _________________.
7. That this Consent to Establish/Operate is being obtained for Mining of Mineral
_________________________________ Tonnes per year/Sq Feet/Year. In case of
any increase/change in production of Mineral or addition/modification/alteration or
change in Mine process or project or discharge points, we will obtain fresh Consent
to Establish.
8. That there is no source of ground water in the Mining Lease Area in case of source,
ground water abstraction is within permissible limits as per CGWA Guidelines.
9. That the present depth of mining is ________ m (with respect to Mean Sea Level) &
the Ground Water Table is at _______m (with respect to MSL). Ultimate depth of
mining will be ______m (with respect to MSL) & the mine will not intersect the
Ground Water Table or propose to intersect the Ground Water Table, permission
from the Central Ground Water Authority is required/not required/obtained/applied
for/not applied/shall be applied before intersection.
10. There will be no generation/ treatment/ disposal of hazardous waste at the mine site.
Hence provisions of the Hazardous Waste (Management, Handling &
Transboundary Movement) Rules 2008 with till date amendments are not applicable.
Our mine is covered under Hazardous Waste (Management, Handling &
Transboundary Movement) Rules 2008 and authorization from RSPCB has been
obtained upto……………./ applied on……………..
11. That our Mining Lease does not fall under Forest Land (Copy of the relevant
documentary proof is enclosed)
That our Mining Lease Area includes __________ hectare of Forest Land and we
have obtained Diversion of Forest Land under FCA 1980 which is valid up to
_________ (Copy is enclosed).
12. That the quantity of trade/domestic effluent shall not exceed __________ KLD. The
mode of disposal shall be ________________. In case of any increase in quantity of
effluent or alteration in outlet or mode of disposal, we shall obtain prior consent
from the Board.
That there will no effluent discharge from the premises (applicable only in the case
of dry units).
13. That all adequate measures for control and treatment of water/air pollution from the
various processes/activities shall be taken to meet the prescribed standards as per the
Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986 as amended to date.
14. That the adequate pollution control measures (if required) shall be prescribed to meet
the prescribed standards.
15. That the adequate Emission Control System (ECS) (if required) shall be installed/are
installed to meet the prescribed standards.
16. That the adequate pollution control measures shall be taken to meet the prescribed
ambient noise standards.
17. That if Diesel Generator Sets (of capacity 5 KVA or more) shall be installed, it will
be Eco-Friendly or with inbuilt acoustic enclosures to meet the prescribed norms
w.r.t. noise as per the Gazette Notification of Ministry of Environment & Forests,
Government of India dated 02.01.1999. Adequate stack height with D.G. Set(s) shall
also be provided and maintained and shall submit noise monitoring report.
18. That all orders and directions issued by the Board from time to time shall be
complied with.
19. That the name and addresses of Managing Director or other working Directors or
Partner are given. Any change thereof shall be intimated immediately to the State
Verified at _____________ on this __________ (day, month and year) that the
above contents of this affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and
belief and nothing has been concealed therefrom.
Note: The aforementioned Affidavit must be duly signed by the Deponent and duly
attested by the Notary Public thereof.
Note: Please omit whatever is not applicable.
Annexure 2
7 Bhilwara 11 1.Kotadi 1.Asind
2.Sahara 2.Baneda
3.Shahpura 3.Hurda
8 Bikaner 5 1. Lunkaransar - 1. Dungargarh 1. Bikaner
2. Kolayat - 2. Nokha
9 Bundi 4 - 1. Kesorai Patan 1. Hindoli
2. Talera 2. Nainwa
10 Chittorgarh 14 - 1. - 1. Amod
Bhainsrorgarh 2. Bari Sadri
3. Begun
4. Bhadesar
5. Bhopalsagar
6. Chhotisadri
7. Chittorgarh
8. Dungla
9. Gangrar
10. Kapasan
11. Nimbahera
12. Pratapgarh
13. Rashmi
11 Churu 6* 1. Churu 1. Sujangarh 1. Rajgarh
2. Ratangarh
3. Sardarshahar -
12 Dausa 5 1. Bandikui
2. Dausa
3. Lalsot
4. Mahua
5. Sirai
13 Dholpur 4 1. Bari 1. Baseri 1. Dholpur
2. Rajakhera
14 Dungarpur 5 1. Aspur 1. Bichhiwara 1. Sagwara
2. Dungarpur 2. Simalwara
15 Ganganagar 7 1. Anupgarh
2. Ganganagar
3. Karanpur
4. Padampur
5. Raisingh
6. Sadulshahar
7. Suratgarh
16 Hanumangarh 3 1. Bhadra
3. Nohar
17 Jaipur 13 1. Dudu 1. Amer
2. Phagi 2. Bairath
3. Bassi
4. Chaksu
5. Govindgarh
6.Jamwa Ramgarh
7. Jhotwara
8. Kotputli
9. Sambher
10. Sanganer
11. Shahpura
18 Jaisalmer 3 1. Sam 1. Jaisalmer
2. Sankra
19 Jalore 7 1. Ahore
2. Bhinmal
3. Jalore
4. Jaswantpura
5. Raniwara
6. Sanchore
7. Sayla
20 Jhalawar 6 1. Bakani 1. Manoha Thana
2. Dag 2. Pirawa
3. Jhalra Patan
4. Khanpur
21 Jhunjhunu 8 1. Alsisar 1. Bhuhana
2. Chirawa
3. Jhunjhunu
4. Khetri
5. Nawalgarh
6. Surajgarh
7. Udaipurwati
22 Jodhpur 9 1. Bap 1. Phalodi 1. Luni 1. Balesar
2. Shergarh 2. Bhopalgarh
3. Bilara
4. Mandore
5. Osaian
23 Karauli 5 1. Nadauti 1. Sapotra 1. Hindaun
2. Karauli
3. Todabhim
24 Kota 5 1. Sultanpur 1. Itawa
2. Khairabad
3. Ladpura
4. Sangod
25 Nagaur 11 1. Nagaur 1. Ladnu 1. Jayal 1. Degana
2. Makrana 2. Didwana
3. Kuchaman
4. Merta
5. Mundwa
6. Parbatsar
7. Riyan
26 Pali 10 1. Bali 1. Jaitaran
2. Desuri 2. Kharchi
3. Pali 3. Rani
4. Raipur 4. Sojat
5. Rohit 5. Sumerpur
27 Rajsamand 7 1. Railmagra 1. Amet
2. Rajsamand 2. Bhim
3. Deogarh
4. Khamnor
5. Kumbhalgarh
28 Sawaimadhopur 5 1. Bamanwas 1. Gangapur
2. Bonli 2. Sawai
3. Khandar Madhopur
29 Sikar 8 1. Fatehpur 1. Danta
2. Dhod
3. Khandella
4. Lachhmangarh
5. Neem Ka
6. Piprali
7. Sri Madhopur
30 Sirohi 5 1. Abu Road 1. Reodar
2. Pindwara 2. Sheoganj
3. Sirohi
31 Tonk 6 1. Deoli 1. Uniara
2. Malpura
3. Newai
4. Toda Rai
5. Tonk
32 Udaipur 11 1. Kherwara 1. Badgaon
2. Kotra 2. Bhinder
3. Sarada 3. Dhariawad
4. Girwa
5. Gogunda
6. Jhadot
7. Mavli
8. Salumber
Total 237 32 14 50 140
* Churu – Taranagar block is completely brackish.
(Source: CGWA No: 21-4/Guidelines/CGWA/2009-832 dated 14.10. 2009)
Annexure 3
1. The information to be put in public domain will be in two parts comprising (i) static
information relating to physical data about the mine lease in terms of its area,
production, lease duration and date of commencement of work and (ii) dynamic
parameters to be monitored periodically and put into public domain such as AAQ,
quality of discharged water, area under plantation and number of trees planted and
vibration due to blasting (peak particle velocity)
2. The broad parameters to be monitored and their frequency as decided by the
Committee are as under:
(i) Ambient Air Quality: SPM, RSPM and NOx for opencast mining
(ii) Vibration:
Peak particle velocity at 300m distance or within the nearest habitation, whichever is
closer, for opencast mine using large diameter hole blasting (100mm and above)
(iv) Greenbelt/Plantation:
Number of trees planted, calendar yearwise (progressive) and area covered
3. In case of small mines operating in clusters, it would be desirable that these mines
form a co-operative and monitor the environmental parameters as a group of mines
and display the monitored parameters on a display board to be located at a suitable
location in the area to show the environmental conditions in the public domain
It is thus brought to the information of all the project proponents of mining projects to
take note of the above instructions for compliance with immediate effect
(S.K. Aggarwal)
Copy to
1. PPS to AS (JMM)
2. Advisor (GKP)
3. Advisor (NB)
(Source: MoEF Circular No. J-20012/1/2006-IA.II (M) dated 27th May 2009)
Annexure 4
National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)
GC analysis
10 Benzo(a)Pyrene Annual* 01 01 -Solvent extraction
(BaP) – followed by HPLC/GC
particulate phase analysis
only, ng/m3
11 Arsenic (As) Annual* 06 06 -AAS/ICP method after
ng/m3 sampling on EPM 2000
or equivalent filter paper
12 Nickel (Ni) ng/m3 Annual* 20 20 -AAS/ICP method after
sampling on EPM 2000
or equivalent filter paper
* Annual arithmetic mean of minimum 104 measurements in a year at a particular site taken
twice a week 24 hourly at uniform intervals
** 24 hourly or 08 hourly or 01 hourly monitored values, as applicable, shall be complied
with 98% of the time in a year. 2% of the time, they may exceed the limits but not on two
consecutive days of monitoring.
Whenever and wherever monitoring results on two consecutive days of monitoring exceed
the limits specified above for the respective category, it shall be considered adequate reason
to institute regular or continuous monitoring and further investigation
(Source: National Ambient Air Quality Standards, CPCB Notification dated 18th November
Annexure 5
Model Eco-Friendly Mining Plan – DMG, Rajasthan
1-7 Existing Nalas, Water Bodies, Channels in the lease hold area and nearby: (may be
shown in map)
Water Channel
1-8 Do you propose to carry out mining operations upto the water table
3-1 Present water scenario of area:
a. Availability of water in the mining area
b. Duration in which water is available
c. Details of dug wells in nearby mine areas
d. Recharging of water (if proposed)
3-2 Details of diversion of rain water from the mining area, if required (may be shown on the map)
3-3 Details of Obstruction of water channels and measures taken
3-4 Impact and measures of Mining / blasting on water sources as well as natural water channels in
the area
3-5 Measures taken for minimizing Silting and contamination of water Plan for mining water
utilizing in (may be shown on the map)
a. Drinking and irrigation purpose
b. Artificial recharge
c. Water harvesting
4-1 Details of storage of top soil in Reusable form (may be shown on the map)
4-2 Details of stabilization of dumps after leveling
4-3 Details of plantation plan (may be shown on the map)
4-4 Details of group plantation on land Allotted, if any
4-5 Details of measures for maintenance of Plantation done in top soil/ OB dump /Boundaries /
other places.
1. For quarry licenses existing in clusters combined eco-friendly mining plan would be prepared
for the whole area by the Mines Department in consultation with the Quarry holder will abide by
this plan in true spirit.
2. In case of any confusion, lease holder may contact the concern Mining Engineer / AME for
3. No fees or other charges are required to be deposited for submission of Eco-Friendly Mining
4. Lessee/Licence Holder should give as much information as he can give relating to Environment
Friendly Mining.
Annexure 6
S. Parameter Standards
No Inland Public Land for Marine
surface sewers irrigation coastal areas
(a) (b) (c) (d)
1 Color & * ------- * *
2 Suspended 100 600 200 1. For process waste water-
solids mg/l, 100
Max 2. For cooling water
effluent 10% above total
suspended matter of
3 Particle size Shall pass -- -- 1. Floatable solids max. 3
of suspended 850 mm
solids Micron IS 2. Settleable solids max.
sieve 850 microns
4 pH Value 5.5 to 9.0 5.5 to 9.0 5.5 to 9.0 5.5 to 9.0
5 Temperature Shall not -- -- Shall not exceed 50 C above
exceed 50 C the receiving water
above the temperature
6 Oil and 10 20 10 20
grease mg/l
7 Total residual 1.0 -- -- 1.0
chlorine mg/l
8 Ammonical 50 50 -- 50
Nitrogen (as
N), mg/l
9 Total 100 -- -- 100
nitrogen (as
NH3), mg/l
10 Free 5.0 -- -- 5.0
ammonia (as
NH3), mg/l
11 Bio-chemical 30 350 100 100
demand (3
days at 270
C), mg/l max.
12 Chemical 250 -- -- 250
demand, mg/l
13 Arsenic (as 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
As), mg/l
14 Mercury (as 0.01 0.01 -- 0.01
Hg), mg/l
15 Lead (as Pb), 0.1 1.0 -- 2.0
mg/l max.
16 Cadmium (as 2.0 1.0 -- 2.0
Cd), mg/l
17 Hexavalent 0.1 2.0 -- 1.0
chromium (as
Cr +6), mg/l
18 Total 2.0 2.0 -- 2.0
chromium (as
Cr), mg/l
19 Copper (as 3.0 3.0 -- 3.0
Cu), mg/l
20 Zinc (as Zn), 5.0 15 -- 15
mg/l max.
21 Selenium (as 0.05 0.05 -- 0.05
Se), mg/l
22 Nickel (as 3.0 3.0 -- 5.0
Ni), mg/l
23 Cyanide (as 0.2 2.0 0.2 0.2
CN), mg/l
24 Fluoride (as 2.0 15 -- 15
F), mg/l max.
25 Dissolved 5.0 -- -- --
(as P), mg/l
26 Sulphide (as 2.0 -- -- 5.0
S), mg/l max.
27 Phenolic 1.0 5.0 -- 5.0
(as C6H5OH),
mg/l max.
28 Radioactive materials:
a. Alpha 10-7 10-7 10-8 10-7
emitter micro
b. Beta 10-6 10-6 10-7 10-6
emitter micro
29 Bio-assay test 90% 90% 90% 90% survival of fish after
survival of survival of survival of 96 hours in 100% effluent
fish after 96 fish after fish after
hours in 96 hours in 96 hours in
100% 100% 100%
effluent effluent effluent
30 Manganese 2 2 -- 2
(as Mn), mg/l
31 Iron (as Fe), 3 3 -- 3
32 Vanadium (as 0.2 0.2 -- 0.2
V), mg/l
33 Nitrate 10 -- -- 20
nitrogen, mg/l
* All efforts should be made to remove colour and unpleasant odour as far as practicable
These standards shall be applicable for industries, operations or processes other than those
industries, operations or process for which standards have been specified of the Environment
Protection Rules, 1989
Source: G.S.R 422 (E) dated 19.05.1993 and G.S.R 801 (E) dated 31.12.1993 issued under the
provisions of E (P) Act 1986
Annexure 7
Noise Ambient Air Quality Standards
* dB(A) Leq denotes the time weighted average of the level of sound in decibels on scale A
which is relatable to human hearing.
“A”, in dB(A) Leq, denotes the frequency weighting in the measurement of noise and
corresponds to frequency response characteristics of the human ear.
Annexure 8
Noise Limits for Generator Sets run with Diesel
1. Noise limit for diesel generator sets (up to 1000 KVA) manufacture on or after the
1st July 2003
The maximum permissible sound pressure level for new diesel generator (DG) sets with
rated capacity up to 1000 KVA, manufactured on or after the 1st July, 2003 shall be 75 dB
(A) at 1 meter from the enclosure surface
The diesel generator sets should be provided with integral acoustic enclosure at the
manufacturing stage itself
The implementation of noise limit for these diesel generator sets shall be regulated as given
in paragraph 3 below
Noise limits for diesel generator sets not covered by paragraph 1, shall be as follows:
2.1 Noise from DG set shall be controlled by providing an acoustic enclosure or by treating
the room acoustically, at the users end
2.2 The acoustic enclosure or acoustic treatment of the room shall be designed for
minimum 25 dB (A) insertion loss or for meeting the ambient noise standards,
whichever is on the higher side (if the actual ambient noise is on the higher side, it may
not be possible to check the performance of the acoustic enclosure/acoustic treatment.
Under such circumstances the performance may be checked for noise reduction upto
actual ambient noise level, preferably, in the night time). The measurement for insertion
loss may be done at different points at 0.5m from the acoustic enclosure/room, and then
2.3 The DG set shall be provided with proper exhaust muffler with insertion loss of
minimum 25 dB (A)
2.4 These limits shall be regulated by the State Pollution Control Boards and the State
Pollution Control Committees
2.5 Guidelines for the manufacturers/users of Diesel Generator sets shall be as under:
1. The manufacturer shall offer to the user a standard acoustic enclosure of 25 dB (A)
insertion loss and also a suitable exhaust muffler with insertion loss of 25 dB(A)
2. The user shall make efforts to bring down the noise levels due to the DG set; outside
hid premises, within the ambient noise requirements by proper siting and control
4. A proper routine and preventive maintenance procedure for the DG set should be set
and followed in consultation with the DG set manufacturer which would help
prevent noise levels of the DG set from deteriorating with use
3. Limits of noise for DG Sets (Up to 1000 KVA) Manufactured on or after the
1stJuly 2003
3.1 Applicability
1. These Rules shall apply to DG sets upto 1000 KVA rated output, manufactured or
imported in India, on or after 1st July 2003
2. These rules shall not apply to
a. DG sets manufactured or imported for the purpose of exports outside India; and
b. DG sets intended for the purpose of sample and not for sale in India
(Please refer Notification No. G.S.R. 371 (E) dated 17th May, 2002 for details)
Annexure 9
Part A
• Name and address of the owner/occupier of the industry operation or process
• Industry category primary- (STC Code) Secondary- (SIC Code)
• Production capacity
• Year of the establishment
• Date of last environmental statement submitted
Part B
Water and raw material consumption
(1) Water consumption m3/d
Name of Products Process Water consumption per unit of product output
During the Previous During the current
Financial year financial year
(1) (2)
*Industry may use codes if disclosing details of raw material would violate contractual
obligations; otherwise all industries have to name the raw materials used.
Part C
Pollution discharged to environment/unit of output (Parameter as specified in the consent
(1) Pollutants Quality of Concentrations of Percentage of
pollutants pollutants variation from
discharged discharges prescribed standards
(mass/day) (Mass/volume) with reasons
(a) Water
(b) Air
Part D
(As specified under hazardous wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 1989)
a. From process
b. From Pollution Control Facilities
Part E
Solid Wastes
Total Quantity
During the Previous During the current
Financial year financial year
a. From process
b. From Pollution Control Facilities
c. (1) Quantity recycled or reutilized within the unit.
(2) Sold
(3) Disposed
Please specify the characterizations (in terms of composition and quantum) of hazardous as
well as solid wastes and indicate disposal practice adopted for both these categories of
Impact of the pollution abatement measures taken on conservation of natural resources and
on the cost of production.
Additional measures/investment proposal for environmental protection including abatement
of pollution, prevention of pollution
Any other particulars for improving the quality of the environment
Annexure 10
Geo-referenced Cadastral Map
As per the procedure in vogue, a Mining Lease map/Prospecting License map showing the
area/areas with details on a cadastral map with the Khasra numbers/Survey Nos. for mining
lease/prospecting license, granted by the State governments under Act and Rules made
there-under, is a basic requirement which is enclosed alongwith the Mining Plan/Scheme of
Mining /Progressive Mine Closure Plan and Scheme of Prospecting. The Mining Lease
map/Prospecting License map is a certified copy obtained from the state/district authorities,
which is essential for planning purpose in mining plan/Scheme of Mining etc.
This circular may be given wide publicity amongst RQPs/Mine Owners / Lessee’s /
Licensee’s / Applicants for implementation. Further, this may be intimated to all the states.
Annexure 11
M.L. No …………….
Latitude of M.L. Area ……………
Longitude of M.L. Area …………..
Date of Inspection- ……………
Name of Inspecting Person with designation …………….
Operational Status of the mine during Inspection ……………
1. Name of Mine-
2. Location-
3. Lease Area-
4. Name of Mineral/ Minerals-
5. Major Mineral/ Minor Mineral-
6. Consented Production Capacity-
7. Applied for consent afresh or for renewal
8. Validity of Last Consent in case of Renewal-
9. Validity of Mining Lease-
10. Whether E.C. required
i) under EIA, 1994/ EIA, 2006/- Yes/ No
ii) Aravalli Notification, 1992 Yes/ No
If E.C. obtained-
a. E.C. issued on-
b. Permitted Production Capacity-
iii) Opencast Mining/ Under Ground Mining-
iv) Mechanized Mining/ Semi Mechanized Mining/ Manual Mining-
v) No. of Mining Pits with Dimension (LxBxD)-
vi) Whether Benches are properly Developed or Not-
vii) Bench Height/ Bench Width/ Bench Length Pit wise-
viii) R.L. of deepest Bench w.r.t. MSL ( Mean Sea Level)-
ix) R.L. of Ground Water Table -w.r.t. MSL -
x) Whether Mining below Water Table or above Ground Water Table-
xi) Whether CGWA permission is required for Abstraction of Ground Water/-
Intersection of Ground Water Table
a) If Yes whether permission of CGWA has been obtained or not-
xii) No. of O.B. dumps with Dimension and Location of Dumps
a) Whether Retaining Wall & Siltation Pond constructed around OB Dumps or
xiii) Water Consumption- KLD
xiv) Water Source- Surface Water/ Ground Water/ Accumulated Rain-Fall Water
in Pits
xv) Sources of Air Pollution-
xvi) Air Pollution Control Measures-
Water Sprinkling arrangements & its functioning/ periodicity of water
sprinkling & Details of Location where Water sprinkling is being done.
xvii) Whether Boundary Pillars of Lease Area/ Sign Boards are Provided or Not-
xviii) Whether Health/ Env./ Safety Slogans are in place at mine site or not-
xix) Whether Safety helmets/ Boots/ torches and other safety devices provided to
mine labour or not-
xx) No. of Labour/ Mine personnel at Mine Site-
xxi) Whether Garland Drainage/ Siltation pond are provided around the Pits or
xxii) No. of plants around the dump, Boundary of lease, Road Side and other
Location, please specify in details about type of plantation, its location and
overall quantum.
xxiii) Whether Top Soil is available or not.
If yes, how it is stacked, its location and quantity-
xxiv) In case of Major Mineral, validity of Approved Mining Plan-
xxv) Overall comments on the working of Mine-