Cellular Biochemistry - Radboud University - Biology
Cellular Biochemistry - Radboud University - Biology
Cellular Biochemistry - Radboud University - Biology
General information
Course ID
6 EC
Instruction language
Offered by
Radboud University - Faculty of Science - BioWetenschappen - - - -
Course details
Content 1
Topics Cellular biochemistry
Principles of bioenergetics
Cell cycle regulation in normal cells, stem cells and tumor cells
Instructional modes
Response course
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Course objectives
This course is to give the first-year bachelor students an introduction of basic concepts of biochemistry and cell biology in
animal cells.
Learning goals
Upon completing this course, the student is able to:
1. Understand and analyse how biological macromolecules in the cell are constructed and how they function.
2. Understand how certain nutrients are taken up and via which metabolic pathway these nutrients are degraded for
energy gain.
3. Understand how the above processes functionally interact and how they are involved in human biology and diseases,
particularly the onset and progression of cancer.
4. Apply the biochemical and cell biological knowledge to describe the physiological function of molecular components and
regulators of the cell biological processes mentioned above.
5. Work in a team/pairs, able to divide the tasks and share gained results with the team.
6. Report their performed research in the form of a scientific report
1st year bachelor, mandatory course
Presumed foreknowledge
Dutch high school vwo-level, chemistry and biology knowledge required.
A compulsory pre-knowledge test within the course is required. This test can be taken as many times as one wishes, but the
final score should be a "Pass' (pass/fail).
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Test information
The final grade consists of
- 80% the exam score, minimum grade 5.5
- 20% the lab practical score, minimum grade 5.5
- A pre-knowledge test is part of this course: students need to pass this test in orde to pass the complete course.
Lectures are not compulsory, but highly recommended to participate. Compulsory learning activities are (content) tutorials, the
computer practical and the lab practical. In addition, there is an online pre-knowledge test (in Brightspace) that is compulsory to
perform before the end of the course, to make sure that students have basic knowledge for the course. Stundents can take this
test as many times as they wish, until they pass the test (pass/fail).
All learning activities are complementary to lectures, because not all course content can be elaborated in the lectures! Tutorials
and the computer practical rehearse lectures and give you a chance to practice using the content. The lab practical gives you
an opportunity to execute experiments using the content of one of the topics and to understand the topic in depth. All these
learning activities together synergize to cover the matter you need to learn for this course.
The course is mainly based on one books: “Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry” (8th edition), Authors, David L Nelson,
Michael Cox, ISBN 9781319150877. Students are asked to learn through all educational activities in the course, the lectures,
tutorials and practicals. The lecture slides and assignments for the tutorials, computer and lab practicals are available in
For complementary reading, we recommend “Molecular Cell Biology” (8th Edition), Authors: Arnold Berk, Chris A. Kaiser,
Harvey Lodish, Angelika Amon, Hidde Ploegh, Anthony Bretscher, Monty Krieger, Kelsey C. Martin, ISBN 9781464187445
The lectures of this academic year will be recorded on video. You will find the recordings on Brightspace.
Communicate in writing in a clear, concisely and convincingly way (Level not applicable)
Practice writing (e.g. in an email, report, research proposal, poster, press release)
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Instructional modes
Instructional modes
Course occurrence
Lab course
Attendance requirement
Digital exam with CIRRUS
Test weight
Lab course
Test weight
Test weight
Course enrolment
OSIRIS Student
You can register yourself via OSIRIS Student. To do so, go to Enroll / Course.
Test enrolment
OSIRIS Student
You can register yourself via OSIRIS Student. To do so, go to Enroll / Test.
Period 2
Enrolment period
21 March 2023 until 7 January 2024 23:59
Test date
15 January 2024
Period 3
Enrolment period
14 June 2023 until 21 March 2024 23:59
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Test date
2 April 2024
Period 2
Enrolment period
15 July 2023 until 28 January 2024 23:59
Period 2
Enrolment period
15 July 2023 until 28 January 2024 23:59
Period 3
Enrolment period
15 December 2023 until 8 March 2024 23:59
dr. H. Zhou
dr. H. Zhou
dr. H. Zhou
dr. H. Zhou
Required material
David L Nelson, Michael Cox
“Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry” (8th edition), Authors, David L Nelson, Michael Cox, ISBN 9781319150877
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Course guide
Course manual
Course guide
Lecture slides, explanations about the lab courses and computer practical courses
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