How GE Is Disrupting Itself
How GE Is Disrupting Itself
How GE Is Disrupting Itself
GE spend $3 billion to create at least 100 health-care innovations which
substantially lower costs, increase access and improve quality.
2 Product Highlighted
Handheld electrocardiogram device - $1000
Portable ultrasound machine - $ 15000
They are revolutionary in not just because of small size and lower price
They are originally developed for rural area of India and China and now
are being sold in the United States . This process is called REVERSE
Earlier GE and other leading technology companies developed high end
products at home countries and distributed them globally with some
adaptions to local markets. This process is called GLOCALIZATION
In reverse innovations, products were created specially for emerging
markets but brought back into wealthy markets
Why Reverse Innovation is So Important
In India and China, GE could grow two to three times faster there to
develop innovative new products that met the specific needs and budgets
to customers
GE used reverse innovation as defensive reasons. If GE doesn’t come up
with innovations in poor countries and take them global, new competitors
from the developing world will do ( Mindray, Suzlon, Goldwind, Haier)
By introducing products that create a new price – performance paradigm,
the emerging giants can be well served
The major business functions including R&D, manufacturing and
marketing were centralised at headquarters. They are moved abroad to
tap overseas talent and reduce costs, focusing on wealthy countries
Reverse Innovation in Practice
Original Product
The emerging market disruption
New global market
GE saw a problem – In wealthy countries performance mattered the most
followed by features. In China price mattered the most, followed by probability
and ease of use
GE involved local growth team (LGT) model based on 5 critical principles
Shift power to where the growth is
Build new offerings from the ground up
Build LGT from the ground up like new companies
Customize objectives, targets and metrics
Have LGT report to someone high in the organisaton
GE R&D centre in China and India have increased their focus on the problems of
developing countries, the vast majority of their resources are still devoted to
initiatives for developed ones.
Biggest Experiment – To speed progress in India, GE is creating a separate P&L that
will include all GE businesses in that country and giving the new unit considerable
power to tap GE’s Global R&D resources
GE Challenge - Resistance to giving India its own P&L, changing the mind set of
managers who have spent their careers excelling at glocalization
Jeff Immelt thought there are triple the size opportunity in Indian market. There is
more requirement of resources, more people and more products in there. This shows
you are deep in that market an not just skimming the very top