Extra Ques - SA and VOL - X
Extra Ques - SA and VOL - X
Extra Ques - SA and VOL - X
1. Two cones have their heights in the ratio 1:3 and radii in the ratio 3: 1. What is the
ratio of their volumes?
2. Volume and surface area of a solid hemisphere are numerically equal. What is the
diameter of hemisphere?
3. The radius of the base and the height of a solid right circular cylinder are in the
ratio 2:3 and its volume is 1617 cm³. Find the total surface area of the cylinder.
4. The sum of the radius of base and height of a solid right circular cylinder is 37 cm.
If the total surface area of the cylinder is 1628 sq. cm, find the volume.
5. Two cones with same base diameter 16 cm and height 15 cm are joined together
along their bases. Find the surface area of the shape so formed.
6. A wooden article was made by scooping out a hemisphere from each end of a solid
cylinder, as shown in figure. If the height of the cylinder is 10 cm and its base is of
radius 3.5 cm. Find the total surface area of the article.
7. In the given figure, there is a decorative block, made up of two solids a cube and a
hemisphere. The base of the block is a cube of side 6 cm and the hemisphere fixed
on the top has a diameter of 3.5 cm. Find the total surface area of the block.
8. A solid spherical ball fits exactly inside the cubical box of side 2a. calculate the
volume of the ball.
9. A right triangle, whose sides are 3 cm and 4 cm (other than hypotenuse) is made
to revolve about its hypotenuse. Find the volume and the surface area of the
double cone so formed.(𝜋 = 3.14)
10. In the given figure, from a cuboidal solid metallic block, of dimensions 15 cm x 10
cm x 5 cm, a cylindrical hole of diameter 7 cm is drilled out. Find the surface area
of the remaining block.
11. Water is being pumped out through a circular pipe whose internal diameter is 8
cm. If the rate of flow of water is 80 cm/s, then how many litres of water is being
pumped out through this pipe in one hour?
12. There are two identical solid cubical boxes of side 7 cm. From the top face of the
first cube a hemisphere of diameter equal to the side of the cube is scooped out.
This hemisphere is inverted and placed on the top of the second cube's surface to
form a dome. Find (i) the ratio of the total surface area of the two new solids
formed. (ii) volume of each new solid formed.
1. 3:1
2. 9 units
3. 770 cm2
4. 4620 cm3
5. 854.08 cm2
6. 374 cm2
7. 225.625 cm2
8. 𝜋𝑎3
9. 30.14 cm3 ,52.75 cm2
10. 583 cm2
11. 9979.2 liters
12. Solid 1=332.5 cm2
Solid 2=332.5 cm2
Vol of solid 1=253.17 cc
Vol of solid 2=432.83 cc