Norsok N 004
Norsok N 004
Norsok N 004
This NORSOK standard is developed with broad petroleum industry participation by interested parties in the
Norwegian petroleum industry and is owned by the Norwegian petroleum industry represented by The Norwegian
Oil Industry Association (OLF) and Federation of Norwegian Manufacturing Industries (TBL). Please note that whilst
every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this NORSOK standard, neither OLF nor TBL or any of their
members will assume liability for any use thereof. Standards Norway is responsible for the administration and
publication of this NORSOK standard.
Standards Norway Telephone: + 47 67 83 86 00
Strandveien 18, P.O. Box 242 Fax: + 47 67 83 86 01
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Copyrights reserved
NORSOK standard N-004 Draft 3 to Rev. 3, November 2012
2.1 Normative references 4
2.2 Informative references 4
3.1 Terms and definitions 4
3.2 Abbreviations 5
3.3 Symbols 6
5.1 Design class 10
5.2 Steel quality level 10
5.3 Welding and non-destructive testing (NDT) 11
6.1 General 13
6.2 Ductility 13
6.3 Tubular members 14
6.3.1 General 14
6.3.2 Axial tension 14
6.3.3 Axial compression 15
6.3.4 Bending 16
6.3.5 Shear 16
6.3.6 Hydrostatic pressure 17 Hoop buckling 17 Ring stiffener design 18
6.3.7 Material factor 18
6.3.8 Tubular members subjected to combined loads without hydrostatic pressure 19 Axial tension and bending 19 Axial compression and bending 19 Interaction shear and bending moment 21 Interaction shear, bending moment and torsional moment 21
6.3.9 Tubular members subjected to combined loads with hydrostatic pressure 21 Axial tension, bending, and hydrostatic pressure 21 Axial compression, bending, and hydrostatic pressure 23
6.4 Tubular joints 25
6.4.1 General 25
6.4.2 Joint classification 25
6.4.3 Strength of simple joints 28 General 28 Basic resistance 29 Strength factor Qu 30 Chord action factor Qf 30 Design axial resistance for X and Y joints with joint cans 31 Strength check 32
6.4.4 Overlap joints 32
6.4.5 Ringstiffened joints 33
6.4.6 Cast joints 33
6.5 Strength of conical transitions 33
6.5.1 General 33
6.5.2 Design stresses 33 Equivalent design axial stress in the cone section. 33 Local bending stress at unstiffened junctions 34 Hoop stress at unstiffened junctions 34
6.5.3 Strength requirements without external hydrostatic pressure 35 Local buckling under axial compression 35
The NORSOK standards are developed by the Norwegian petroleum industry to ensure adequate safety,
value adding and cost effectiveness for petroleum industry developments and operations. Furthermore,
NORSOK standards are, as far as possible, intended to replace oil company specifications and serve as
references in the authorities’ regulations.
The NORSOK standards are normally based on recognised international standards, adding the provisions
deemed necessary to fill the broad needs of the Norwegian petroleum industry. Where relevant, NORSOK
standards will be used to provide the Norwegian industry input to the international standardisation process.
Subject to development and publication of international standards, the relevant NORSOK standard will be
The NORSOK standards are developed according to the consensus principle generally applicable for most
standards work and according to established procedures defined in NORSOK A-001.
The NORSOK standards are prepared and published with support by The Norwegian Oil Industry
Association (OLF) and Federation of Norwegian Manufacturing Industries (TBL).
This NORSOK standard is intended to fulfil NPD regulations relating to design and outfitting of facilities etc.
in the petroleum activities.
This NORSOK standard specifies guidelines and requirements for design and documentation of offshore
steel structures.
This NORSOK standard is applicable to all type of offshore structures made of steel with a specified
minimum yield strength less or equal to 500 MPa. For steel with higher characteristic yield strength, see
Clause 12.
verbal form used to indicate a course of action permissible within the limits of the standard
Norwegian petroleum activities
petroleum activities where Norwegian regulations apply
company or an association which through the granting of a production licence is responsible for the day to
day activities carried out in accordance with the licence
petroleum activities
offshore drilling, production, treatment and storage of hydrocarbons
principal standard
standard with higher priority than other similar standards
NOTE Similar standards may be used as supplements, but not as alternatives to the principal standard.
verbal form used to indicate requirements strictly to be followed in order to conform to the standard and from
which no deviation is permitted, unless accepted by all involved parties
verbal form used to indicate that among several possibilities one is recommended as particularly suitable,
without mentioning or excluding others, or that a certain course of action is preferred but not necessarily
3.2 Abbreviations
ALS accidental limit state
API American Petroleum Institute
BSI British Standards Institution
CTOD crack tip opening displacement
DAF dynamic amplification factor
DC design class
DFF design fatigue factor
DFI design, fabrication and installation
DNV Det Norske Veritas
EA environmental actions
ECCS European Convention for Constructional Steelwork
FE finite element
FEM finite element method
FLS fatigue limit state
FPSO floating production storage and offloading
HF high frequency
IMO International Maritime Organisation
ISO International Organisation for Standardisation
LF low frequency
MDS material data sheet
MPI magnetic particle inspection
NDT non-destructive testing
NMD Norwegian Maritime Directorate
NPD Norwegian Petroleum Directorate
RAO response amplitude operator
RCS Recognised Classification Society
ROV remotely operated vehicle
SDOF single degree of freedom
3.3 Symbols
A cross sectional area, accidental action, parameter, full area of the brace/chord intersection
Ac cross sectional area of composite ring section
Ae effective area
Aw cross sectional area of web
B hoop buckling factor
C rotational stiffness, factor
Ce critical elastic buckling coefficient
Ch elastic hoop buckling strength factor
Cm reduction factor
Cmy, Cmz reduction factor corresponding to the member y and z axis respectively
C0 factor
D outer diameter of chord, cylinder diameter at a conical transition, outside diameter
Dc diameter to centeroid of composite ring section
De equivalent diameter
Dj diameter at junction
Dmax maximum measured diameter
Dmin minimum measured diameter
Dnom nominal diameter
Ds outer cone diameter
E Young’s modulus of elasticity, 2.1⋅10 MPa
G shear modulus
I, Iz, Is moment of inertia
Ic moment of inertia for ring composite section
Ich moment of inertia
IcT moment of inertia of composite ring section with external hydrostatic pressure and with
effective width of flange
Ie effective moment of inertia
Ip polar moment of inertia
Ka factor
L length, distance
L1 distance to first stiffening ring in tubular section
Lc distance to first stiffening ring in cone section along cone axis
Lr ring spacing
Mpl,Rd design plastic bending moment resistance
MRd design bending moment resistance
Mred,Rd reduced design bending moment resistance due to torsional moment
MSd design bending moment
MT,Sd design torsional moment
MT,Rd design torsional moment resistance
My,Rd design in-plane bending moment resistance
My,Sd in-plane design bending moment
Mz,Rd design out-of-plane bending moment resistance
Mz,Sd out-of-plane design bending moment
Nc,Rd design axial compressive resistance
Ncan,Rd design axial resistance of can
Ncg,Rd axial compression resistance of a grouted, composite member
Ncl characteristic local buckling resistance
Ncl characteristic local buckling resistance
Ncl,Rd design local buckling resistance
NE Euler buckling strength
NE,dent Euler buckling strength of a dented tubular member, for buckling in-line with the dent
NEg elastic Euler buckling load of a grouted, composite member
NEy,NEz Euler buckling resistance corresponding to the member y and z axis respectively
h height
i radius of gyration
ie effective radius of gyration
k, kg,kl, kσ buckling factor
l, lL length, element length
le effective length
pSd design hydrostatic pressure
r radius, factor
t thickness
tc cone thickness
teff effective thickness of chord and internal pipe of a grouted member
α coefficient, angle between cylinder and cone geometrical coefficient, factor
β factor
γ factor
γBC additional building code material factor
γf partial factor for actions
γM resulting material factor
γM0 material factor for use with EN-1993-1-1
γM1 material factor for use with EN-1993-1-1
γM2 material factor for use with EN-1993-1-1
γMb material factor EN-1993-1-8 bolts
γMw material factor EN-1993-1-8 welds
ε factor
η hoop buckling factor
θ angle
θc the included angle for the compression brace
θt the included angle for the tension brace
λ reduced slenderness, column slenderness parameter
λe reduced equivalent slenderness
λs reduced slenderness, shell slenderness parameter
µ coefficient, geometric parameter
ν Poisson’s ratio
ρ rotational stiffness factor
σa,Sd design axial stress in member
σac,Sd design axial stress including the effect of the hydrostatic capped end axial stress
σat,Sd design axial stress in tubular section at junction due to global actions
σequ,Sd equivalent design axial stress within the conical transition
σh,Sd design hoop stress due to the external hydrostatic pressure
σhc,Sd design hoop stress at unstiffened tubular-cone junctions due to unbalanced radial line forces
σhj,Sd net design hoop stress at a tubular–cone junction
σj,Sd design von Mises’ equivalent stress
σm,Sd design bending stress
σmc,Sd design bending stress at the section within the cone due to global actions
σmlc,Sd local design bending stress at the cone side of unstiffened tubular-cone junctions
σmlt,Sd local design bending stress at the tubular side of unstiffened tubular-cone junctions
σmt,Sd design bending stress in tubular section at junction due to global actions
σmy,Sd design bending stress due to in-plane bending
σmz,Sd design bending stress due to out-of-plane bending
σp,Sd design hoop stress due to hydrostatic pressure
σtot,Sd total design stress
σq,Sd capped end axial design compression stress due to external hydrostatic pressure
τT,Sd shear stress due to design torsional moment
ψ, ψx, ψy factors
φ factor
All relevant failure modes for the structure shall be identified and it shall be checked that no corresponding
limit state is exceeded.
In this NORSOK standard the limit states are grouped into:
1. Serviceability limit states
2. Ultimate limit states
3. Fatigue limit states
4. Accidental limit states
For definition of the groups of limit states, reference is made to ISO 19900.
The different groups of limit states are addressed in designated clauses of this NORSOK standard. In
general, the design needs to be checked for all groups of limit states.
The general safety format may be expressed as:
Sd ≤ R d (4.1)
DC1 High
Applicable for joints and members where failure will have
substantial consequences and the structure possesses limited
residual strength.
DC2 Low
DC3 High
Applicable for joints and members where failure will be without
3) 4).
substantial consequences due to residual strength.
DC4 Low
1) Guidance for classification can be found in Annex K, L, M and N.
2) High joint complexity means joints where the geometry of connected elements and weld type leads to high restraint
and to triaxial stress pattern. E.g., typically multiplanar plated connections with full penetration welds.
3) “Substantial consequences” in this context means that failure of the joint or member will entail
- danger of loss of human life;
- significant pollution;
- major financial consequences.
4) Residual strength means that the structure meets requirements corresponding to the damaged condition in the
check for accidental damage limit states, with failure in the actual joint or component as the defined damage. See
Clause 12.
Table 5-2 Correlation between design classes and steel quality level
Design Class Steel Quality Level
DC2 (X) X
DC3 (X) X
DC4 (X) X
(X) = Selection where the joint strength is based on transference of tensile stresses in the through thickness direction of the plate. See Clause 12.
1) Low fatigue utilisation means connections with calculated fatigue life longer than 3 times the required fatigue life
(design fatigue life multiplied with the DFF).
2) It is recommended that areas of the welds where stress concentrations occur be marked as mandatory inspection
areas for B, C and D categories as applicable.
3) Welds or parts of welds with no access for in-service inspection and repair should be assigned inspection category
4) Welds or parts of welds with no access for in-service inspection and repair should be assigned inspection category
5) Welds or parts of welds with no access for in-service inspection and repair should be assigned inspection category
6) High tensile stresses mean ULS tensile stresses in excess of 0.85 of design stress.
7) Moderate tensile stresses mean ULS tensile stresses between 0.6 and 0.85 of design stress.
8) Low tensile stresses mean ULS tensile stresses less than 0.6 of design stress.
Table 5-4 Determination of inspection category for details with high fatigue utilisation
Design Direction of dominating principal stress Inspection category
Welds with the direction of the dominating dynamic
principal stress transverse to the weld ( between 45°and A
DC1 and 135°)
DC2 Welds with the direction of the dominating dynamic
principal stress in the direction of the weld ( between - B
45°and 45°)
Welds with the direction of the dominating dynamic
principal stress transverse to the weld ( between 45°and B
DC3 and
DC4 Welds with the direction of the dominating dynamic
principal stress in the direction of the weld ( between - C
45°and 45°)
For resistance check where other material factors are used than given in Table 6-1 the recommended
material factor in NS-EN 1993-1-1, NS-EN 1993-1-5 and NS-EN 1993-1-8 should be multiplied by an
additional building code material factor γBC = 1.05
The ultimate strength of structural elements and systems should be evaluated by using a rational, justifiable
engineering approach.
The structural analysis may be carried out as linear elastic, simplified rigid–plastic, or elastic-plastic
analyses. Both first order or second order analyses may be applied. In all cases, the structural detailing with
respect to strength and ductility requirement shall conform to the assumption made for the analysis.
When plastic or elastic-plastic analyses are used for structures exposed to cyclic loading (e.g. wave loads)
checks shall be carried out to verify that the structure will shake down without excessive plastic deformations
or fracture due to repeated yielding. A characteristic or design cyclic load history needs to be defined in such
a way that the structural reliability in case of cyclic loading (e.g. storm loading) is not less than the structural
reliability for ULSs for non-cyclic actions. It should be checked as a minimum that the structure will carry all
loads throughout the entire storm comprising the ULS environmental condition.
In case of linear analysis combined with the resistance formulations set down in this NORSOK standard,
shakedown can be assumed without further checks.
6.2 Ductility
It is a fundamental requirement that all failure modes are sufficiently ductile such that the structural
behaviour will be in accordance with the anticipated model used for determination of the responses. In
general all design procedures, regardless of analysis method, will not capture the true structural behaviour.
Ductile failure modes will allow the structure to redistribute forces in accordance with the presupposed static
model. Brittle failure modes shall therefore be avoided or shall be verified to have excess resistance
compared to ductile modes, and in this way protect the structure from brittle failure.
The following sources for brittle structural behaviour may need to be considered for a steel structure:
1. Unstable fracture caused by a combination of the following factors:
- brittle material;
6.3.1 General
The structural strength and stability requirements for steel tubular members are specified in this section.
The requirements given in this section apply to un stiffened and ring stiffened tubulars having a thickness t ≥
6 mm, D/t < 120 and material meeting the general requirements in Clause 5. In cases where hydrostatic
pressure are present, the structural analysis may proceed on the basis that stresses due to the capped-end
forces arising from hydrostatic pressure are either included in or excluded from the analysis. This aspect is
discussed in Clause 12.
In the following subclauses, y and z are used to define the in-plane and out-of-plane axes of a tubular
member, respectively.
The requirements assume the tubular is constructed in accordance with the fabrication tolerances given in
The requirements are formulated for an isolated beam column. This formulation may also be used to check
the resistance of frames and trusses, provided that each member is checked for the member forces and
moments combined with a representative effective length. The effective length may in lieu of special
analyses be determined according to the requirements given in this chapter. Alternatively the ULSs for
frames or trusses may be determined on basis of non-linear analyses taking into account second order
effects. The use of these analyses requires that the assumptions made are fulfilled and justified.
Tubular members subjected solely to axial tension, axial compression, bending, shear, or hydrostatic
pressure should be designed to satisfy the strength and stability requirements specified in 6.3.2 to 6.3.6.
Tubular members subjected to combined loads without hydrostatic pressure should be designed to satisfy
the strength and stability requirements specified in 6.3.8. Tubular members subjected to combined loads with
hydrostatic pressure should be designed to satisfy the strength and stability requirements specified in 6.3.9.
The equations in this section are not using an unique sign convention. Definitions are given in each
Afy (6.1)
N Sd ≤ N t,Rd =
Af c (6.2)
N Sd ≤ N c,Rd =
NSd = design axial force (compression positive)
fc = characteristic axial compressive strength
γM = see 6.3.7
In the absence of hydrostatic pressure the characteristic axial compressive strength for tubular members
shall be the smaller of the in-plane or out-of-plane buckling strength determined from the following equations:
0.9 (6.4)
fc = fy for λ > 1.34
λ 2
f cl kl f cl (6.5)
λ = =
fE πi E
fcl = characteristic local buckling strength
λ = column slenderness parameter
fE = smaller Euler buckling strength in y or z direction
E = Young’s modulus of elasticity, 2.1⋅10 MPa
k = effective length factor, see
l = longer unbraced length in y or z direction
i = radius of gyration
The characteristic local buckling strength should be determined from:
fy (6.6)
f cl = f y for ≤ 0.170
f cle
f fy (6.7)
f cl = 1.047 − 0.274 y f y for 0.170 < ≤ 1.911
f cle f cle
fy (6.8)
f cl = f cle for > 1.911
f cle
f cle = 2 Ce E
fcle = characteristic elastic local buckling strength
Ce = critical elastic buckling coefficient = 0.3
D = outside diameter
t = wall thickness
For > 0.170 the tubular is a class 4 cross section and may behave as a shell. Shell structures may
f cle
have a brittle structure failure mode. Reference is made to 6.2. For class 4 cross sections increased γM
values shall be used according to Equation (6.22).
6.3.4 Bending
Tubular members subjected to bending loads should be designed to satisfy the following condition:
fmW (6.9)
M Sd ≤ M Rd =
MSd = design bending moment
fm = characteristic bending strength
W = elastic section modulus
γM = see section 6.3.7
The characteristic bending strength for tubular members should be determined from:
Z f yD (6.10)
fm = fy for ≤ 0.0517
W Et
f D Z fyD (6.11)
f m = 1.13 − 2.58 y f y 0.0517 < ≤ 0.1034
Et W Et
f D Z fyD fy (6.12)
f m = 0.94 − 0.76 y f y 0.1034 < ≤ 120
Et W Et E
W = elastic section modulus
π [D 4 − (D − 2t) 4 ]
32 D
Z = plastic section modulus
1 3
D − (D − 2t) 3 ]
For > 0.170 the tubular is a class 4 cross section and may behave as a shell. Shell structures may
f cle
have a brittle structure failure mode. Reference is made to 6.2. For class 4 cross sections increased γM
values shall be used according to Equation (6.22).
6.3.5 Shear
Tubular members subjected to beam shear forces should be designed to satisfy the following condition:
Af y (6.13)
VSd ≤ VRd =
2 3γ M
VSd = design shear force
fy = yield strength
A = cross sectional area
γM = 1.15
Tubular members subjected to shear from torsional moment should be designed to satisfy the following
2I p f y (6.14)
M T,Sd ≤ M T, Rd =
D 3γ M
MT,Sd = design torsional moment
Ip = polar moment of inertia =
[D 4
− (D − 2t ) 4 ]
6.3.6 Hydrostatic pressure
fh (6.15)
σ p,Sd ≤ f h,Rd =
p Sd D (6.16)
σ p,Sd =
fh = characteristic hoop buckling strength
σp,Sd = design hoop stress due to hydrostatic pressure (compression positive)
pSd = design hydrostatic pressure
γM = see 6.3.7
If out-of-roundness tolerances do not meet the requirements given in NORSOK M-101, guidance on
calculating reduced strength is given in Clause 12.
0.4 (6.18)
f h = 0.7f y he for 2.44f y ≥ f he > 0.55f y
f y
The elastic hoop buckling strength, fhe, is determined from the following equation:
t (6.20)
f he = 2 C h E
Ch = 0.44 t/D for µ ≥ 1.6D/t
for 0.825D/t ≤ µ < 1.6D/t
3 4
= 0.44 t/D + 0.21 (D/t) /µ
= 0.737/(µ - 0.579) for 1.5 ≤ µ < 0.825D/t
L 2D
µ= and
D t
L = length of tubular between stiffening rings, diaphragms, or end connections
tL r D 2 (6.21)
I c = f he
Ic = required moment of inertia for ring composite section
Lr = ring spacing
D = diameter (see Note 2 for external rings)
1. Equation (6.21) assumes that the yield strength of the stiffening ring is equal to or greater than that of the tubular.
2. For external rings, D in Equation (6.21) should be taken to the centroid of the composite ring.
3. An effective width of shell equal to 1.1 D ⋅ t may be assumed as the flange for the composite ring section.
4. Where out-of-roundness in excess of tolerances given in NORSOK M-101 is permitted, larger stiffeners may be
required. The bending due to out-of-roundness should be specially investigated.
Local buckling of ring stiffeners with flanges may be excluded as a possible failure mode provided that the
following requirements are fulfilled:
h E
≤ 1.1
tw fy
b E
≤ 0.3
tf fy
h = web height
tw = web thickness
b = half the width of flange of T-stiffeners
tf = thickness of flange
Local buckling of ring stiffeners without flanges may be excluded as a possible failure mode provided that:
h E
≤ 0.4
tw fy
Torsional buckling of ring stiffeners with flanges may be excluded as a possible failure mode provided that:
3.5 h
10 +
r fy
Check for torsional buckling of the stiffener shall be made according to DNV RP-C202 /13/.
σ c,Sd σ (6.23)
λs = ⋅ λ c + p,Sd ⋅ λ h
f cl fh
where fcl is calculated from Equation (6.6) or Equation (6.7) whichever is appropriate and fh from Equation
(6.17), Equation (6.18), or Equation (6.19) whichever is appropriate.
fy fy (6.24)
λc = , and λh =
f cle f he
fcle and fhe is obtained from Equation (6.8), and Equation (6.20) respectively.
σp,Sd is obtained from Equation (6.16) and
N Sd M 2y,Sd + M 2z,Sd
σ c,Sd = +
NSd is negative if in tension.
If shear or torsion is of importance, the bending capacity MRd needs to be substituted with MRed,Rd calculated
according to subclause or
2 (6.27)
N Sd 1 C my M y,Sd C mz M z,Sd
+ + ≤ 1.0
N c,Rd
M Rd N Sd N Sd
1− 1−
N Ey N Ez
N Sd M 2y,Sd + M 2z,Sd
+ ≤ 1.0
N cl ,Rd M Rd
π 2 EA (6.29)
N Ey = 2
π 2 EA (6.30)
N Ez = 2
k in Equation (6.29) and Equation (6.30) relate to buckling in the y and z directions, respectively.
These factors can be determined using a rational analysis that includes joint flexibility and side-sway. In lieu
of such a rational analysis, values of effective length factors, k, and moment reduction factors, Cm, may be
taken from Table 6-2. All lengths are measured centreline to centreline.
Table 6-2 Effective length and moment reduction factors for member strength checking
Structural element k Cm
Superstructure legs
- Braced 1.0 (a)
- Portal (unbraced) k (a)
Jacket legs and piling
- Grouted composite section 1.0 (c)
- Ungrouted jacket legs 1.0 (c)
- Ungrouted piling between shim points 1.0 (b)
Jacket braces
- Primary diagonals and horizontals 0.7 (b) or (c)
- K-braces 0.7 (c)
- Longer segment length of X-braces 0.8 (c)
Secondary horizontals 0.7 (c)
1. Cm values for the cases defined in Table 6-2 are as follows:
(a) 0.85
(b) for members with no transverse loading,
Cm = 0.6 - 0.4 M1,Sd/M2,Sd,
where M1,Sd/M2,Sd is the ratio of smaller to larger moments at the ends of that portion of the member
unbraced in the plane of bending under consideration. M1,Sd/M2,Sd is positive when the number is bent in
reverse curvature, negative when bent in single curvature.
(c) for members with transverse loading,
Cm = 1.0 - 0.4 NSd/NE, or 0.85, whichever is less, and NE = NEy or NEz as appropriate.
2. Use effective length alignment chart in Clause 12.
3. At least one pair of members framing into the a K- or X-joint shall be in tension if the joint is not braced
out-of-plane. For X-braces, when all members are in compression, the k-factor should be determined
using the procedures given in Clause 12.
4. The effective length and Cm factors given in Table 6-2 do not apply to cantilever members and the
member ends are assumed to be rotationally restrained in both planes of bending.
M Sd V VSd (6.31)
≤ 1.4 − Sd for ≥ 0.4
M Rd VRd VRd
M Sd VSd (6.32)
≤ 1.0 for < 0.4
M Rd VRd
M Sd V (6.33)
≤ 1.4 − Sd
M Red, Rd VRd VSd
for ≥ 0.4
M Sd VSd
≤ 1.0 for < 0.4
M Red, Rd VRd
Wf m,Red
MRed,Rd =
τ T,Sd
fm,Red = fm 1 − 3
M T,Sd
τT,Sd =
2πR 2 t
fd =
R = radius of tubular member
γM = see 6.3.7
σa,Sd = design axial stress that excludes the effect of capped-end axial compression arising from
external hydrostatic pressure (tension positive)
σq,Sd = capped-end design axial compression stress due to external hydrostatic pressure (=
0.5σ p,Sd ) (compression positive)
σmy,Sd = design in plane bending stress
σmz,Sd = design out of plane bending stress
fth,Rd = design axial tensile resistance in the presence of external hydrostatic pressure which is
given by Equation (6.35):
fy (6.35)
f th,Rd = [ 1 + 0.09B 2 − B 2η − 0.3B]
fmh,Rd = design bending resistance in the presence of external hydrostatic pressure which is given
by Equation (6.36):
fm (6.36)
f mh,Rd = [ 1 + 0.09B 2 − B 2η − 0.3B]
γM = see 6.3.7
and Equation (6.37):
σ p,Sd (6.37)
B= , B ≤ 1.0
f h,Rd
fh (6.38)
η = 5−4
f cl (6.40)
f cl,Rd =
f he (6.41)
σ c,Sd − 0.5 σ
≤ 1.0
f cle
− 0.5
f he f he
γM γM γ
in which σ c,Sd = σ m,Sd + σ q,Sd − σ a,Sd ; σc,Sd should reflect the maximum combined compressive stress.
M 2z,Sd + M 2y,Sd
σ m,Sd =
γM = see 6.3.7
Method B (σac,Sd is in tension)
In this method, the calculated member axial stress, σac,Sd, includes the effect of the hydrostatic capped-end
axial stress. Only Equation (6.42) needs to be satisfied:
σ ac,Sd σ my,
Sd + σ mz,Sd
2 (6.42)
+ ≤ 1.0
f th,Rd f mh,Rd
σac,Sd = design axial stress that includes the effect of the capped-end compression arising from
external hydrostatic pressure (tension positive)
σa,Sd = design axial stress that excludes the effect of capped-end axial compression arising from
external hydrostatic pressure (compression positive)
π2E (6.45)
f Ey = 2
π2E (6.46)
f Ez = 2
fch,Rd = design axial compression strength in the presence of external hydrostatic pressure which
is given by the following equations:
−1 (6.47)
1 f cl 2σ q,Sd σ q,Sd 2σ q,Sd
f ch,Rd = [ξ − + ξ 2 + 1.12 λ 2 ] for λ < 1.34 (1 − )
2γM f cl f cl f cl
−1 (6.48)
0.9 f 2σ q,Sd
f ch,Rd = 2 cl , for λ ≥ 1.34 (1 − )
λ γM f cl
ξ = 1 − 0.28λ 2 (6.49)
f he
When σ c,Sd > 0.5 and f cle > 0.5f he , Equation (6.41), in which σ c,Sd = σ m,Sd + σ q,Sd + σ a,Sd , should
also be satisfied.
γM = see 6.3.7
Method B (σac,Sd is in compression)
(a) for σac,Sd > σq,Sd
2 (6.50)
σ ac,Sd − σ q,Sd 1 C myσ my,Sd C mzσ mz,Sd
+ σ + σ ≤ 1.0
f ch,Rd f mh,Rd − σ q,Sd − σ q,Sd
1 − ac,Sd 1 − ac,Sd
f Ey f Ez
σ ac,Sd σ my,
Sd + σ mz,Sd
2 (6.51)
+ ≤ 1.0
f cl,Rd f mh,Rd
σac,Sd = design axial stress that includes the effect of capped-end axial compression arising from
external hydrostatic pressure (compression positive)
f he f cle f he
When σ c,Sd > 0.5 and > 0.5 , Equation (6.41), in which σ c,Sd = σ m,Sd + σ ac,Sd , should also be
γM γM γM
f he f cle f he
When σ c,Sd > 0.5 and > 0.5 , Equation (6.41), in which σ c,Sd = σ m,Sd + σ ac,Sd , should also be
γM γM γM
γM = see 6.3.7
6.4.1 General
The following provisions apply to the design of tubular joints formed by the connection of two or more
members. Terminology for simple joints is defined in Figure 6-1. Figure 6-1 also gives some design
requirements with respect to joint geometry. The gap for simple K-joints should be larger than 50 mm and
less than D. Minimum distances for chord cans and brace stubs should not include thickness tapers.
Reductions in secondary (deflection induced) bending moments or inelastic relaxation through use of joint
elastic stiffness may be considered. In certain instances, hydrostatic pressure effects may be significant.
mixture between the above three joint types. Once the breakdown into axial components is established, the
resistance of the joint can be estimated using the procedures in 6.4.3.
Figure 6-2 provides some simple examples of joint classification. For a brace to be considered as K-joint
classification, the axial force in the brace should be balanced to within 10 % by forces in other braces in the
same plane and on the same side of the joint. For Y-joint classification, the axial force in the brace is reacted
as beam shear in the chord. For X-joint classification, the axial force in the brace is carried through the chord
to braces on the opposite side.
Additional explanation of joint-classification is found in Clause 12. General
The validity range for application of the equations defined in 6.4.3 is as follows:
0.2 ≤ β ≤ 1.0
10 ≤ γ ≤ 50
30° ≤ θ ≤ 90°
≥ −0.6 (for K joints)
The equations can be used for joints with geometries which lie outside the validity ranges, by taking the
usable strength as the lesser of the capacities calculated on the basis of:
a) actual geometric parameters,
b) imposed limiting parameters for the validity range, where these limits are infringed.
The above geometry parameters are defined in Figure 6-3 to Figure 6-6.
d β=
θ τ=
crown crown
d d
T θ 2T
D t
dA dB
βA = βB =
tA tB
τA = τB =
T θB
D γ=
dA dC dA dB dC
βA = βB = βC =
A tB C
tA tC
tA tB tC
τA = τB = τC =
T θA θC
g AB g BC 2T
f yT 2 (6.52)
N Rd = QuQf
γ M sin θ
f yT 2d (6.53)
M Rd = QuQf
γ M sin θ
NRd = the joint design axial resistance
MRd = the joint design bending moment resistance
fy = the yield strength of the chord member at the joint
γM = 1.15
For joints with joint cans, NRd shall not exceed the resistance limits defined in
For braces with axial forces with a classification that is a mixture of K, Y and X joints, a weighted average of
NRd based on the portion of each in the total action is used to calculate the resistance.
6.4 γ (0.6 β )
X 2 (2.8 + (12 + 0.1γ )β )Q β
2 (6.55)
σ σ my,2
Sd + σ mz,Sd
A = a,Sd +
f 1.62 f 2
y y
σa,Sd = design axial stress in chord, positive in tension
σmy,Sd = design in-plane bending stress in chord, positive for compression in the joint footprint
σmz,Sd = design out-of-plane bending stress in chord
fy = yield strength
C1, C2, C3 = coefficients depending on joint and load type as given in Table 6-4
The average of the chord loads and bending moments on either side of the brace intersection should be
used in Equations (6.54) and (6.55). The chord thickness at the joint should be used in the above
calculations. Design axial resistance for X and Y joints with joint cans
For Y and X joints with axial force and where a joint can is specified, the joint design resistance should be
calculated as follows:
N Rd = r + (1 - r ) n N
Tc can,Rd
Ncan,Rd = NRd from Equation (6.52) based on chord can geometric and material properties,
including Qf calculated with respect to chord can
Tn = nominal chord member thickness
Tc = chord can thickness
r = Lc/2.5 D for joints with β ≤ 0.9
(4β − 3) ⋅ L c
= for joints with β > 0.9
1.5 D
Lc = effective total length. Figure 6-7 gives examples of calculation of Lc
In no case shall r be taken as greater than unity.
Brace 1 Brace 2
a b
Nominal Chord
Chord Can
Brace 3 Brace Length L c
d3 1 2a + d 1
2 2b + d 2 /sin θ
3 2c + d 3
2 (6.57)
N Sd M y,Sd M
+ + z,Sd ≤ 1
N Rd M y,Rd M z,Rd
NSd = design axial force in the brace member
NRd = the joint design axial resistance
My,Sd = design in-plane bending moment in the brace member
Mz,Sd = design out-of-plane bending moment in the brace member
My,Rd = design in-plane bending resistance
Mz,Rd = design out-of-plane bending resistance
d. For both in-plane or out-of-plane bending moments, the combined moment of the overlapping and
through braces should be used to check the through brace intersection capacity. This combined moment
should account for the sign of the moments. The overlapping brace should also be checked on the basis
of the chord having through brace properties. Further, through brace capacity shall be checked for
combined axial and moment loading in the overlapping brace. In this instance the Qf associated with the
through brace shall be used.
Joints with out-of-plane overlap may be assessed on the same general basis as in-plane overlapping joints,
except that axial force resistance should normally revert to that for Y joints.
6.5.1 General
The provisions given in this section are for the design of concentric cone frusta between tubular sections.
They may also be applied to conical transitions at brace ends, where the junction provisions apply only to the
brace-end transition away from the joint.
N Sd (6.59)
σ ac,Sd =
π(D s − t c cos α ) t c
M Sd (6.60)
σ mc,Sd =
(D s − t c cos α ) 2 t c
σequ,Sd = equivalent design axial stress within the conical transition
σac,Sd = design axial stress at the section within the cone due to global actions
σmc,Sd = design bending stress at the section within the cone due to global actions
Ds = outer cone diameter at the section under consideration
tc = cone thickness (to be equal or larger than the thickness of the smaller tubular)
α = the slope angle of the cone (see Figure 6-8)
NSd and MSd are the design axial force and design bending moment at the section under consideration. σac,Sd
and σmc,Sd should be calculated at the junctions of the cone sides.
L1 be
α α
Dj (6.61)
σ ml,Sd = 0.85 (σ at,Sd + σ mt,Sd )tanα
Dj (6.62)
σ hc,Sd = 0.45 (σ at,Sd + σ mt,Sd )tanα
At the smaller-diameter junction, the hoop stress is tensile (or compressive) when (σat,Sd + σmt,Sd) is tensile (or
compressive). Similarly, the hoop stress at the larger-diameter junction is tensile (or compressive) when
(σat,Sd + σmt,Sd) is compressive (or tensile).
f clc (6.63)
σ equ,Sd ≤
fclc = local buckling strength of conical transition
For conical transitions with slope angle α < 30°, fclc can be determined using Equation (6.6) to Equation (6.8)
with an equivalent diameter, De, at the section under consideration.
Ds (6.64)
De =
For conical transitions of constant wall thickness, it would be conservative to use the diameter at the larger
end of the cone as Ds in Equation (6.64).
fy (6.66)
σ equ,
Sd + σ hc,Sd + σ hc,Sd | σ equ,Sd | ≤
σequ,Sd = σ at,Sd + σ mt,Sd for checking stresses on the tubular side of the junction =
σ ac,Sd + σ mc,Sd
for checking stresses on the cone side of the junction
cos α
fy = corresponding tubular or cone yield strength.
The local bending stress σmlt,Sd at a junction of a cone should be limited according to the following for σequ,Sd
at both sides of the junction:
f y σ equ,Sd 2 (6.67)
σ ml,Sd ≤ 1.5 1−
γM f y 2
γM = see 6.3.7
a 2 + b 2η + 2 ν a b ≤ 1.0 (6.68)
σ equ,Sd (6.69)
σ hc,Sd (6.70)
f hj
f clj (6.71)
σ equ,Sd ≤
f hj (6.72)
σ hc,Sd ≤
fclj = corresponding tubular or cone characteristic axial local compressive strength
fhj can be determined using Equation (6.17) to Equation (6.19) with fhe = 0.40E t/Dj and corresponding fy.
The local bending stress σmlt,Sd at a junction of a cone should be limited according to the following for σequ,Sd
at both sides of the junction:
f y σ equ,Sd 2 (6.73)
σ ml,Sd ≤ 1.5 1−
γM f y 2
γM = see 6.3.7
σh,Sd = design hoop stress due to the external hydrostatic pressure, see eq. (6.16)
When σhj,Sd is tensile, the equations in should be satisfied by using σhj,Sd instead of σhc,Sd. When σhj,Sd
is compressive, the equations in should be satisfied by using σhj,Sd instead of σhc,Sd. General
A tubular-cone junction that does not satisfy the above criteria may be strengthened either by increasing the
tubular and cone thicknesses at the junction, or by providing a stiffening ring at the junction.
tD j (6.75)
Ac = (σ a,Sd + σ m,Sd )tanα
tD j D c2 (6.76)
Ic = (σ a,Sd + σ m,Sd )tanα
σa,Sd = larger of σat,Sd and σac,Sd.
σm,Sd = larger of σmt,Sd and σmc,Sd.
Dc = diameter to centroid of composite ring section. See Note 4 in
Ac = cross-sectional area of composite ring section
Ic = moment of inertia of composite ring section
In computing Ac and Ic, the effective width of shell wall acting as a flange for the composite ring section may
be computed from:
b e = 0.55( D j t + D j t c ) (6.77)
1. For internal rings, Dj should be used instead of Dc in Equation.(6.76)
2. For external rings , Dj in Equation (6.75) and Equation (6.76)should be taken to the centroid of the
composite ring.
I cT ≥ I c + I ch (6.78)
Dj t c L c f hec (6.79)
I ch = tL1f he +
16E cos 2 α
IcT = moment of inertia of composite ring section with external hydrostatic pressure and with
effective width of flange computed from Equation (6.77)
Dj = diameter of tubular at junction. See Note 4 in
D e3
Lc = distance to first stiffening ring in cone section along cone axis ≤ 113
D 3j
L1 = distance to first stiffening ring in tubular section ≤ 113
fhe = elastic hoop buckling strength for tubular
fhec = fhe for cone section treated as an equivalent tubular
De = larger of equivalent diameters at the junctions
3. A junction ring is not required for hydrostatic collapse if Equation (6.15) is satisfied with fhe computed
using Ch equal to 0.44 (cosα)⋅(t/Dj ) in Equation (6.20), where Dj is the tubular diameter at the junction.
4. For external rings, Dj in Equation (6.79) should be taken to the centroid of the composite ring, except in
the calculation of L1.
6.8.1 General
Normally brittle fracture in offshore structures is avoided by selecting materials according to Clause 5 and
with only acceptable defects present in the structure after fabrication.
Unstable fracture may occur under unfavourable combinations of geometry, fracture toughness, welding
defects and stress levels. The risk of unstable fracture is generally greatest with large material thickness
where the state of deformation is plane strain. For normal steel qualities, this typically implies a material
thickness in excess of 40 mm to 50 mm, but this is dependent on geometry, fracture toughness, weld defects
and stress level.
See /8/ for guidance on the use of fracture mechanics. If relevant fracture toughness data is lacking, material
testing should be performed.
Substantial 10 3 2
Without substantial 3 2 1
“Substantial consequences” in this context means that failure of the joint will entail
a) danger of loss of human life;
b) significant pollution;
c) major financial consequences.
“Without substantial consequences” is understood failure where it can be demonstrated that the structure satisfy the
requirement to damaged condition according to the ALSs with failure in the actual joint as the defined damage.
Welds in joints below 150 m water depth should be assumed inaccessible for in-service inspection.
In project phases where it is possible to increase fatigue life by modification of structural details, grinding of
welds should not be assumed to provide a measurable increase in the fatigue life.
All significant stress ranges, which contribute to fatigue damage in the structure, should be considered. The
long term distribution of stress ranges may be found by deterministic or spectral analysis. Dynamic effects
shall be duly accounted for when establishing the stress history.
For resistance check where other material factors are used than given in Table 6-1, the recommended
material factor in NS-EN 1993-1-1, NS-EN 1993-1-5 and NS-EN 1993-1-8 should be multiplied by an
additional building code material factor γBC = 0.9.
The different types of accidental actions require different methods and analyses to assess the structural
resistance. Design recommendations for the most common types of accidental actions are given in Annex A.
10.1 General
Reassessment of existing structures should be made according to Norsok N-006
/1/ API Recommended Practice 2A-WSD Twenty first edition including Errata and supplement 1,2
and 3. October 2007
/2/ Odland, J.: “Improvements in design Methodology for Stiffened and Unstiffened Cylindrical
Structures”. BOSS’88. Proceedings of the International Conference on behaviour of Offshore
Structures. Trondheim, June 1988.
/3/ Frieze, P.A., Hsu, T. M., Loh, J. T. and Lotsberg, I.: “Background to Draft ISO Provisions on
Intact and Damaged Members”. BOSS, Delft, 1997.
/4/ Smith, C. S., Kirkwood, W. and Swan, J. W.: ”Buckling Strength and Post-Collapse Behaviour
of Tubular Bracing Members Including Damage Effects”. Procs. 2 International Conference on
the Behaviour of Offshore Structures, BOSS 1979, London, August 1979.
/5/ Livesley, R. K.: “The Application of an Electronic Digital Computer to Some Problems of
Structural Analysis”. The Structural Engineer, January 1956.
/6/ American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC), Manual of Steel Construction – Load and
Resistance Factor Design, Vol. 1, 2nd ed., 1994
/7/ Boardman, H. C.: “Stresses at Junctions of Two Right Cone Frustums with a Common
Axis”,The Water Tower, Chicage Bridge and Iron Company, March 1948.
/8/ BS 7910:2005 “Guide to methods for assessing the acceptability of flaws in metallic structures”
British Standard
/9/ Faulkner, D.: “Design Against Collapse for Marine Structures”, Advances in Marine
Technology, Trondheim, 1979
/10/ Dow, R.S. and Smith, C.S.: “Effects of Localised Imperfections on Compressive Strength of
Long Rectangular plates”, Journal of Constructional steel Research, vol. 4, pp. 51-76, 1984
/11/ ULTIGUIDE. DNV, SINTEF, BOMEL. Best Practice Guidelines for Use of Non-linear Analysis
Methods in Documentation of Ultimate Limit States for Jacket Type Offshore Structures.
/12/ A. Stacey, J.V. Sharp, N.W. Nichols. "Static Strength Assessment of Cracked Tubular Joints",
OMAE, Florence 1996.
/14/ DNV RP-C201, Buckling Strength of Plated Structures, Det Norske Veritas 2002
This clause provides additional guidance and background to selected clauses of this NORSOK standard.
Comm. 1 Scope
In general the provisions of this NORSOK standard are developed, tested and calibrated for steel with
traditional stress/strain relations. Design of structures made from steel material with higher yield strength
may require additional or different design checks due to, among other the following effects:
9. - usually a higher yield to tensile strength ratio implying less strain hardening;
10. - larger elastic deflection before reaching resistance limit, which is important where second-order effects
play a role, usually reduced weld overmatch leading to increased risk of failure in weld material;
11. - reduced maximum elongation.
This is achieved through the different optional requirements stated in each MDS for each SQL. The
achievement of balanced weldability is reached mainly by the following two means:
• requirement to higher energy absorption at toughness testing for yield strength above 400 MPa;
• lowering the test temperature for qualification testing, reflecting the differences between SQL IIand I
and stepwise increases in material thickness.
For high strength material of 420 MPa and above, the MDSs assume the same minimum yield strength
irrelevant of material thickness of plates. This is normally achieved through adjustments in chemical
composition, but without jeopardising the required weldability.
Improved properties in the trough thickness direction (SQL I) should be specified for steel materials where
failure due to lamellar tearing will mean significant loss of resistance. Alternatively the plate can be tested
after welding to check that lamellar tearing has not taken place.
If the design is based on other parts of NS-EN-1993 than part 1-1- and 1-8 it is recommended to multiply the
recommended material factor in the code if not given in Table 6-1 by an additional building code modification
factor γBC = 1.05.
structure may redistribute forces and moments to be in accordance with the assumed static model. This is
the basis for use of linear analyses for ULS checks even for structures, which behave significantly non-linear
when approaching their ultimate limit states.
N cl N (12.1)
N c,Rd = 1 − 0.28 cl
γM NE N cl
for < 1.34
0.9 N E N cl (12.2)
N c,Rd = for ≥ 1.34
in which
Ncl = smallest characteristic local axial compressive strength of all the cross sections
= fcl A
fcl = as given by Equation (6.6) or Equation (6.7)
A = cross-sectional area
In design analysis, a member with variable cross sections can be modelled with several prismatic elements.
For each prismatic element, added length and/or input effective length factor are used to ensure that the
design compressive resistance is correctly determined.
The theoretical value of Cx for an ideal tubular is 0.6. However, a reduced value of Cx = 0.3 is recommended
for use in Equation (6.8) to account for the effect of initial geometric imperfections within tolerance limits
given in NORSOK M-101. A reduced value of Cx = 0.3 is also implicit in the limits for fy/fcle given in Equation
(6.6) or Equation (6.7).
Short tubular members subjected to axial compression will fail either by material yielding or local buckling,
depending on the diameter-to-thickness (D/t) ratio. Tubular members with low D/t ratios are generally not
subject to local buckling under axial compression and can be designed on the basis of material yielding, i.e.,
the local buckling stress may be considered equal to the yield strength. However, as the D/t ratio increases,
the elastic local buckling strength decreases, and the tubular should be checked for local buckling.
Un stiffened thin-walled tubular subjected to axial compression and bending are prone to sudden failures at
loads well below the theoretical buckling loads predicted by classical small-deflection shell theory. There is a
sudden drop in load-carrying resistance upon buckling of such members. The post-buckling reserve strength
of tubular members is small, in contrast to the post-buckling behaviour of flat plates in compression, which
usually continue to carry substantial load after local buckling. For this reason, there is a need for more
conservatism in the definition of buckling load for tubulars than for most other structural elements. The large
scatter in test data also necessitates a relatively conservative design procedure. The large scatter in test
data is partly caused by initial imperfections generated by fabrication. Other factors of influence are
boundary conditions and built-in residual stresses, (see /3/ and /4/).
Some experimental evidence indicates that inelastic local buckling may be less sensitive to initial
imperfections and residual stresses than elastic local buckling, see /3/. Therefore, in order to achieve a
robust design, it is recommended to select member geometry such that local buckling due to axial forces is
The characteristic equations are developed by screening test data and establishing the curve at 95 %
success at the 50 % confidence level, which satisfies the following conditions:
1) it has a plateau of material characteristic yield strength over the range 0 ≤ fy/fcle ≤ 0.17,
2) it has the general form of Equation (6.7),
3) it converges to the elastic critical buckling curve with increasing member slenderness ratio,
4) the difference between the mean minus 1.645 standard deviations of test data and the developed
equations is minimum.
The local buckling data base contains 38 acceptable tests performed by several different investigators, see
A comparison between test data and the characteristic local buckling strength equation, Equation (6.6) to
Equation (6.8) was made. The developed equations have the bias of 1.065, the standard deviation of 0.073,
and the coefficient of variation of 0.068.
The elastic local buckling stress formula recommended in Equation (6.8) represent one-half of the theoretical
local buckling stress computed using classical small-deflection theory. This reduction accounts for the
detrimental effect of geometric imperfections. Based on the test data shown in /3/, this reduction is
considered to be conservative for tubulars with t ≥ 6 mm and D/t < 120. Offshore platform members typically
fall within these dimensional limits. For thinner tubulars and tubulars with higher D/t ratios, larger
imperfection reduction factors may be required, see /13/.
The local buckling database limits the applicability of the nominal strength equations to D/t<120 and t ≥ 6mm.
Reference /13/ provides guidance for the design of tubular members beyond these dimensional limits.
α = geometric imperfection factor
D max − D min
= 1 − 0.2
0.01 D nom
D max − D min
= out-of-roundness (%)
0.01 D nom
where Dmax and Dmin are the maximum and minimum of any measured diameter at a cross section and Dnom
the nominal diameter.
Comm. 6.3.8 Tubular members subjected to combined loads without hydrostatic pressure
This subclause describes the background of the design requirements in 6.3.8, which covers un-stiffened and
ring-stiffened cylindrical shell instability mode interactions when subjected to combined axial and bending
loads without hydrostatic pressure
In this subclause and 6.3.9, the designer should include the second order frame moment or P-∆ effect in the
bending stresses, when it is significant. The P-∆ effect may be significant in the design of un-braced deck
legs, piles, and laterally flexible structures.
i.e., when Q/P < -0.5, and the joints remain effective, k = 0.45 times the length L is supported by these
results, whilst 0.4 seems justified based on experimental evidence.
Figure 12-2 and Figure 12-3 provide effective length factors for X-braces when the longer segment is equal
to 0.6 times the brace length and 0.7 times the brace length, respectively.
To estimate the effective length of a un-braced column, such as superstructure legs, the use of the alignment
chart in Figure 12-4 provides a fairly rapid method for determining adequate k-values.
For cantilever tubular members, an independent and rational analysis is required in the determination of
appropriate effective length factors. Such analysis shall take full account of all large deflection (P-∆) effects.
For a cantilever tubular member, Cm=1.0.
The use of the moment reduction factor (Cm) in the combined interaction equations, such as Equation (6.27),
is to obtain an equivalent moment that is less conservative. The Cm values recommended in Table 6-2 are
similar to those recommended in /6/.
Figure 12-1 Effective length factors for a X-brace with equal brace lengths
Figure 12-2 Effective length factors for a X-brace with the shorter segment equal to 0.4 times the
brace length
Figure 12-3 Effective length factors for a X-brace with the shorter segment equal to 0.3 times the
brace length
Figure 12-4 Alignment chart for effective length of columns in continuous frames
Comm. 6.3.9 Tubular members subjected to combined loads with hydrostatic pressure
This subclause provides strength design interaction equations for the cases in which a tubular member is
subjected to axial tension or compression, and/or bending combined with external hydrostatic pressure.
Some guidance on significance of hydrostatic pressure may be found from Figure 12-5 for a given water
depth and diameter/thickness ratio.
Figure 12-5 Reduction in bending resistance of members due to external pressure, (γM⋅γf = 1.5, fy=
350 MPa)
The design equations are categorised into two design approaches, Method A and Method B. The main
purpose of providing two methods is to facilitate tubular member design by the two common analyses used
by designers. Either design method is acceptable. In the limit when the hydrostatic pressure is zero, the
design equations in this section reduce to those given in 6.3.8.
In both methods the hoop compression is not explicitly included in the analysis, but its effect on member
design is considered within the design interaction equations. For both design methods, the hoop collapse
design check stipulated in 6.3.6 shall be satisfied first.
Method A should be used when the capped-end axial compression due to external hydrostatic pressure is
not explicitly included in the analysis, but its effect is accounted for while computing the member utilisation
Method B should be used when the capped-end axial compression due to external hydrostatic pressure is
included explicitly in the analysis as nodal loads. The explicit application of the capped-end axial
compression in the analysis allows for a more precise redistribution of the capped-end load based on the
relative stiffness of the braces at a node.
The two methods are not identical. However, since redistribution of the capped-end axial compression in
Method B is minimal because of similar brace sizes at a node, the difference between the two methods
should be small.
σ a,Sd σ p,Sd σ p,Sd σ a,Sd
2 (12.3)
+ + 2ν = 1.0 fy
f d f h,Rd f h,Rd f d fd =
2 2η
σ m,Sd σ p,Sd σ p,Sd σ m,Sd (12.4)
+ + 2ν = 1.0
f m,Rd f h,Rd f h,Rd f m,Rd f m,Rd =
To obtain the axial tensile and bending strengths from the above two equations, the σa,Sd and σm,Sd terms are
represented by fth and fmh, respectively, which are given by the positive roots of the quadratic equations.
When the calculated axial tensile stress is greater than or equal to the capped-end axial compression ( i.e.
σa,Sd ≥ σq,Sd) the member is subjected to net axial tension. For this case, the member yield strength, fy, is not
replaced by a local buckling axial strength.
When the calculated axial tensile stress is less than the capped-end axial compression ( i.e. σa,Sd < σq,Sd) the
member is subjected to net axial compression and to a quasi-hydrostatic pressure condition. (A member is
subjected to a pure hydrostatic pressure condition when the net axial compressive stress is equal to the
capped-end axial stress, i.e. σa,Sd = 0.) Under this condition there is no member instability. Hence for this
case, in which σa,Sd ≤ σq,Sd, the cross-sectional yield criterion [Equation (6.39)] and the cross-sectional elastic
buckling criterion [Equation (6.41)] need to be satisfied.
compressive stress in Equation (6.50). For the strength check [see Eq. (6.51)], the net axial compressive
stress is used.
When the calculated axial compressive stress is less than the capped-end axial compression, the member is
under a quasi-hydrostatic pressure condition. That is, the net axial compression is less than the capped-end
axial compression due to pure hydrostatic pressure. Under this loading, the member can not buckle as a
beam-column. Of course, hoop collapse is still a limit state. For this case, in which σac,Sd ≤ σq,Sd, only the yield
criterion of Equation (6.51) needs to be satisfied.
resistance is required, depending on how much of the acting axial force in this brace is balanced by the
middle brace (gap 1) and how much is balanced by the top brace (gap 2).
Qf- factor
Compression Beta<0.9
0,4 Compression Beta=1.0
Tension Beta<0,9
0,2 Tension Beta= 1.0
-1 -0,8 -0,6 -0,4 -0,2 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1
Figure 12-6 Qf factor as a function of chord load for brace tension and compression for two β
A.3.1 General 67
A.3.2 Design principles 67
A.3.3 Collision mechanics 68
A.3.3.1 Strain energy dissipation 68
A.3.3.2 Reaction force to deck 69
A.3.4 Dissipation of strain energy 69
A.3.5 Ship collision forces 70
A.3.5.1 Recommended force-deformation relationships 70
A.3.5.2 Force contact area for strength design of large diameter columns. 71
A.3.5.3 Energy dissipation in ship bow 72
A.3.6 Force-deformation relationships for denting of tubular members 73
A.3.7 Force-deformation relationships for beams 74
A.3.7.1 General 74
A.3.7.2 Plastic force-deformation relationships including elastic, axial flexibility 74
A.3.7.3 Bending capacity of dented tubular members 76
A.3.8 Strength of connections 77
A.3.9 Strength of adjacent structure 77
A.3.10 Ductility limits 78
A.3.10.1 General 78
A.3.10.2 Local buckling 78
A.3.10.3 Lateral stability at yield hinges 79
A.3.10.4 Tensile Fracture 79
A.3.10.5 Tensile fracture in yield hinges 80
A.3.11 Resistance of large diameter, stiffened columns 82
A.3.11.1 General 82
A.3.11.2 Longitudinal stiffeners 82
A.3.11.3 Ring stiffeners 82
A.3.11.4 Decks and bulkheads 82
A.3.12 Energy dissipation in floating production vessels 83
A.3.13 Global integrity during impact 83
A.4.1 General 84
A.4.2 Impact velocity 84
A.4.3 Dissipation of strain energy 86
A.4.4 Resistance/energy dissipation 86
A.4.4.1 Stiffened plates subjected to drill collar impact 86
A.4.4.2 Stiffeners/girders 87
A.4.4.3 Dropped object 87
A.4.5 Limits for energy dissipation 87
A.4.5.1 Pipes on plated structures 87
A.4.5.2 Blunt objects 87
A.5 FIRE 88
A.5.1 General 88
A.5.2 General calculation methods 88
A.5.3 Material modelling 88
A.5.4 Equivalent imperfections 89
A.5.5 Empirical correction factor 89
A.5.6 Local cross sectional buckling 89
A.5.7 Ductility limits 89
A.5.7.1 General 89
A.5.7.2 Beams in bending 89
A.5.7.3 Beams in tension 90
A.5.8 Capacity of connections 90
A.6.1 General 91
A.6.2 Classification of response 91
A.6.3 Failure modes for stiffened panels 92
A.6.4 SDOF system analogy 94
A.6.4.1 General 94
A.6.4.2 Dynamic response charts for SDOF system 97
A.6.5 MDOF analysis 99
A.6.6 Classification of resistance properties 100
A.6.6.1 Cross-sectional behaviour 100
A.6.6.2 Component behaviour 100
A.6.7 Idealisation of resistance curves 101
A.6.8 Resistance curves and transformation factors for plates 101
A.6.8.1 Elastic - rigid plastic relationships 101
A.6.8.2 Axial restraint 103
A.6.8.3 Tensile fracture of yield hinges 103
A.6.9 Resistance curves and transformation factors for beams 103
A.6.9.1 Beams with no- or full axial restraint 104
A.6.9.2 Beams with partial end restraint. 108
A.6.9.3 Effective flange 110
A.6.9.4 Strength of adjacent structure 111
A.6.9.5 Strength of connections 111
A.6.9.6 Ductility limits 111
A.7.1 General 112
A.7.2 Modelling of damaged members 112
A.7.2.1 General 112
A.7.2.2 Members with dents, holes, out-of-straightness 112
A Cross-sectional area
Ae Effective area of stiffener and effective plate flange
As Area of stiffener
Ap Projected cross-sectional area
Aw Shear area of stiffener/girder
B Width of contact area
CD Hydrodynamic drag coefficient
D Diameter of circular sections, plate stiffness
E Young's Modulus of elasticity, 2.1⋅10
Ep Plastic modulus
Ekin Kinetic energy
Es Strain energy
F Lateral load, total load
Aw Shear area of stiffener/girder
H Non-dimensional plastic stiffness
I Moment of inertia, impuls
J Mass moment of inertia
Kl Load transformation factor
Km Mass transformation factor
Klm Load-mass transformation factor
L Beam length
M Total mass, cross-sectional moment
MP Plastic bending moment resistance
NP Plastic axial resistance
T Fundamental period of vibration
N Axial force
NSd Design axial compressive force
NRd Design axial compressive capacity
NP Axial resistance of cross section
R Resistance
R0 Plastic collapse resistance in bending
V Volume, displacement
WP Plastic section modulus
W Elastic section modulus
a Added mass
as Added mass for ship
ai Added mass for installation
w Deformation, displacement
wc Characteristic deformation
wd dent depth
w Non-dimensional deformation
x Axial coordinate
y Generalised displacement, displacement amplitude
yel Generalised displacement at elastic limit
z Distance from pivot point to collision point
This Annex deals with the design to maintain the load-bearing function of the structures during accidental
events. The overall goal of the design against accidental actions is to achieve a system where the main
safety functions of the installation are not impaired.
Design Accidental Actions and associated performance criteria are determined by Quantified Risk
Assessment (QRA), see NORSOK N-003 /1/.
In conjunction with design against accidental actions, performance criteria may need to be formulated such
that the structure or components or sub-assemblies thereof - during the accident or within a certain time
period after the accident - shall not impair the main safety functions such as:
• usability of escapeways,
• integrity of shelter areas,
• global load bearing capacity.
Figure A.3-1 Energy dissipation for strength, ductile and shared-energy design
Strength design implies that the installation is strong enough to resist the collision force with minor
deformation, so that the ship is forced to deform and dissipate the major part of the energy.
Ductility design implies that the installation undergoes large, plastic deformations and dissipates the major
part of the collision energy.
Shared energy design implies that both the installation and ship contribute significantly to the energy
From calculation point of view strength design or ductility design is favourable. In this case the response of
the «soft» structure can be calculated on the basis of simple considerations of the geometry of the «rigid»
structure. In shared energy design both the magnitude and distribution of the collision force depends upon
the deformation of both structures. This interaction makes the analysis more complex.
In most cases ductility or shared energy design is used. However, strength design may in some cases be
achievable with little increase in steel weight.
1 (A.3.2)
E s = (m s + a s )v s
Articulated columns
2 (A.3.3)
1 −
E s = (m s + a s )
1 vs
2 m z2
1+ s
ms = ship mass
as = ship added mass
vs = impact speed
mi = mass of installation
ai = added mass of installation
vi = velocity of installation
J = mass moment of inertia of installation (including added mass) with respect to effective
pivot point
z = distance from pivot point to point of contact
In most cases the velocity of the installation can be disregarded, i.e. vi = 0.
The installation can be assumed compliant if the duration of impact is small compared to the fundamental
period of vibration of the installation. If the duration of impact is comparatively long, the installation can be
assumed fixed.
Jacket structures can normally be considered as fixed. Floating platforms (semi-submersibles, TLP’s,
production vessels) can normally be considered as compliant. Jack-ups may be classified as fixed or
Rs Ri
Es,s Es,i
As the load level is not known a priori an incremental procedure is generally needed.
The load-deformation relationships for the ship and the installation are often established independently of
each other assuming the other object infinitely rigid. This method may have, however, severe limitations;
both structures will dissipate some energy regardless of the relative strength.
Often the stronger of the ship and platform will experience less damage and the softer more damage than
what is predicted with the approach described above. As the softer structure deforms the impact force is
distributed over a larger contact area. Accordingly, the resistance of the strong structure increases. This may
be interpreted as an "upward" shift of the resistance curve for the stronger structure (refer Figure A.3-3).
Care should be exercised that the load-deformation curves calculated are representative for the true,
interactive nature of the contact between the two structures.
Broad side D
D = 10 m
= 1.5 m
Impact force (MN)
Stern end D
20 Stern corner
D = 10 m
= 1.5 m
0 1 2 3 4
Indentation (m)
Figure A.3-4 Recommended-deformation curve for beam, bow and stern impact
Figure A.3-5 Force -deformation relationship for bow with and without bulb (2-5.000 dwt)
The curve for bow impact is based upon collision with an infinitely rigid, plane wall and may be used for large
diameter column impacts, but should not be used for significantly different collision events, e.g. impact
against tubular braces.
For beam -, stern end – and stern corner impacts against jacket braces all energy shall normally be assumed
dissipated by the brace, refer Comm. A.3.5.2.
70 12 70 18
Bulb force
Contact dimension [m]
Force [MN]
8 12
40 10
30 30 8
a b
4 6
20 b 20 b
10 2 Force
10 2
a superstructure a
0 0 0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5
Deformation [m] Deformation [m]
Figure A.3-6 Force -deformation relationship for tanker bow impact (~ 125.000 dwt)
Force-deformation relationships for tanker bow impact is given in Figure A.3-6 for the bulbous part and the
superstructure, respectively. The curves may be used provided that the impacted structure (e.g. stern of
floating production vessels) does not undergo substantial deformation i.e. strength design requirements are
complied with. If this condition is not met interaction between the bow and the impacted structure shall be
taken into consideration. Non-linear finite element methods or simplified plastic analysis techniques of
members subjected to axial crushing shall be employed /3/, /5/.
A.3.5.2 Force contact area for strength design of large diameter columns.
The basis for the curves in Figure A.3-4 is strength design, i.e. limited local deformations of the installation at
the point of contact. In addition to resisting the total collision force, large diameter columns have to resist
local concentrations (subsets) of the collision force, given for stern corner impact in Table A.3-1 and stern
end impact in Table A.3-2.
Table A.3-1 Local concentrated collision force -evenly distributed over a rectangular area. Stern
corner impact
Contact area Force (MN)
a(m) b (m)
0.35 0.65 3.0
0.35 1.65 6.4
0.20 1.15 5.4 a
Table A.3-2 Local concentrated collision force -evenly distributed over a rectangular area. Stern end
Contact area Force (MN)
a (m) b(m)
0.6 0.3 5.6
0.9 0.5 7.5
2.0 1.1 10 a
If strength design is not aimed for - and in lieu of more accurate assessment (e.g. nonlinear finite element
analysis) - all strain energy has to be assumed dissipated by the column, corresponding to indentation by an
infinitely rigid stern corner.
In addition , the brace cross-section must satisfy the following compactness requirement
2 (A.3.5)
f y t1.5 D 0.5 ≥ ⋅ factor
where factor is the required resistance in [MN] given in Table A.3-3.
c2 (A.3.6)
R w
= kc1 d
Rc D
t2 D
Rc = fy
4 t
c1 = 22 + 1.2
c2 =
3.5 +
N Sd
k = 1.0 ≤ 0.2
N Rd
k = 1.0 − 2 Sd − 0.2 0.2 < < 0.6
N Rd N Rd
k=0 0.6 ≤
N Rd
A.3.7.1 General
The response of a beam subjected to a collision load is initially governed by bending, which is affected by
and interacts with local denting under the load. The bending capacity is also reduced if local buckling takes
place on the compression side. As the beam undergoes finite deformations, the load carrying capacity may
increase considerably due to the development of membrane tension forces. This depends upon the ability of
adjacent structure to restrain the connections at the member ends to inward displacements. Provided that
the connections do not fail, the energy dissipation capacity is either limited by tension failure of the member
or rupture of the connection.
Simple plastic methods of analysis are generally applicable. Special considerations shall be given to the
effect of :
• elastic flexibility of member/adjacent structure
• local deformation of cross-section
• local buckling
• strength of connections
• strength of adjacent structure
• fracture
1 1 (A.3.7)
= +
K K node 2EA
Knode = axial stiffness of the node with the considered member removed. This may be determined by
introducing unit loads in member axis direction at the end nodes with the member removed.
Plastic force-deformation relationship for a central collision (midway between nodes) may be obtained from :
• Figure A.3-8 for tubular members
• Figure A.3-9 for stiffened plates in lieu of more accurate analysis.
4c1 M P
R0 = plastic collapse resistance in bending for the member, for the case that contact
point is at mid span
w= non-dimensional deformation
c1 w c
4c1 Kw c
c= non-dimensional spring stiffness
f y A
c1 = 2 for clamped beams
c1 = 1 for pinned beams
wc = characteristic deformation for tubular beams
1.2 WP
wc = characteristic deformation for stiffened plating
WP = plastic section modulus
= member length
For non-central collisions the force-deformation relationship may be taken as the mean value of the force-
deformation curves for central collision with member half-length equal to the smaller and the larger portion of
the member length, respectively.
For members where the plastic moment capacity of adjacent members is smaller than the moment capacity
of the impacted member the force-deformation relationship may be interpolated from the curves for pinned
ends and clamped ends:
actual (A.3.9)
0≤ξ= −1 ≤ 1
R0 = Plastic resistance by bending action of beam accounting for actual bending resistance of
adjacent members
4M P + 2M P1 + 2M P2 (A.3.10)
4,5 Bending & membrane
0.2 Membrane only
0,3 0.1 F (collision load)
1 k k
c =∞
0.05 w
0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4
Deformation w
Figure A.3-8 Force-deformation relationship for tubular beam with axial flexibility
c =∞
2 0.5 k k
1,5 1 w
1 0
0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4
Deformation w
Figure A.3-9 Force-deformation relationship for stiffened plate with axial flexibility.
M red θ 1 (A.3.12)
= cos − sinθ
MP 2 2
M P = f yD2t
2w d
θ = arccos1 −
A.3.10.1 General
The maximum energy that the impacted member can dissipate will – ultimately - be limited by local buckling
on the compressive side or fracture on the tensile side of cross-sections undergoing finite rotation.
If the member is restrained against inward axial displacement, any local buckling must take place before the
tensile strain due to membrane elongation overrides the effect of rotation induced compressive strain.
If local buckling does not take place, fracture is assumed to occur when the tensile strain due to the
combined effect of rotation and membrane elongation exceeds a critical value.
To ensure that members with small axial restraint maintain moment capacity during significant plastic rotation
it is recommended that cross-sections be proportioned to Class 1 requirements, defined in Eurocode 3 (EN-
Initiation of local buckling does, however, not necessarily imply that the capacity with respect to energy
dissipation is exhausted, particularly for Class 1 and Class 2 cross-sections. The degradation of the cross-
sectional resistance in the post-buckling range may be taken into account provided that such information is
available, refer Comm. A.3.10.1
For members undergoing membrane stretching a lower bound to the post-buckling load-carrying capacity
may be obtained by using the load-deformation curve for pure membrane action.
Dt (A.3.14)
235 f y
If this condition is not met, buckling may be assumed to occur when the lateral deformation exceeds
14c f f y κ
2 (A.3.16)
w 1
= 1 − 1 − c β 3 d
d c 2c f
1 c
For small axial restraint (c < 0.05) the critical deformation may be taken as
2 (A.3.17)
w 3.5f y κ
dc c1β 3 d c
In lieu of more accurate calculations the expressions given for circular profiles in Eq. (A.3.16) and (A.3.17)
may be used with
dc = characteristic dimension for local buckling, equal to twice the distance from the
plastic neutral axis in bending to the extreme fibre of the cross-section
= h height of cross-section for symmetric I –profiles
= 2hw for stiffened plating (for simplicity)
bf t f (A.3.19)
β=3 class 2 and class 3 cross-sections
235 f y
hw tw (A.3.21)
β = 0.8 class 2 and class 3 cross-sections
235 f y
bf = flange width
tf = flange thickness
hw = web height
tw = web thickness
EA f (A.3.22)
L ≤ 0,2* b f
f y A f + 0.33 Aw )
bf = flange width
Af = flange area
Aw = web area
• material toughness
• presence of defects
• strain rate
• presence of strain concentrations
The critical strain for plastic deformations of sections containing defects need to be determined based on
fracture mechanics methods. (See chapter 6.5.) Welds normally contain defects and welded joints are likely
to achieve lower toughness than the parent material. For these reasons structures that need to undergo
large plastic deformations should be designed in such a way that the plastic straining takes place away
outside the weld. In ordinary full penetration welds, the overmatching weld material will ensure that minimal
plastic straining occurs in the welded joints even in cases with yielding of the gross cross section of the
member. In such situations, the critical strain will be in the parent material and will be dependent upon the
following parameters:
• stress gradients
• dimensions of the cross section
• presence of strain concentrations
• material yield to tensile strength ratio
• material ductility
Simple plastic theory does not provide information on strains as such. Therefore, strain levels should be
assessed by means of adequate analytic models of the strain distributions in the plastic zones or by non-
linear finite element analysis with a sufficiently detailed mesh in the plastic zones.
When structures are designed so that yielding take place in the parent material, the following value for the
critical average strain in axially loaded plate material may be used in conjunction with nonlinear finite
element analysis or simple plastic analysis
t 355 (A.3.23)
ε cr = 0.02 + 0.65
t = plate thickness
= length of plastic zone. Minimum 5t
fy = yield stress in MPa
w c 4c c ε (A.3.24)
= 1 1 + w f cr − 1
d c 2c f c1
where the following factors are defined;
Displacement factor
1 1 W ε y κ
c w = c lp 1 − c lp + 41 −
c1 3 WP ε cr d c
ε cr W (A.3.26)
− 1 H
ε W
c lp = P
ε cr W
− 1 H +1
ε W
y P
axial flexibility factor
2 (A.3.27)
c f =
1+ c
non-dimensional plastic stiffness
1 f cr − f y
H= =
E E ε cr − ε y
c1 = 2 for clamped ends
= 1 for pinned ends
c = non-dimensional spring stiffness, refer Section A.3.7.2
κl ≤ 0.5l the smaller distance from location of collision load to adjacent joint
W = elastic section modulus
WP = plastic section modulus
εcr = critical strain for rupture
εy = yield strain
fy = yield strength
fcr = strength corresponding to εcr
w (A.3.29)
= c w ε cr
The critical strain εcr and corresponding strength fcr should be selected so that idealised bi-linear stress-strain
relation gives reasonable results. See Commentary. For typical steel material grades the following values are
Table A.3-4 Proposed values for ecr and H for different steel grades
Steel εcr H
S 235 20 % 0.0022
S 355 15 % 0.0034
S 460 10 % 0.0034
A.3.11.1 General
Impact on a ring stiffener as well as midway between ring stiffeners shall be considered.
Plastic methods of analysis are generally applicable.
Plastic bending capacity
1 2 3 4
Distance between ring stiffeners (m)
Figure A.3-11 Required bending capacity of longitudinal stiffeners
4 2M P
F0 =
w cD
wc = = characteristic deformation of ring stiffener
D = column radius
MP = plastic bending resistance of ring-stiffener including effective shell flange
WP = plastic section modulus of ring stiffener including effective shell flange
Ae = area of ring stiffener including effective shell flange
Effective flange of shell plating: Use effective flange of stiffened plates, see Chapter 6.
For ductile design it can be assumed that the resistance of the ring stiffener is constant and equal to the
plastic collapse load, provided that requirements for stability of cross-sections are complied with, refer
Section A.3.10.2.
1 (A.4.1)
E kin = mv 2
E kin =
(m + a )v 2 (A.4.2)
for objects falling in water.
a = hydrodynamic added mass for considered motion
For impacts in air the velocity is given by
v = 2gs (A.4.3)
For objects falling rectilinearly in water the velocity depends upon the reduction of speed during impact with
water and the falling distance relative to the characteristic distance for the object.
F(t )dt
mΔ v = ∫ (A.4.4)
2g(m − ρ w V )
vt = = terminal velocity for the object
ρ w Cd A p
2 a
v t 1 +
m+a m
sc = = = characteristic distance
ρw Cd A p ρ V
2g1 − w
ρw = density of sea water
Cd = hydrodynamic drag coefficient for the object in the considered motion
m = mass of object
Ap = projected cross-sectional area of the object
V = object displacement
The major uncertainty is associated with calculating the loss of momentum during impact with sea surface,
given by Equation (A.4.4). However, if the travelled distance is such that the velocity is close to the terminal
velocity, the impact with sea surface is of little significance.
Typical terminal velocities for some typical objects are given in Table A.4-1
Rectilinear motion is likely for blunt objects and objects which do not rotate about their longitudinal axis. Bar-
like objects (e.g. pipes) which do not rotate about their longitudinal axis may execute lateral, damped
oscillatory motions as illustrated in Figure A.4-1.
As the load level is not known a priori an incremental approach is generally required.
Often the object can be assumed to be infinitely rigid (e.g axial impact from pipes and massive objects) so
that all energy is to be dissipated by the impacted component..
Ro Ri
Es,o Es,i
If the object is assumed to be deformable, the interactive nature of the deformation of the two structures
should be recognised.
1 + 5 d − 6c 2 + 6.25 d
1 r 2r
K = πf y t : stiffness of plate enclosed by hinge circle
2 (1 + c) 2
fy = characteristic yield strength
− 2.5 1−
c= −e 2r
R = πdtτ = contact force for τ ≤ τ cr refer Section A.4.5.1 for τcr
m i = ρ p πr t 2
= mass of plate enclosed by hinge circle
m = mass of dropped object
ρp =mass density of steel plate
d =smaller diameter at threaded end of drill collar
r =smaller distance from the point of impact to the plate boundary defined by adjacent
stiffeners/girders, refer Figure A.4-3.
For validity range of design formula see Commentary.
r r
A.4.4.2 Stiffeners/girders
In lieu of more accurate calculations stiffeners and girders subjected to impact with blunt objects may be
analysed with resistance models given in Section A.6.9.
t (A.4.7)
τ cr = f u 0.42 + 0.41
A.5.1 General
The characteristic fire structural action is temperature rise in exposed members. The temporal and spatial
variation of temperature depends on the fire intensity, whether or not the structural members are fully or
partly engulfed by the flame and to what extent the members are insulated.
Structural steel expands at elevated temperatures and internal stresses are developed in redundant
structures. These stresses are most often of moderate significance with respect to global integrity. The
heating causes also progressive loss of strength and stiffness and is, in redundant structures, accompanied
by redistribution of forces from members with low strength to members that retain their load bearing capacity.
A substantial loss of load-bearing capacity of individual members and subassemblies may take place, but the
load bearing function of the installation shall remain intact during exposure to the fire action.
In addition, the residual strength requirements given in Section A.7 shall be complied with.
Structural analysis may be performed on either
• individual members
• subassemblies
• entire system
The assessment of fire load effect and mechanical response shall be based on either
• simple calculation methods applied to individual members,
• general calculation methods,
or a combination.
Simple calculation methods may give overly conservative results. General calculation methods are methods
in which engineering principles are applied in a realistic manner to specific applications.
Assessment of individual members by means of simple calculation methods should be based upon the
provisions given in Eurocode 3 Part 1.2. /2/.
Assessment by means of general calculation methods shall satisfy the provisions given in Eurocode 3
Part1.2 , Section 4.3.
In addition, the requirements given in this section for mechanical response analysis with nonlinear finite
element methods shall be complied with.
Assessment of ultimate strength is not needed if the maximum steel temperature is below
400 C, but deformation criteria may have to be checked for impairment of main safety functions.
If this criterion is not complied with explicit considerations shall be performed. The load-bearing capacity will
be reduced significantly after the onset of buckling, but may still be significant. A conservative approach is to
remove the member from further analysis.
Compactness requirements for class 1 and class 2 cross-sections may be disregarded provided that the
member is capable of developing significant membrane forces.
A.5.7.1 General
The ductility of beams and connections increase at elevated temperatures compared to normal conditions.
Little information exists.
A.6.1 General
Explosion loads are characterised by temporal and spatial pressure distribution. The most important
temporal parameters are rise time, maximum pressure and pulse duration.
For components and sub-structures the explosion pressure shall normally be considered uniformly
distributed. On global level the spatial distribution is normally nonuniform both with respect to pressure and
The response to explosion loads may either be determined by non-linear dynamic finite element analysis or
by simple calculation models based on Single Degree Of Freedom (SDOF) analogies and elastic-plastic
methods of analysis.
If non-linear dynamic finite element analysis is applied all effects described in the following paragraphs shall
either be implicitly covered by the modelling adopted or subjected to special considerations, whenever
In the simple calculation models the component is transformed to a single spring-mass system exposed to
an equivalent load pulse by means of suitable shape functions for the displacements in the elastic and
elastic-plastic range. The shape functions allow calculation of the characteristic resistance curve and
equivalent mass in the elastic and elastic-plastic range as well as the fundamental period of vibration for the
SDOF system in the elastic range.
Provided that the temporal variation of the pressure can be assumed to be triangular, the maximum
displacement of the component can be calculated from design charts for the SDOF system as a function of
pressure duration versus fundamental period of vibration and equivalent load amplitude versus maximum
resistance in the elastic range. The maximum displacement must comply with ductiliy and stability
requirements for the component.
The load bearing function of the installation shall remain intact with the damages imposed by the explosion
loads. In addition, the residual strength requirements given in Section A.7 shall be complied with.
Impulsive domain:
The response is governed by the impulse defined by
I = ∫ F(t )dt
td (A.6.1)
Hence, the structure may resist a very high peak pressure provided that the duration is sufficiently small. The
maximum deformation, wmax, of the component can be calculated iteratively from the equation
R (w ) dw
w max
I = 2m eq ∫
R(w) = force-deformation relationship for the component
meq = equivalent mass for the component
The response is governed by the peak pressure and the rise time of the pressure relative to the fundamental
period of vibration. If the rise time is small the maximum deformation of the component can be solved
iteratively from the equation:
R (w ) dw
1 w max
w max =
Fmax ∫ 0
If the rise time is large the maximum deformation can be solved from the static condition
Dynamic domain:
The response has to be solved from numerical integration of the dynamic equations of equilibrium.
A.6.4.1 General
Biggs method:
For many practical design problems it is convenient to assume that the structure - exposed to the dynamic
pressure pulse - ultimately attains a deformed configuration comparable to the static deformation pattern.
Using the static deformation pattern as displacement shape function, i.e.
w (x , t ) = φ(x )y(t )
the dynamic equations of equilibrium can be transformed to an equivalent single degree of freedom system:
my + ky = f(t)
φ(x) = displacement shape function
y(t) = displacement amplitude
m = ∫ mφ(x ) dx + ∑ M i φ i
2 2
= generalized mass
f (t ) = ∫
q (t )φ (x )dx + ∑Fφ
i i = generalized load
k = ∫ EIφ , xx (x ) dx
= generalized elastic bending stiffness
K m,u
K l m,u = = load-mass transformation factor for uniform mass
K m,c
K l m,c = = load-mass transformation factor for concentrated mass
∫ mϕ (x)
K m,u = l
= mass transformation factor for uniform mass
∑M ϕ i
K m,c = i
= mass transformation factor for concentrated mass
∫ qϕ (x)dx
Kl = l
= load transformation factor for uniformly distributed load
∑ Fiϕi
Kl = i
= load transformation factor for concentrated load
Mu = ∫ mdx
= total uniformly, distributed mass
Mc = ∑M i
i = total concentrated mass
ke = = equivalent stiffness
The natural period of vibration for the equivalent system in the linear resistance domain is given by
m K l m,u M u + K l m,c M c
T = 2π = 2π
k ke
The response , y(t), is - in addition to the load history - entirely governed by the total mass, load-mass factor
and the equivalent stiffness.
For a linear system, the load mass factor and the equivalent stiffness are constant k1 = ke. The response is
then alternatively governed by the eigenperiod and the equivalent stiffness.
For a non-linear system, the load-mass factor and the equivalent stiffness depend on the response
(deformations). Non-linear systems may often conveniently be approximated by equivalent bi-linear or tri-
linear systems, see Section A.6.7. In such cases the response can be expressed in terms of (see
Figure A.6-10 for definitions):
k1 = equivalent stiffness in the initial, linear resistance domain
yel = displacement at the end of the initial, linear resistance domain
ymax /yel
for system
Elastic-perfectly plastic, k 3=0
0,1 1 10
Figure A.6-2 Maximum response a SDOF system to a triangular pressure pulse with zero rise time.
Fmax/Rel= 2
Design charts for systems with bi- or tri-linear resistance curves subjected to a triangular pressure pulse with
different rise time are given in Figures A.6-4 - A6-7.
Baker's method
The governing equations (A.6.1) and (A.6.2) for the maximum response in the impulsive domain and the
quasi-static domain may also be used along with response charts for maximum displacement for different
Fmax/Rel ratios to produce pressure-impulse (Fmax,I) diagrams - iso-damage curves - provided that the
maximum pressure is known. Figure A.6-3 shows such a relationship obtained for an elastic-perfectly plastic
system when the maximum dynamic response is ymax/yel=10.
Pressure-impulse combinations to the left and below of the iso-damage curve represent admissible events,
to the right and above inadmissible events.
The advantage of using iso-damage diagrams is that "back-ward" calculations are possible:
The diagram is established on the basis of the resistance curve. The information may be used to screen
explosion pressure histories and eliminate those that obviously lie in the admissible domain. This will reduce
the need for large complex simulation of explosion scenaries.
Pressure F/R
3 Iso-damage
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Impulse I/(RT)
Figure A.6-3 Iso-damage curve for ymax/yel = 10. Triangular pressure pulse.
+ (μ − 1)K lm (A.6.7)
elastic plastic
K lm
K lm
µ = ymax/yel ductility ratio
Since µ is not known a priori iterative calculations may be necessary.
Rel/Fmax= 0.8
= 0.9
= 1.0
= 1.1
= 1.2
= 1.5
Figure A.6-4 Dynamic response of a SDOF system to a triangular load (rise time=0)
Rel/Fmax= 0.8
= 0.9
= 1.0
= 1.1
1 = 1.2
= 1.5
F R k3 = 0.5k1 =0.2k1 =0.1k1
k3 = 0
k3 = 0.1k1 Fmax Rel
k3 = 0.2k1
k3 = 0.5k1
0.15td td yel y
0.1 1 10
Figure A.6-5 Dynamic response of a SDOF system to a triangular load (rise time=0.15td)
Rel/Fmax= 0.8
= 0.9
= 1.0
1 = 1.1
= 1.2
F R = 1.5
k 3 = 0.5k1 =0.2k1 =0.1k1
k3 = 0
Fmax Rel
k3 = 0.1k1
k3 = 0.2k1 k1
k3 = 0.5k1
0.30td td yel y
0.1 1 10
Figure A.6-6 Dynamic response of a SDOF system to a triangular load (rise time=0.30td)
Rel/Fmax= 0.8
= 0.9
= 1.0
1 = 1.1
= 1.2
F R k3 = 0.5k1 =0.2k 1 =0.1k1
= 1.5
k3 = 0
Fmax Rel
k3 = 0.1k 1
k3 = 0.2k1 k1
k3 = 0.5k1
0.50td td yel y
0.1 1 10
Figure A.6-7 Dynamic response of a SDOF system to a triangular load (rise time=0.50td)
Figure A.6-8 Bending moment-curvature relationships
k2 k2
R k2
k1 k1 k1 k1
w w w w
Elastic Elastic-plastic Elastic-plastic Elastic-plastic
(determinate) (indeterminate) with membrane
k 2=0
wel w
In lieu of more accurate analysis the resistance curve of elastic-plastic systems may be composed by an
elastic resistance and a rigid-plastic resistance as illustrated in Figure A.6-11.
+ =
( )
= plate bending stiffness
12 1 − ν 2
The factors ψ and η are given in Figure A.6-12
800 40
700 35
600 30
η 25
ψ 400 20
ψ 15
200 10
100 5
0 0
1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Figure A.6-12 Coefficients ψ and η.
In the plastic range the resistance of plates subjected to uniform pressure can be taken as:
p α + (3 − 2α ) 2 (A.6.8)
= 1+ w 2 w ≤1
pc 9 − 3α
p α(2 − α) 1
= 2w 1 + ( 2 − 1) w ≥1
pc 3 − α 3w
Pinned ends :
w 6f y t 2
w=2 rc =
t 2α 2
Clamped ends :
w 12f y t 2
w= rc =
t 2α 2
s s s
α = 3 + ( ) 2 − = plate aspect parameter
(> s ) = plate length
s = plate width
t = plate thickness
rc = plastic resistance in bending for plates with no axial restraint
l/s = 100
Resistance [r/rc]
3 1
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Relative displacement w
Figure A.6-13 Plastic load-carrying capacities of plates as a function of lateral displacement
1 1 1 GA w (A.6.10)
= + , k Q = cQ
k1 k1 k Q L
and regardless of rotational boundary conditions the following values may be used
cQ = 8 for uniformly distributed loads
cQ = 4 for one concentrated loads
cQ = 6 for two concentrated loads
The dynamic reactions according to Table A.6-2 become increasingly inaccurate for loads with short duration
and/or high magnitudes.
Table A.6-2 Transformation factors for beams with various boundary and load conditions.
8Mp 384 EI
Elastic 0.64 0.50 0.78 0.39 R + 011
. F
F=pL L 5 L3
48 EI
Elastic 1.0 1.0 0.49 1.0 0.49 L 0.78 R − 0.28 F
F L3
L/2 L/2 Plastic 0.75Rel − 0.25F
1.0 1.0 0.33 1.0 0.33 L 0
Plastic 4NP
2 N P ymax
membran 1.0 1.0 0.33 1.0 0.33 L
e L
56.4 EI
F/2 F/2 Elastic 0.87 0.76 0.52 0.87 0.60 L 0.525R − 0.025F
Plastic 6N P 3 N P ymax
membran 1.0 1.0 0.56 1.0 0.56
e L L
Mass factor Load-mass factor lent
Load case Resistanc Load Km Klm Maximum Linear Dynamic reaction
stiffnes linear
e Facto Concen Unifor Concen- Uniform resistance stiffnes
domain r -trated m trated mass Rel s V
Kl mass mass mass k1
12 M ps 384 EI
F=pL Elastic 0.53 0.41 0.77 0.36R + 0.14 F
L L3
L Elasto-
plastic 0.64 0.50 0.78 (
8 M ps + M Pm ) 384 EI 0.39 Rel + 011
. F
bending L 5 L3
0.50 0.33 0.66 (
8 M ps + M Pm ) 0 0.38 Rel + 012
. F
bending L
9 M ps 260EI
Elastic 080 0.64 0.41 0.80 0.51 0.48R + 0.02 F
L L3
6 ( M ps + M Pm ) 56.4EI
plastic 0.87 0.76 0.52 0.87 0.60 0.52 Rel − 0.02 F
bending L L3
Plastic 6 ( M ps + M Pm )
1.0 1.0 0.56 1.0 0.56 0 0.52 Rel − 0.02 F
bending L
Plastic 6N P 3 N P ymax
membran 1.0 1.0 0.56 1.0 0.56
e L L
Mass factor Load-mass factor lent
Load case Resistanc Load Km Klm Maximum Linear Dynamic reaction
stiffnes linear
e Facto Concen Unifor Concen- Uniform resistance stiffnes
domain r -trated m trated mass Rel s V
Kl mass mass mass k1
8 M ps
185EI V1 = 0.26R + 012
. F
Elastic 0.58 0.45 0.78 L
L3 V2 = 0.43R + 019
. F
4 M ps + 2 M Pm ) 384EI 0.39 R + 011
. F
L V2 plastic 0.64 0.50 0.78
L 5L3 ± M Ps L
Plastic (
4 M ps + 2 M Pm ) 0.38 R + 012
. F
0.50 0.33 0.66 0
bending L ± M Ps L
V1 V2
2 M ps + 2 M Pm ) 48 EI 0.78 R − 0.28 F
L/2 L/2 plastic 1.0 1.0 0.49 1.0 0.49
L L 3 ± M Ps L
Plastic (
2 M ps + 2 M Pm ) 0.75R − 0.25F
1.0 1.0 0.33 1.0 0.33 0
bending L ± M Ps L
6 M Ps 132 EI V1 = 017
. R + 017
. F
Elastic 0.81 0.67 0.45 0.83 0.55
L L3 V2 = 0.33R + 0.33F
F/2 F/2
V1 Elasto- 0.525R − 0.025F
plastic 0.87 0.76 0.52 0.87 0.60 (
2 M ps + 3 M Pm ) 56 EI
L L 3 ± M Ps L
L/3 L/3 L/3 bending
Plastic (
2 M ps + 3 M Pm ) 0.52 Rel − 0.02 F
1.0 1.0 0.56 1.0 0.56 0
bending L ± M Ps L
Plastic 6N P 3 N P ymax
membran 1.0 1.0 0.56 1.0 0.56
e L L
EI 1.5M ps EI 2M ps
m2 = + 0.5 m3 = + 0.5
l M ps + 2M pm 3
l M ps + 3M pm
1 1 (A.6.11)
= +
k k node 2EA
knode = axial stiffness of the node with the considered member removed. This may be determined by
introducing unit loads in member axis direction at the end nodes with the member removed.
Plastic force-deformation relationship for a beam under uniform pressure may obtained from Figure A.6-14,
Figure A.6-15 or Figure A.6-16 if the plastic interaction between axial force and bending moment can be
approximated by the following equation:
α (A.6.12)
+ =1 1< α < 2
In lieu of more accurate analysis α = 1.2 can be assumed for stiffened plates and H or I beams. For
members with tubular section α = 1.75.
8c1 f y WP
R0 = = plastic collapse resistance in bending for the member.
= member length
w= = non-dimensional deformation
c1w c
wc = = characteristic beam height for beams described by plastic interaction
equation (A.6.12).
4c1 kw c
c= = non-dimensional spring stiffness
f y A
c1 = 2 for clamped beams
c1 = 1 for pinned beams
WP = Plastic section modulus for the cross section of the beam
WP = z g A s = plastic section modulus for stiffened plate for set > As
A = A s + st = total area of stiffener and plate flange
Ae = As + se t = effective cross-sectional area of stiffener and plate flange,
zg = distance from plate flange to stiffener centre of gravity.
As = stiffener area
s = stiffener spacing
se = effective width of plate flange see A.6.9.3
F (explosion load)
0.2 0.1
0.5 k k
c=∞ 1 w
1 0
0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4
Deformation w
Figure A.6-14 Plastic load-deformation relationship for beam with axial flexibility (α=1.2)
α = 1.5
Bending & membrane
Membrane only
F (explosion load)
0.2 0.1
c=∞ 1
0.5 k k
0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4
Deformation w
Figure A.6-15 Plastic load-deformation relationship for beam with axial flexibility (α=1.5)
Bending & membrane
Membrane only
R/R 0
0.1 F (explosion load)
3 k k
0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 3 3,5 4
Deformation w
Figure A.6-16 Plastic load-deformation relationship for beam with axial flexibility (α=2)
For members where the plastic moment capacity of adjacent members is smaller than the moment capacity
of the exposed member the force-deformation relationship may be interpolated from the curves for pinned
ends and clamped ends:
actual (A.6.14)
0≤ξ= −1 ≤ 1
R0 = Collapse load in bending for beam accounting for actual bending resistance of adjacent
8M P + 4M P1 + 4M P2 (A.6.15)
R actual =
Shear lag effects may be neglected if the length is more than 2.5 times the width between stiffeners. For
guidance see Commentary.
Determination of effective flange due to buckling can be made as for buckling of stiffened plates see DNV-
The effective width for elastic deformations may be used when the plate flange is on the tension side.
In most cases the flange will experience varying stress with parts in compression and parts in tension. It may
be unduly conservative to use the effective width for the section with the largest compression stress to be
valid for the whole member length. For continuous stiffeners it will be reasonable to use the mean value
between effective width at the section with the largest compression stress and the full width. For simple
supported stiffeners with compression in the plate it is judged to be reasonable to use the effective width at
midspan for the total length of the stiffener.
Cantilevered Concentrated 6 4 2
Distributed 7 5 2
Pinned Concentrated 6 4 2
Distributed 12 8 3
Fixed Concentrated 6 4 2
Distributed 4 3 2
A.7.2.1 General
Compressive members with large lateral deformations will often contribute little to load-carrying and can be
omitted from analysis.
/2/ NS-ENV 1993-1 Eurocode 3: Design of Steel structures Part 1-2. General rules - Structural fire
/3/ Amdahl, J.: “Energy Absorption in Ship-Platform Impacts”, UR-83-34, Dept. Marine Structures,
Norwegian Institute of Technology, Trondheim, 1983.
/4/ SCI 1993: Interim Guidance Notes for the Design and Protection of Topside Structures against
Explosion and Fire
/5/ Amdahl, J.: “Mechanics of Ship-Ship Collisions- Basic Crushing Mechanics”.West Europene
Graduate Shcool of Marine Technology, WEGEMT , Copenhagen, 1995
Comm. A.3.1 General
For typical installations, the contribution to energy dissipation from elastic deformation of
component/substructures in direct contact with the ship is very small and can normally be neglected.
Consequently, plastic methods of analysis apply.
However, elastic elongation of the hit member as well as axial flexibility of the nodes to which the member is
connected, have a significant impact on the development of membrane forces in the member. This effect has
to be taken into account in the analysis, which is otherwise based on plastic methods. The diagrams in
Section A.3.7.2 are based on such an approach.
Depending on the structure size/configuration as well as the location of impact elastic strain energy over the
entire structure may contribute significantly.
Between a stringer (D= 1.0 m)
Comm. A.3.5.2 Force contact area for strength design of large diameter columns.
Figure A.9-2 Distribution of contact force for stern corner/large diameter column impact
Figure A.9-2 shows an example of the evolution of contact force intensity during a collision between the stern
corner of a supply vessel and a stiffened column. In the beginning the contact is concentrated at the extreme
end of the corner, but as the corner deforms it undergoes inversion and the contact ceases in the central
part. The contact area is then, roughly speaking, bounded by two concentric circles, but the distribution is
The force-deformation curves given in Figure A.3-4 relate to total collision force for stern end - and stern
corner impact, respectively. Table A.3-1 and Table A.3-2 give the anticipated maximum force intensities
(local force and local contact areas, i.e. subsets of the total force and total area) at various stages of
The basis for the design curves is integrated, non-linear finite element analysis of stern/column impacts.
The information given in A.3.5.2 may be used to perform strength design. If strength design is not achieved
numerical analyses have shown that the column is likely to undergo severe deformations and absorb a major
part of the strain energy. In lieu of more accurate calculations (e.g. non-linear FEM) it has to be assumed
that the column absorbs all strain energy.
Figure A.9-4 shows brace thickness as a function of diameter and length diameter ratio that results from
Equation (A.9.1). The thickness can generally be smaller than the values shown, and still energy dissipation
in the bow may be taken into account, but if Equation (A.9.1) is complied with denting does not need to be
further considered.
The requirements are based upon simulation with LS-DYNA for penetration of a tube with diameter 1.0 m.
Great caution should therefore be exercised in extrapolation to diameters substantially larger than 1.0 m,
because the resistance of the bow will increase. For brace diameters smaller than 1.0 m, the requirement is
fy = 235 MPa, 6 MN
Thickness [mm]
60 fy = 235 MPa, 3 MN
40 fy = 355 MPa, 6 MN
fy = 355 MPa, 3 MN
fy = 420 MPa, 6 MN
0,6 0,8 1 1,2 1,4 fy = 420 MPa, 3 MN
Diameter [m]
Figure A.9-3 Required thickness versus grade and resistance level of brace to penetrate ship bow
without local denting
Thickness [mm]
L/D =20
L/D =25
40 L/D =30
0,6 0,8 1 1,2 1,4
Diameter [m]
Figure A.9-4 Brace thickness yielding little local deformation in the bending phase
R ( w ) = R M P =1 ( w )ξ + R M P =0 ( w )(1 − ξ) (A.9.2)
Figure A.9-5 Axial variation of maximum strain for a cantilever beam with circular cross-section
Adding the bending strain and the membrane strain allows determination of the critical displacement as a
function of the total critical strain.
Figure A.9-6 shows deformation at rupture for a fully clamped beam as a function of the axial flexibility factor
3 /D = 30 /D = 20
2.5 c= 0 c= 0
2 = 0.05 = 0.05
= 0.5 = 0.5
= 1000 = 1000
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Figure A.9-6 Maximum deformation for a tubular fully clamped beam. (H=0.005)
The plastic stiffness factor H is determined from the stress-strain relationship for the material.. The
equivalent linear stiffness shall be determined such that the total area under the stress-strain curve up to the
critical strain is preserved (The two portions of the shaded area shall be equal), refer Figure A.9-7. It is
unconservative and not allowable to use a reduced effective yield stress and a plastic stiffness factor as
illustrated in Figure A.9-8.
εcr εcr
Figure A.9-7 Determination of plastic stiffness
Figure A.9-8 Erroneous determination of plastic stiffness
Figure A.9-9 Effective flange for stiffeners and girders in the elastic range
o0o –
K.1.1 Introduction 125
K.1.2 Definitions 125
K.1.3 Design for non-operational phases 125
K.1.4 Design for operational phases 125
K.2.1 Structural classification 126
K.3.1 General 130
K.3.2 Permanent action 130
K.3.3 Variable action 130
K.3.4 Deformation action 130
K.3.5 Environmental action 130
K.3.5.1 General 130
K.3.5.2 Wave and current action 131
K.3.5.3 Wind action 131
K.3.5.4 Earthquake action 131
K.3.5.5 Ice 131
K.3.6 Accidental action 131
K.3.7 Fatigue actions 132
K.3.8 Combination of actions 132
K.3.9 Vortex shedding 132
K.3.10 Wave slamming 132
K.4.1 General 133
K.4.2 Dynamic effects 133
K.4.3 Analysis modelling 133
K.4.4 Design conditions 134
K.4.4.1 General 134
K.4.4.2 In-place ULS analysis 134
K.4.4.3 Fatigue analysis 134
K.4.4.4 Accidental analysis 137
K.4.4.5 Earthquake analysis 138
K.4.4.6 Installation analysis 138
K.5.1 Member design 139
K.5.2 Tubular connections 139
K.5.3 Grouted connection 139
K.5.3.1 General 139
K.5.3.2 Failure of the grout to pile connection due to interface shear from axial load and
torsional moment (ULS and ALS) 140
K.5.3.3 Check of compressive stresses at the lower end of the grout due to bending
moment and shear in the pile (ULS and ALS) 143
K.5.3.4 Fatigue of the grouted connection for alternating interface shear stress due to
axial load and bending moment in the pile (FLS) 144
K.5.3.5 Fatigue of the grout due compression and shear stresses at the lower end of the
grout due to bending moment and shear in the pile (FLS) 145
K.5.3.6 Fatigue check due to torsion 146
K.5.3.7 Requirements to ribbed steel reinforcement 146
K.5.3.8 Considerations on in-service inspection 146
K.5.4 Cast items 147
K.6.1 General 148
K.6.1.1 Design principles 148
K.6.1.2 Soil investigation 148
K.1.1 Introduction
This Annex to NORSOK N-004 is intended to give guidance on how jacket steel structures should be
designed according to the provisions of relevant NORSOK standards. It is intended to give guidance to how
the various standards should be applied for jacket structures, how important parameters should be selected
and to give additional requirements especially relevant for jacket structures.
K.1.2 Definitions
Jacket: A welded tubular space frame structure consisting of vertical or battered legs
supported by a lateral bracing system. The jacket is designed to support the topside
facilities, provide supports for conductors, risers, and other appurtenances and serve
as a template for the foundation system.
Bottle leg: Leg section with larger diameter to thickness ratio used as buoyancy compartment
during installation and to facilitate effective pile cluster design.
Foundation pile: Steel tubular driven into the soil and fixed to the jacket structure for transfere of
global actions.
Pile cluster: Pile sleeves for foundation piles arranged in groups with shear connections to jacket
legs. Basis for mudmats and skirts.
Bucket foundation: Steel plate construction integrated to bottom of jacket leg penetrating into soil for
fixing platform to ground.
Multilegged jacket: A jacket with more than 4 legs.
When the design class is defined the material shall be selected according to Section 5.
The drawings shall indicate the inspection category for all welds according to Section 5.
Table 2-2 summarises the minimum design class and steel quality level for different parts of a typical seabed
support and protection structure of moderate size. Severe criticality and severe fatigue utilisation may lead to
more stringent assessment and requirements.
K.3.5.1 General
The characteristic value of an environmental action is the maximum or minimum value (whichever is the
most unfavourable) corresponding to an action effect with a prescribed probability of exceedance.
The environmental conditions should be described using relevant data for the relevant period and areas in
which the jacket is to be fabricated, transported, installed and operated.
The long-term variation of environmental phenomena such as wind, waves and current should be described
by recognised statistical distributions relevant to the environmental parameter considered. Information on the
joint probability of the various environmental actions may be taken into account if such information is
available and can be adequately documented.
Details of environmental actions are found in NORSOK N-003.
K.3.5.5 Ice
If the structure is to be located in an area where snow or icing may accumulate, icebergs, or sea-ice may
develop or drift, actions from such phenomena shall be taken into account where relevant, ref. NORSOK N-
The inertial action is established by a global dynamic analysis. The magnitude of the inertial action can be a
direct result of the global dynamic analysis, or can be derived from the quasi-static analysis and the Dynamic
Amplification Factor (DAF) from the global dynamic analysis.
Wave and other time varying actions should be given realistic representations of the frequency content of the
action. Time history methods using random waves are preferred. Frequency domain methods may be used
for the global dynamic analysis both for ULS and FLS, provided the linearization of the drag force can be
The random waves should originate from one or more wave spectra that are plausible conditions for
producing the design wave defined shape.
K.4.4.1 General
The platform shall be designed to resist gravity actions, wave, current and wind actions, earthquake and
accidental actions that may occur during its service life.
Figure 4-1 Recommended wave approach directions for ULS and FLS analysis
calculated for at least ten positions in each wave. In performing a deterministic wave analysis, due attention
should be paid to the choice of wave periods if such data are not explicitly specified, or can be determined
based upon wave scatter diagrams relevant for the location.
In lack of site specific data, the wave periods shall be determined based on a wave steepness of 1/20
(NORSOK N-003).
For deep water jackets and jackets where the dynamic effects are important, a fatigue analysis in the
frequency domain (dynamic stochastic analysis) is recommended.
Frequency domain action calculations are carried out in order to determine hydrodynamic transfer functions
for member force intensities. The transfer functions are expressed as complex numbers in order to describe
the phase lags between the action variable and the incoming wave
Studies are to be performed to investigate wave actions for a range of periods in order to ensure a sufficient
accuracy of the response. For a stochastic fatigue analysis, it is important to select periods such that
response amplifications and cancellations are included. Also selection of wave periods in relation to the
platform fundamental period of vibration is important. The number of periods included in the analysis should
not be less than 30, and be in the range from T = 2 sec. to at least T = 20 sec.
H3 Calculation in each wave act
Wave exceedance diagr
D= Ni
1 2 3
7 3
4 i
6 5
n1 ni N1N2N3 Ni
Long-term distribution of hot-spot stresse S-N Curve
Short crested waves (angular distribution of wave energy) may be taken into account if such effects are
present at the location. When applying short crested waves, an increased number of wave approach
directions should be used, normally not less than 12.
The dynamic analysis can be carried out by a modal superposition analysis, direct frequency response
analysis or by mode syntehesis techniques.
Traditional jackets are drag dominated structures. For drag dominated structures stochastic analysis based
upon linear extrapolation techniques may significantly underestimate action effects. When the effect of drag
forces on the expected fatigue damage and the expected extreme responses are to be assessed, Morison-
type wave actions are to be based on relevant non-linear models.
If practical, horizontal plan elevations (or complex systems) should be designed to be located away from the
still water level or splash zone.
Structure-to-ground connections in the analysis shall be selected to adequately represent the response of
the foundations. Structure-to-ground connections may normally be simulated by linear stiffness matrices. To
linearize the actually non-linear soil response, these matrices should be developed based on a wave height
which contributes significantly to the fatigue damage. The matrices shall account for the correlation between
the rotational and translation degrees of freedom, which may be important for proper calculation of fatigue
lives in the lower part of the structure.
Structural components in the jacket shall be classified according to consequences of failure and accessibility
for inspection and repair as outlined in Section 8.
Structures or structural parts located in water depths below 150 m shall be considered as being not
accessible for inspection and repair.
Fatigue design factors for typical components in jackets are given in
Table 4-1 and Figure 4-3.
A credible collision or dropped object against a bracing member or a nodal brace joint will reduce the action
carrying ability of the member or the joint. Such members or joints are thus to be assumed non-effective
when the global strength of the platform (residual strength) is to be assessed for combinations of design
actions in the ALS condition. A credible collision or dropped object against a leg member will normally cause
limited damages, and the residual strength of the platform is to be assessed taking due account of the
residual strength of the damaged member for combination of design actions in the ALS condition. Details
may be found in Annex A.
Pool fire analyses are normally performed to establish requirements to the platform passive and active fire
protection system.
For consideration of the 10 wave action and requirement to air gap see Norsok N-003.
K.5.3.1 General
Grouted pile connections shall be designed to satisfactorily transfer the design loads from the pile sleeve to
the pile as shown in Figure 5-1. The grout packer may be placed above or below the lower yoke plate as
indicated in Figure 5-2. The connection may be analysed by using a load model as shown in Figure 5-3. The
following failure modes of grouted pile to sleeve connections need to be considered:
• Failure of grout to pile interface shear due to axial load and torsional moment (ULS and ALS).
• Failure of the grout due to compressive stresses at the lower end of the grout due to bending
moment and shear force in the pile (ULS and ALS).
• Fatigue of the grouted connection for alternating interface shear stress due to axial load and bending
moment in the pile (FLS).
• Fatigue of the grout due to contact pressure and friction forces creating shear stresses at the lower
end caused by bending moment and shear force in the pile (FLS).
Pile sleeve
Shear Plate
Pile sleeve
Pile sleeve
Lower Yoke plate
Lower Yoke plate
Figure 5-2 The left figure shows grout termination above Lower Yoke plate and the right figure
shows grout termination below Lower Yoke plate
The recommendations for check of the above failure modes for pile sleeve connections with circular hoop or
helix curved strings of weld beads or bars denoted shear keys are described in Section K.5.3.2 to K.5.3.5
Upper Yoke plate
Lower Yoke plate
K.5.3.2 Failure of the grout to pile connection due to interface shear from axial load and
torsional moment (ULS and ALS)
When a grouted connection is subjected to combined axial force and torsional moment, the interface stress
shall be taken as the result of the component stresses caused by axial force and torsional moment
calculated at the outer surface of the inner member.
The design interface stress due to axial force, τba,Sd, is defined by:
NSd (5.1)
τ ba,Sd =
π ⋅ Dp ⋅ Le
In calculating the effective grouted connection length, Le, the following non-structural lengths shall be
subtracted from the connection’s nominal gross grouted length:
1. Where setting of a grout plug is the primary means of sealing, or is the contingency sealing method in
the event of packer failure, the grout plug length shall be considered as non-structural.
2. To allow for potential weak interface zones, grout slump, etc. at each end of the connection, the greater
of the following grouted lengths shall be considered as non-structural:
- two thickness of the grout annulus, 2tg
- one shear key spacing, s, if shear keys are used.
3. Any grouted length that is not certain to contribute effectively to the connection capacity, shall be
considered as non-structural (e.g. when shear keys are used, the implications of possible over and under
driving of piles shall be considered in relation to the number of shear keys present in the grouted length).
4. For pile-sleeve connections carrying significant bending moments a distance of D p ⋅ t p above and
below the lower yoke plate should be without shear keys.
The design interface transfer stress due to torsional moment, τbt,Sd, is defined by:
2 M t, Sd (5.2)
τ bt,Sd =
π ⋅ D ⋅ Le
Mt,Sd = design torsional moment on the connection.
The combined axial and torsional design interface shear is calculated as:
τ b,Sd = τ ba,Sd + τ bt,Sd
2 2
The characteristic interface strength for grout to steel interface with shear keys, is given by:
800 h
0.8 (5.4)
f bks = + 140 ⋅ ⋅ C s 0.6 ⋅ f ck
D p s
The characteristic interface transfer strength for grout steel interface in the connection without shear keys, is
given by:
800 (5.5)
f bkf = ⋅ C s ⋅ f ck
0.6 0.3
The characteristic interface transfer strength for grout matrix shear failure is given by:
h (5.6)
f bkg = 0.75 − 1.4 ⋅ ⋅ f ck0.5
s = shear key spacing (mm)
h = shear key height (mm)
Cs = radial stiffness factor
[(Dp / tp) + (Ds / ts)] + (1 /m)⋅(Dg / tg)
-1 -1
fck = characteristic cube strength (MPa)
Dp = outside diameter of pile (mm)
tp = wall thickness of pile (mm)
Ds = outside diameter of pile sleeve (mm)
ts = wall thickness of pile sleeve (mm)
Dg = outside diameter of grout annulus (mm)
tg = thickness of grout annulus (mm)
E = Young’s modulus of elasticity for steel (MPa)
m = steel-grout elastic modular ratio (to be taken as 18 in lieu of actual data)
The inherent variability in the test data should be considered when calculating the characteristic strength if
the capacity is based on test results.
Equation (5.4), (5.5) and (5.6)are valid for uncoated tubulars with normal fabrication tolerances, where mill
scale has been fully removed. The recommendations are valid for the following range:
f bks (5.7)
τ ba,Sd ≤
f bkf (5.8)
τ bt,Sd ≤
f bkg (5.9)
τ b,Sd ≤
γM = material factor for interface transfer strength equal to 2.0 for ULS and 1.5 for ALS
If the check of torsion stresses according to (5.8) is not fulfilled the ULS checks can be made assuming
redistribution of the pile torsion moment. This can be done by releasing the corresponding degree of freedom
for the pile in the model. In addition a FLS check according to K.5.3.6 needs to be satisfied.
A shear key shall be a continuous hoop or a continuous helix. Where hoop shear keys are used, they shall
be uniformly spaced, oriented perpendicular to the axis of the tube, and be of the same form, height and
spacing on both the inner and outer tubes.
Where helical shear keys are used, the following additional limitation shall be applied:
s ≤ Dp/2.5
and the characteristic interface transfer strength given by equations (5.4) and (5.6) shall be reduced by a
factor of 0.75.
The possible movements between the inner and the outer steel tubular member during the 24 hour period
after grouting shall be determined for the maximum expected sea states during that time, assuming that the
grouted connection does not contribute to the stiffness of the system. For foundation pile-to-sleeve
connections, this analysis shall be an on-bottom analysis of the structure with ungrouted piles.
If the expected relative axial movement at the grout steel interface exceeds 0.035%Dp during this period, the
movements should be limited by e.g. installation of pile grippers.
K.5.3.3 Check of compressive stresses at the lower end of the grout due to bending
moment and shear in the pile (ULS and ALS)
The compressive capacity of the grout shall be checked for forces in the Ultimate Limit States (ULS) and the
Accidental limit States (ALS).
The compressive contact stress between the steel and the grout will create tensile stresses in the grout due
to the shear stresses resulting from the friction forces at the grout to steel surfaces. It is considered
acceptable that the grout cracks for tensile stresses during these limit states; however, the grout needs to
transfer the forces from the sleeve to the pile throughout the storm that includes the dimensioning
environmental load.
The following procedure assumes that the specified mechanical properties of the grout are met at all
positions within the area assumed for carrying loads. If there is doubt about the grout quality that can be
achieved at these locations, the calculations should be adjusted accordingly or the connection should be
fitted with reinforcement bars according to K.5.3.7 in order to improve the robustness and ductility of the
The design contact pressure between steel and grout can be obtained from
F1, Sd (5.10)
σ p, Sd = C A
D 3p t
F1,Sd = V Sd + M b , Sd / H (See Figure 5-3 )
CA = 2 for grout ending above lower yoke plate and without reinforcement steel (See Figure 5-2)
= 1 for grout ending a minimum distance = D p ⋅ t p below lower yoke plate and without
reinforcement steel
= 1 for grout ending above lower yoke plate and with longitudinal reinforcement steel
= 0.5 for grout ending a minimum distance = D p ⋅ t p below lower yoke plate and with
reinforcement steel.
VSd = Pile resultant shear force with ULS or ALS load factors as appropriate
Mb,Sd = Pile resultant bending moment with ULS or ALS load factors appropriate
The largest principal design stress can be calculated as
σ p, Sd (5.11)
σ I , Sd = 1 + 1 + 4 µ
where a friction coefficient between pile and grout should be taken as: μ =0.7
It should be checked that:
f cN (5.12)
σ I , Sd ≤
f ⋅ 0.85 (5.13)
f cN = 0.85⋅ f ck 1 − ck
K.5.3.4 Fatigue of the grouted connection for alternating interface shear stress due to axial
load and bending moment in the pile (FLS)
The maximum axial loads in piles of jacket platforms will normally be in compression for the case where
permanent and variable loads add to the loads from environmental actions. However, as the capacity of
grouted connections exposed to cyclic loads where the axial load changes from compression to tension
during the load cycle are known to be significantly less than the static capacity it is necessary to check the
conditions where the axial load in the pile is in tension.
As research data on the long-term capacity of grouted connections is scarce especially on effects from
moment, there are no established methods for capacity assessment for pile-sleeve connections exposed for
cyclic loads. Until adequate test data is available the following simplified fatigue check is proposed:
Calculate the maximum pile axial tension load (Pt, Sd) for 100 year loading with load factor γf = 1.0.
Calculate the axial tension capacity as:
0.3 f bks AOP (5.14)
P f , Rd = C PMred
γM = material factor = 2.0 for pile clusters with one or two piles and 1.5 for pile clusters with 3 or more
piles if the integrity of the connection can be confirmed by inspection after severe storms.
CPMred = Reduction factor for alternating moment.
𝐷𝑃 ∙ 𝑀𝑃𝐸𝑛𝑣,𝑆𝑑 (5.15)
CPMred = 1-
MP Env,Sd, = bending moment from 100 year environmental loads with load factor γf = 1.0
Mref = W* 0.001*E
E = Youngs modulus of the steel in the pile
The stiffness representation of the soil should represent the best estimate for cyclic loading.
Check if
Pt ,Sd ≤ Pf , Rd (5.16)
If equation (5.16) is not fulfilled, the capacity from friction created by the forces from the minimum
corresponding bending moment and shear force in the pile according to the calculation model shown in
Figure 5-3 can be added to obtain larger capacity. The reaction forces can be calculated as:
F2 , Sd = M b , Sd / H
F3 , Sd = 2 M t , Sd / D p
Fµ , Rd = (F1, Sd + F2 , Sd − F3 , Sd )µ (5.18)
μ = coefficient of friction between pile and grout for the contact area at the upper and lower yoke plates =
0.4 for this assessment
Check if
Pt ,Sd ≤ Fµ , Rd + Pf , Rd (5.19)
K.5.3.5 Fatigue of the grout due compression and shear stresses at the lower end of the
grout due to bending moment and shear in the pile (FLS)
The stress variations in the grout at the lower end is caused by cyclic bending moment and shear force in the
pile giving compression stress in the grout and shear stress due to the friction caused by the sliding between
the pile and the grout. For a grouted connection without steel reinforcement, one should limit these friction
stresses such that they will not exceed the tensile capacity more than once during the life of the platform.
This is considered to be achieved if the following requirements are met based on calculation of 100 year
return period environmental loads.
For fatigue the action effects are derived with a load factor γf = 1.0.
The tensile stress in the grout can be calculated as
σ p, Sd (5.20)
σ II , Sd = 1 − 1 + 4 µ
where a friction coefficient between pile and grout should be taken as μ =0.7.
The design criterion reads:
f tk (5.21)
σ II , Sd ≤
ftk = the characteristic tensile strength according to DNV-OS-C502 determined from splitting tensile testing of
the actual grout.
γM = 1.25 = material factor used in fatigue assessment for the grout.
If equation (5.21) is not fulfilled, the capacity can be increased by introduction of longitudinal and
circumferential reinforcements. The fatigue capacity of the reinforced grouted section is for ordinary jacket
pile-sleeve connections judged to be acceptable if the requirements stated in K.5.3.7 are met.
2 M t Env100, Sd (5.23)
τ btEnv100,Sd =
π ⋅ D 2p ⋅ L e
If this check is not satisfied it is recommended to increase the capacity against torsional moments e.g. by
introduction of shear keys transverse to the direction of the interfaces shear stresses.
σ p, Sd (5.24)
As = 0.5 µ tg b
f sd
σp,Sd =
tg = thickness of grout
b = distance between longitudinal reinforcement bars
fsd = fsy / γM = design strength of the reinforcement bars
fsy = characteristic yield stress of the reinforcement bars
γM = 1.0 = material factor for reinforcement bars
As = area of reinforcement bar
μ = friction coefficient = 0.6
connections is usually difficult to execute as there is limited access. Especially if the requirements of this
standard are not met it should be considered to implement measures at the design and construction phases
that enable easy inspections to check that the connection is functioning as intended.
Presently, there are few adequate inspection methods for grouted pile-sleeve connections available, but it is
expected that more suited inspection methods will be developed in the time to come.
For soil resistance to axial and lateral loading of piles, material factors are to be applied to the characteristic
resistance as described in K.6.2.1. Material factors to be used are specified in subsection K.6.2.1
and K.6.2.2 and K.6.3.2.
For skirted foundations, the soil investigation should give basis for evaluations of
• Foundation stability
• Soil/structure interaction
• Skirt penetration
• Settlements
Site investigations are to provide relevant information about the soil to a depth below which possible
existence of weak formations will not influence the safety or performance of the structure.
The soil investigation should provide the following type of geotechnical data:
• data for soil classification and description
• shear strength data and deformation properties, as required for the type of analysis to be carried out
• in-situ stress conditions
Further details and requirements related to the soil investigation are given in Norsk Standard NS3481 /2/ and
Soil resistance against axial pile loads is to be determined by one, or a combination of, the following
• load testing of piles
• semi-empirical pile resistance formulae based on pile load test data.
The soil resistance in compression is to be taken as the sum of accumulated skin friction on the outer pile
surface and resistance against pile tip. In case of open-ended pipe piles, the resistance of an internal soil
plug is to be taken into account in the calculation of resistance against pile tip. The equivalent tip resistance
is to be taken as the lower value of the plugged (gross) tip resistance or the sum of skin resistance of internal
soil plug and the resistance against pile tip area. The soil plug may be replaced or reinforced by a grout plug
or equivalent in order to achieve fully plugged tip resistance.
The submerged weight of the pile below mudline should be taken into account.
For piles in tension, no resistance from the soil below pile tip is to be accounted for when the tip is located in
cohesionless soils.
Examples of detailed calculation procedures may be found in /3/, /4/,/5/ and /9/. The relevance of alternative
methods should be evaluated related to actual design conditions. The chosen method should as far as
possible have support in a data base which fits the actual design conditions related to soil conditions, type
and dimensions of piles, method of installation, type of loading etc. When such an ideal fit is not available, a
careful evaluation of important deviations between data base and design conditions should be performed
and conservative modifications to selected methods should be made.
Cohesive soils
For piles in mainly cohesive soils, the skin friction is to be taken equal to or smaller than the undrained shear
strength of undisturbed clay within the actual layer. The degree of reduction depends on the nature and
strength of clay, method of installation (e.g. driven or drilled/grouted), time effects, geometry and dimensions
of pile, load history and other factors. Especially, the time required to achieve full consolidation after
installation of driven piles should be considered. Design conditions that may occur prior to full consolidation
should be checked for reduced resistances.
The unit tip resistance of piles in mainly cohesive soils may be taken as 9 times the undrained shear strength
of the soil near the pile tip.
Cohesionless soil
For piles in mainly cohesionless soils the skin friction may be related to the effective normal stresses against
the pile surface by an effective coefficient of friction between the soil and the pile element. Examples of
recommended calculation methods and limiting skin friction values may be found in /3/. The calculation
procedures given in /9/ for cohesionless soils should not be used before considerably more extensive
documentation is available or without a careful evaluation of limiting values.
The unit tip resistance of piles in mainly cohesionless soils may be calculated by means of conventional
bearing capacity theory, taking into account a limiting value which may be governing for long piles /3/.
Material factors
For determination of design soil resistance against axial pile loads in ULS design, a material factor, γM=1.3 is
to be applied to all characteristic values of soil resistance, e.g. to skin friction and tip resistance.
For individual piles in a group lower material factors may be accepted, provided that the pile group as a
whole is designed with the required material factor. A pile group in this context is not to include more piles
than those supporting one specific leg.
Group effects should be accounted for when relevant, as further detailed in K.6.2.2.
For calculation of pile stresses and lateral pile displacements, the lateral soil reaction is to be modelled using
characteristic soil strength parameters, with the soil material factor γM=1.0
The non-linear mobilisation of soil resistance is to be accounted for.
The effect of cyclic loading should be accounted for in the lateral load-deflection (p-y) curves.
Recommended procedures for calculation of p-y curves may be found in /3/, /4/.
The effect of local and global scour on the lateral resistance should be accounted for. The scour potential
may be estimated by sediment transport studies, given the soil particle sizes, current velocity etc. However,
experience from nearby similar structures, where available, may be the most important guide in defining the
scour criteria.
Group effects
When piles are closely spaced in a group, the effect of overlapping stress zones on the total resistance of
the soil is to be considered for axial as well as lateral loading of the piles. The increased displacements of
the soil volume surrounding the piles due to pile-soil-pile interaction and the effects of these displacements
on interaction between structure and pile foundation is to be considered.
In evaluation of pile group effects, due considerations should be given to factors as:
• pile spacing
• pile type
• soil strength and deformation properties
• soil density
• pile installation method.
K.6.2.4 Installation
The structure shall be documented to have adequate foundation stability after touchdown, as well as before
and after piling, when subjected to the environmental and accidental actions relevant during this period.
Pile driving
It should be demonstrated by calculations that the indented driving equipment is capable of driving the pile to
target penetration within the pile refusal criteria specified and without damaging the piles.
The soil resistance during driving used in the driveability analysis may account for the gradual reduction in
the skin friction caused by driving. The set-up effects leading to increased skin friction after stop of driving
should be taken into account for realistic duration of halts that may occur during driving.
Dynamic stresses caused by pile driving are to be assessed based upon recognised criteria or by using
wave equation analysis. The sum of the dynamic driving stresses and the static stresses during the driving
process is not to exceed the specified minimum yield strength.
Allowance for under- or over-drive to account for uncertainties in pile-driving predictions should be
Provisions for use of the D-curve is that the weld be made in the shop and that all weld runs are made up
with the pile in the horizontal position by use of submerged arc welding technology, and that 100% MPI is
The fatigue design factor should be applied both to the pile driving damage and to the environmental
K.6.3.1 General
Skirted foundations are an alternative to pile foundations for jacket structures. The base area can be of any
shape and the skirts can be corrugated or plane. The skirts are penetrating the soil and contribute to
increase the foundation capacity with respect to horizontal as well as vertical forces. Also, uplift may be
resisted by the skirted foundation to a variable degree depending on the soil and loading conditions.
The skirted foundation may be used in both cohesive and cohesionless soils. The design for the main
dimensions of the foundation should consider both the soil and the structural behaviour during operation as
well as during installation. Possibility of inhomogenity of the soil over the area and local seabed variations
should be accounted for.
The determination of the foundation capacity should account for the fact that most soils, even sandy soils,
behave undrained for the short duration of a wave action, and that the cyclic loading effects may have
significant effect on the undrained strength. The determination of foundation capacity should preferably be
based on cyclic strengths derived by combining relevant storm load histories for the loads on the skirted
foundations with the load dependent cyclic strengths determined from undrained cyclic soil tests. Depending
on the reliability of determining cyclic strengths for the soil in question the use of large-scale field tests
should be evaluated.
Material factors
The minimum values of the material factors should be those specified by NORSOK N-001, i.e. γM=1.25 for
ULS design and γM=1.0 for ALS design.
There are elements in the design process for foundation stability design of a skirted foundation that may
contribute to greater uncertainties than for other type of foundations. This especially relates to defining the
cyclic strengths in sandy soils. Depending on the conservatism used in the design it may be necessary to
increase the material factors generally recommended by NORSOK N-001. It is recommended that the
sensitivity of the main assumptions made in the design process is investigated before such a decision is
Penetration resistance
In calculation of penetration resistance, there are several uncertainties related to
• spatial variations in soil conditions; may be different at different corners
• general uncertainties in determination of basic soil parameters
• uncertainties in calculation of penetration resistance from basic soil parameters
The total range of expected resistances should be documented. The upper bound resistance will be
governing for design of ballast and/or suction system and for structural design of the foundation. Depending
of the conservatism applied in choice of parameters and method of calculation to cover up for the
uncertainties listed above, safety factors may have to be applied to the calculated resistances.
In clayey soils it can be considered that the resistance is unaffected by the applied suction, and the
resistance can be calculated as for skirts penetrated by weight only. Skirt penetration resistances may be
determined through correlations with cone penetration resistances as given in /4/, relevant basically for
overconsolidated clays. Alternatively the skin friction may be related to the remoulded shear strength of the
clay, and tip resistance may be related to the intact shear strength through conventional bearing capacity
In sand the penetration resistance will be effectively reduced by applied suction. The reduction is caused by
• general decrease of effective stresses inside the skirted foundation reducing the skin friction
• large gradients in effective stresses combined with large inwards gradients in the flow below the skirt tip
level, which triggers an inward bearing failure beneath the skirt tip and thus significantly reduces the
otherwise in sand dominating tip resistance.
The general governing mechanisms are described in /7/ and /8/. The reduction effect of suction on
penetration resistance is dependent both on the geometry of the skirted foundations and on the soil
stratification. When penetrating sand layers that are overlain by a clay layer, significantly higher suction will
be required than in homogeneous sand. Reliable universal calculation methods for calculation of penetration
resistance in sand when suction is applied are not generally available. The estimation penetration resistance
should thus to a high extent be based on empirical evidence from relevant conditions, taking account for the
effects described above.
A summary of those items normally to be included in the Design Brief is included below.
Temporary phases
Design criteria for all relevant temporary phase conditions including, as relevant :
• limiting permanent, variable, environmental and deformation action criteria,
• essential design parameters and analytical procedures associated with temporary phases e.g. for load-
out, transportation, lifting, installation, on-bottom stability and pile installation and driving,
• platform abandonment.
Structural evaluation
A general description of the structural evaluation process including :
• description of local analytical models,
• description of procedures to be utilised for combining global and local responses,
• criteria for member and joint code checking,
• description of fatigue analytical procedures and criteria (including design fatigue factors, S-N-curves,
basis for stress concentration factors (SCF’s), etc.).
A general description of other essential design information, including :
• description of corrosion allowances, where applicable,
• in-service inspection criteria (as relevant for evaluating fatigue allowable cumulative damage ratios).
/1/ International Standard ISO 19900: ‘Petroleum and natural gas industries – Offshore structures,
General requirements’
/2/ Norges Standardiseringsforbund, NS3481: ‘Soil investigation and geotechnical design for
marine structures’, 1989
/3/ American Petroleum Institute, API RP2A – LRFD: ‘Planning, designing and constructing fixed
offshore platforms – Load and Resistance Factor Design’, 1993
/4/ DNV Class Note 30.4: ‘Foundations’, 1992
- o0o -
L.1.1 General
This Annex is intended to provide requirements and guidance to the structural design of ship shaped units
constructed in steel, according to the provisions of relevant NORSOK standards. The Annex is intended as
the rest of the standard to fulfill NPD regulations relating to design and outfitting of facilities etc in the
petroleum activities /4/ and NORSOK N-001. In addition it is intended that the unit shall fulfill technical
requirements to standard ship hull design. Therefore references to the technical requirements in maritime
standards such as NMD, IMO and DNV classification rules for guidance and requirements to design is also
The Annex is intended as being generally applicable to all types of conventional ship shaped structures,
including the following variants:
• Floating Production Units (FPU)
• Floating Storage and Offloading Units (FSU)
• Floating Production, Storage and Offloading Units (FPSO)
• Floating Production, Drilling, Storage and Offloading Units (FPDSO).
In this Annex the above will collectively be referred to as “units”.
This Annex is intended to cover several variations with respect to conceptual solutions as listed below:
• Units intended for production which may be equipped with topside structures, supporting the production
• Units intended for storage with storage tanks together with facilities for offloading to shuttle tankers.
• Units intended for production will normally have a turret installed, while units intended for storage only,
may have a buoy installed, replacing the turret.
• Units that can either be permanently moored on site or have a disconnectable mooring system. In the
latter case, the unit may disconnect from its moorings and leave the site under its own power or assisted
by tugs, to avoid certain exceptional events such as extreme storms, icebergs, hurricanes etc. Normally
the mooring lines are connected to the turret or buoy, positioned forward of the midship area.
Requirements concerning mooring and riser systems other than the interfaces with the structure of the units
are not explicitly considered in this Annex.
The intention of this Annex is to cover units weather vaning by rotating around a turret or a buoy. Fixed
spread mooring arrangements (and similar) should be specially considered.
L.1.2 Definitions
Ship Shaped Floating Production Units:
A floating unit can be relocated, but is generally located on the same location for a prolonged period of time.
Inspections and maintenance can be carried out on location. The Ship Shaped Floating Productions unit may
consist of a ship shaped hull, with turret, and production equipment on the deck.
A floating unit can be relocated, but is generally located on the same location for a prolonged period of time.
Inspections and maintenance are carried out on location. The Ship Shaped Floating Production, Drilling,
Storage and Offloading unit normally consists of a ship shaped hull, with turret, and production and drilling
equipment on the deck. The unit is equipped for crude oil storage. The crude may be transported to shore by
shuttle tankers via an offloading arrangement.
A device providing a connection point between the unit and the combined riser- and mooring- systems,
allowing the unit to rotate around the turret (weather vane) without twisting the risers and mooring lines.
Recognised Classification Society
Installation operations shall consider compartmentation and stability, and, dynamic actions on the mooring
system(s). The actions induced by the marine environment involved in the operations and the forces exerted
by the positioning equipment, such as fairleads and padeyes, shall be considered for local strength checks.
Abandonment of the unit shall be planned for at the design stage. However, decommissioning phases for
ship shaped units are normally not considered to provide design action conditions for the unit and may
normally be disregarded at the design phase.
selection of material. (Such criteria may, for example, be design temperature and/or stress levels during
marine operations.)
Selection of steel quality for structural components shall normally be based on the most stringent Design
Class of the joints involving the component.
Requirements to through-thickness strength shall be assessed.
The evaluation of structural resistance shall include relevant account of variations in material properties for
the selected material grade. (e.g. Variation in yield stress as a function of thickness of the base material).
Transverse buttweld
DC4, B - External above min. inspection draught, and internal.
A - External below min. inspection draught.
Longitudinal buttweld
DC4, C - External below min. inspection draught.
D - External above min. inspection draught,
and internal.
Figure L.3-1 Example of typical design classes and inspection categories for butt welds in the
midship area
1. [DCn, ..] Design Class, n
2. [….., N] Inspection Category, N
1. Inspection draught see L.7.3
2. The selection of the inspection categories is made on the following assumptions with reference to Table
5.3 and 5.4:
Transverse buttwelds, external above min. insp. draught and internal High fatigue, (ref. Table 5.4),
dominating dynamic principal
stress transverse to the weld.
Transverse buttwelds, below min. insp. draught High fatigue, (ref. Table 5.4),
dominating dynamic principal
stress transverse to the weld. No access
for in-service inspection and repair.
Longitudinal buttwelds, external above min insp. draught and internal Low fatigue, low tensile stress
transverse to the weld.
Longitudinal buttwelds, below min. insp. draught Low fatigue, low tensile stress,
transverse to the weld. No access
for in-service inspection and repair.
L DC4, B
DC4, B
Typ. transverse
frame bracket
DC4, B
1. [DCn, ..] Design Class, n
2. [….., N] Inspection Category, N
1. Inspection draft see L.7.3
2. The Design Classes and Inspection Categories should be applied along the whole length of the welds
3. For welds of longitudinal girders and stringers MPI should be mandatory in way of transverse frame
MPI. Mandatory
MPI Mandatory
DC4, C
MPI Mandatory
Figure L.3-3 Example of typical design classes and inspection categories longitudinal stiffeners
connection to transverse frames / bulkheads
1. [DCn, ..] Design Class, n
2. [….., N] Inspection Category, N
1. The selected inspection class is relevant for a high fatigue loading with principal stresses parallel to the
weld and assuming in-service access (see table 5.4)
2. The selected inspection class is relevant for a low fatigue joint with low tensile stresses perpendicular to
the weld
MPI Mandatory 2)
DC4, D
DC4, C
Transverse frame/
Figure L.3-4 Example of design classes and inspection categories longitudinal stiffeners connection
to transverse frames / bulkheads
1. [DCn, ..] Design Class, n
2. [….., N] Inspection Category, N
1. Inspection draft see L.7.3
2. The proposed inspection categories are relevant for high fatigue loading, for longitudinal stiffener in the
3. The proposed inspection categories are relevant for low fatigue loading with low tensile stresses
transverse to the weld, and no access for repair below min. inspection draught.
The pressure fields created by sloshing of the cargo/ballast may be considered, according to the
requirements given in DNV-OS-C102 /12/. The DNV Rules differentiate between ordinary sloshing loads
(non-impact) and sloshing impact actions. To arrive at 100 year return period impact pressures, the 10
values should be multiplied by a factor 1.15.
For units to be operated in severe environments, direct calculation of sloshing pressures using site-specific
criteria, should be considered.
The effects of slamming on the structure shall be considered in design particularly with regard to
enhancement of global hull girder bending moments and shear forces induced by slamming, local strength
aspects and limitations to ballast draft conditions.
In lack of more exact information, for example from model testing, relevant requirements of the DNV Rules
for Classification of Ships, /3/, may be applied:
• for bottom slamming in the ship fore body, Part 3, Chapter 1, Section 6, Bottom Structures, H200,
Strengthening against slamming
• for bow flare slamming in the ship fore body, Part 3, Chapter 1, Section 7, Side Structures, E100,
Strengthening against bow impact.
• for bottom slamming in the ship aft body, Part 3, Chapter 1, Section 7, Side Structures, E200, Stern
For bottom slamming in the ship fore body, in order to account for:
• 100 year return period
• Main wave direction head waves
• Long crested waves
the expression for coefficient c2 in Part 3, Chapter 1, Section 6, Bottom Structures, H200, Strengthening
against slamming, should be changed to:
c 2 = 16751 −
For bow flare slamming, in order to account for:
• 100 year return period
• Main wave direction head waves
• Long crested waves
the expression for bow flare slamming pressures in the ship fore body, Part 3, Chapter 1, Section 7, Side
Structures, E103, are to be multiplied by a factor:
fac = 1 +
The applicable speed V is not to be taken less than 8 knots.
For bottom slamming in the ship aft body, in order to account for:
• 100 year return period
• Main wave direction head waves
• Long crested waves
the expression for stern slamming pressure in Part 3, Chapter 1, Section 7, Side Structures, E203, are to be
multiplied by a factor:
fac = 1 +
The resulting slamming impact pressures or bow impact pressures shall be multiplied by a factor 0.375 if
they are to be applied as a mean pressure over a larger area (applicable for global structural evaluation).
The counterflooding situations shall consider the possible loading conditions after an unintended flooding
has occurred, to compensate for the heeling resulting from such flooding.
Further considerations in respect to accidental actions are given in Chapters 9 and Annex A.
• crane actions,
• full / empty variation of filling level in cargo tanks (low cycle).
The effects of both local and global dynamic response shall be properly accounted for when determining
response distributions of repetitive action effects.
Different return period requirements compared with normal trading tankers; normal ship class rule
requirements are based on providing adequate safety margins based on a 20 years return period. This
standard specifies that the design shall be based on data having a return period of 100 years for the site
specific action conditions.
Taking into consideration the conditions listed above, calculations shall be carried out to address all design
action conditions including fully loaded, intermediate operating conditions, minimum loaded condition,
inspection conditions with each tank empty in turn, etc. Still water bending moment and shear force
distributions shall be calculated for each case and stated in the Operating Manual, see L.10.6.
L.5.2.1 General
Analysis models relevant for in-place ULS and FLS are described in this chapter.
The finite element modelling of the hull structure should be carried out according with principles given in the
following. Four typical modelling levels are described below. Other equivalent modelling procedures may
also be applied.
L.5.3.1 General
Global linear wave induced actions such as bending moments and shear forces should be calculated by
using either strip theory or three dimensional sink source (diffraction) formulation. Strip theory is a slender
body theory and is not recommend when the length over beam ratio is less than 3.
Generally, the most importance global responses are midship vertical bending moments and vertical shear
forces in the fore and aft body of the unit and the associated vertical bending moments. These responses
should be calculated for head sea conditions. Horizontal and torsional moments may be of interest
depending on the structural design, alone and in combination with other action components.
The calculation of wave induced actions may follow the following steps:
• Calculation of the relevant transfer functions (RAOs)
• Calculation of the 100 year linear response
• Evaluation of non-linear effects
When a 3-D diffraction program is used, the hydrodynamic model shall consist of sufficient number of facets.
In general, the facets should be sufficiently modelled to describe the unit in a propitiate way. The size of the
facets shall be determined with due consideration to the shortest wave length included in the hydrodynamic
analysis. Smaller facets should be used in way of the water surface.
The mass model shall be made sufficiently detailed to give centre of gravity, roll radius of inertia and mass
distribution as correct as practically possible.
responses against probability of occurrence. This Weibull distribution is used to determine the response with
a probability of occurrence corresponding to once every 100 years (100 year return period).
The short crested nature of the sea may be taken into account as a wave spreading function as given in
The method described above is considered most accurate for estimating the 100-year value for the response
in question. A short-term analysis based on the predicted 100-year wave height with corresponding Tz, will
give comparable values if the following criteria are satisfied:
• The scatter diagram should be well developed with wave steepness approaching a constant value for the
most extreme sea states
• The maximum wave induced response shall occur in a short term sea sate which is retraceable from the
scatter diagram with a 100 year wave height steepness
• The Weibull fit to predict the response shall be good fit with low residual sum (deviations from the
regressed line)
It should be noted that the method of calculating the 100-year wave induced response for a short-term sea
state based upon the predicted 100 year wave height with corresponding single value Tz or Tp does not
recognise that there are a range of possible Tz.(Tp). Therefore the range of possible Tz (Tp) within the 100-
year return period should be investigated. The range of sea states with a 100 year return period should be
found by developing a 100 year contour line from the scatter diagram. The wave bending moment should be
calculated for several sea states on this contour line in order to find the maximum value.
L.6.1.1 General
Ultimate strength capacity check shall be performed for all structure contributing directly to the longitudinal
and transverse strength of the ship. Structure to be checked is all plates and continuous stiffeners including
the following structure:
• Main deck, bottom and inner bottom
• Ship side, inner ship side and longitudinal bulkheads
• Stringers and longitudinal girders
• Foundations of turret and topside structure
• Transverse bulkheads
• Transverse web frames
Global actions on the hull girder shall be calculated by direct wave analyses, see L.5.3. Longitudinal wave
bending moments, shear forces and dynamic external sea pressures should be calculated by a wave load
analysis. Design accelerations should also be based on a wave load analysis. For unconventional designs
torsional effects may also be of importance. The design moments, forces, pressures and accelerations shall
be calculated for a representative number of sections.
Stillwater shear forces and bending moments should be calculated by direct analyses, taking in account all
relevant loading conditions.
Internal static and dynamic pressures can be calculated by simplified formulas, see L.6.1.4.
Local stresses should be calculated by FE-analyses of relevant parts of the ship, see L.5.2. All relevant load
conditions should be taken in account.
The hull girder strength shall be evaluated for relevant combinations of still water bending moment and shear
force, and wave induced bending moment and shear force. The wave-induced bending moments and shear
forces shall be calculated by means of an analysis carried out utilising the appropriate statistical site specific
environmental data. Relevant non-linear action effects shall be accounted for, see L.5.3.
The following design format shall be applied:
MG = Characteristic bending moment resistance of the hull girder calculated as an elastic beam
MS = Characteristic design still water bending moment based on actual cargo and ballast
MW = Characteristic wave bending moment. Annual probability of exceedance of 10 .
QG = Characteristic shear resistance of the hull girder calculated as an elastic beam
QS = Characteristic design still water shear force based on actual cargo and ballast conditions
QW = Characteristic wave shear force. Annual probability of exceedance of 10 .
γM = Material factor
γS = Permanent and variable action factor
γW = Environmental action factor
The action factors shall be in accordance with NORSOK N-001, see also Table L.6-1:
Table L.6-1
Action γS γW
a 1.3 0.7
b 1.0 1.3
For combination of actions an action coefficient of 1.0 shall be applied for permanent actions where this
gives the most unfavourable response.
The action coefficient for environmental actions may be reduced to 1.15 in action combination b, when the
maximum stillwater bending moment represents between 20 and 50 % of the total bending moment. This
reduction is applicable for the entire hull, both for shear forces and bending moments.
The action coefficient for permanent actions in action combination a, may be reduced to 1.2, if actions and
responses are determined with great accuracy e.g. limited by the air-pipe height, and external static pressure
to well defined draught.
Gross scantlings may be utilised in the calculation of hull structural resistance, provided a corrosion
protection system in accordance with NORSOK N-001, is maintained.
The buckling resistance of the different plate panels shall be considered according to Section 8.
The global and local longitudinal stress components shall be combined in an appropriate manner with
transverse stress and shear stress as relevant, see L.6.1.5.
The FEM analysis shall include extreme hogging and sagging conditions as described in
Figure L.6-1. All relevant variations in tank filling should be considered in the analysis and reflected in the
Operation Manual. The following stress components can be found from the FEM analysis, and should be
combined with other stress components as described in L.6.1.5:
• Transverse stresses in webframes
• Double shell and double bottom stresses
• Local shear stresses in panels
Sea pressure :
The dynamic sea pressure should be taken from a 3D hydrodynamic wave analysis. Action coefficients
according to L.6.1.1 shall be considered.
Tank pressure:
The internal tank pressure shall be calculated in accordance with NORSOK N-003.
Total transverse design stress in the structure is found directly from the FE-analysis:
σy, Global is normally relevant for the moonpool / turret area, and may be neglected in parallel parts of the
Total design shear stress in the structure can be calculated as:
The combination of stresses should take into account actual stress directions and phase. However, if phase
information is limited or uncertain, the maximum design value for each component may be combined as a
‘worst-case’ scenario.
Combination of typical stress components is shown in Figure L.6-2.
For evaluation of slamming, sloshing and green sea effects, see L.4.5.2, L.4.5.3 and L.4.5.4.
L.6.3.1 General
The following areas shall be considered as relevant, with respect to structural response from the mooring
actions, combined with other relevant actions:
• Structure in way of moonpool opening in the ship hull.
• Turret structure including support, towards the unit hull.
• Structure in way of loading buoy support.
• Gantry structure including support.
Figure L.7-1 Example illustrating considerations relevant for selection of design fatigue factors
(DFF’s) in locations considered to have ‘Non-substantial’ consequence of failure.
1. Due to economic considerations (e.g. cost of repair to an external underwater structural element) the
DFF’s assigned a value of 2 in Figure L.7-1 may be considered as being more appropriately assigned a
value of 3.)
2. The unit may be considered as “accessible and above the splash zone” (DFF = 1.0), see Annex C, if the
survey extent e.g. given for main class (see DNV Ship Rules Pt.7 Ch.2) is followed i.e. drydocking for
inspection and maintenance every 5 years.
information, when available. If limited phase information is available, the design may be based on ‘worst-
case’ action conditions, by combination of maximum stress for each component.
L.7.6.1 General
The basis for determining the acceptability of fatigue resistance, with respect to wave actions, shall be
appropriate stochastic fatigue analyses. The analyses shall be undertaken utilising relevant site specific
environmental data and take appropriate consideration of both global and local (e.g. pressure fluctuation)
dynamic responses. (These responses do not necessarily have to be evaluated in the same model but the
cumulative damage from all relevant effects should be considered when evaluating the total fatigue
Simplified fatigue analyses may form the basis of a ‘screening’ process to identify locations for which a
detailed, stochastic fatigue analysis should be undertaken. Such simplified fatigue analysis shall be
calibrated, see L.7.6.2.
Local, detailed FE-analysis (e.g. unconventional details with insufficient knowledge about typical stress
distribution) should be undertaken in order to identify local stress distributions, appropriate SCF’s, and/or
extrapolated stresses to be utilised in the fatigue evaluation, see Annex C for further details. Dynamic stress
variations through the plate thickness shall be documented and considered in such evaluations.
Explicit account shall be taken of any local structural details that invalidate the general criteria utilised in the
assessment of the fatigue strength. Such local details may, for example be access openings, cut-outs,
penetrations etc. in structural elements.
Principal stresses (see Annex C) should be utilised in the evaluation of fatigue responses.
L.8.2 Fire
General guidance and requirements concerning accidental limit state events involving fire are given in
Chapter 9 and Annex A.
L.8.3 Explosion
In respect to design considering actions resulting from explosions one, or a combination of the following
main design philosophies are relevant ;
• Ensure that the probability of explosion is reduced to a level where it is not required to be considered as
a relevant design action.
• Ensure that hazardous locations are located in unconfined (open) locations and that sufficient shielding
mechanisms (e.g. blast walls) are installed.
• Locate hazardous areas in partially confined locations and design utilising the resulting relatively small
• Locate hazardous areas in enclosed locations and install pressure relief mechanisms (e.g. blast panels)
and design for the resulting overpressure.
Structural design accounting for large plate field rupture resulting from explosion actions should normally be
avoided due to the uncertainties of the actions and the consequences of the rupture itself.
Structural support of the blast walls and the transmission of the blast action into main structural members
shall be evaluated. Effectiveness of connections and the possible outcome from blast, such as flying debris,
shall be considered.
L.8.4 Collision
Resistance to unit collisions may be accounted for by indirect means, such as, using redundant framing
configurations, and, materials with sufficient toughness in affected areas.
Collision impact shall be considered for all elements of the unit, which may be impacted by sideways, bow or
stern collision. The vertical extent of the collision zone shall be based on the depth and draught of attending
units and the relative motion between the attending units and the unit.
To avoid possible penetration of a cargo tank, the side structure of the unit shall be capable of absorbing the
energy of a vessel collision with an annual probability of 10 .
L.9.3 Stability
Stability of a ship shaped unit shall satisfy the requirements as stated in the IMO MODU Code. Special
provisions relating to the Norwegian petroleum activities are given in NORSOK N-001.
Adequacy of stability shall be established for all relevant in-service and temporary phase conditions. The
assessment of stability shall include consideration of both the intact and damaged conditions.
L.11.1 General
Adequate planning shall be undertaken in the initial stages of the design process in order to obtain a
workable and economic structural solution to perform the desired function. As an integral part of this
planning, documentation shall be produced identifying design criteria and describing procedures to be
adopted in the structural design of the unit.
Applicable codes, standards and regulations should be identified at the commencement of the design.
When the design has been finalised, a summary document containing all relevant data from the design and
fabrication phase shall be produced.
Design documentation (see below) shall, as far as practicable, be concise, non-voluminous, and, should
include all relevant information for all relevant phases of the lifetime of the unit.
General requirements to documentation relevant for structural design are given in NORSOK, N-001, Section
Temporary phases
Design criteria for all relevant temporary phase conditions including, as relevant :
• limiting permanent, variable, environmental and deformation action criteria,
• procedures associated with construction, (including major lifting operations),
A general description of other essential design information, including :
• description of corrosion allowances, where applicable.
Analysis models
A general description of models to be utilised, including description of :
• global analysis model(s),
• local analysis model(s),
• loadcases to be analysed.
Analysis procedures
A general description of analytical procedures to be utilised including description of procedures to be
adopted in respect to :
• the evaluation of temporary conditions,
• the consideration of accidental events,
• the evaluation of fatigue actions,
• the establishment of dynamic responses (including methodology, factors, and relevant parameters),
• the inclusion of ‘built-in’ stresses (if relevant),
• the consideration of local responses (e.g. those resulting from mooring and riser actions, ballast
distribution in tanks as given in the operating manual etc.)
Structural evaluation
A general description of the evaluation process, including :
• description of procedures to be utilised for considering global and local responses,
• description of fatigue evaluation procedures (including use of design fatigue factors, SN-curves, basis for
stress concentration factors (SCF’s), etc.).
• description of procedures to be utilised for code checking.
/1/ ‘Offshore Installations: Guidance on design, construction and certification’, U.K., Health &
Safety Executive, Fourth Edition, HMSO
/2/ DNV-OS-C101 Offshore Standard. Design of Offshore Steel Structures, General. DNV October
/3/ Rules for Classification of Ship, latest valid edition, DNV
/4/ Regulations relating to design and outfitting of facilities etc. in the petroleum activities. Issued
by the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate.
/5/ Regulations of 20 Dec. 1991, No.878, concerning stability, watertight subdivision and watertight
/ weathertight closing means on mobile offshore units, Norwegian Maritime Directorate.
/6/ ISO 19900 Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries – Offshore Structures, General
/7/ Salvesen, N., Tuck, E. O. and Faltinsen, O., "Ship Motions and Sea Loads".Trans. SNAME, Vol
78, 1970.
/8/ Tanaka, N., "A Study of the Bilge Keels, Part 4, on the Eddy-Making Resistance to the Rolling
of a Ship Hull". Japan Society of Naval Architects, Vol. 109, 1960.
/9/ Torsethaugen, Knut, “Model for a Doubly Peaked Spectrum”. Sintef Report No. SFT22 96204
dated 1996-02-20.
/10/ NORSOK Z-001 Documentation for Operation (DFO)
/12/ DNV-OS-C102 Offshore Standard. Structural Design of Offshore Ships. DNV October 2011.
Comm. L.4.5.2 Sloshing actions in tanks
The non-impact sloshing loads in the DNV Rules are given at annual probability level 10 and represent the
sloshing loads generally applicable for a FLS structural evaluation. These loads are governed by the inertia
forces induced by the liquid in the tank. This means that the Weibull slope parameter applicable for a FLS
structural evaluation, will be approximately equal to the Weibull slope parameter of the liquid acceleration in
the longitudinal direction for the longitudinal sloshing mode and in the transverse direction for the transverse
sloshing mode. Based on analysis of several offshore vessels ranging in length from 100-260m, a Weibull
slope parameter h=1.0 has been determined as being appropriate for an FLS structural evaluation of ship
shaped offshore units, both in the longitudinal sloshing mode and in the transverse sloshing mode. The non-
impact sloshing loads should be applied on strength members as indicated in DNV Ship Rules Pt.3, Ch.1,
Sec.4 C300 Liquid in tanks.
The sloshing impact loads in the DNV Rules are given at annual probability level 10 (20 year return period)
and represent the sloshing impact loads generally applicable for an ULS structural evaluation. In the period
1990-1994, DNV performed a significant amount of sloshing model tests, using irregular excitation, with the
main focus on sloshing impact loads. The duration of the tests was typically 2-4 hours in model scale. Based
on statistical analysis of these model tests, a Weibull slope parameter h≈1.0 has been determined as being
representative for sloshing impact loading. To arrive at 100 year return period impact pressures, the 10
values should be multiplied by a factor 1.15. The impact sloshing loads should be applied on strength
members as indicated in DNV Ship Rules Pt.3, Ch.1, Sec.4 C300 Liquid in tanks.
A wave which will impose the maximum wave bending moment on the vessel will have a wavelength of the
order ships length. Provided that separation between the period of encounter for this wave Te and the natural
period T of the fluid in the tank is sufficient (T≤0.75Te), use of a reduced wave bending moment in calculating
the allowable stress used in connection with sloshing loads for deck longitudinals is acceptable. The strength
calculation for deck longitudinals may then be based on a wave bending moment reduced by 25% relative to
the design wave bending moment.
The applicable number of cycles in a fatigue evaluation will in principle depend on the vessel pitch response
period for the longitudinal sloshing mode and on the vessel roll response period for the transverse sloshing
mode. A simplified expression for the applicable response period, both for the longitudinal and transverse
sloshing mode, may be found in DNV Class Note 30.7, Section 2.1.2, Tresp=4·log10(L), where L is the rule
ship length.
- o0o -
M.1 Introduction
M.1.1 General
This annex provides requirements and guidance to the structural design of column stabilised units,
constructed in steel, in accordance with the provisions of this NORSOK standard.
The requirements and guidance documented in this annex are generally applicable to all
configurations of column stabilised units, including those with
• ring (continuous) pontoons,
• twin pontoons or,
• multi-footing arrangements.
Such units may be kept on station by either a passive mooring system (e.g. anchor lines), or an
active mooring system (e.g. thrusters), or a combination of these methods.
Requirements concerning mooring and riser systems are not considered in this annex.
A column stabilised unit may be designed to function in a number of modes, e.g. transit, operational
and survival. Limiting design criteria for going from one mode of operation to another mode of
operation shall be clearly established and documented. Such limiting design criteria shall include
relevant consideration of the following items:
• intact condition, structural strength;
• damaged condition, structural strength;
• air gap;
• compartmentation and stability.
For novel designs, or unproved applications of designs where limited or no direct experience exists,
relevant analyses and model testing, shall be performed which clearly demonstrate that an
acceptable level of safety is obtained.
M.1.2 Definitions
Column stabilised unit: A floating unit that can be relocated. A column stabilised unit normally
consists of a deck structure with a number of widely spaced, large diameter, supporting columns
that are attached to submerged pontoons.
1. In the context of this annex the term "column stabilised unit" is often abbreviated to the term "unit".
2. The definition for a column stabilised unit is in accordance with ISO 19900 definition for a "semi-submersible"
relevant design conditions. Material selection shall be undertaken in accordance with the principles
given in Clause 5.
When considering criteria appropriate to material grade selection, adequate consideration shall be
given to all relevant phases in the life cycle of the unit. In this connection there may be conditions
and criteria, other than those from the in-service, operational phase, that provide the design
requirements in respect to the selection of material. Such criteria may, for example, be design
temperature and/or stress levels during marine operations.
In the selection of material grades adequate consideration shall be given to the appropriateness of
the design temperature including the definition of such. When considering design temperature
related to material selection the applicability that standard NORSOK requirements to fabrication of
steel structures (see NORSOK M-101) are based upon a minimum design temperature of -14 °C,
shall be evaluated.
Selection of steel quality for structural components shall normally be based on the most stringent
DC of the joints involving the component.
Consideration shall be given to the presence of tensile stress in the direction of the thickness of the
plate when determining the appropriate steel quality.
Figure M.2-3 Typical column/upper hull (deck box) design classes and inspection
1. [DCn, ..] Design Class n, N
2. [….., N] Inspection Category, N
1. In way of the column/upper hull connection (except in way of brackets) the upper hull deck plate fields will
normally be the continuous material. These plate fields should normally be material with documented through-
thickness properties, i.e. Steel Quality Level I material.
2. Shaded areas indicated in the figures are intended to be three-dimensional in extent. This implies that, in way of
these locations, the shaded area logic is not only to apply to the outer surface of the connection but is also to extend
into the structure.
3. "Major brackets" are considered, within the context of this figure, to be primary, load-bearing brackets supporting
primary girders. "Minor brackets" are all other brackets.
4. The inspection categories stated for general upper hull are determined based upon, the assumption that the fatigue
utilisation may be categorised as being "low", i.e. that Table 5.3 is relevant. This assumption shall be verified.
M.3 Actions
M.3.1 General
Characteristic actions are to be used as reference actions. Design actions are, in general, defined in
NORSOK N-003. Guidance concerning action categories relevant for column stabilised unit designs
are given in the following.
system is to satisfy the requirements of the considered limit state. A typical design impact action
would, for example, be a SLS design consideration of a 5000 tonne displacement vessel with a
contact speed of 0.5 m/s.
Where hydrostatic actions are modelled explicitly (as opposed to an implicit inclusion from a
diffraction model) it shall be ensured that adequate account is given to the inclusion of end-pressure
action effects, e.g. in respect to axial actions acting on pontoon structures.
Local viscous (drag) action effects
For relatively slender members, viscous (drag) local action effects should be accounted for. In such
cases, the inclusion of local drag action effects may be undertaken in a number of ways, for
• by use of hybrid (diffraction and Morrison) models of the structural elements,
• by only having a Morrison model of selected individual elements,
• by the inclusion of drag action effects by hand calculations.
forces occur on a different wave heading than that heading providing maximum response when
simultaneous split forces are taken into account.
Stochastic analysis:
Stochastic methods of analysis are, in principle recognised as providing the most accurate methods
for simulating the irregular nature of wave actions. Long term, stress distributions shall be
established based upon the relevant site specific, scatter diagram wave data.
In a stochastic design analysis, a wave directional radial spacing of 15 degrees or less, should be
Responses resulting from stochastic analytical procedures may however, not be particularly well
suited to structural design as information concerning the simultaneity of internal force distribution
is generally not available.
• Actions are usually applied in the analysis model at the girder level and not at the individual
stiffener level in order to ensure that local stiffener bending is not included in the model
response as the stiffener bending response is explicitly included in the buckling code check, see
• For transversely stiffened structures (i.e. girders orientated in the transverse direction) the local
responses extracted from the local model are normally responses in the structural transverse
direction (σy in Figure M.4-3). For structural arrangements with continuous, longitudinal girder
arrangements however a longitudinal response will also be of interest.
• For structural cross-sections without continuous longitudinal girder elements, two-dimensional
structural models may be considered as being adequate.
• For space frame, beam models relevant consideration shall be given to shear lag effects.
Whilst this example considers the load case of local pressure acting on a pontoon section of a
column stabilised unit, similar types of considerations are applicable in the evaluation of other local
responses resulting from local actions on the column stabilised unit, e.g. lay-down actions.
Figure M.4-2 Design action parameters acting as pressure on the pontoon tanks of a
column stabilised unit
When evaluating responses by superimposing stresses resulting from a number of different models,
consideration shall be given to the following:
• It should be ensured that responses from design actions are not included more than once. For
example, when evaluating responses resulting from tank loading conditions (see M.4.2.3), it
may be necessary to model a load condition, in the simplified model proposed in M.4.2.3, with a
load case simulating that load case adopted in the global analysis model. In this way, stress
variations resulting from relevant load conditions, when compared that load condition included
in the global model may be established. Relevant peak responses may then be included in the
capacity evaluation of the combined responses.
• Continuous, longitudinal structural elements (e.g. stiffened plate fields in the pontoon deck,
bottom, sides, bulkheads, tunnels etc.) located outside areas of global stress concentrations, may
be evaluated utilising linear superposition of the individual responses as illustrated in Figure
M.4-3 for a pontoon section. The summation of such responses should then be evaluated against
the relevant structural capacity criteria. In locations in way of column connections with pontoon
and upper hull structures, global stress components become more dominant and should not be
• When transverse stress components are taken directly from the local structural model an
evaluation, that it is relevant to ignore transverse responses from the global model, shall be
carried out. This may normally be undertaken by considering the transverse stresses in the
global model along the length of the structural element and ensuring that no additional
transverse stress components have been set-up as a result of global stress concentrations, "skew"
load conditions, or other interacting structural arrangements.
• Stiffener induced buckling failure normally tends to occur with lateral pressure on the stiffener
side of the plate field. Plate induced buckling failure normally tends to occur with lateral
pressure on the plate side. Relevant combinations of buckling code checking should therefore
include evaluation of the capacity with relevant lateral pressure applied independently to both
sides of the plate field.
• In order to ensure that local bending stress components resulting from action acting directly on
the stiffeners ( σ bs , σ bp ,-see Clause 6) are included in the buckling code check, the lateral
pressure should be explicitly included in the capacity check. Unless, for the case in question,
there is always a pressure acting over the stiffened plate field being evaluated, the capacity
checking should include a buckling check with no lateral pressure in addition to the case with
lateral pressure.
to corrosion addition, however, the normal operating draught should generally be considered as the
reference datum.
If significant adjustment in draught of the unit is possible in order to provide for satisfactory
accessibility in respect to inspection, maintenance and repair, account may be taken of this
possibility in the determination of the DFFs. In such cases, however, a sufficient margin in respect
to the minimum inspection draught should be considered when deciding upon the appropriate DFF
in relation to the criteria for "Below splash zone" as opposed to "Above splash zone". Where draft
adjustment possibilities exist, a reduced extent of splash zone may be applicable. See M.12 for
further details.
The entire unit may be regarded as being above the splash zone if the unit is to be regularly dry-
docked every 4 years to 5 years.
M.5.4.1 General
The basis for determining the acceptability of fatigue resistance, with respect to wave actions, shall
be appropriate stochastic fatigue analyses. The analyses shall be undertaken utilising relevant site
specific environmental data and take appropriate consideration of both global and local (e.g.
pressure fluctuation) dynamic responses. These responses do not necessarily have to be evaluated in
the same model but the cumulative damage from all relevant effects should be considered when
evaluating the total fatigue damage.
Simplified fatigue analyses may form the basis of a "screening" process to identify locations for
which a detailed, stochastic fatigue analysis should be undertaken, e.g. at critical intersections. Such
simplified fatigue analysis shall be calibrated, see M.5.4.2.
Local, detailed FE analysis of critical connections (e.g. pontoon/pontoon, pontoon/column,
column/deck and brace connections) should be undertaken in order to identify local stress
distributions, appropriate SCFs, and/or extrapolated stresses to be utilised in the fatigue evaluation,
see DNV-RP-C203 for further details. Dynamic stress variations through the plate thickness shall be
documented and considered in such evaluations.
Explicit account shall be taken of any local structural details that invalidate the general criteria
utilised in the assessment of the fatigue strength. Such local details may, for example be access
openings, cut-outs, penetrations etc. in structural elements.
Principal stresses (see DNV-RP-C203) should be utilised in the evaluation of fatigue responses.
C203) may be utilised to describe the long-term stress range distribution. In such cases the Weibull
shape parameter (‘h’, see Equation (M.5.1)) should normally have a value between 1.0 and 1.1.
1 (M.5.1)
(lnn 0 ) m
h a
Δσ n 0 = 1
n Γ 1+ m
(DFF) m 0 h
( )
n0 is the total number of stress variations during the lifetime of the structure
∆σn0 is the extreme stress range that is exceeded once out of n0 stress variations. The
Δσ n 0
2 .
extreme stress amplitude Δσ ampl_n 0 is thus given by
h is the shape parameter of the Weibull stress range distribution
a is the intercept of the design S-N curve with the log N axis (see, for example,
Γ 1+ m )
is the complete gamma function (see DNV-RP-C203)
m is the inverse slope of the S-N curve (see DNV-RP-C203)
DFF is the DFF
Generally, the simplified global fatigue analysis should consider the "F3", S-N class curve (see
DNV-RP-C203), adjusted to include any thickness effect, as the minimum basis requirement. Areas
not satisfying this requirement are normally to be excluded from the simplified fatigue evaluation
"screening" procedure. This implies that connections with a more demanding S-N fatigue class than
F3, are not to be applied in the structure, e.g. if overlap connections are applied then the fatigue S-N
class is to be suitably adjusted. The cumulative fatigue damage may then be obtained by
considering the dynamic stress variation, ∆σ Actual ( n0 ) , which is exceeded once out of ‘ n0 ’ cycles
[see Equation (M.5.2) with the allowable equivalent stress variation, ∆σ n0 , calculated from
Equation (M.5.1). The fatigue life thus obtained is found from Equation (M.5.1)].
Δσ n 0
m (M.5.2)
N Actual = N Design
Δσ Actual(n0 )
N Actual is the actual (calculated) fatigue life
N Design is the target fatigue life
Δσ n 0 is described in Equation (M.5.1)
Δσ Actual(n 0 ) is the actual design, dynamic stress variation which is exceeded once out of "n0"
When the simplified fatigue evaluation involves utilisation of the dynamic stress responses resulting
from the global analysis (as described in M.4.2), the response should be suitably scaled to the return
period of the basis, minimum fatigue life of the unit. In such cases, scaling may normally be
undertaken utilising the appropriate factor found from Equaion (M.5.3).
1 (M.5.3)
log n0 h
∆σ n0 = ∆σ n100
log n100
n100 is the number of stress variations (e.g. 100 years) appropriate to the global analysis
∆σ n100 is the extreme stress range that is exceeded once out of n100 stress variations
[Other parameters are as for Equation (M.5.1) and Equation (M.5.2)].
M.6.3 Fire
General guidance and requirements concerning accidental limit state events involving fire are given
in Clause 9 and Annex A.
M.6.4 Explosion
In respect to design considering actions resulting from explosions one, or a combination of the
following main design philosophies are relevant:
• ensure that the probability of explosion is reduced to a level where it is not required to be
considered as a relevant design load case;
• ensure that hazardous locations are located in unconfined (open) locations and that sufficient
shielding mechanisms (e.g. blast walls) are installed;
• locate hazardous areas in partially confined locations and design utilising the resulting,
relatively small overpressures;
• locate hazardous areas in enclosed locations and install pressure relief mechanisms (e.g. blast
panels) and design for the resulting overpressure.
As far as practicable, structural design accounting for large plate field rupture resulting from
explosion actions should normally be avoided due to the uncertainties of the actions and the
consequences of the rupture itself.
Structural support of blast walls, and the transmission of the blast action into main structural
members shall be evaluated when relevant. Effectiveness of connections and the possible outcome
from blast, such as flying debris, shall be considered.
M.6.5 Collision
Collision shall be considered as a relevant ALS load case for all structural elements of the unit that
may be impacted in the event of a collision. The vertical zone of impact shall be based on the depth
and draught of the colliding vessel and the relative motion of the vessel and the unit.
In the assessment of the collision condition, the following general considerations with respect to
structural strength will normally apply:
• An evaluation shall be undertaken in order to assess the extent of structural damage occurring to
the unit at the time of impact.
• The extent of the local damage resulting from the collision should be compared to that damage
extent implicit in the NMD regulations covering damage stability of the unit /1/. Provided that
the extent of local damage does not exceed that damage criteria stated in the NMD regulations,
the unit shall satisfy the relevant damage stability requirements of the NMD, see also M.8.4. If
the extent of the damage exceeds that damage criteria stated in the NMD regulations /1/, an
equivalent level of safety to that implicit in the NMD stability regulations should be
• NMD damaged condition requirements /1/, in respect to structural strength of watertight
boundaries (including boundaries required for reserve buoyancy) shall be satisfied, see M.6.8.
• Global structural integrity of the unit after the collision shall be evaluated.
• Topside structural arrangements should be designed for the damaged (inclined) condition.
Considerations concerning structural evaluation at, and after, the time of the collision are given
Damage occurring at the time of collision
A structural evaluation shall be performed in order to document the extent of the local damage
occurring to the unit at the time of impact.
If a risk analysis shows that the greatest relevant accidental event with regard to collision is a
drifting vessel at 2 m/s, with a displacement which does not exceed 5000 tonnes, the following
kinetic energy occurring at the time of collision may be considered for the structural design:
• 14 MJ for sideways collision;
• 11 MJ for bow or stern collision.
Local damage assessment may be undertaken utilising sophisticated non-linear analytical tools,
however, simplified analytical procedures will normally be considered as being sufficient to
evaluate the extent of damage occurring under the action of the collision.
Simplified local damage assessment of the collision event normally involves the following
• the typical geometry of the supply vessel, together with relevant force-deformation curves for
side, bow and stern impact, documented in Annex A, may normally be utilised;
• in the local structural strength assessment the side, bow and stern profiles of the supply vessel
are progressively "stepped" into the collision zone of the column stabilised unit, see example
shown in Figure M.6-1;
Figure M.6-1 Illustration of the bow profile of a supply vessel being "stepped" into the
structure of a column stabilised unit
• by considering the local geometry of the supply vessel and the impacted structure, relevant
force-deformation curves for the column stabilised unit may be produced;
• For a given action level the area under the force-deformation curves represents the absorption of
energy. The distribution and extent of the damage results from the condition of equal collision
force acting on the structures, and that the sum of the absorbed energies equals the portion of the
impact energy dissipated as strain energy, i.e.
Δs Δu (M.6.1)
E s + E u = ∫ Ps (δ s )dδ s + ∫ Pu (δ u )dδ u
0 0
Ps , Pu are the force in the impacting vessel and the impacted unit respectively,
δs , δu are the deformations in the impacting vessel and the impacted unit respectively.
Figure M.6-2 Dissipation of strain energy global structural integrity after collision
Having evaluated the extent of local damage incurred by the relevant collision event (as described
above) an assessment of the resulting, global structural capacity (considering environmental
actions) shall be undertaken. In such an evaluation the following listed items are relevant:
• In cases where the impact damage is limited to local damage to the column particular
consideration should be given to column/deckbox interfaces, and the damaged (impacted)
section. For typical column structures a simplified approach to assess the reduced capacity of
the structure in way of the damaged location would be to assume that all the impacted
(deformed) area is ineffective.
• When counter-flooding is utilised as a means of righting the unit in an accidental event the
actions resulting from such counter flooding shall be evaluated.
• In cases where the impact damage is limited to local damage to a single brace, redundancy
requirements given in M.9.1 should adequately cover the required structural evaluation.
• NMD requirements to watertight boundary, structural strength in the damaged condition (see
M.6.8) (including inclined angles resulting from requirements to reserve buoyancy) should be
• In order to avoid risk assessment considerations in respect to implications of structural failure of
topside structures in the inclined condition (e.g. in respect to the possibility of progressive
collapse in the event of structural failure), it is normal practice to consider the structural
capacity of topside structural arrangements in the damaged condition.
Capacity exceedances may be accepted for local areas provided that adequate account is given to
the redistribution of forces.
Due to the large heel angles in the damaged condition, the in-plane force component of the deck
box mass may be considerable. Normally part of the deck will be submerged and counteract this
force. The most critical condition is therefore generally the heel angle corresponding to a water
plane just below the deck box corner.
Column "run-up" action effects shall be accounted for in the design of the structural arrangement in
way of the column/deck box connection. These "run-up" actions are to be treated as an
environmental load component. However, they need not normally be considered as occurring
simultaneously with other environmental responses. For further considerations in respect to run-up
effects, reference should be made to NORSOK N-003.
Evaluation of air gap adequacy shall include consideration of all affected structural items including
lifeboat platforms, riser balconies, overhanging deck modulus etc..
M.8.3 Stability
Stability of a column stabilised unit in the operational phase, shall satisfy the requirements of the
relevant provisions stated in the IMO MODU Code /2/.
Adequacy of stability shall be established for all relevant operational and temporary phase
conditions. The assessment of stability shall include consideration of both the intact and damaged
conditions. It shall be ensured that the assumed basis for the damage stability design criteria is
compatible with accidental events identified as being relevant for the structure, see M.6 and M.8.4.
M.10 Documentation requirements for the "design basis" and "design brief"
M.10.1 General
Adequate planning shall be undertaken in the initial stages of the design process in order to obtain a
workable and economic structural solution to perform the desired function. As an integral part of
this planning, documentation shall be produced identifying design criteria and describing
procedures to be adopted in the structural design of the unit.
Applicable codes, standards and regulations should be identified at the commencement of the
A summary document containing all relevant data from the design and fabrication phase shall be
Design documentation (see below) shall, as far as practicable, be concise, non-voluminous, and,
should include all relevant information for all relevant phases of the lifetime of the unit.
General requirements to documentation relevant for structural design are given in NORSOK N-001,
Clause 5.
Environmental design criteria (including all relevant parameters) for all relevant conditions,
• wind, wave, current, snow and ice description for 10-1 ,10-2 and 10-4 annual probability events,
• design temperatures.
Stability and compartmentation
Stability and compartmentation design criteria for all relevant conditions including
• external and internal watertight integrity plan,
• lightweight breakdown report,
• design loadcase(s) including global mass distribution,
• damage condition waterlines (this information may not be available in the initial stage of the
Temporary phases
Design criteria for all relevant temporary phase conditions including, as relevant:
• limiting permanent, variable, environmental and deformation action criteria;
• procedures associated with construction (including major lifting operations);
• essential design parameters associated with temporary phases (e.g. for mating load cases,
mating weld-up sequences, crushing tube stiffness, for transit phases, transit speed etc.),
• relevant ALS criteria.
Operational design criteria
Design criteria for all relevant operational phase conditions including
• limiting permanent, variable, environmental and deformation action criteria,
• designing accidental event criteria (e.g. collision criteria),
• tank loading criteria (all tanks) including a description of system, with
• loading arrangements,
• height of air pipes,
• loading dynamics,
• densities.
• mooring actions.
Air gap
Relevant basis information necessary for the assessment of air gap sufficiency, including
• a description of the requirements to be applied in the ULS and ALS conditions,
• basis model test report (this information may not be available in the initial stage of the design).
In-service inspection criteria
A description of the in-service inspection criteria and general philosophy (as relevant for evaluating
fatigue allowable cumulative damage ratios).
A general description of other essential design information, including
• description of corrosion allowances, where applicable.
A summary of those items normally to be included in the design brief document is included below.
Analysis models
A general description of models to be utilised, including description of
• global analysis model(s),
• local analysis model(s),
• load cases to be analysed.
Analysis procedures
A general description of analytical procedures to be utilised including description of procedures to
be adopted in respect to
• the evaluation of temporary conditions,
• the consideration of accidental events,
• the evaluation of fatigue actions,
• air gap evaluation (including locations to be considered, damping, inclusion of asymmetry
factors, disturbed (radiated) wave considerations, combined motion response),
• the establishment of dynamic responses (including methodology, factors, and relevant
• the inclusion of "built-in" stresses,
• the consideration of local responses (e.g. those resulting from mooring and riser actions, ballast
distribution in pontoon tanks etc.),
• the consideration of structural redundancy.
Structural evaluation
A general description of the evaluation process, including
• description of procedures to be utilised for considering global and local responses,
• description of fatigue evaluation procedures (including use of DFFs, SN-curves, basis for stress
concentration factors (SCFs), etc.),
• description of procedures to be utilised for code checking.
Air gap evaluation
A general description of the air gap evaluation procedure, including
• description of procedures to be utilised for considering air gap sufficiency.
M.11 References
/1/ Regulations of 20 Dec. 1991, No.878, concerning stability, watertight subdivision and
watertight/weathertight closing means on mobile offshore units, Norwegian Maritime
/2/ Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 1989,
(1989 MODU CODE), International Maritime Organisation, London 1990.
/3/ Regulations of 20 Dec. 1991, No.879, concerning ballast systems on mobile offshore
units, Norwegian Maritime Directorate.
/4/ ‘Offshore Installations: Guidance on design, construction and certification’, U.K.,
Health & Safety Executive, Fourth Edition, HMSO.
M.12 Commentary
• Single model solutions do not normally account for the full range of "global" tank loading
conditions. Examples of global tank loading conditions that may typically not be fully
accounted for include
- tank loading distributions along the length of the pontoon,
- asymmetric tank loadings from one pontoon as compared to another.
• Single model solutions may not fully account for all action effects. Examples of load effects that
may typically not be fully accounted for include
- viscous effects (drag loading) on slender members,
- riser interface actions,
- thruster actions.
Generally, single model solutions that do contain sufficient detail to include consideration of all
relevant actions and load combinations are normally extremely large models, with a very large
number of load cases. It is therefore often the case that it is more practical, and efficient, to analyse
different action effects utilising a number of appropriate models and superimposing the responses
from one model with the responses from another model in order to assess the total utilisation of the
disregarding the damaged structural element itself, the ULS load case b. may generally be
considered as providing more demanding design criteria than the ALS condition with 100-year load
event. Additionally, in respect to global response, as soon as the deck box starts to become buoyant
the global actions resulting from the inclined deck box mass rapidly become reduced.
With background in the above logic simplified "engineering" solutions to structural design for the
collision event, that do not explicitly require analyses involving 100-year environmental actions in
the inclined (heeled) condition, are normally considered as being acceptable.
- o0o -
N.1.1 General
This Annex provides requirements and guidance to the structural design of tension leg platforms,
constructed in steel, in accordance with the provisions of this NORSOK standard.
The requirements and guidance documented in this Annex are generally applicable to all
configurations of tension leg platforms.
For novel designs, or unproved applications of designs where limited or no direct experience exists,
relevant analyses and model testing, shall be performed which clearly demonstrate that an
acceptable level of safety is obtained which is not inferior to the safety level set forth by this Annex
when applied to traditional designs.
N.1.2 Definitions
A Tension Leg Platform (TLP) is defined as a buoyant installation connected to a fixed foundation
by pretensioned tendons. The tendons are normally parallel, near vertical elements, acting in
tension, which restrain the motions of the platform in heavy, pitch and roll. The platform is
compliant in surge, sway and yaw.
The TLP tendon system comprises all components associated with the mooring system between, and
including the top connection(s) to the hull and the bottom connection(s) to the foundation(s).
Guidelines, control lines, umbilicals etc. for tendon service and/or installation are considered to be
included as part of the tendon system.
The TLP foundation is defined as those installations at, or in, the seafloor which serve as anchoring
of the tendons and provides transfer of tendon actions to the foundation soil.
The TLP hull consists of buoyant columns, pontoons and intermediate structural bracings, as
The TLP deck structure is the structural arrangement provided for supporting the topside equipment.
Normally, the deck serves the purpose of being the major structural components to ensure pontoons,
columns and deck acting as one structural unit to resist environmental and gravity actions.
Ringing is defined as the high frequency resonant response induced by transient loads from high,
steep waves.
Springing is defined as the high frequency resonant response induced by cyclic (steady state) in
low to moderate seastates.
High Frequency (HF) responses are defined as TLP rigid body motions at, or near heave, roll and
pitch eigenperiods.
Low Frequency (LF) responses is defined as TLP rigid body motions at, or near surge, sway and
yaw eigenperiods.
Tendon components at the platform interface shall adequately perform the following main
• Apply, monitor and adjust a prescribed level of tension to the tendon
• Connect the tensioned tendon to the platform
• Transfer side actions and absorb bending moments or rotations of the tendon
Tendon components providing the link between the platform and the foundation consist of tendon
elements (tubulars, solid rods etc.), termination at the platform interface and at the foundation
interface, and intermediate connections of couplings along the length as required. The intermediate
connections may take the form of mechanical couplings (threads, clamps, bolted flanges etc.),
welded joints or other types of connections.
Tendon components at the foundation interface shall adequately perform the following main
• Provide the structural connection between the tendon and the foundation
• Transfer side actions and absorb bending moments or rotations of the tendon
TLP hull
Top connector
Flex element (side entry)
Transition piece
Tendon body
Bottom connector
(vertical stab-in)
Flex element
Planning of construction sequences and of the methods of construction shall be performed. Actions
occurring in fabrication phases shall be assessed and, when necessary the structure and the
structural support arrangement shall be evaluated for structural adequacy.
Major lifting operations shall be evaluated to ensure that deformations are within acceptable levels,
and that relevant strength criteria are satisfied.
All relevant action effects incurred during mating operations shall be considered in the design
process. Particular attention should be given to hydrostatic actions imposed during mating
Sea transportation
A detailed transportation assessment shall be undertaken which includes determination of the
limiting environmental criteria, evaluation of intact and damage stability characteristics, motion
response of the global system and the resulting, induced actions. The occurrence of slamming
actions on the structure and the effects of fatigue during transport phases shall be evaluated when
In case of transportation (surface/sub surface) of tendons, this operation shall be carefully planned
and analysed. Model testing shall be considered.
Satisfactory compartmentation and stability during all floating operations shall be ensured.
All aspects of the transportation, including planning and procedures, preparations, seafastenings and
marine operations should comply with the requirements of the Warranty Authority.
Installation procedures of foundations (e.g. piles, suction anchor or gravity based structures) shall
consider relevant static and dynamic actions, including consideration of the maximum
environmental conditions expected for the operations.
For novel installation activities (foundations and tendons), relevant model testing should be
Tendon stand-off (pending TLP installation) phases shall be considered with respect to actions and
The actions induced by the marine spread mooring involved in the operations and the forces exerted
on the structures utilised in positioning the unit, such as fairleads and padeyes, shall be considered
for local strength checks.
Abandonment of the unit shall be planned for in the design stage.
Segment of Column
Figue N.2-1 Examples of typical hull porch design classes and inspection categories
1. Inspection Category A is selected in accordance with Table 5.4 assuming high fatigue utilisation and principal
stresses in the transverse direction.
2. Inspection Category B is selected in accordance with Table 5.4 assuming high fatigue and principal stresses
longitudinal to the weld.
Longitud. weld
Figure N.2-2 Examples of design classes and inspection categories for typical tendon
1. Inspection Category B is selected in accordance with Table 5.4 assuming high fatigue utilisation and principal
stresses in the longitudinal direction.
2. Inspection Category A is selected in accordance with Table 5.4 assuming high fatigue and principal stresses
transverse to the weld. Stricter acceptance criteria as per footnote 2 in Table 5.4 will apply.
Operating tolerances shall be specified and shall be achievable in practice. Normally, the most
unfavourable operating tolerances shall be included in the design. Active operation shall not to be
dependent on high reliability of operating personnel in an emergency situation.
Note: Active operation of the following may be considered in an emergency situation, as applicable:
• Ballast distribution
• Weight distribution
• Tendon tension
• Riser tension
The tendon system and the securing/supporting arrangements shall be designed in such a manner
that a possible failure of one tendon is not to cause progressive tendon failure or excessive damage
to the securing/supporting arrangement at the platform or at the foundation.
A fracture control strategy should be adopted to ensure consistency of design, fabrication and in
service monitoring assumptions. The object of such a strategy is to ensure that the largest
undetected flaw from fabrication of the tendons will not grow to a size that could induce failure
within the design life of the tendon, or within the planned in-service inspection interval, within a
reasonable level of reliability. Elements of this strategy include:
• Design fatigue life
• Fracture toughness
• Reliability of inspection during fabrication
• In-service inspection intervals and methods
Fracture mechanics should be used to define allowable flaw sizes, estimate crack growth rates and
thus help define inspection intervals and monitoring strategies.
All materials liable to corrode shall be protected against corrosion. Special attention should be
given to:
• Local complex geometries
• Areas that are difficult to inspect/repair
• Consequences of corrosion damage
• Possibilities for electrolytic corrosion
All sliding surfaces shall be designed with sufficient additional thickness against wear. Special
attention should be given to the following:
• Cross-load bearings
• Seals
• Balljoints
N.4.1 General
Characteristic actions are to be used as reference actions. Design actions are, in general, defined in
NORSOK N-003. Guidance concerning action categories relevant for TLP designs are given in the
• Marine growth
• Snow and ice accumulation
• Direct ice action (icebergs and icefloes)
• Earthquake
• Temperature
• Tidal effects
The following assumptions are inherent in adopting such on independent analysis approach:
• The natural frequencies in heave, pitch and roll are included in the wave-frequency analysis
• The natural frequencies in surge, sway and yaw are included in the low-frequency analysis
• The high and low natural frequencies are sufficient separate to allow independent dynamic
analysis to be carried out
• The low-frequency excitation forces have negligible effect on the wave-frequency motions
• The low-frequency excitation forces have a negligible dynamic effect in heave, pitch and roll
• Tendon lateral dynamics are unimportant for platform surge/sway motions
Typical parameters to be considered for global performance analyses are different platform draft,
tidal effects, storm surges, set down, settlement, subsidence, mispositioning and tolerances. Possible
variations in vertical centre of gravity shall also be analysed (especially if ringing responses are
Highly non-linear effects such as ringing may also require a time domain analysis approach.
Analytical methods exist for estimation of ringing responses. These methods can be used for the
early design stage, but shall be correlated against model tests for the final design. Ringing and
springing responses of hull and deck may however be analysed within the frequency domain with
basis in model test results, or equivalent analytical results.
For deep waters a fully coupled time domain analysis of tendons, risers and platform may be
A relevant wave spectrum shall be used to generate random time series when simulating irregular
wave elevations and kinematics.
Simulation length shall be long enough to obtain sufficient number of LF maxima (surge, sway,
Statistical convergence shall be checked by performing sensitivity analyses where parameters as
input seed, simulation length, time step, solution technique etc. are varied.
Determination of extreme responses from time domain analyses shall be performed according to
recognised principles.
Depending on selected TLP installation method, time domain analyses will probably be required to
simulate the situation when the TLP is transferred from a free floating mode to the vertical
restrained mode. Model testing shall also be considered in this context.
The model scale applied in testing shall be appropriate such that reliable results can be expected. A
sufficient number of seastates need to be calibrated covering all limit states.
Wave headings and other variable parameters (water levels, vertical centre of gravity, etc.) need to
be varied and tested as required.
If HF responses (ringing and springing) shows to be governing for tendon extreme and fatigue
design respectively, the amount of testing may have to be increased to obtain confidence in results.
Lift and overturning moment generated on the TLP hull by wind actions shall be included in the
tendon response calculations.
Susceptibility to vortex induced vibrations shall be evaluated in operational and non-operational
Interference (tendon/riser, tendon/tendon, tendon/hull, tendon/foundation) shall be evaluated for
non-operational as well as the operational phase.
N.6.2 Hull
The following analysis procedure to obtain characteristic platform-hull response shall be applied:
a) Steady-state analysis of the initial position.
In this analysis, all vertical actions are applied (weights, live loads, buoyancy etc.) and
equilibrium is achieved taking into account pretension in tendons and risers.
b) Steady-state offset
In this analysis the lateral steady-state wind, wave-drift and current actions are applied to the
TLP resulting in a static offset position with a given set-down.
c) Design wave analysis
To satisfy the need for simultaneity of the responses, a design wave approach, see NORSOK N-
003, may normally be used for maximum stress analysis.
The merits of the stochastic approach are retained by using the extreme stochastic values of
some characteristic parameters in the selection of the design wave and is applied to the platform
in its offset position. The results are superimposed on the steady-state solution to obtain
maximum stresses.
d) Spectral analysis
Assuming the same offset position as described in b) and with a relevant storm spectrum, an
analysis is carried out using ‘n’ wave frequencies from ‘m’ directions. Traditional spectral
analysis methods should be used to compute the relevant response spectra and their statistics.
For a TLP hull, the following characteristic global sectional actions due to wave forces shall be
considered as a minimum, see also Annex M:
• Split forces (transverse, longitudinal or oblique sea for odd columned TLP’s)
• Torsional moment about a transverse and longitudinal, horizontal axis (in diagonal or near-
• Longitudinal opposed forces between parallel pontoons (in diagonal or near-diagonal seas)
• Longitudinal, transverse and vertical accelerations of deck masses
It is recommended that a full stochastic wave action analysis is used as basis for the final design.
Local load effects (e.g. maximum direct environmental action of an individual member, wave
slamming loads, external hydrostatic pressure, ballast distribution, internal tank pressures etc.) shall
be considered. Additional actions from e.g high-frequency ringing accelerations shall be taken into
Additional detailed finite-element analyses may be required for complex joints and other
complicated structural parts to determine the local stress distribution more accurately and/or to
verify the results of a space-frame analysis, see also Annex M.
Where relevant local stress concentrations shall be determined by detailed finite-element analysis or
by physical models. For standard details, however, recognised formulas will be accepted.
Supplementary manual calculations for members subjected to local actions may be required where
If both static and dynamic action contributions are included in one analysis, the results shall be such
that the contributions from both shall be individually identifiable.
Local environmental action effects, such as wave slamming and possible wave- or wind-induced
vortex shedding, are to be considered as appropriate.
N.6.3 Deck
N.6.3.1 General
Structural analysis design of deck structure shall follow the principles as outlined in NORSOK N-
004, Annex M. Additional actions (e.g. global accelerations) from high-frequency ringing and
springing shall be taken into account when relevant.
In the ULS condition, positive air gap should be ensured. However, wave impact may be permitted
to occur on any part of the structure provided that it can be demonstrated that such actions are
adequately accounted for in the design and that safety to personnel is not significantly impaired.
Analysis undertaken to document air gap should be calibrated against relevant model test results.
Such analysis shall include relevant account of:
• wave/structure interaction effects,
• wave asymmetry effects,
• global rigid body motions (including dynamic effects),
• effects of interacting systems (e.g. riser systems), and,
• maximum/minimum draughts (setdown, tidal surge, subsidence, settlement effects).
Column ‘run-up’ action effects shall be accounted for in the design of the structural arrangement in
way of the column/deckbox connection. These 'run-up' actions should be treated as an
environmental action component, however, they need not normally be considered as occurring
simultaneously with other environmental responses.
Evaluation of air gap adequacy shall include consideration of all affected structural items including
lifeboat platforms, riser balconies, overhanging deck modulus etc.
N.6.4 Tendons
Bending stresses along the tendon shall be analysed and taken into account in design. For the
constraint mode the bending stresses in tendon will usually be low. In case of surface, or subsurface
tow (non-operational phase) the bending stresses shall be carefully analysed and taken into account
in design. For nearly buoyant tendons the combination of environmental action (axial & bending)
and high hydrostatic water pressure may be a governing combination.
Limiting combinations of tendon tension and rotations (flex elements) need to be established.
For specific tendon components such as couplings, flex elements, top and bottom connections etc.
the stress distribution shall be determined by appropriate finite-element analysis.
If tendon tension loss is permitted, tendon dynamic analyses shall be conducted to evaluate its effect
on the complete tendon system. Alternatively model tests may be performed. The reasoning behind
this is that loss of tension could result in detrimental effects from tendon buckling and/or damage to
flex elements.
N.6.5 Foundations
Geotechnical field investigations and careful data interpretation shall form the basis for
geotechnical design parameters.
Relevant combinations of tendon tensions and angles shall be analysed for the foundation design.
For gravity foundations the pretension shall be compensated by submerged weight of the
foundation, whereas the varying actions may be resisted by for example suction and friction.
N.7.2 Hull
Fatigue design of hull structure shall be performed in accordance to principles given in Annex M.
N.7.3 Deck
Fatigue design of deckstructure shall be performed in accordance to principles given in Annex M.
N.7.4 Tendons
All parts of the tendon system shall be evaluated for fatigue.
First order wave actions (direct/indirect) will usually be governing, however also fatigue due to
springing shall be carefully considered. HF and WF tendon responses shall be combined
In case of wet transportation (surface/subsurface) to field these fatigue contributions shall be
accounted for in design.
Vortex Shedding shall be considered and taken into account. This applies to operation and non-
operational (e.g. tendon stand-off) phases.
Series effects (welds, couplings) shall be evaluated.
When fracture-mechanics methods are employed, realistic estimates of strains combined with
maximum defect sizes likely to be missed with the applicable NDE methods shall be used
N.7.5 Foundation
Tendon responses (tension and angle) will be the main contributors for fatigue design of
foundations. Local stresses shall be determined by use of finite element analyses.
Compartmentation is a key issue for TLP’s due to the fine balance between weight, buoyancy and
pretensions. See N10.2.
N.9.3 Tendons
The most relevant accidental events for the tendons are:
• missing tendon
• tendon flooding
• dropped objects
• hull compartment(s) flooding
Missing tendon requires analysis with 100 year environment to satisfy the ALS. The same applies
to tendon flooding, if relevant.
For accidental events leading to tendon failure the possible detrimental effect of the release of the
elastic energy stored in the tendon may have on the surrounding structure shall be considered.
Dropped object may cause damage to the tendons and in particular the top and bottom connectors
may be exposed. Shielding may be required installed.
Flooding hull compartments and the effects on design shall be analysed thoroughly.
N.9.4 Foundations
Accidental events to be considered for the foundations shall as a minimum be those listed for
Temporary conditions
For temporary phases where the tendons are not installed, the platform may be considered as a
column-stabilised unit for which procedures and criteria concerning hydrostatic stability should be
taken according to Annex M.
For temporary phases where tendons are partly engaged, adequate stability shall be documented.
The stability in this condition may be provided by hydrostatic stability, by the tensioned tendons or
by a combination.
Operating conditions
The tension in the tendons is to be sufficient to ensure the stability of the platform in the operating
phase, both for the intact and damaged conditions.
Monitoring of weight, ballast and pretension shall be performed.
The following minimum accidental flooding criteria is normally to be assumed for the ALS
a) Any one compartment adjacent to the sea is to be assumed flooded, regardless of cause.
b) Any one compartment containing sea water piping systems of other sources containing liquids,
due to failure of such arrangements, is to be assumed flooded unless it can be adequately
documented that such requirement is unwarranted.
Watertight integrity
Watertight closing appliances are required for those external openings up to the water levels defined
• The water level for an angle of heel equal to the first intercept in the intact or damage condition,
whichever is greater (free-floating conditions)
• The water level corresponding to the required air-gap for deck clearance in the ULS condition
Where pipe-runs may lead to critical flooding scenarios, full account is to be taken of this
possibility in the design of these pipe-runs and the size of the internal spaces they run to or from.
The number of openings in watertight bulkheads and decks are to be kept to a minimum compatible
with the design and proper operation of the TLP. Where penetration of watertight decks and
bulkheads are necessary for access, piping, ventilation, electrical cables etc., arrangements are to be
made to maintain the watertight integrity.
Where valves are provided at watertight boundaries to provide watertight integrity, these valves are
to be capable of being operated from a normally manned space. Valve position indicators are to be
provided at a remote-control situation.
Watertight doors and hatches are to be remotely controlled from a central safe position and are also
to be operable locally from each side of the bulkhead or deck. Indicators are to be provided at the
remote-control position to indicate whether the doors are open or closed.
Where the tendon elements and the tendon-column annulus are designed as non-flooded members
in service, such compartments are to be considered as TLP buoyancy compartments with respect to
watertight integrity. Special consideration of closing devices (seals) for the tendon/column duct
annulus is necessary to fulfil requirements as to “watertight closure”.
Temporary phases
Design criteria for all relevant temporary phase conditions including, as relevant:
• limiting permanent, variable, environmental and deformation action criteria
• procedures associated with construction, (including major lifting operations)
• essential design parameters associated with temporary phases ( e.g. for mating loadcases,
mating weld-up sequences, crushing tube stiffness’, for transit phases, transit speed etc.)
• relevant ALS criteria
• tendon installation/replacement
• foundation installation
Air gap
Relevant basis information necessary for the assessment of air gap sufficiency, including:
• a description of the requirements to be applied in the ULS and ALS conditions
• basis model test report (This information may not be available in the initial stage of the design)
A general description of other essential design information, including :
• description of corrosion allowances, where applicable
Analysis models
A general description of models to be utilised, including description of :
• global analysis model(s)
• local analysis model(s)
• loadcases to be analysed
Analysis procedures
A general description of analytical procedures to be utilised including description of procedures to
be adopted in respect to :
• the evaluation of temporary conditions
• the consideration of accidental events
• the evaluation of fatigue actions
• air gap evaluation, (including locations to be considered, damping, inclusion of asymmetry
factors, disturbed (radiated) wave considerations, combined motion response)
• the establishment of dynamic responses (including methodology, factors, and relevant
• the inclusion of ‘built-in’ stresses
• the consideration of local responses (e.g. those resulting from tendon and riser actions, ballast
distribution etc.)
• the consideration of structural redundancy
Structural evaluation
A general description of the evaluation process, including :
• description of procedures to be utilised for considering global and local responses
• description of fatigue evaluation procedures (including use of design fatigue factors, SN-curves,
basis for stress concentration factors (SCF’s), etc.)
• description of procedures to be utilised for code checking
/1/ Regulations of 20 Dec. 1991, No.878, concerning stability, watertight subdivision and
watertight/weathertight closing means on mobile offshore units, Norwegian Maritime
/2/ ISO 19900, Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries-Offshore Structures: General
Requirements, International Standard,.
/3/ Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 1989,
(1989 MODU CODE), International Maritime Organisation, London 1990.
/4/ API RP 2T Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing, and Constructing Tension
Leg Platforms, 3. edition August 2012.
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