BUSINESS-FINANCE - Practice Material
BUSINESS-FINANCE - Practice Material
BUSINESS-FINANCE - Practice Material
Be profitable
Do you think a profitable
company is a successful
Can success be attributed to
profitability only?
Is it possible that a company can
have profits but still does not
have enough cash to pay its
obligations (i.e. suppliers,
What will happen if the company
cannot pay its obligations?
Shareholders’ objectives as owners
of the corporation
What do you think of a company
who has very large amount of cash?
What defines a
How do we measure
shareholders wealth?
Suppose you bought 10 shares of
Globe Telecom at PHP2,510 each on
September 9, 2010. This brings your
investments to PHP25,100.
What happens to the value of your
investment if the price goes up to
PHP2,600 per share or it goes down to
PHP2,300 per share?
How do we measure
shareholders wealth?
Shareholders’ wealth is
measured based on the
current market price of the
corporation’s stocks.
Factors that Influence
Market Price
Controllable by Uncontrollable
Management External Factor
• profitability • microeconomic
• having a good liquidity and conditions
reasonable leverage position •political stability
• dividends • prospects of the
• competent management industry where the
which affects the company’s company operates
operating efficiency • general market
• coming up with corporate sentiment
plans that improve the • flow of foreign funds
business prospects of the invested in the
company Philippine stock market
Factors that Influence Market Price
Controllable by Management
1. Profitability
Which do you think is a
more attractive company?
Factors that Influence Market Price
Controllable by Management
3. Dividends
Holders of shares receive dividends
from a corporation as returns on
their investments in form of cash or
other properties.
Factors that Influence Market Price
Controllable by Management
4. Competent management.
Competent managers may have any of the
following attributes
1) visionary
2) decisive
3) people-oriented,
4) inspiring, 5) innovative,
6) respected and
7) experienced/seasoned manager. -
Factors that Influence Market Price
Controllable by Management