Finance Notes Lesson 4
Finance Notes Lesson 4
Finance Notes Lesson 4
1. Areas in Finance
2. Financial Managers Functions
3. Goals of the Corporation
4. Principles that Form the Foundations of Financial Management
Areas in Finance
The field of finance is broad and dynamic. It directly affects every person and every organization, financial or non-financial
institution, private or public, large or small, profit seeking or not-for-profit.
Finance can be defined as the art and science of managing money. It concerns with the process that institutions, markets,
and instruments involved in the transfer of money among and between individuals, businesses, and governments.
On the other hand, capital markets are the financial markets for stocks and for intermediate-or-long-term debt (one year
or longer). In other words, capital market is where you sell or buy financial instruments.
• Investments
Investment area focuses on the decisions made by both individual and institutional investors as they choose securities for
their investment portfolio. The three main functions in the investments area are sales, analyzing individual securities, and
determining the optimal mix of securities for a given investor.
• Financial Management
Financial management is the broadest of the three areas and is important in all types of businesses including banks,
financial institutions, industrial, retail firms as well as governmental operations.
Financial management involves various decision-making ranging from how to finance the company operation, determine
the most appropriate types of financing for the specific projects, and costs of each type of financing. It also involves
management of current asset such as cash, account receivables, and inventories as well.
5. Risk Management
All businesses face certain kind of risks such as natural disasters, uncertainties in commodity and security market, volatile
interest rates, and fluctuating foreign exchange rates. Financial manager analyzes and evaluates the business activities
and the risks associated with it.
Besides stockholder wealth maximization, there are other objectives that a corporation would pursue such as personal
satisfaction, employee welfare and good of community. It relates to the concept of social responsibility
10. Ethical Behaviour Is Doing the Right Thing, and Ethical Dilemmas Are Everywhere in Finance
Each person has his or her own set of values, which forms the basis for personal judgments about what is the right thing to
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