7403-Bert 0624578
7403-Bert 0624578
7403-Bert 0624578
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Table of contents
SUMMARY ......................................................................................................... 1
TEST RESULTS .................................................................................................. 5
TEST SETUP .................................................................................................... 13
FUNCTIONS ..................................................................................................... 14
SYSTEM INFORMATION .................................................................................... 15
LOGGER .......................................................................................................... 15
Results Summary
Test Status
Throughput Completed 00d:00:02:01
Frame Loss Completed 00d:00:02:24
Latency Completed 00d:00:01:19
Pass/Fail Verdict PASS
Start Time 5/9/2024 06:16:31 PM
Test Recovery 0
RFC 2544
Pass/Fail Verdict
Throughput PASS
Frame Loss PASS
Latency PASS
(Mbit/s) (Frame/s)
All Ethernet IP
64 20.0000 15.2380 10.9523 29761.9047
128 20.0000 17.2972 14.8648 16891.8918
256 20.0000 18.5507 17.2463 9057.9710
512 20.0000 19.2481 18.5714 4699.2481
1024 20.0000 19.6168 19.2720 2394.6360
1280 20.0000 19.6923 19.4153 1923.0769
9000 20.0000 19.9556 19.9157 277.1618
RX Frequency
Max Negative Offset Max Positive Offset
Frequency Offset (ppm) -19.8 0.0
Alarms/Errors List
Active/Historical Alarms/Errors None
Alarms Seconds
Frequency 0
Clock Sync
Alarm Seconds
Alarms Seconds
Link Down 0
Errors Seconds Count Rate
IP Checksum 0 0 0.00E00
UDP Checksum 0 0 0.00E00
Total 0
Setup Summary
Application Type RFC 2544
Interface Port 1
Interface/Rate 10/100/1000M Electrical
Connector RJ45
Auto-Negotiation Disabled
Speed 100 Mbit/s
Duplex Full
Flow Control None
Framing: MAC/IP/UDP
IP Version IPv4
EtherType 0x0800
Automatic IP (DHCP) Disabled
TTL 128
TOS 0x00
Default Gateway Disabled
RFC 2544
Enabled Subtests
Throughput Max. Rate (Mbit/s) Threshold (Mbit/s) Accuracy (Mbit/s)
20.0000 20.0 1.00
Frame Loss Max. Rate (Mbit/s) Threshold (%) Granularity (%)
20.0000 0.1 10
Latency Max. Rate (Mbit/s) Threshold (ms)
20.0000 125.00000
Ethernet Traffic
Frame Type TX Count RX Count
Multicast 0 0
Broadcast 35 35
Non-Unicast 35 35
RFC 2544
Pass/Fail Verdict
Throughput PASS
Frame Loss PASS
Latency PASS
(Mbit/s) (Frame/s)
All Ethernet IP
64 Min. 20.0000 15.2380 10.9523 29761.9047
Max. 20.0000 15.2380 10.9523 29761.9047
Avg. 20.0000 15.2380 10.9523 29761.9047
128 Min. 20.0000 17.2972 14.8648 16891.8918
Max. 20.0000 17.2972 14.8648 16891.8918
Avg. 20.0000 17.2972 14.8648 16891.8918
256 Min. 20.0000 18.5507 17.2463 9057.9710
Max. 20.0000 18.5507 17.2463 9057.9710
Avg. 20.0000 18.5507 17.2463 9057.9710
512 Min. 20.0000 19.2481 18.5714 4699.2481
Max. 20.0000 19.2481 18.5714 4699.2481
Avg. 20.0000 19.2481 18.5714 4699.2481
1024 Min. 20.0000 19.6168 19.2720 2394.6360
Max. 20.0000 19.6168 19.2720 2394.6360
Avg. 20.0000 19.6168 19.2720 2394.6360
1280 Min. 20.0000 19.6923 19.4153 1923.0769
Max. 20.0000 19.6923 19.4153 1923.0769
Avg. 20.0000 19.6923 19.4153 1923.0769
9000 Min. 20.0000 19.9556 19.9157 277.1618
Max. 20.0000 19.9556 19.9157 277.1618
Avg. 20.0000 19.9556 19.9157 277.1618
Clock Synchronization
Clock Mode Internal
RFC 2544
Frame Size Distribution (Bytes)
64 128 256 512 1024
1280 9000
Enabled Subtests
Max. Rate Trial Duration Accuracy Acceptable
Throughput Trials Validations
(Mbit/s) (MM:SS) (Mbit/s) Errors
20.0000 00:01 1 1.00 0 1
Max. Rate Trial Duration Granularity
Frame Loss Trials
(Mbit/s) (MM:SS) (%)
20.0000 00:01 1 10
Max. Rate Trial Duration
Latency Trials
(Mbit/s) (MM:SS)
20.0000 00:01 1
Ping & Trace Route
Source MAC Address 00:03:01:F8:1E:67
Source IP Address (Stream 1)
Destination IP Address
Timeout (ms) 4000
Delay (ms) 1000
Data Size (Bytes) 32
TTL 128
Type Of Service (TOS) 0x00
Ping Statistics
Packets Transmitted --
Packets Received --
Percentage Lost (%) --
Minimum Round Trip Time (ms) --
Maximum Round Trip Time (ms) --
Average Round Trip Time (ms) --
Trace Route
Timeout (ms) 4000
Max Hop Count 128
Product Name MaxTester Series
Version MaxTester Series 1.70
Module ID MAX-860G
Slot ID 1
Software Product Version
MaxTester Series 1.70
Assembly Hardware Revision B
Serial Number 1325562
Calibration Date 12/20/2019 11:56:00 PM
Software Options
10G_LAN Ethernet 10G LAN optical interface Disabled
10G_WAN Ethernet 10G WAN optical interface Disabled
L2-Transparency L2CP Handling Test in EtherSAM Disabled
TunableOptics Tunable Wavelength Support for SFP+ Disabled
100optical Ethernet 100Base-FX (Optical) Interface Disabled
GigE_Optical Ethernet 1000Base-X (Optical) Interface Enabled
GigE_Electrical Ethernet 1000Base-T (Electrical) Interface Enabled
TCP-THPUT Tcp Throughput Test Application Disabled
ADV-FILTERS Advanced Filtering Disabled
MPLS MPLS Encapsulation (10GE and less) Disabled
IPV6 Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) (10GE and less) Disabled
ETH-THRU Through Mode Test Application Disabled
Cable_Test Cable Test Disabled
ETH-CAPTURE Ethernet Frame Capture for Advanced Troubleshooting Disabled
ETH-OAM Carrier Ethernet OAM Test Application Disabled
DUAL-PORT Dual Port Test Enabled
RFC6349 RFC 6349 Test Application (10GE and less) Disabled
LINK-OAM Link OAM Disabled
RFC6349-EXFOWorx Enables EXFO|Worx Interop Operation Mode Disabled
ID Start Time Event Duration Details
1 05/09 06:16:31 PM Test Started 2024-05-09
2 05/09 06:22:14 PM Test Stopped PASS