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PFR Case Digest

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Tan-Andal vs. Andal (G.R. No.

196359, May 11, 2021)  Psychological incapacity must be shown to exist at

the time of the marriage and be of such gravity that it
FACTS renders the spouse incapable of fulfilling marital
 Rosanna L. Tan-Andal and Mario Victor M. Andal  Rosanna provided clear and convincing evidence of
were married on December 16, 1995, in Makati City. Mario's psychological incapacity, including his
 They had one child, Ma. Samantha, born in 1996. persistent drug use, financial irresponsibility, and
 The couple lived in Parañaque City but separated in inability to care for his family.
2000, with Rosanna retaining custody of their  The CA erred in discounting the expert opinion solely
daughter. because Mario was not personally examined.
 In 2001, Mario filed for custody of Ma. Samantha.  The totality of evidence, including the expert's findings
 In 2003, Rosanna filed a petition for the nullity of their and other corroborative evidence, sufficiently proved
marriage, citing Mario's psychological incapacity. Mario's psychological incapacity.
 The Regional Trial Court (RTC) declared the marriage
void due to Mario's psychological incapacity, awarded
custody of Ma. Samantha to Rosanna, and declared
her the sole owner of their property.
 The Court of Appeals (CA) reversed the RTC's
decision, finding the psychiatric evaluation of Mario
unreliable as it was based on second-hand
 Rosanna filed a Petition for Review on Certiorari
before the Supreme Court.

1. Whether the marriage between Mario and Rosanna is
void due to psychological incapacity.
2. Whether the guidelines for deciding cases for the
declaration of nullity of marriage due to psychological
incapacity, as laid down in Republic v. Court of
Appeals and Molina, violate the right to liberty,
personal autonomy, and human dignity of Filipinos.
3. Whether psychological incapacity must be grounded
on a particular psychological illness and if it can be
established without a psychological assessment or
clinical diagnosis.
4. Whether psychological incapacity is truly incurable
and if it must be shown to be medically or clinically
permanent or incurable.
5. Whether expert opinion on a party's psychological
incapacity is competent evidence if it is solely based
on collateral information from the other spouse.
6. Whether the existence of grounds for legal separation
precludes a finding of psychological incapacity.
7. Whether psychological incapacity may be relative to
each couple.
8. Whether half of the duplex and the lot on which it is
situated are community properties of Mario and
9. Whether Ma. Samantha's custody was rightfully
awarded to Rosanna.
 The Supreme Court granted the petition, reversing the
CA's decision and reinstating the RTC's decision.
 The marriage between Rosanna and Mario was
declared void due to Mario's psychological incapacity.
 The Court upheld the RTC's decision awarding
custody of Ma. Samantha to Rosanna.
 The Court declared Rosanna the sole owner of the
 The Supreme Court clarified that psychological
incapacity under Article 36 of the Family Code is a
legal concept, not strictly a medical one.
 The totality of evidence must prove the psychological
incapacity, which need not be grounded on a specific
psychological illness or proven by expert testimony
Georfo vs. Republic (G.R. No. 246933, March 6, 2023) Santos vs. CA, GR No. 112019, Jan. 4, 1995, 240 SCRA 2

 Agnes Padrique Georfo (Agnes) sought the nullity of  The case involves petitioner Leouel Santos and
her marriage to Joe-Ar Jabian Georfo (Joe-Ar) on the respondents Julia Rosario Bedia-Santos and the
grounds of psychological incapacity. Court of Appeals.
 The couple met in late 2001 in Bacolod City and  Leouel Santos, a First Lieutenant in the Philippine
married on February 23, 2002, at the Latter Day Army, married Julia Rosario Bedia-Santos on
Saints Church in Magsungay, Bacolod City. September 20, 1986, in Iloilo City.
 At the time of their marriage, Agnes was 18 years old,  The couple initially lived with Julia's parents and had a
and Joe-Ar was 21. son, Leouel Santos, Jr., born on July 18, 1987.
 Their marriage quickly deteriorated due to conflicts,  Their marriage faced significant difficulties due to
infidelity, and abuse. frequent interference from Julia's parents and other
 Agnes alleged that Joe-Ar had a bad temper, was disagreements.
physically abusive, and failed to provide financial  On May 18, 1988, Julia left for the United States to
support for their son. work as a nurse, despite Leouel's pleas for her to
 After living separately for eight years, Agnes filed a stay.
Petition for Declaration of Nullity of Marriage.  Julia promised to return after her contract expired in
 Dr. Andres Gerong, a clinical psychologist, testified July 1989 but failed to do so.
that Joe-Ar exhibited traits of Narcissistic Personality  Leouel attempted to contact Julia during his visit to
Disorder and Dependent Personality Disorder, which the United States in 1990 but was unsuccessful.
were serious and incurable.  Consequently, Leouel filed a complaint for the nullity
 The Regional Trial Court (RTC) granted Agnes's of their marriage under Article 36 of the Family Code,
petition, declaring the marriage null and void. citing psychological incapacity.
 The Court of Appeals (CA) reversed this decision,  The Regional Trial Court of Negros Oriental
leading Agnes to file a Petition for Review before the dismissed the complaint for lack of merit, and the
Supreme Court. Court of Appeals affirmed the decision.
ISSUE:  Leouel then petitioned the Supreme Court for review.
1. Whether the marriage between Agnes Padrique ISSUE:
Georfo and Joe-Ar Jabian Georfo is void on the 1. Whether Julia Rosario Bedia-Santos' failure to return
ground of psychological incapacity. home or communicate with Leouel Santos for more
2. Whether the totality of evidence presented by Agnes than five years constitutes psychological incapacity
is sufficient to prove that Joe-Ar is psychologically under Article 36 of the Family Code, thereby
incapacitated to comply with his marital obligations. rendering their marriage null and void.
 The Supreme Court granted the petition, reversing  The Supreme Court denied the petition, affirming the
and setting aside the CA's decision. decisions of the lower courts.
 The Court declared the marriage between Agnes  The Court held that Julia's failure to return home or
Padrique Georfo and Joe-Ar Jabian Georfo void on communicate with Leouel for more than five years did
the ground of psychological incapacity. not meet the standards required to decree a nullity of
RATIO: marriage based on psychological incapacity.
 The Supreme Court emphasized that psychological RATIO:
incapacity is a legal concept, not a medical or clinical  The Supreme Court emphasized that the term
illness. "psychological incapacity" under Article 36 of the
 A psychiatric examination is no longer required in Family Code is not meant to cover all possible cases
Article 36 petitions. of psychoses, such as extremely low intelligence or
 The totality of evidence, including the psychological immaturity.
report by Dr. Gerong, sufficiently established Joe-Ar's  It refers to a mental incapacity that renders a party
psychological incapacity. truly incapable of understanding and fulfilling the
 Dr. Gerong's assessment, based on interviews with essential marital obligations, such as living together,
Agnes and her sister, identified Joe-Ar's Narcissistic observing love, respect, fidelity, and providing help
Personality Disorder and Dependent Personality and support.
Disorder, which were serious, incurable, and rooted in  The Court noted that psychological incapacity must
his childhood. be grave, rooted in the history of the party, and
 Psychological incapacity must be proven by clear and incurable.
convincing evidence, which was met in this case.  The Court also highlighted that the law does not
 Psychological incapacity does not need to be consider an inability to have sexual relations as a
identified using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual form of psychological incapacity.
of Mental Disorders.  The Court concluded that the factual circumstances of
 The assessment can be based on collateral the case did not meet the stringent standards required
information. to declare the marriage null and void.
 The evidence presented demonstrated Joe-Ar's  The Court underscored the importance of marriage as
inability to fulfill his essential marital obligations, a lifetime commitment and an inviolable social
warranting the dissolution of the marriage under institution, as enshrined in the Family Code and the
Article 36 of the Family Code. 1987 Philippine Constitution.
Republic vs. Iyoy (G.R. No. 152577, Sept. 21, 2005) Santiago vs People of the Philippines, GR. No. 200233,
July 15, 2015
 The case "Republic of the Philippines v. Iyoy" involves FACTS:
a petition for the declaration of nullity of marriage.
 Respondent Crasus L. Iyoy filed the petition against Petitioner Leonila Santiago was convicted of bigamy for
his wife, Fely Ada Rosal-Iyoy, citing psychological her marriage with Nicanor Santos who, during the celebration
incapacity under Article 36 of the Family Code. of their marriage, was still married to Estela Galang.
 Crasus and Fely were married on December 16,
1961, in Cebu City and had five children. Petitioner reiterates that she cannot be a co-accused in the
 In 1984, Fely left for the United States, leaving their case, because she was not aware of Santos's previous
children behind. marriage. Furthermore, she argues that for there to be a
 Fely later requested Crasus to sign divorce papers, conviction for bigamy, a valid second marriage must be
which he ignored. proven.She contends that her marriage to Santos is void
 Fely remarried an American and acquired U.S. because of the absence of a marriage license. She
citizenship in 1988. elaborates that their marriage does not fall under any of the
 On March 25, 1997, Crasus filed a complaint alleging exemptionsfrom a marriage license, because they have not
Fely's psychological incapacity due to her previously lived together exclusively as husband and wife
abandonment and infidelity. for at least five years. Without completing the five-year
requirement, she posits that their marriage without a license is
 The Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Cebu City declared
the marriage null and void, a decision affirmed by the
Court of Appeals.
The RTC appreciated the testimony of Galang that 2 months
 The Republic, represented by the Office of the
before said marriage, she already introduced herself to
Solicitor General, sought a reversal of this decision,
petitioner asSantos’ legal wife, and that it was incredible for a
arguing that the evidence was insufficient to establish
learned person like petitioner to be easily duped by a person
psychological incapacity and that Article 26,
like Santos.
paragraph 2 of the Family Code was inapplicable.
Similar to the RTC, the CA gave more weight to the
1. Does the evidence presented sufficiently establish
prosecution’s evidence. It likewise disbelieved the testimony
Fely's psychological incapacity to comply with the
of Santos andalso simply stated that the claim of lack of
essential marital obligations under Article 36 of the
marriage license was a vain attempt to put the validity of
Family Code?
her marriage to Santos in question.
2. Is Article 26, paragraph 2 of the Family Code
applicable to the case, allowing Crasus to remarry
under Philippine law?
3. Does the Office of the Solicitor General have the
Should the validity of the second marriage be first proven
authority to intervene in proceedings for annulment
in order for one to be convicted of bigamy?
and declaration of nullity of marriages?
 The Supreme Court ruled that the evidence presented
was insufficient to establish Fely's psychological Yes. For the accused to be convicted of bigamy, the
incapacity. second or subsequent marriage must have all the essential
 The Court held that Article 26, paragraph 2 of the requisites for validity. If the accused wants to raise the nullity of
Family Code was not applicable to the case. the marriage, he or she can do it as a matter of defense
 The Court affirmed the authority of the Office of the during the presentation of evidence in the trial proper of the
Solicitor General to intervene in such proceedings. criminal case.
 The Supreme Court found that the totality of evidence In this case, petitioner has consistently questioned the validity
presented by Crasus, primarily his testimony and a of her marriage to Santos on the ground that marriages
few documents, failed to meet the stringent celebrated without the essential requisite of a marriage
requirements for proving psychological incapacity license are void ab initio.Record shows that petitioner and
under Article 36. Santos had only known each other for only less than four
 The Court emphasized that psychological incapacity years. Although they did not submit an affidavit of
must be grave, juridically antecedent, and incurable, cohabitation as required by Article 34 FC, it appears that the
which was not sufficiently demonstrated in this case. two of them lied before the solemnizing officer and
 The Court clarified that Article 26, paragraph 2 of the misrepresented that they had actually cohabited for at least
Family Code applies only when a Filipino spouse is five years.Thus, the SC cannot countenance petitioner's illegal
divorced by an alien spouse, which was not the acts of feigning a marriage and, in the same breath, adjudge
situation here as Fely was still a Filipino citizen when her innocent of the crime. Consequently, it will be the height of
she obtained the divorce. absurdity for the SC to allow petitioner to use her illegal act to
 The Court upheld the role of the Solicitor General in escape criminal conviction.
representing the State's interest in such cases, as
mandated by the Administrative Code of 1987 and Note: The second spouse, if indicted in the crime of
supported by jurisprudence. bigamy, is liable only as an accomplice.
 The decision of the RTC and the Court of Appeals
was reversed, and the marriage between Crasus and
Fely was declared valid and subsisting.

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