AI 22MCA262 2023-June
AI 22MCA262 2023-June
AI 22MCA262 2023-June
ffiffi 22MCL262
1 M L C
Q.1 a. What is artificial inte list the task f artiflcial 10 L1 col
b State and explain a best first search algorif]irn with exanrple. 10 L2 co1
Q.2 a. A water Jug 10 L3 col
the jug,
on it. How can, )ou get exactly 2 gallons of water in
the 4
i) Write the production rules for the above
ii) Write one solution to be abovs problem.
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b. Elaborate the steps of so lving travelling salesman problem. 10 L3 co1
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Q.3 L. Describe the issues of,knowledge represe nt at ion. 10 L2 co2
Q.4 a. Elaborate the four properties tbr representation of knowledge in a good 8 L2 c02
Red Domestic
Red Yes
Red Suv No
Yellow "&u 1
No '"i{,!'
Yellow Suv Yes "ffi, T
Yellow Yes
Red No
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v) network.
Q.e a. Elaborate system role acqursrtron. 5 L2 co5
b. Briefly write on exp based learning and explain rote learning 10 L2 cos
with an exarnple.