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Use of Styrofoam Concrete in Construction Industry - A Review

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Recent Trends in Civil Engineering and Built Environment Vol. 3 No.

1 (2022) 1501-1508
© Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Publisher’s Office

Homepage: http://publisher.uthm.edu.my/periodicals/index.php/rtcebe
e-ISSN :2773-5184

Use of Styrofoam Concrete in Construction

Industry – A Review
Muhd Hafiz Mohd Nasri1, Nurazuwa Md Noor1*
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Built Environment,
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 86400 Parit Raja, Johor, MALAYSIA

*Corresponding Author Designation

DOI: https://doi.org/10.30880/rtcebe.2022.03.01.167
Received 4 July 2021; Accepted 13 December 2021; Available online 15 July 2022

Abstract: Styrofoam concrete is one of the concrete innovations applied to the

building. The focal points of styrofoam concrete are light and durable materials for
construction work. The styrofoam was utilized to increments the compressive
strength and flexural strength of the concrete. Styrofoam concrete is lightweight and
has a lower thickness compared to ordinary concrete, that’s the reason why
lightweight concrete has been applied to framework buildings. Styrofoam was known
as a critical part of waste issues since its non-biodegradable material leads to more
prominent contamination, it's reusable in numerous forms but is difficult to crush. The
main points for this literature review about styrofoam concrete were on mechanical
and durability performance. Scopus was the platform to find the articles for this
review. This review used the meta-analysis method which is incorporate a
quantitative pooling of information. This review on styrofoam concrete shows that
styrofoam concrete can be used in civil engineering works as lightweight concrete.
Styrofoam can be a good substitute for the aggregates in the lightweight concrete but
its need the correct percentage of styrofoam used.

Keywords: Styrofoam, Styrofoam Concrete, Lightweight Concrete

1. Introduction
Styrofoam is an "extended polystyrene," (EPS) in any case for the foremost portion known as
styrofoam. Extended polystyrene may well be a solidified cell plastic texture made from the moulding
of little circles or pearls of expansible polystyrene that shows up a closed structure made of this
thermoplastic which contains trapped air in a 96-98% extent of the volume of the pearls [1]. Expanded
polystyrene (EPS) foam bundling, which is the commonplace white texture, custom moulded to
cushion, secured and secure all sorts of things during transportation [2]. Furthermore, styrofoam was
commonly used in our daily activities, food container and packaging material for electronic devices,
fragile kinds of stuff and health products were the examples that humans always use styrofoam [3]. For
many years, the viability of styrofoam has been demonstrated in various packaging applications utilized
by a wide assortment of businesses, customer item producers and catalogue and shipping companies
due to its low cost and ease of production [5]. The deadweight of the building can be reduced if utilized
styrofoam concrete on building walls. Reducing the loads on the building make the project cost more
*Corresponding author: nurazuwa@uthm.edu.my
2022 UTHM Publisher. All rights reserved.
Nasri et al., Recent Trends in Civil Engineering and Built Environment Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022) p. 1501-1508

efficient within the utilize of its main structure. The others advantages of styrofoam concrete are little
density, impermeable, energy effective, and have good compressive strength. Styrofoam concrete
moreover contains a fast excess in shaping and applying to buildings [4].
This research aims to systematically review the effect of styrofoam as concrete material on
mechanical performance and durability performance. For the mechanical performance was reviewed on
compressive strength, flexural strength and density of styrofoam concrete. For the durability
performance was reviewed on thermal coefficient and water absorption. The scope of this study is on
the research paper about styrofoam concrete in civil engineering works that been published on the
Scopus website and their publication language is English The scope was limit to the research paper that
had been published between 2010 to 2021 and their subject area was engineering. This research covered
lightweight concrete.
Styrofoam known as polystyrene expand has a unit weight of 13-22 kg/𝑚3 , impermeable to water
and light material, [4]. A key advantage of styrofoam is that it is recyclable and expected it can
be illuminated the issue of styrofoam’s waste [3]. Thermoplastic is one of the styrofoam’s main
physical properties. This means that the material melts as a liquid when heated to a specific point, but
was solid at room temperature. The thermal conductivity coefficient of styrofoam was λ = 0.03 W/mK,
which has led to the wide use of styrofoam panels for thermal insulation buildings [6].
2. Methods and Materials
The research design for this research is utilizing a review. A review is a synopsis of the critical
literature review. A review is a basic appraisal and assessment of all research examines that address a
specific clinical issue. The researchers utilize a coordinated strategy for finding, collecting, and
assessing an assortment of literature on a specific point utilizing a bunch of explicit standards. A review
normally incorporates a portrayal of the discoveries of the assortment of research considers.
The review may likewise incorporate a quantitative pooling of information, called a Meta-analysis.
Meta-analysis is a method of joining information from various research contemplates and a factual cycle
that consolidates the discoveries from individual studies.
In Figure 1 below, there is the flowchart for this review. For this review, the instrument needed is
a keywords search from the Scopus website. So, the keyword that will be using is “Styrofoam
Concrete”. The results are listed will be retrieved for this research. Keywords search is generally simpler
to get data identified with the theme. This will permit you to see the wider look of how terms are filed
inside that information base however you don't need to utilize the inclusive terms. The requirement for
a research protocol for review is for the thought of straightforwardness, transferability, and replicability
of the work, which are the characteristics that make a writing review more efficient. This makes a
difference to minimize the bias by conducting comprehensive literature searches.

Nasri et al., Recent Trends in Civil Engineering and Built Environment Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022) p. 1501-1508


Protocol: Title, objective,
keywords, research questions, etc.

Search: Selected databases
Selection: Search titles, abstracts and

Graphics, mind mapping, review
Figure 1: Review flowchart

3. Results and Discussion

This chapter discusses almost all the research findings of the information collected from the scope
of the study. The findings had been displayed concerning the research goals expressed within the study.
The method used to examine the information was already examined in the methods chapter.
3.1 The effect of styrofoam on fresh properties
From the 14 research papers that had been reviewed, only 4 research papers were used for the effect
of styrofoam on fresh properties. According to the aim of the research, the subtopic could be reviewed
in one category which is workability.
3.1.1 Workability
According to the aim of the research, the subtopic could be reviewed in slump flow T50 testing.
Although this effect of styrofoam on fresh properties articles account only for 4 research paper of all
selected papers, the studies in this group were reviewed, and this, therefore, shows the relevance of the
topic. Article about the effect of styrofoam on fresh properties was summarized in Table 1.
3.2 The effect of styrofoam on mechanical performance
From the 14 research papers that had been reviewed, only 11 research papers were used for the
effect of styrofoam on mechanical performance. According to the aim of the research, the subtopic
could be reviewed in three categories: compressive strength, flexural strength and density.

Nasri et al., Recent Trends in Civil Engineering and Built Environment Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022) p. 1501-1508

3.2.1 Compressive strength

Although these compressive strength articles account only for 9 research papers of all selected
papers, the studies in this group were reviewed, and this, therefore, shows the relevance of the topic.
The article about compressive strength is summarized in Table 2.
3.2.2 Flexural Strength
Although these flexural strength articles account only for 5 research papers of all selected papers,
the studies in this group were reviewed, and this, therefore, shows the relevance of the topic. The article
about flexural strength is summarized in Table 3.
3.2.3 Density
Although these density articles account only for 4 research papers of all selected papers, the studies
in this group were reviewed, and this, therefore, shows the relevance of the topic. The article about
density is summarized in Table 4.
Table 1: Effect of styrofoam on workability

Item Authors Year Workability of Styrofoam Concrete

Slump Flow T50 for both 50% styrofoam content and 60%
[8] Solikin et al. 2020 styrofoam content meet the requirements of the slump flow test
standard for SCC.
The slump value is between 73-67 cm, it can be concluded that
the higher the content of styrofoam, the lower the slump value
[3] Solikin et al. 2019 and the decrease of slump flow affect the higher content of
styrofoam was possibly caused by the lower total weight of fresh
The test was conducted with 4 specimens, group 1 (0% of
styrofoam), group 2 (10% of styrofoam), group 3 (20% of
styrofoam and group 4 (30% of styrofoam). The most elevated
[11] Ngene et al. 2019
slump value is gotten by the group 4 specimen, which comprises
concrete delivered with 30% coarse aggregate substitution with
styrofoam by volume.
The test was conducted with 4 specimens, specimen 1 (0% of
styrofoam), specimen 2 (30% of styrofoam), specimen 3 (40%
Solikin, M. of styrofoam and specimen 4 (50% of styrofoam). All specimens
[12] 2018
and Ikhsan, N. test results of slump flow T50 meet the American Society for
Testing and Material (ASTM) standard because they are above
500 mm (ASTM, 2005).

Nasri et al., Recent Trends in Civil Engineering and Built Environment Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022) p. 1501-1508

Table 2: Effect of styrofoam on compressive strength

Item Authors Year Compressive Strength

Stefurak, L.
The results show when the mass of styrofoam per unit area
[7] and Stefurak, 2020
increase, the strength (stress) of styrofoam also increase.
The reduction in the volume of sand followed by the increase of
[8] Solikin et al. 2020 styrofoam content decrease the compressive strength as the air
cavity in the concrete becomes greater and lighter.
Widiyanto et The result showed that the highest content of styrofoam used,
[9] 2019
al. the lowest the compressive strength of the concrete.
The use of 3-4 mm in diameter styrofoam (11.34 MPa with 10%
[4] Alfuady et al. 2019 styrofoam used) has the highest compressive strength than the
use of 2-3 mm and 5-6 mm styrofoam in diameter.
Compression strength decreased in minimal proportions up to a
[10] Mahdi et al. 2019
volume fraction of ¼ styrofoam panels
The compressive strength of the styrofoam specimen is
significantly smaller than the control example with the most
[11] Ngene et al. 2019
reduced value happening at 30% substitution of coarse
Solikin, M. Concrete compressive strength diminishes in line with the
[12] 2018
and Ikhsan, N. increment of styrofoam content.
The decrease in compressive strength of mortar cubes when the
[13] Pala et al 2017
cement has been replaced by styrofoam
The highest compressive strength is 18.71 MPa at the sample of
5% and 20% of sand with 20% of styrofoam used. The lowest
[14] Strecker et al. 2016
compressive strength is 7.37 MPa at the sample of 20% of sand
with 60% of styrofoam.

Table 3: Effect of styrofoam on flexural strength

Item Authors Year Flexural Strength

The wall panel with double reinforcement can act as a flexural
element of and less styrofoam content lead to a higher load
[8] Solikin et al. 2020 capacity of the panel and after the maximum load, the panel can
perform as a ductile structural element as the deflection keep
increase after the maximum load.
Styrofoam concrete with 2-3 mm and 3-4 mm in diameter of
[4] Alfuady et al. 2019 styrofoam as much as 10% by volume has a highest flexural
strength than the usage of 5-6 mm in diameter styrofoam.
Solikin, M. The flexural strength of concrete decreases when the addition of
[12] 2018
and Ikhsan, N. styrofoam is increased.
The use of styrofoam also reduced the thickness of the concrete
[15] Wibowo et al. 2017 layer surrounding the bamboo bars, and hence reduced the bond-
slip resistance
The stiffness of the structural element is influenced by several
Wariyatno et factors, among these are the performance of the materials (steel
[16] 2017
al. and concrete), the bonding between the different materials and
the load condition and load increment.

Nasri et al., Recent Trends in Civil Engineering and Built Environment Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022) p. 1501-1508

Table 4: Effect of styrofoam on density

Item Authors Year Density

The density of the sample decrease when the percentage of
[8] Solikin et al. 2020
styrofoam increase
The lowest density showed at 30% variation of styrofoam,
[3] Alfuady et al. 2019 influenced by the cavities in the styrofoam concrete more due to
the greater percentage of styrofoam usage
Solikin, M. The higher the percentage of the styrofoam, the lower the
[12] 2018
and Ikhsan, N. decrease of weight/volume
Three samples and tested their density within 7, 14 and 28 days.
[13] Pala et al. 2017
The result was the higher density was in 28 days for the sample.

3.3 The Effect of Styrofoam On Durability Performance

From the 14 research papers that had been reviewed, only 7 research papers will be reviewed for
the effect of styrofoam on durability performance. According to the aim of the research, the subtopic
could be reviewed in two categories: thermal coefficient and water absorption.
3.3.1 Thermal Coefficient
Although these thermal coefficient articles account only for 3 research papers of all selected papers,
the studies in this group were reviewed, and this, therefore, shows the relevance of the topic. The article
about thermal coefficient is summarized in Table 5.
3.3.2 Water Absorption
Although these water absorption articles account only for 4 research papers of all selected papers,
the studies in this group were reviewed, and this, therefore, shows the relevance of the topic. The article
about water absorption is summarized in Table 6.
Table 5: Effect of styrofoam on the thermal coefficient

Item Authors Year Thermal Coefficient

Stefurak, L. Results of measuring the density and temperature of heat flows,
[7] and Stefurak, 2020 the thermal parameters of the test part of the superblock deck
P. were calculated.
Showed the inclusion of styrofoam balls in a concrete cast and
[10] Mahdi et al. 2018 the consequence of changes in compression and thermal
Utilized a numerical recreation utilizing Finite-difference time-
domain (FDTD) to analyze the three-dimensional heat flux in a
concrete piece inserted with plate-shaped meta-structures,
[17] Lim et al. 2018 which is made of ordinary highly-thermal-insulating styrofoam.
Thermal conductivity was mimicked by changing the plate-
shaped meta-structures to discuss, aerogel, and paraffin rather
than styrofoam as the thermal metamaterial.

Nasri et al., Recent Trends in Civil Engineering and Built Environment Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022) p. 1501-1508

Table 6: Effect of styrofoam on water absorption

Item Authors Year Water Absorption

The higher content of styrofoam is directly proportional to the
[9] Solikin et al. 2019
higher level of water absorption
The higher the percentage of styrofoam, the higher the water
Solikin, M.
[12] 2018 absorption. This wonder may be a result of more void within the
and Ikhsan, N.
aggregate compared with the utilize of fine aggregate.
Make a laboratory test to determine the moisture level in the
Steidl, T. and walls. The walls are made from cellular concrete and insulated
[18] 2018
Krause, P. with styrofoam, it is not recommended to apply steel connectors
without any additional protective device.
The test results on the water absorption of the concrete
styrofoam cube specimen that the average water absorption is
[19] Wibowo, A. P. 2017
11.97%. Therefore, this styrofoam concrete has a waterproof

4. Conclusion
In conclusion, this review on styrofoam concrete can prove that styrofoam concrete can be used in
civil engineering works on lightweight concrete. Styrofoam can be a good substitute for the aggregates
in the lightweight concrete but its need the correct percentage of styrofoam used. The correct percentage
of styrofoam in the concrete lead to better result in compressive strength, flexural strength and water
From the three main criteria of styrofoam concrete that had been reviewed in this review, the
following conclusions may be derived from the findings of this study. The increased amount of
styrofoam substitute in the concrete, the decrease in the compressive strength of the concrete. It’s
because of the softness of styrofoam, air cavity and void bubbles inside the styrofoam concrete. The
flexural strength of concrete decreases when the addition of styrofoam is increased. It’s because of the
increases in the bubble void and softness of styrofoam. A higher percentage of styrofoam as a substitute
to aggregate, the lower density of the concrete. It’s because the properties of styrofoam were lightweight
make the density lower. Styrofoam concrete had better thermal conductivity behaviour than normal
concrete. The higher content of styrofoam is directly proportional to the higher level of water
absorption. It is also due to higher content of styrofoam will increase the number of cavities in styrofoam
concrete. The higher the content of styrofoam, the lower the slump value and the decrease of slump
flow. It’s due to the lower total weight of styrofoam.
The authors would like to thank the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Built Environment for their
support in the author’s Final Year Project work.
[1] Claudia Aciu, Daniela Lucia Manea, Laminita Monica Molnar, and Elena Jumate. (2014).
Recycling of polystyrene waste in the composition of ecological mortars.
[2] Ming Yang, Wen Yun Sui, Yan Qin, and Yu Jing Nie. (2011). Study on recycling of waste
styrofoam for adhesive.
[3] Mochamad Solikin, Redy Widiyanto, Ali Asroni, Budi Setiawan and Muhammad Noor Asnan.
(2019) High content Styrofoam as a partial substitution for fine aggregate in SCC lightweight
concrete brick

Nasri et al., Recent Trends in Civil Engineering and Built Environment Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022) p. 1501-1508

[4] FAlfuady, Saloma and Y Idris. (2019). Characteristic Foam Concrete with Polypropylene Fiber
and Styrofoam. DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/1198/8/082020
[5] D Bellon, W H Zamudio, L C Tiria, S M Durran, I E Useche, and J pena. (2019) Effect of
expanded polystyrene waste in the creation of waterproofing paint. DOI: 10.1088/1742-
[6] Manea DL, Aciu C, Netea AG. (2011). Materiale de constructii (Building Materials). Cluj –
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[7] Lyudmila Stefurak and Peter Stefurak. (2020) Testing the superblock deck by dynamic loads
[8] Mochamad Solikin, Alfian Nur Zaini, Budi Setiawan, Ali Asroni. (2020) Flexural Strength
Analysis of Styrofoam Concrete Hollow Panel Walls Incorporated with High Volume Fly Ash
[9] Mahdi H.A., Jasim K.A., Shaban A.H. (2019) Manufacturing and improving the characteristics
of the isolation of concrete composites by additive Styrofoam particulate
[10] Ngene B., Bamigboye G., Asemota O. (2019) Challenges of using non-degradable waste
material polystyrene packing in reinforced concrete design and construction
[11] Solikin M., Ikhsan N. (2018) Styrofoam as partial substitution of fine aggregate in lightweight
concrete bricks
[12] Pala S.N., Rasool M.A., Bashir I.A., Rasool S., Navaneethan R. (2017) Experimental
investigation on the effect of replacement of cement with silica fume and styrofoam balls on
mortar cubes
[13] Strecker K., Da Silva C.A., Ribeiro Filho S.L.M. (2016) Experimental and numerical analysis
of cement-based composite materials with styrofoam inclusions
[14] Wibowo A., Wijatmiko I., Remayanti Nainggolan C. (2017) Bamboo reinforced concrete slab
with styrofoam lamina filler as a solution of lightweight concrete application
[15] Wariyatno N.G., Haryanto Y., Sudibyo G.H. (2017) Flexural Behavior of Precast Hollow Core
Slab Using PVC Pipe and Styrofoam with different Reinforcement
[16] Taekyung Lim, Sang-Mi Jeong, Ju–Hyun Mun, Keun–Hyeok Yang, Sang Yoon Park, Young
Joon Yoo, Sanghyun Ju. (2018) Heat flux effect of thermal metamaterials.
[17] Tomasz Steidl, Paweł Krause. (2018) Moisture Transport in Cellular Concrete Walls with the
Connector for Thermal Insulation
[18] Andi Prasetiyo Wibowo (2017) Water Absorption of Styrofoam Concrete


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